hes basically saying that Michael wanted to commit suicide and that Conrad murray helped him.
Totally possible imho!
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hes basically saying that Michael wanted to commit suicide and that Conrad murray helped him.
Totally possible imho!
mwahahaha xxx
Quote from: sweetsunsetwithMJ on September 18, 2013, 09:42:33 AMQuote from: ~Souza~ on September 18, 2013, 08:51:04 AMI do agree with you that TPTB are afraid about MJ's info gathered through years of investigation that's why I think TPTB wanted to remove MJ from the face of the earth, MJ was annoying to them the same way Diana was annoying to British Monarchy specially Queen Elizabeth (because she was the humanitarian, the beautiful, the good person and started a romance with a muslim) doesn't it sound familiar?? but Diana was not that clever and witty as MJ is---> lucky him.Quote from: bec on September 17, 2013, 10:38:51 PMBecause rape leaves actual visible damage, child molestation is a 'who do you believe?' game adn they thought they could win this with some fucked up, money greedy idiots' testimonies.Then why not get a whole army of kids accusing MJ of chi-mo. And why not child rape. Why stop with a fairly benign single accusation of simple molestation?
TPTB have everything to fear of MJ in my opinion. I believe he played dumb for a long time but gathered more info all of us combined can take in. I bet he has lots of evidence of this shit going on. It is highly doubtful this is really Robert Conners, but what he is saying is true (although I don't believe 2Pac is actually dead and might bam before MJ if MJ doesn't hurry the fuck up). It is unimportant whether or not the video is staged, it is about the publicity it gets and the information it contains. We'll see what will be 'leaked' Monday, gonna be interesting.
Btw the rest of info will be leaked next Monday Sep 23rd, isn't it when AEG trial will finish and we will learn the final verdict??
Ps: isn't it suspicious that Diana's case has been reopened after 16 years?? 1+6=7
lol im sorry that made me laugh - you made it sound like The Queen is one of those old fashioned Monarchs who cries "off with her head!!" :LolLolLolLol:
I can honestly tell you as a British citizen, our monarchy is very unlikely to be sneakily ordering the assassination of one of their own lol...
Nice to see him looking so well :) and quite muscular in those arms too!! :icon_razz:
Does anyone know when the doc will be aired? x
holy guacamole,
Thats more than a little bit un-settlng - i have listened 3 times now and the hairs on the back of my neck are standing up.
I'm massively skeptical generally, but there is something about this that makes me believe its genuine.....
Quote from: sweetsunsetwithMJ on August 20, 2013, 06:35:18 AMhaha Im sorry but Im British and Michaels "batshit" impression was hilariously bad :P bless him <3Charissa thanks for sharing.
Well...now my feedback, I sometimes feel alone because I see things that nobody sees, maybe I do believe in Michael way too much or I am terribly over-hoaxed here, this is what I think:
The person talking here is nobody else but MICHAEL himself, he is impersonating his own voice he is making a work of "dubbing voice" for he is able to do it :icon_arrow: again the controversy: is it Michael? is it not Michael? that's what he likes..to play THEGAME, we all know Michael is able to speak with a perfect British accent (as we saw in BASHIT TV doc) and I would dare to say that he LOVES to speak with a British accent he is kinda obsessed with Brithish culture, sceneries and even people remember his most important friends are coming or have British origin: Liz Taylor, Elvis Presley and Lisa, The Beatles, the writer of Peter Pan was Scottish, just to name some.... And now don't jump on me but I joined the last Pearljr tiny chat and PPPYT was talking with us after Pearl left the room and his voice and breathing before talking was almost exactly the same, I know Front said PPPYT is not Michael but maybe PPPYT is Front :icon_lol: BTW the voice is very similar to THE MAIN ATTRACTION too, lol.
PS: I only know that I know nothing however there are no more blind people that the ones that don't want to see :icon_e_geek:
Quote from: Snoopy71 on August 14, 2013, 01:40:54 PMuh huh :) :penguin:Quote from: charlottevet on August 14, 2013, 12:53:41 PM+1Quote from: Do on August 14, 2013, 12:18:02 PMQuote from: bec on August 14, 2013, 09:31:42 AMBec, if Michael hoaxed his death just for entertainment, I would be very disappointed and I can imagine that people are going to be so agry at him. Simply too much serious stuff happened after his death. Right, everyone gotta make money, bus not based on a lie just for entertainment purposes. Were talking about a death case, not some prank in a wheelchair on stage. And there is a BIG difference between Michael and the rest of the family, because Michael is making money because he WORKED his ass of for it. It's HIS work, his music, his vision. Not his siblings'. I almost want to compare it with the Chandlers, the Aviro's and everyone who wanted to make money, also Michaels money, and all this moneymaking was ALSO based on a LIE. I just don't like that way of moneymaking, only because the world has to go round.Everyone gotta make money. It's what makes the world go round. I honestly don't understand this paradox: every time someone other then MJ makes money it's the gateway to evil but when MJ makes money it's just and righteous. MJ has made a lot of money off being dead. Which he is not.
