QuoteMy theory is that Dr Conrad Murray is the Smoke Screen Folks. While the world is questioning whether he will be charged with murder, wondering who he is, wondering what really happened that day, Michael Jackson is swiftly moving into his new life, before our very eyes. We are just too distracted to see it.
If you don't agree, then answer this....where are the children now?
Ok so while Murray was acting as the smoke screen, what was happening with Michael Jackson? It's hard to discern since we only know what happened that day with Dr Conrad Murray and the trouble he had with CPR. The 911 dialogue, naturally puts Michael Jackson at Carolwood on June 25th. I mean did we every really establish whether MJ was there that day?
There could be other smoke screens too, like;
-that hoax of him stepping out of the corner van on his death day
-Michael Jackson's body 'moving' in the helicopter
-remember there were reports of someone who looked like Michael Jackson running out of UCLA?
Maybe the aim of these stories is to cement that Michael Jackson was there on June 25th and disappeared sometime in-between that day. Is it some sleight of hand? Because it seems too risky to be on the move in so many places, surrounded by so many people that may find out that something is wrong.
Then we have the photog who got the 'last pic' of Michael Jackson. Remember the thread that TS started? It was the thread on whether the photo was doctored. Why would you need a doctored photo if Michael Jackson could just lie in the ambulance and the photog could just take the shot? Which means Michael Jackson needed to leave before then? But then why not just use the body double? Was it earlier that day or a different day that Michael Jackson left? When Murray disappeared after Michael Jackson died what was Michael Jackson doing, where was he? I'm starting to believe Michael Jackson left much, much earlier.
Joe Jackson stated that This Is It used body doubles. If we are to believe that, then he could have been gone before then. When was his recent public appearance prior to that? Was it the This Is It announcement? I'm thinking, if Michael Jackson wanted to go into hiding and he wanted to do that without a risk or chance of been spotted (maybe he planned on hiding in a different country, not America), wouldn't he rather have done it by making a public appearance somewhere and staying there in that preferred country, while the body double left that country and became Michael Jackson until June 25th? There is less risk. Why? Because if Michael Jackson is not acting like himself, well would anyone think that's really bizarre given the persona made by the media about how strange and bizarre Michael Jackson is strange? I guess this eventually worked in his favour, and I believe he somewhat encouraged it for hoax purposes. I mean imagine, what is the point of putting yourself out there to be this strange and bizarre person if you are really just a normal guy? Like is it not to use it to your advantage in some way?
Anyway, there was so much speculation that O2 Michael wasn't really Michael. Speculation of body doubles followed him everywhere. Another helpful 'rumour' for the cause. What if MJ did this, after the O2 announcement he stayed in London? I mean Katherine Jackson is supposedly in London with Janet Jackson, while Blanket is supposedly alone and Katherine Jackson is allegedly been kept away from the kids. Are these just excuses to cover up why she is not in America?