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Messages - KacyLovesMJ

TMZ Articles / Re: Breaking news
November 08, 2010, 03:15:42 AM
Quote from: "iMISSYOUMJ"

^ So they are saying that it's not Michael singing? Sorry English is not my first language.  :oops:

Yeah they are saying it's not Michael singing but that they used samples like the "WOO" and stuff from Michael's previous recordings. I can tell those are him and they are confirming that by talking about the samples.
TMZ Articles / Re: Breaking news
November 08, 2010, 03:07:07 AM

Hey guys. I've been away for awhile, had to step away from the whole hoax thing for a bit but when I heard this was gonna be released, I had to come see what everyone was thinking about it. I'm 50/50 on it. Part of me can hear Michael in there and then other parts of it makes me question it. I'm sitting here listening to it over and over again and I'm still 50/50 on it. I keep thinking back to "2000 Watts" when I would see a lot of people freaking out, saying it wasn't Michael singing it, when it was, so on the parts that I'm not too sure about, I try to keep that in mind and think, "He's holding back some." I really wanna believe 100% that this is all Michael but I just can't shake the feeling that part of it isn't. :/ Hopefully I am completely wrong and it is all him though. I love the song. lol


I wonder if this is the video that Randy was tweeting about?

TIAI ~ 2010 / Re: TIAI 08/27
August 27, 2010, 09:33:01 AM
Quote from: "jenwren20"

Quote from: "angel"

Thank you, TS.  This redirect, along with the recent activity on MJJackson1958 twitter account (the disappearing tweets), has my heart beating faster.


Hate to be a downer here but don't get too excited about the tweets disappearing. Quite a few of mine were deleted without me doing it too. I think it was mostly the @username ones that got removed. I guess it does that after some time.

But I can't wait for TS' post/update. :)


That's not Michael. That was a show on VH1 where they "recreated" the crime scene involved around Michael. They used a "look-a-like" for the show. I forgot the guy's name though.

TIAI ~ 2010 / Re: TIAI 08/21
August 21, 2010, 10:22:44 AM

So Michael's doctor lived across the road from Elvis' doctor and the map they showed here DOES have another 7 on it. Hmmmm...  :D It's been a long time since I believed in coincidences in this entire thing, I'm not gonna start now! lol

Other Odd Things / Re: Detective Scott Smith of LAPD
August 19, 2010, 08:23:49 PM
Quote from: "all4loveandbelieve"

Quote from: "KacyLovesMJ"


Anyone with information regarding this incident is asked to contact Hollenbeck Homicide Detectives Scott Smith and Ron Chavarria at 323-526-3680. After-hours and on weekends calls may be directed to the 24-hour, toll-free number, 1-877-LAW-FULL (529-3855).

Anyone got the guts to call and ask questions? lol

Will it work if I call from Canada? I will use the toll free. number.

The toll free one probably won't get you to where you can talk to Det. Smith directly. So I'm not sure. It's probably like an answering service to take information that you need to get to them. The other one may be too for all I know. lol
Other Odd Things / Re: Detective Scott Smith of LAPD
August 19, 2010, 01:54:33 AM


Anyone with information regarding this incident is asked to contact Hollenbeck Homicide Detectives Scott Smith and Ron Chavarria at 323-526-3680. After-hours and on weekends calls may be directed to the 24-hour, toll-free number, 1-877-LAW-FULL (529-3855).

Anyone got the guts to call and ask questions? lol

And August 13, 2010 is the date that comes up on V For Vanquish's last message video.... I know he posted that he's not Michael but I just can't seem to get this guy out of my head when it comes to Michael. Something MUST be happening this Friday, one way or another.

TIAI ~ 2010 / Re: TIAI 8/9
August 09, 2010, 11:54:02 PM
Quote from: "lilwendy"


The August 8th post is not on page 50, I posted the new link, some of you verified it was there on page 51, now page 51 is blank!!!

I was just gonna post this but scrolled through to see if it had been already. lol I think TS is giving us a message here. ;)
This Is It / Re: sorry back too red trouser guy tii
August 04, 2010, 07:13:57 PM
Quote from: "MJmakesmespeechless"

Oh gawd NOT this again

All Michael 100% always in TII

There is no "TII dude" like there is now "02 dude"

All Michael

Sorry MJmakesmespeechless, but none of us here can be 100% sure about that fact. And I'm not talking about "O2 dude", I'm talking about TII. I have noticed height differences and only one thing explains that when they are wearing the "same shoes", so it's not the heel being taller making him appear taller in certain scenes. There is definitely a double in TII, if for nothing else but stand in purposes when Michael couldn't be there. But like I said, if I'm wrong in that, then I apologize to the hilt to Michael as he's the only one I would owe the apology.
This Is It / Re: sorry back too red trouser guy tii
August 04, 2010, 06:54:53 PM

I could be wrong and I apologize to the hilt to Michael if I am but I also feel that "orange pants guy" isn't Michael. If you pay close attention to him and to Michael in the black jeans, there is a height difference. "Orange pants" is taller. But nonetheless, I like "orange pants guy". He makes me laugh, in a good way. lol

Twitter ~ Verified Accounts / Re: Jackie Jackson
August 02, 2010, 04:45:40 PM

I love this. He's talented as well. :)

Hoax Videos / Re: Sony Removing Hoax Videos
July 31, 2010, 02:03:07 AM

I had the same happen with my stuff so I just closed the account. It was one more shot away from being terminated by youtube and I had a few more things Sony could have pulled to make it disappear so I just closed the account. I've been thinking about starting another one but I don't know if I really have time for that right now with college and other stuff I have to take care of. Good luck though. Let's hope they leave you alone now.

TIAI ~ 2010 / Re: TIAI 7/30
July 30, 2010, 06:26:50 AM

I have to agree with those saying that this message means that Michael has to/will "BAM" no matter if the world is ready for it or not. I honestly don't see anything in this redirect that is relating to Elvis so why bring him into it? lol The message TS redirected to was a quoted message from Sarahli. It was Sarahli's post that TS redirected to, which stated that the "BAM" couldn't be put off indefinitely. If Michael's plan is to come back this summer, with Elvis or not, then he will. If it's not, then he won't. This part of it is up to him and the date he has set for it himself. Not one we have thought of here on the forum because we think it may be significant to Michael (such as his birthday, June 25th, July 7th, etc). I think we should all stop setting dates for Michael because he obviously already has that date selected. We just have to do our part in preparing people for it in whatever way we can. He left messages for those that "have eyes to see and ears to listen" (to quote V lol) and it's those of us that have seen and heard these messages that Michael has chosen to prepare the rest of the people that have been blinded by the media and the government. Let's do our part the best we can, in whatever way we can, and leave the rest of the show to Michael. He is "the man behind the curtain" after all. :)