My pet theory indicates this is an entertainment project. A lot of different people profit from entertainment projects. Those people aren't anymore evil then your hair stylist or landscaper or banker or mechanic. It's their craft, their trade, it's what they do. This is what MJ does. This is what the Jacksons do. It doesn't make any of them evil or bad anymore then a cab driver picking up a fare or a vet seeing a patient. It's how they make their living. So I really don't understand the negativity.
What I mean is, they didn't have to emphazise a LIE in their books, sold all over the world. I don't care that they talked about his death on talkshows, but they had to leave it with that.I don't know why I'm so negative again, maybe because I take off my hoax-glasses every once in a while and see things much different. And I'm also bracing myself for the fact that there just is no hoax, or that we never will know what really happened I guess
I know I have to be patient but like I said several times these days, my gut says that things don't add to me anymore.
well said DO. I think sometimes people get all caught up and LOOK for hoaxy things, its probably best to see it though critical eyes to avoid making mountains out of mole hills...
I completely agree with what you say about the money making too - glad someone else sees it the same way :icon_mrgreen: :bearhug:
....I would also add.. Wade's allegations weren't for entertainment reasons, Paris "suicide attempt" wasn't for entertainmnet reasons, rehashing alleged "drug use" isn't for entertainment reasons, bogus stories about who is "buying Neverland" isn't for entertainment reasons.
MJ was dealing with some serious ugliness in this industry and what people will do for money.
There's nothing entertaining about that.
Quote from: Do on August 14, 2013, 12:18:02 PMQuote from: bec on August 14, 2013, 09:31:42 AMBec, if Michael hoaxed his death just for entertainment, I would be very disappointed and I can imagine that people are going to be so agry at him. Simply too much serious stuff happened after his death. Right, everyone gotta make money, bus not based on a lie just for entertainment purposes. Were talking about a death case, not some prank in a wheelchair on stage. And there is a BIG difference between Michael and the rest of the family, because Michael is making money because he WORKED his ass of for it. It's HIS work, his music, his vision. Not his siblings'. I almost want to compare it with the Chandlers, the Aviro's and everyone who wanted to make money, also Michaels money, and all this moneymaking was ALSO based on a LIE. I just don't like that way of moneymaking, only because the world has to go round.Everyone gotta make money. It's what makes the world go round. I honestly don't understand this paradox: every time someone other then MJ makes money it's the gateway to evil but when MJ makes money it's just and righteous. MJ has made a lot of money off being dead. Which he is not.
My pet theory indicates this is an entertainment project. A lot of different people profit from entertainment projects. Those people aren't anymore evil then your hair stylist or landscaper or banker or mechanic. It's their craft, their trade, it's what they do. This is what MJ does. This is what the Jacksons do. It doesn't make any of them evil or bad anymore then a cab driver picking up a fare or a vet seeing a patient. It's how they make their living. So I really don't understand the negativity.
What I mean is, they didn't have to emphazise a LIE in their books, sold all over the world. I don't care that they talked about his death on talkshows, but they had to leave it with that.I don't know why I'm so negative again, maybe because I take off my hoax-glasses every once in a while and see things much different. And I'm also bracing myself for the fact that there just is no hoax, or that we never will know what really happened I guess
I know I have to be patient but like I said several times these days, my gut says that things don't add to me anymore.
well said DO. I think sometimes people get all caught up and LOOK for hoaxy things, its probably best to see it though critical eyes to avoid making mountains out of mole hills...
I completely agree with what you say about the money making too - glad someone else sees it the same way :icon_mrgreen: :bearhug:
Quote from: Do on August 14, 2013, 06:14:38 AMThank you for the reply Do :beerchug:Quote from: charlottevet on August 14, 2013, 04:03:49 AMCharlotte, how much I want to believe Michael when he spoke about his family, telling all was good, with much loving and caring, I tend to agree with you on this. I read those books and stories too and I truly believe that there were disturbed relationships in the family from time to time.Personally from the literature I have studied I don't think Thome Thome was a real bad guy...Im much more suspicious of Jermaine and Randy jackson.
Many people who hav written books on MJ say that Thome was good at his job and that something happened (ie. someone had MJ's ear) and this made him paranoid about Thome Thome- hence why he was pushed away.
His family are portrayed by almost every single source I have read as money grabbing, selfish people whom Michael didnt want to have anything to do with. He refused to see them as he felt that they were always trying to pressure him into things so that they could profit off him. The ONLY litarature that contradicts this view are the books written by the family... and all of THOSE contradict one another too. So im my opionion I smell BS from inside the family rather than the other people involved....
