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Conspiracy Theories / The Vitiligo Conspiracy
« on: May 28, 2010, 10:34:02 AM »
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This is actually an interesting page. Ignoring the to be expected "buy my book" advertising. But, I personally think there's some great theories in this. I will explain why at the end..

Cure What Causes Vitiligo and Forget the Vitiligo Skin Treatments.
The Cause of Vitiligo is Known and can be Cured by You without any vitiligo skin treatments, and at virtually No Cost.

Without the real medical information that does exist on the cause and cure of vitiligo, you are going to be exploited by con-artists and by professionals whose business it is to take advantage of your troubles and your suffering.

When they are through with you, and your pocket book has been cleaned out, you will likely end up -- like countless millions of others -- no better off than you are right now, and feeling even more frustrated and more despondent.

Crucial information about Vitiligo is being kept from you as effectively as if it were under lock and key.
Did you know that medical doctors of 70 years ago actually cured people’s vitiligo without treating or doing anything to the skin?

Those MD’s did it by addressing the fundamental problem causing vitiligo that was found at that time through extensive medical research.   But doctors of today don’t cure vitiligo, and even tell you to your face that the “cause of vitiligo is not known.”   Instead, today’s MD’s sell you high-priced skin treatments, PUVA, uvB, excimer laser treatments, skin grafts, immune suppressors, bleaching, tattooing, cosmetics, etc. -- which cure nothing except their need for your money.

A significant body of medical research has been done by MD’s over the last 100 years to fill in the blanks and now make the actual cause of vitiligo crystal clear and medically obvious.   However, you will probably never, ever hear about these things -- or know how to cure yourself -- unless you can get your hands on the sort of information which the writer of this page (an M.D. himself) has uniquely summarized in a practical, easy-to-read eBook.

Contrary to what you have been told :

Vitiligo is not just some vague "disorder" limited only to the skin,

Vitiligo is not characterized by loss of melanocytes in the skin,

Scientific evidence does not support that Vitiligo is an Autoimmune Disease,

And, in fact, the Cause of Vitiligo is known,  has been known,  and is being hidden from you so a profiteering medical system can suck money out of you.

Virtually all the significant information you have probably been told about Vitiligo is wrong, misinformed, or just plain half-truths and lies.  The CEO of Google refers even to the internet itself as a "cesspool of disinformation", and he's absolutely correct.  But it is not only the internet, it is the whole medical system.

Have you noticed that the same exact words and phrases – like  “The cause of vitiligo is unknown”, “Vitiligo is an Autoimmune Disorder”, “Vitiligo is  characterized by the loss of pigment-producing cells”, etc –-- are repeated over and over again, and that the very-same exact words and phrases come at you from a thousand different sources and a thousand different mouths.

Well, what you are dealing with is a single, organized medical system which has but one voice and many tongues.  What you are told about vitiligo does not originate from a specific individual in that system, but comes from the system as a whole.  And the vested interests of that organized medical system are served by keeping you dumb, keeping you sick, and stealing your money.

The hucksters on the internet are no better.  They use the same buzzwords and phrases to  gain your credibility, and then push your emotional buttons to sell you their oils, tabs, lotions, and magical potions.   Simple, cheap concoctions of herbs, shrubbery, and vegetable oils are sold at inflated prices and promoted with fake testimonials and low-resolution, manipulated photographs.

Probably 95% of the seemingly independent “reviews” posted on the internet in forums and in comment sections are nothing but product placement ads put their by people employed by these internet companies.  And the rest of these are “affiliate marketing” where they induce you to click on a link so they can get 10-50% commission on any sales.  The very small percentage of genuine postings by genuine people is very small, and usually there isn’t enough info of any quality to do you any good.

But Look with Your Own Eyes, and See for Yourself the RESULTS you can Reasonably Expect from the Vitiligo Treatments, Services, and Products Being Pushed on You.

Vitiligo Treatments did NOT Cure Michael Jackson. This now-deceased popular entertainer was never cured of his Vitiligo.

