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Messages - Bellexx

Hoax Pictures / Re: Strange Picture
May 15, 2010, 06:43:48 AM
Quote from: "somekindofsign"

Quote from: "mykidsmum"

they are called REAL3D REAL 3D it's...pretty neat 3D method...the person beside him that you can't see is Kenney Ortega and in this part of the movie, he's holding a piece of paper with stuff on it and they are discussing what's on it.

You´re right!

I know you're right!  ;) I've got these exact same glasses when I went to Avatar a few months ago.. And have it right in front of me right now. So I'm pretty sure about it! :lol:

General Hoax Talk / Re: Heismypeterpan update
April 28, 2010, 11:03:10 AM

Okay guys, look at this! I was just googling for my new hairstyle, and thats when I found out this: ... style.html

Scroll down a bit, and look at the second picture from above.. Thats our friend called 'Heismypeterpan', so now there are 2 options IMO. Or she is messing with us and just picked a random photo from the internet and put it on her Facebook, Twitter etc.. Or she is a model, and this is just coincidence.. For me this confirms she's a liar. What's your opinion guys?

Nederlands / Re: La Toya donderdag bij Jensen
April 16, 2010, 05:36:02 AM

Ik zat er inderdaad ook op te wachten tot hij iets over de hoax zou gaan vragen Loes. Eerlijk gezegd had ik dat ook wel van hem verwacht, maar helaas.. Ik vond wel dat hij verder goeie vragen stelde, en La Toya duidelijk was in haar antwoorden. Ook heb k niet echt clues opgemerkt.
Maar net wat jij al zegt Loes, echt vrolijker ben ik er ook niet van geworden. Ergens geeft het me trouwens wel hoop dat ze zegt dat het sowieso uit zal komen, daar geloof ik ook wel in. Op welke manier dan ook, hoax of niet...

Nederlands / La Toya donderdag bij Jensen
April 13, 2010, 09:33:50 AM

Hallo allemaal,

La toya is donderdag te gast bij het programma Jensen!
Hier is een promo.. Wat denken jullie ervan? Ik vind het persoonlijk een beetje raar dat ze een impersonator hebben uitgenodigd..

Maargoed, ben benieuwd donderdag.  ;) ... _promo.xml


There's the magic number 9 again.. lol!

Nederlands / Re: de nieuwe uri geller op sbs6
April 09, 2010, 04:01:45 AM

Maar waarom is dat zulk schokkend nieuws? Wat een onzin zou dat zijn zeg.. Ik hoorde Jensen gisteren trouwens zeggen dat La Toya volgende week donderdag bij hem op de bank zit om over de 'dood' van Michael te praten.. :)

TMZ Articles / Michael Jackson -- The Eyes Have It
April 06, 2010, 02:59:49 PM

Michael Jackson -- The Eyes Have It
Posted Apr 6th 2010 3:50PM by TMZ Staff

Michael Jackson's eyes could be powerful evidence in favor of Dr. Conrad Murray.

TMZ broke the story ... Dr. Murray's lawyers will argue Jackson accidentally killed himself by self-injecting a lethal dose of Propofol into his bloodstream. As we reported, Dr. Murray says he left the bedroom for a short time, came back in and saw Michael with his eyes wide open and pupils dilated.

Medical experts who spoke with TMZ say ... if a patient is sleeping and dies of an overdose, their eyes most likely would not open. The defense position -- Jackson woke up when Murray was out of the room, became frustrated he couldn't sleep, grabbed the Propofol bottle and "pushed it" -- killing himself.

If a jury believes Jackson's eyes were open, they could also believe Jackson was awake and, perhaps, capable of grabbing the Propofol bottle which was on the nightstand.

Read more:

Other Odd Things / Re: Exactly what time?
April 05, 2010, 11:34:19 AM
Quote from: "MJLover1990"

Quote from: "Kuki"

Thxxx a lot for posting this link!I always wondered how to do this easily and now I know it 17:30  here!

So not 21:00? Now I'm still confused :lol:

Hm, 21:00 in the Netherlands, right?  :lol:

Introduce yourself / Re: hello there friends
April 01, 2010, 01:19:01 PM

Hi doc, so.. Welcome.
Tell us, why exactly are you on this death hoax forum?  :lol:


Go La Toya! *thumbs up* You're doing a great job!  8-)

Hoax Videos / Re: Do Not Forget
March 28, 2010, 01:01:57 PM
Quote from: "AnnieIsNotOK"

Those sad eyes...painful to watch :(

Hartbreaking...  :(


Welcome Lynn!  :D
I Hope you will enjoy in here!

Quote from: "RK"

He's got nothing to apologize for cause MJ is alive.

It's so simple!  :lol:


Adorable, he's really a gentleman xxxxx

Other Odd Things / Re: IT'S SPRING!
March 21, 2010, 06:44:16 AM

I really miss him so much. Let him walk fast and come back very soon! lol.
No that's selfish, everything is okay, if he is okay! Really hope he is doing well.