I just cant shake the feeling that the family is the corrupt party here and that are laying blame on outsiders. I do not trust any as far as I could throw them....especially randy and jermaine. The way the family came out of the woodwork after the death and seemed to be cashing in on anything MJ related sickened me. I feel like they realised how much he was worth when dead and all scrambled to make the most of the "payday".
The fact that their own individual stories dont add up either... makes me wonder..... if there IS a death hoax, are the family actually fully aware of all the details? are ALL of them aware of the hoax? Or did michael want some of them to believe that he really was dead.
Personally from the literature I have studied I don't think Thome Thome was a real bad guy...Im much more suspicious of Jermaine and Randy jackson.
Many people who hav written books on MJ say that Thome was good at his job and that something happened (ie. someone had MJ's ear) and this made him paranoid about Thome Thome- hence why he was pushed away.
His family are portrayed by almost every single source I have read as money grabbing, selfish people whom Michael didnt want to have anything to do with. He refused to see them as he felt that they were always trying to pressure him into things so that they could profit off him. The ONLY litarature that contradicts this view are the books written by the family... and all of THOSE contradict one another too. So im my opionion I smell BS from inside the family rather than the other people involved....
Just read this blog tday http://michaeljacksonnotdead.wordpress.com/2009/07/13/michael-jacksons-doubles/ very interesting especially the pic showing that there was an imposter with a mask on pretending to be mj (apparently...)
well if he really is dead...yeah KO - correct, you are responsible for whatever substances enter your body - well done, gold star :th_bravo:
Recently I have been readin Michael jackson: the magic and the madness; although I DID believe that there was something fishy about MJ's "death" etc, I also felt that people on here were putting him on a pedstal - making him seem more cunning and "mastermindy" than he actually was - but after reading that book, I think I was very wrong. did when he was alive, the way he manipulated the media and people to his advantage was incredible. A lot of times he did go about things in quite a "spoiled" way, he knew what he wanted and he went for it. I do not think he is a saint at all, infact I think he could be rather devious - but I don't think he was a bad person at all either - he was just a man, who in his genius stumbled across users and abusers- he had to be clever and devious to survive in that difficult and painful world. So yes, I can definately see, with all the mounting evidence over the years that a faked death is really not a ridiculous notion at all, infact.... it would follow the pattern of his life and behavior perfectly.....
If you're out there MJ, and if you have escaped to live a better more free life- good for you :) and if you did indeed die...well at least you are free now :bearhug:
Quote from: Loves2Fish on July 18, 2013, 09:13:35 AMThe world is unfortunately, a very selfish place :(After close observation of twitter and live conversations with some dear people that have gotten entangled on a personal level with the individuals behind some of these twitter pages that hint to be Michael, I have come to the conclusion that I feel if anyone is deceived my Twitter Front or any one falling into the category of sitting behind a computer screen giving hints that they "could" be Michael, (and there are hundreds of them) it is of there own doing and Front can not be blamed. He is indeed doing what people are looking for, to be "entertained" and if anyone chooses to find reasons to convince themselves that he is Michael, no matter how subtle, then they will get the disappointments that go along with the lack of real communication. One day that will come to an end even if it where Michael, which I highly doubt I might add, he can't sit behind a computer for ever to tweet terms of endearment. When this person gets tired of the whole thing they simply can hit the "delete" button and the account is gone, or just stop tweeting and abandon the account. If they do that, maybe a goodbye speech or something of the sort. Then there will be all these "hearts" left in the dust, depending on how serious anyone takes these twitter accounts. Besides it's really sad to see some of the tweets that he gets. So many of them are young girls and young women tweeting, one right after the other, (oh i love you, talk to me, follow me, dm me, why won't you talk to me, if you're Michael show me, I have loved you all my life) on and on and on,"give me.... I want" me me me, I I I. What is all that? How is that resulting in anything positive? because then after about a dozen tweets from the same people, they get mad and say OH YOUR NOT MICHAEL. You see this back and forth of ill fated words between the twitters that believe and the twitters that don't, they all fight amongst themselves :( it brings a lot of division between the people that are suppose to Love Michael and really understand the message of Love that he gave to the world. It's a show alright. And then in the end when he doesn't deliver "Something" what? I would have no idea what they expect, then he will be ostracized and hung out to dry in the cyber arena! :icon_rolleyes: But for the time being they do have something to pass the time and where entertained and that's what it's all about, except for the vindication thing, and that is a whole different story. Vindication is what starts wars, and I was thinking all along Michael was about bringing peace to the world, and you can't have it both ways. But maybe it's not about vindication as the twitter Michaels put it. It's simply about Love and Truth, and you either get it or you don't. jmho...
Human greed is disgusting.
very interesting that there is a focus on reporting this....