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Other Odd Things / Re: Lady GaGa, on MJ's side?
« on: July 18, 2010, 04:07:42 PM »
Quote from: "JukeBox"
Many people seem to think Lady Gaga is a puppet of the Illuminati but it's very possible she is trying to make people more aware of the Illuminati through her works. and also it's my personal opinion that Lady Gaga is definitely on MJ's side!

I do think she is trying to make us aware of illuminati. The part in Telephone where she poisons the people in the diner. She is shown mixing it in some food and there is a list of ingredients. Maybe the food we eat? (that big bottle had a big M on it. Did it happen to have a J below it too?) She is dressed as some sort of Liberty figure, with her hair over one eye. The only eye shown is pretty big. The all watchful eye? Then goes and poisons the people. Right after that she's dancing in the diner dressed in "patriotic" garb.
The American flag. Maybe she is trying to tell us something??? I'm not sure, but was there a line that sounded like "blood on the dance floor" too during that dance????
Her MJ move was pretty good coming out of prison too!  
I think there is something to her in all of this.
What do you think?????

Joe Jackson / Re: Joe wearing MJ angel chain
« on: May 27, 2010, 06:41:32 PM »
The metadata that was embedded in that photo, says in the description:

Image: 0071131244, License: Rights managed, ****EXCLUSIVE****   ENCINO, USA: Joe Jackson grabs lunch with a few of his friends at Jerry's Famous Deli in Encino on May 19, 2010.  Looks like Joe and his party filled their appetites fast, as they all walked out with doggy bags., Place: Encino,United States, Model Release: No or not aplicable, Credit line:, Barcroft Media

The cameras metadata (type of camera and settings) are also embedded in that file as well.


Hoax Pictures / Re: another proof of the ambulance photo
« on: May 03, 2010, 10:50:33 PM »
Quote from: "wellwisherdoctor"

Is it any how possible to get the EXIF data (camera settings data embeded in digital images for others,not Em ,ofcourse :D ) any how from this photo? I guess its a screenshot of the RAW image in photoshop (to make it small but good in details)-so we cant get any help from it  :cry:

When a photo is shot digital, it has info embedded with the file from the camera. In Photoshop, you can go to Edit>File Info, and it will bring up info about the picture. This is called metadata. Here within File Info you can add more information also.
You can also strip the metadata from a file so there will not be any info. If you create a new blank document and copy and paste the pic (that has metadata) into it, it will remove the metadata that was with that file. I really wouldn't trust any info that were on these files, if there was any. It could be easily manipulated.

To me the picture tells the story:
MJ does not look like 2009 MJ.
Reflection of red car has spotted sun on it.
Red car seems to be in full sun in the "Ben" pic.
Red car is in shade in the video.

Other Odd Things / Re: Back to 100 Carolwood.
« on: April 23, 2010, 08:28:20 PM »
Wow, I just tried the link and for the CNN footage, when it take's you to YouTube, it says the video is private.
Makes you wonder....
I hope you guys looked at it when I originally posted it.

Other Odd Things / Re: Back to 100 Carolwood.
« on: April 23, 2010, 08:22:30 PM »
I found where I posted the CNN footage:

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Other Odd Things / Re: Back to 100 Carolwood.
« on: April 23, 2010, 08:17:08 PM »
Quote from: "somekindofsign"
Quote from: "Em"
I already know that the garbage collection was Wed. and do believe that the video footage was done on Wed.(Ben slip-up) Well, the cans were also there on that Thursday.

Em can you tell me what Ben and what slip up please?

The Photographer, Ben
When he said, "That day and the oth.........."

Other Odd Things / Re: Back to 100 Carolwood.
« on: April 23, 2010, 04:48:34 PM »
Thanks to CAROLHEARTBELONGTOMJ for this. You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login

Apparently she went to Carolwood dr on March 30, a Tuesday...and what do you see? TRASHCANS! She posts this website for proof on trash days: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login

I havent tried but you can look up 100 Carolwood and it says trashday is WEDNESDAY.

So...if MJ died on a THURSDAY, then why are the trashcans still there in all the video footage from that day? I know we've gone over this a million times but I think this just proves the "that day and the other day..." thing!! She went back on Thursday and the cans were gone.