He was wealthy and could buy any treatment or anti vitiligo product suggested to him.  He even married a dermatologist.

The medical system did not cure his vitiligo, and the internet hucksters did not cure his vitiligo.

His story is the real-life, grim reality of the ineffectiveness of the products and services people are trying now to sell to you.

The only reality you really need to judge the truthfulness - and ineffectiveness – of what marketers are telling you, is starkly contained within this picture.

They didn’t cure him, and they won’t cure you.

BUT these people WILL take your money, and as much of it as they can get.

PUVA treatments at two times per week at some medical “institution” will run about $6000 a year, or more.   Excimer laser treatments - which are nothing more than glorified sunlamps - are sold in courses of 30 sessions each.  Each “session” may cost $150 or more, and involves trying to tan the individual white patches so they just don’t stand out so much.  In a year, two courses of 30 sessions each may run you $9000 or more.  If you are talked into blister skin grafts and surgical treatments, the sky-is-the-limit on how much you will be billed.

Cover-up skin cosmetics and camouflages are sold at exorbitant prices relative to their cost of production, and the marketers try to get you hooked on these products for the rest of your life.  The anti vitiligo oils primarily contain psoralen which sensitizes the skin to the sun, and is the same old ingredient the Romans used 2000 years ago to augment skin tanning.

Depigmentation of the skin with bleaching agents may take 1-4 years, and set you back many thousands of dollars.   A 6 to 10 minute visit to the dermatologist may cost you $175.  With this guy possibly taking in $10,000 a day (yes, that’s $10,000 a day) do you really think he’s going to do anything whatsoever to upset this big gravy train they are all riding ?

None of these vitiligo treatments cures the Cause of Vitiligo
----------- OR the diseases associated with Vitiligo –---------
and each is like a costly, one-way ticket to Nowhere.

The proof of the pudding is all contained in that picture of Michael Jackson above which testifies to the ineffectiveness of the vitiligo treatments, services, and products which he received.  The same people - with different faces - are now trying to sell you the same things they sold to Michael Jackson which didn’t work.  Whether they are wearing white lab coats, have authoritative-sounding credentials, or are just hawkers on the internet, don’t let them browbeat or sucker you into buying their horse manure.

The only thing that will free you from being unduly influenced by these "merchants" -- and free you from the scourge that may be wrecking your health, your romantic and social life, and your ability to find employment -– is INFORMATION.   Correct and accurate information from bona fide  medical research to allow you to cure yourself (and your children) of vitiligo.

They tell you that:
“Vitiligo is an Auto-Immune Disease”

Scientific evidence to date does NOT support the idea that vitiligo belongs in the group of primary autoimmune diseases.  Although antibodies to pigment-producing cells can be found in vitiligo patients, they are infrequent and random, and vitiligo cannot be diagnosed by any blood tests for such antibodies.

On the one hand you are told that “Vitiligo is an Autoimmune Disease.”   On the other hand, you are told that “The Cause of Vitiligo is Not Known.”   So which is it “unknown’ or ‘autoimmune’.  The answer -- as shown in the revealing eBook this writer has put together -- is that the cause of vitiligo IS known and it has NOTHING AT ALL to do with autoimmunity.

They tell you that:
“The hallmark feature of Vitiligo is the loss of pigment-producing cells in the skin”

But this is not so. About ten years ago, five MD’s published conclusive medical research in a well-known medical journal showing that these melanocytes are not absent in the white patches of skin in vitiligo.  That the cells are still there, even after 25 years, and that these pigment-producing cells can regain their function both in the skin where they are, and even in a test tube.

So why do websites, foundations, support groups, medical school textbooks, your doctor, and countless other sources keep telling you these things, and make it seem as though vitiligo is incurable and can only be ‘treated’ ???    You can now start to figure that one out for yourself.

They tell you that:
“Vitiligo is a Skin Disorder”

This is misleading and deceptive.   Saying that vitiligo is a skin disorder implies that the disorder is limited to the skin.  Nothing could be further from the truth.

