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Messages - J5master

Karen Faye / Karen Faye's Twitter
July 12, 2014, 08:18:15 AM

I'm surprised no one is talking about Karen Faye's tweets from last night! (unless I missed the discussion)

Were they too convincing for everyone? :\ She said some pretty graphic things which is why I won't post the link but people can go look for themselves. It was about MJ's autopsy and a fan was grilling her about the "9 Hours" discrepancy.

Other Odd Things / Innocent Man
July 10, 2014, 08:26:39 PM


A draft of a song MJ wrote in 1993:

And after a bit of reading it - I realized it could totally support the hoax theory. Especially the "Farewell to all my years in hollywood" part (and obviously in general, the xscaping themes). I did a quick search and didn't see this discussed anywhere. What did you guys think?

Ideas & Suggestion for MJDHI / General Discussion?
July 09, 2014, 01:35:42 PM

I'm new so I'm probably missing something but maybe adding a general discussion section for just hoax chit chat? Unless there's something like that already and I just missed it. :P

Introduce yourself / Mystic -> J5master
June 28, 2014, 10:30:29 PM

Just gonna copy what I said in my guest thread:

Not sure if anyone remembers me from MJJC, I used to be very active in my teen years - but then college happened and MJ's 'death' happened and I just couldn't really get back into the fan community - I had to stop listening to his music for like....a couple of years.

But I wanted to join because....I definitely doubt there's a hoax still, but it is interesting to think about and there are a lot of discrepancies surrounding this death that may or may not lend itself to a hoax but it does imply foul play that goes beyond Dr. Murray's involvement. Looking into it after nothing being in MJ-Fan-Mode for years, I was reminded about some things that happened BEFORE his death that at first I didn't think was connected but now i'm like "hmmm" - especially MJ thinking he'd die (not by his own hand) and things that he couldn't say in interviews about a conspiracy.

So yeah I'm not completely sold, but given how little we ACTUALLY Know for sure about the events surrounding his death, I'm definitely open to it.

Thanks for having me :)