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Messages - frogh777


oh.. THEY told us way before 9/11 about 9/11...

these are some cards from the ''illuminati card game'' made in 1995:


I hope u people also listen to his words.. they mean a lot..he just explained how he is going to bring illuminati down..


great video.. cant wait for the next one!



MJDHI Announcements / Re: Smilies
May 02, 2011, 05:37:38 PM
Quote from: "PinkTopaz"

Ha, does anyone know why the one holding the LOL sign has Son Goku's hair from Dragon Ball Z??

hahahahha u are so right!!! hahahhha lol


this is the rollercoaster-effect!!

Quote from: "~Souza~"

A shame they killed him, instead of capturing him and convicting him. Bin Laden dead is better of course, no trial means no loose lips and this is of course also a reason for El Fake Aida to strike again...

9/11 was an inside job, a dead Osama Bin Laden is not justice, it's distraction.

Souza, u really believe Osama ever existed? that he was real?
For me was Osama just a hand puppet, controlled by America...
This Is It / Re: Unseen TII pic.
April 19, 2011, 12:51:44 PM
Quote from: "hachiman"

look his legs... how can those be the same as these:
The Double Theory / Re: Twins separated at birth
April 19, 2011, 12:39:49 PM
Quote from: "angranity"

Quote from: "all4loveandbelieve"

Why would the twins be seperated? If katherine had twins she would keep them both. Don't forget she is jehova witness. That is against their religion. So i honestly don't think.

Yeah.. True that.

But how come someone can look so much like MJ if he isn't related? If I saw a copy of myself I would like freak out or something.. everyone is unique, right? :? And by this I don't mean all the impersonators of MJ (E'Casanova & Navi, etc..), I am talking about Barry Shaw. If he really exists, - his voice, looks, facial structure and everything is identical to MJ's. :P

I think B.arry S.haw is a B.ullll S.hittt story.. I dont believe that guy.. I was also a believer of the twin theory..but I dont believe that theory anymore..

The fact that MICHAEL JACKSON used propofol/demerol to get some sleep.. hahahha  :lol:


Really good Victor.. pitty u used the O2 MJ.

Quote from: "_Anna_"

Donte just posted this, and I just post it.

Donte_Jackson    if the devil was real...he created TMZ :)
5 minutes ago via web

Reason why I always feared and still fear that TMZ are on the evil side. I just felt to say this, it doesn't have much to do with the subject, but..
I don't know if he was referring to this article.
I think that is not his twitter account!!

nothing else, just because I have seen Moonwalker, Ghosts (short film) I know 99% he is coming back.

HE warned us (fans/people) that he is gonna fake is dead, but he will come BACK. Just listen to the song Threatend:

''In one blink I'll disappear, and then I'll come back to haunt you''

Michael Jackson News / Re: Japan earthquake
April 12, 2011, 11:56:15 AM
Quote from: "mac5k"

The first one on the 11rst of March and a new one today on the 11rst of April  :!:  :shock:

Coincidence  :?:  :roll:

nope...Def NOT a coincidence...  number 10 is God´s number.. they think they are more powefull than God.. so that´s why number 11 is so important to them!
Michael Jackson News / Re: Japan earthquake
April 11, 2011, 11:55:32 AM
Quote from: "angranity"

My opinions on this one.

HAARP caused the earthquake in Japan, it was all planned. And there is more to come, - they are planning something bigger. NWO is planning to stage an alien invasion 2020. I've read a little about it but it all could be just as believable as the hoax.

And all the "Save the Children" is crap, 3/4 of the money goes to all the rich men out there so they can be even richer. Money is everything for them.

We have the same thoughts!!