Saying it is a skin disorder may sell you on getting “treatments for your skin”, and cause you to resign yourself to paying out thousands of dollars.  But it is a misleading and deceptive statement which obscures the other real issue in your body which is in fact causing the vitiligo.

The white patches in the skin are only a superficial, visible sign of a major abnormality deeper in your body which may be causing chronic, undiagnosed ill-health making you always feel below average and lacking in get-up-and-go.   Or, this deeper problem may become progressively worse and burst into a multi-system, life-altering health problem.

Vitiligo is directly linked to:
Thyroid Disease
Failing Adrenals (Addison’s Disease)
Hearing Loss
Sweating Abnormalities
Depigmentation and Inflammation inside the Eyes
Mental Depression

Vitiligo is clinically linked with:
Pernicious Anemia
Diabetes 1 & 2
Hair Loss (Alopecia Areata)
Nutritional Deficiencies
Chronic Candidiasis
PolyGlandular Syndromes 1 & 2

The above are not just words on a screen.  They are very real problems seen in people with vitiligo.  For example, 30% of people with vitiligo are diagnosed as having thyroid disease.  What the real percentage of people with vitiligo who have thyroid problems -- but are never diagnosed -- is not known.

A significant percentage of vitiligo sufferers have clinically impaired adrenal function.  When one considers that the adrenals have a tremendous reserve capacity -- and that a person has to lose 90% of their adrenal function before failure – one wonders just how many people are, in fact, walking around with milder, chronic adrenal impairment which is making them lethargic and feeling below-average at the very least. etc.

Knowing the Above,
Do you Really think that rubbing some 'vegetable oil' on your skin is going to Cure you ?
Do you think that sitting under an excimer 'sunlamp' is a cure for anything at all ?

You can see for Yourself that the Answer is “Of Course NOT”

But you are in a bad situation.  Your child may have vitiligo and be suffering irreversible psychological trauma.  You yourself may have vitiligo which is making you despondent and self-conscious, impairing your social and sexual relations, and keeping you from finding employment because of hidden, but real discrimination.
Your dilemma is that you would do something else to cure yourself if you could, but you don’t know what to do, and the alternatives seem limited.

But there IS an alternative.   An alternative to everything people have been telling you.    And that alternative is real  INFORMATION.

If you know and understand the abnormality behind vitiligo -- and the diseases associated with vitiligo -- you can focus all of your attention and take direct measures to cure the cause of that abnormality, and just plain forget about skin treatments.

This writer has carefully reviewed the medical research on Vitiligo of the last 100 years, and extracted the revealing, crucial information you need to cure yourself and your loved ones.   Although every bit of this vital information comes from research done exclusively by MD’s, this information has been hidden from you by the medical establishment as if this information didn’t even exist.

This info DOES exist, but it is in medical journals that charge $15 -$75 just to read an article.  It is in papers that need a medical degree to understand.   It is not in current "standardized" $250 medical books, but it IS in those legitimate medical books and publications which few people have heard of.

If you suspected that you weren’t being told the full story on vitiligo, you were right. Once you know -- like this writer -- what is really known about vitiligo, you may want to spit when you listen to the gibberish that is being pushed on people.

The early, excellent medical research done on vitiligo has been corroborated and expanded upon over four different generations of MD’s.   The previous gaps have been filled in by research done in other fields, and all of this has been chewed over, distilled, simplified and put into this unique ebook on vitiligo.  The book gives the real facts for anyone to see, but also gives a practical, simple, and almost cost-free approach for the reader to finally rid himself of this ancient scourge.

Although the book focuses solely on vitiligo, the medical truths and information it contains have bearing on other diseases -- such as Lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, asthma in children, eczema, urticaria, and acne rosacea -- which are all related and linked by the same mechanism which has absolutely nothing to do with autoimmunity.

eBook Title: Vitiligo: Your Doctor Will Never Cure You; You’ve Got to Do It Yourself.


