woooow, thanks
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Michael Jackson News / Re: Listen to all the songs from the album "Michael" !!!!
December 06, 2010, 08:54:53 AMThe LAPD (Los Angeles Police Department) / Re: ! Please read all this bog!
January 18, 2010, 03:46:49 PMYesterday I saw that note, I was happy to CHECK THAT MANY things published Stupid INVENTIONS WERE ONLY THE PRESS, BUT I BELIEVE IN HONESTY OF JOURNALISTS, SO I THINK NOT retract or Sranan ABLE TO OFFER AN APOLOGY PUBLIC defamation so terrible to an innocent person, although in truth should do :cry:
but I do not believe in the honesty of newspapers
January 17, 2010, 09:52:36 PMThanks TS, I realize the vast amount of work that has meaning for you, but in truth it was worth it, now we know so many things that previously ignored, conspiracies, new world order, etc, it really was necessary wake up and we understood that all these tools to make it known to others who do not even know all this, we are ready to return, full of faith and hope the big day, no matter what date. Again many thanks. :lol:
Michael Jackson News / Re: BAM! HE IS 'BACK'!
January 16, 2010, 10:29:11 PMWell, most dicult CAN REALLY KNOW THE REASON FOR WHICH HE DID, INDEED WANT TO KNOW AND WANT able to understand, I found it difficult to build the puzzle, I KNOW THAT IS ALIVE, DO NOT LOSE FAITH REGARDING YOUR RETURN BUT I BELIEVE THAT RUNS TO LEAD THE REASON PRINCPAL, indicates he is alive, but be sure What was your reason would like slipping into YOUR HEAD AND IT IS NOT POSSIBLE, IS IT TRUE THAT YOU NO LONGER NEED SHOWS VIDEOS THAT IS ALIVE, NOW WE NEED NEW TRACKS TAKE TO DISCOVER THE REASON THAT I took to do all this and planning for so long and so carefully, wait for the translator to be functional and can UNDERSTAND MY MESSAGE, FORGIVENESS, DO NOT SPEAK ENGLISH.
Updates & Posts by TS / Re: Recruiting Soldiers for Michael’s Army of L.O.V.E.
December 23, 2009, 08:48:30 AMHello, I hope your pardon, but do not speak English and I use a translator to communicate with you, I too am ready to begin by the woman in the mirror, then going to my home, then with my community and will continue day by day, I join the army of love and want to be a loyal soldier and ready to give my full support to heal our beloved world. ;) ;)