Trashday is Wed so those cans should have been gone by Thursday wouldnt ya think?

I already know that the garbage collection was Wed. and do believe that the video footage was done on Wed.(Ben slip-up) Well, the cans were also there on that Thursday. I have posted this before but forgot where. If you look at some news footage of reporters outside the house that Thursday, like CNN, you should notice the cans a bit different(not as neat) and also one of them is missing. To me that was interesting!
You can also get fined for having your empty bins out the next day, but the covers were on, so it seemed that the garbage wasn't even collected yet in the footage.
Could the video have been shot Wed. and then they noticed the cans and said oops? They would have to have left them there the next day so everything would match up.

Also the reflection of the red car in the ambulance pic is in spotted sun and sun is hitting the wheel, but in the video footage it's in shade. Hmmm......

Hoax Pictures / Re: MICHAEL IN PARIS ?????????????
« on: April 16, 2010, 09:05:38 AM »
I never said that i thought it was taken after he "passed". I just don't think 90's  ,that's all.

Hoax Pictures / Re: MICHAEL IN PARIS ?????????????
« on: April 15, 2010, 10:08:06 PM »
Skinny jeans? Pretty recent. I don't think '90's.

Michael Jackson News / Re: Volcano in Iceland
« on: April 15, 2010, 09:56:47 AM »
I just watched the movie "2012" for the first time last night. Makes you wonder...
We can pray and believe for the best. There is much POWER in believing!

Looks like a wild movie.

Other Odd Things / Re: The MJ Doppelganger Investigation [2]
« on: April 15, 2010, 09:39:51 AM »
Don't we all have that and act different in different situations? It depends on our mood and the situation. I don't think that it's about having different alter egos. It's about your mood :)

You have to realize that he's an entertainer, a performer. He also said that he didn't know how to act in public, in the real world, so his actions could change all the time. Maybe he was just trying to find himself in the real world. He said he was most comfortable on stage. Don't you agree?

Quote from: "voiceforthesilent"
I'll feel bad if I'm wrong but I thought it was bogus back when it was first shown. In fact I laughed at his stunt as it reminded me of the chamber picture. It doesn't give me the impression that it was even Michael and that bodyguard seemed to have a smug look on his face like he was keeping a secret. Also, no fans around were totally out of place for Michael who couldn't go anywhere without his faithful following of fans. I think it was Michael playing with the media. I thought it then and I still believe it.

Kinda reminds me of the Conrad Murray photos.
No one around and him looking at the camera.

Hoax Pictures / Re: another proof of the ambulance photo
« on: April 13, 2010, 05:03:26 PM »
Another observation about this pic:

Ben said lens to the window. Would you get a reflection of the red car if the lens was to the window?
Probably not. If the flash was to the window, you would get a clear shot in. Did we see a flash go off in the video? Did you see a flash on that camera at all? If it was taken with the pop-up flash on top of the camera, wouldn't the flash reflection be in the middle of the pic and not on the side of the pic?
Something about that red car reflection, it just seems too big there to me, but that doesn't bother me so much.
What I'm seeing and trying to figure out, that in the reflection pic, the car seems to be in very spotty sunlight. You can see all the sun spots all over the hood and the tire seems to be in pretty much full sun.

Look and stop around 1:36 of this video and see the car. It looks to me to be sitting in more shade than the reflection suggests.


Michael's Notes, Handwriting & Signatures / Re: Mj's signature 1998
« on: April 11, 2010, 09:14:50 PM »
Quote from: "dragonflylilies"
Since the double theory has been brought up again and people are more open to it now,  I would like to bring up something that has been bugging me since i saw his autograph with 1998 and three zeros under it.  He has said that he signed like that because that is when he is going to die.

This is interesting. I was thinking about this topic the other day. If MJ said this is the year he was going to pass, maybe he didn't mean 1998 but a clue to what year. The 3 zeros – What year has 3 zeros that comes after 1998? The year 2000, right? In some of the signings and in the year on the lapel of PT on the album cover, the arrow seems to point to a place after the 8 in 1998. What comes after the number 8? Nine, right?
Put the two together and you have 2009. Was this really the year he was talking about?


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