Table of Contents:
Chapter  1  Information is Being Kept from You.
Chapter  2  Vitiligo – The Basics.
Chapter  3  Diseases Directly Related to Vitiligo.
Chapter  4  A Crucial Link Common to All These Diseases.
Chapter  5  Tell-Tale Clues.
Chapter  6  All Roads Lead to Rome.
Chapter  7  Have MD's Cured Vitiligo in the Past ?
Chapter  8  Have Some People Cured Themselves ?
Chapter  9  The Real Culprit Behind the Curtain.
Chapter 10 How You Yourself Can Test for It.
Chapter 11 What You Can Do To Get Rid of It.
Chapter 12 Perspectives To Keep You Focused and in Control.

92 Medical Research References Cited

This concise book is for real people with real problems who just want to know the facts, and what they can do.

It contains no pompous medical jargon, and you don’t need a medical education to understand the clear and unmistakable facts it contains.  The eye-opening information speaks for itself, and should open anyone’s eyes to the fundamental and practical understanding of vitiligo that has been suppressed and kept secret by a profit-oriented medical system.

If you have vitiligo, purchasing this informative and practical book, and taking several hours to read it through, may possibly save you a very great deal of grief in your life.   It was for this purpose that the book was written, and why this writer has used his medical knowledge and resources to pursue the cause and cure of vitiligo.

Go To Order Page at FastSpring If you wish to purchase the eBook, “Vitiligo:  Your Doctor Will Never Cure You; You’ve Got to Do It Yourself” please now see the pricing and order page.    

Cure Vitiligo's Cause and you won't need any vitiligo skin treatment.
The Cause of Vitiligo is known and can be Cured by you without any vitiligo skin treatments, and at little to no cost.



Ok, So that's the full website... I have an autoimmune disease myself, so these claims intrigued me. So, I did a little looking on google, and found a Vitiligo Forum, and a poster on there said it basically all comes down to this:

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I was diagnosed with vitiligo recently and I came across a book which was the only source that provided a root cause for autoimmune diseases. To summaries; the book explains how low stomach acid caused by h-pylori causes incomplete digestion of food with resultant absorption of large undigested macromolecules into the blood. The blood then produces a widespread antibody response. The widespread antibody response may destroy healthy cells causing autoimmune diseases such as vitiligo. Body may be conditioned to continue making antibodies for several years even thought the h-pylori is killed. I thought this is an interesting theory and might be of some interest to you.

According to Southern Medical Journal 38(4):235-240, April of 1945; 90% of Vitiligo patients had little or no stomach Acid, 95% of Alopecia patients had little or no stomach Acid, 100% of Lupus Erythematosis patients had little or no stomach Acid, 89% of  Psoriasis patients had little or no stomach Acid, 85% of Urticaria patients had little or no stomach Acid, 74% of Eczema patients had little or no stomach Acid, 87% of Acne Rosacea patients has little or no stomach Acid. The book sigestion on how it kill H-pylori is to take sufficient amount of Betaine Hydrochloride according to the degree of tolerance for an extended period of time. Patients will not see improvement until the body stops producing antibodies.
Best regards,

Another post says:
what does low stomach acid mean? i have been suffering from hyper acidity for 15 long years.. got vitiligo 1 year back?
If you are saying is true and I myself just researched it - then yes I am one of the 90% Vitiligo patients who has this problem... I just found out that all the symptoms of low acid levels in body are present in me plus low acid levels and associated conditions of thyroid, headache (migraine) and vitiligo are present in me..

now I also can see why my doctor wrote in my prescription to treat associated diseases on their own merit - he was highlighting Thyroid and Acidity...

Lastly the bloody root-cause in center of all this is "chronic stress"... man the equation just seems to be becoming so bloody clear...

Thanks for this post buddy - you have given a big ray of hope to me to cleanse my body of all the nonsense I have exposed to it for past 15 years...


