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Messages - mjselfsweet

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MJDHI Announcements / Re: New look/Hoaxbook/Derek Clontz/Pearl Jr
« on: July 13, 2013, 09:14:09 PM »
Sounds good to me!!  :icon_razz: cant stand her "wink wink" nod nod shit, and i hate her music and her videos LOL never paid any attn to the other :th_bravo:

Back/Front discussions / Re: Front on Twitter
« on: July 13, 2013, 09:06:30 PM »
Congratulations Souza and Sehf!!! :multiplespotting: :th_bravo:   and FRONT,, OMGAWD :thjajaja121: :thjajaja121:

Back/Front discussions / Re: Front on Twitter
« on: July 07, 2013, 11:21:48 AM »
Luna, he does still post occasionally, but he reads here still all the time, because he comments on his twitter about posts here.

Back/Front discussions / Re: Front on Twitter
« on: July 07, 2013, 10:48:05 AM »
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Oh come on Twitter Front, you can do better then that. Link 1 is proof of Forum Front's legitimacy, which is non-transferable in the case of Twitter Front, and link 2 is all of our irrelevant whimsy. Fun, but doesn't prove anything.

haha,, should i post that for you Bec, so He can do better for us : ) to prove same one,, LOL

Actually I'll just post him that he has a challenge here,, he can come read here. IF he's not already.  :icon_e_biggrin:

Back/Front discussions / Re: Front on Twitter
« on: July 07, 2013, 10:45:33 AM »
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front is online,now,on twitter.....
read what he's just written: "would like to ask you all your opinion on something--is that ok?"
and he's keeping on writing.....
just now:2 links!
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do u think u'll answer 2 him?


actually what he asked our opinion of is if he should put those two links on his main twitter page, because he gets asked the same things over and over again.  looks like all the replies were in favor of it.

Back/Front discussions / Re: Front on Twitter
« on: July 04, 2013, 05:19:40 PM »
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I just cannot be sure what to believe yet. Of course its utterly amazing the clues that have been given beforehand, but studying the responses and writing styles I have noticed that Hoax Front has posted flawlessly, whereas Twitter Front is consistently using double commas and unusual spacing with respect to punctuation.  Having lived in other countries and observed writings styles, it seems that Twitter Front could possibly be from another country other than the United States? Or is it possible that there is more than one person signing into this Twitter Front account? I want so badly to believe these are the same person (Hoax Front and Twitter Front).

He said the other day on twitter in a reply to someone he was in the U.S. and on twitter, u dont have room for spaces and lots of commas, limited to # of characters u can type, unless you use twitlonger or something like that.

Back/Front discussions / Re: Front on Twitter
« on: July 03, 2013, 12:38:16 PM »
I think that also, but he opened up too much, showed too much, now being harassed and reported by a few ignorant fools. @be the change are you here? it says your acct was suspended? (on twitter) that is,,,  i worry that will happen to several of us, including front.

yeah i was reading "la snots" << hahaha tweets last nite, went way back into may, this person is out there,,, holding "telepathic" meetings w/other tweeters,, saying he's MJ and will contact them telepathically ... do they feel him holding their hand? such nonsense,, and some sound like the believe it all. Really nasty about the kids and jackson family. SMH.

had to lmao at Fronts post to him though LOL. as usual the phrasing and nicnames hilarious to me.

Back/Front discussions / Re: Front on Twitter
« on: July 02, 2013, 11:46:49 AM »
Front was very upset yesterday  :( which I dont blame him. when he lets go and says some things, that i think others wouldnt know, thats what increases my belief in him even more.

Front‏@frontback777 15h
WHY do ppl continue to HATE on MJ &spread LIES when he's doing NOTHING but good things for them? Still praying for the devil 2 release Wade.

Front‏@frontback777 15h
.@TMZ MORE LIES!!! The alarm was NOT for THAT purpose & YOU damn well KNOW it, WADE. Think abt your FATHER.When he died, WHO did u talk to??

Back/Front discussions / Re: Front on Twitter
« on: July 02, 2013, 11:42:53 AM »
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thank you so much. July 5th is the anniversary.
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 :bearhug: Big hug for you! You are not alone...
I'm joining in with this group hug. mjselfsweet...your strength and grace amaze me. May we join our hearts and minds with you especially on the 5th of July?

+1  :bearhug:

:bearhug: thank you very much, its very touching. moves me to tears. i appreciate all the thoughts n hugs here. 

Back/Front discussions / Re: Front on Twitter
« on: July 01, 2013, 02:18:06 PM »
well there's nothing photoshopped about that leaf picture, because of the green of the leaf, it cast a magenta tint to the whole pic. Used to work in developing photos, its a natural occurence.
color opposite basics:
 Red against Cyan
 Green against Magenta
 Blue against Yellow

I would add more green to counter the magenta if this was a photo being processed.

Back/Front discussions / Re: Front on Twitter
« on: July 01, 2013, 01:36:17 PM »
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This really touched my heart. Front is such a man of strong faith in God and prayer.

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 :icon_cry: thats me.... and yes he does have a strong faith.

I'm sorry for your loss Angelia :icon_e_sad:
I wish all the best to you and your family.

thank you so much. July 5th is the anniversary.

Back/Front discussions / Re: Front on Twitter
« on: July 01, 2013, 11:08:33 AM »
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This really touched my heart. Front is such a man of strong faith in God and prayer.

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 :icon_cry: thats me.... and yes he does have a strong faith.

Back/Front discussions / Re: Front on Twitter
« on: June 28, 2013, 10:57:47 PM »
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That's very charming. The texted lisp was a nice touch. Thank you everyone for quoting it here so I could see it. I will look over my shoulder for loafers going forward.

he was laughing about it : ) and at least we know FOR SURE he still reads here. : ) i couldnt help but laugh at the lisping in his replies .  :icon_lol: such a sense of humor.

Back/Front discussions / Re: Front on Twitter
« on: June 28, 2013, 07:25:00 PM »
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Front ‏@frontback777 2m
what's that noise huh? "shy reclusive lispy air head" ?? I think most of you here know what I'm talkin 'bout o_O lol

Front ‏@frontback777 2m
well I detesth that sthatement below....abthoLUTely NO rethspect for MJ



hahahahahahah Bec!!!! :thjajaja121: :thjajaja121: :thjajaja121: :thjajaja121: :thjajaja121: you famous now! ROFLMAO!!!!

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