Here's why I think there is some credibility to this website. Like I said, I have an "autoimmune disease" that has "No known cure" and "No known cause". It's called Crohn's Disease. Now, here's the catch. I refuse to take medication. I did a little self-experiment on myself for the last year in order to work this darn disease out. I choose to monitor my symptoms without drugs. I wanted to know what makes it tick. This is basically what I've discovered:

Onset: Indigestion - The warning sign.
Increase of stomach acids leading up to a relapse. Over-active digestion system.
Cure: Take 2 tablets containing 25 million probiotic cells, a tablespoon of Mylanta Antacid and call me in the morning.

This is the opposite of what the above posters mention. Vitiligo sufferers have no stomach acids, and under-active digestive system. So they need Betaine Hydrochloride which is a stomach acid supplement.

I suppress mine, they increase theirs.. but it's all about finding that balance.

What if H-pylori is our modern day plague? Can see how Michael could've been "given something to trigger Vitiligo"..

The 911 call / TBH, Carolwood, 911, and UCLA vs. Cedars Sinai.
« on: May 20, 2010, 08:26:19 AM »
Mike, as always, I apologise in advance for my dry sense of humour if you're really no longer with us..  :oops:  <3

A - Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Centre
B - 100 N Carolwood Dr
C - The Beverly Hills Hotel - 9641 Sunset blvd
D - Cedars Sinai Medical Center

This has played on my mind, so I put my Sherlock Holmes 2k9 Fedora hat on and had a closer look.

We've all been told that there is a Cell Phone Tower at 9641 Sunset blvd which is the common explanation as to why the 911 screencap has that address.

But, google maps will tell you that that is really where The Beverly Hills hotel is.

So, I want to point out a few things..

Point 1: I obviously can't say with 100% certainty that there isn't but according to this site there is no Cell Phone Tower at 9641 Sunset Blvd.
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I zoomed in on The Beverly Hills Hotel (as recommended by the site) to make sure there were no Cell Phone Towers. There are none marked on there. Can anyone provide evidence of there being one?

Point 2: The Beverly Hills hotel (TBH / welcome to the hotel california) is owned by the Sultan of Brunei - Hassanal Bolkiah.  8-)
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*In 1996, Michael Jackson was flown in to perform for the people of Brunei for the sultan's 50th birthday.
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Point 3: On-going contact
2006: Jackson’s return to Las Vegas has something to do with his old pal, You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login. (Where Michael wanted to purchase a mansion he planned to call "Wonderland". Mad hatter, anyone?)
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2007: The media are reporting that Michael is to be a guest at the birthday party of You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login, the son of the Sultan of Brunei, but he will not be performing although it is thought that he may speak.
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Point 4: Cell number 909 273 4846
Cell phones can be traced - especially in emergency situations. This call was made by a verizon number, obviously as it says Verizon Wireless on the screen. When a person calls 911 from a cell phone the call is placed through to the PSAP (You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login) call center.
"The location of the phone will be tracked using triangulation - by taking 2 or more readings, it is possible to calculate where the signal is coming from by working out the triangle that fits the signal strengths. The 3rd point is the location of the phone. (meaning they don't pinpoint towers, they pinpoint the most likely physical location of the cell phone by determining the signal strengths it sends out in multiple directions) However, when the person who has the phone has made an emergency call, this GPS transmission will always be sent. This is designed to ensure that the police can always track a cell phone location, in order to get help to people who need it." You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login

So, scenario 1  - what they probably want us to believe: The number was registered to someone staying at TBH when the number was activated and they gave TBH as their address to the phone company.  On 6/25 the 911 caller, who normally resides at TBH, gives the address for the ambulance to go to as 100 N Carolwood drive which is where he actually is and that is why we see that address on the screen.

But, if you want to make a hoax out of it then let's try scenario 2: The caller dials 911 from the Brush Area outside of TBH. He tells the 911 operator he's at 100 N Carolwood dr. The 911 operator sounds confused because, thanks to GPS tracking software, they can read the callers physical location as 9641 sunset blvd (TBH) Brush Area on their screen. Whoops!

And apparently this number was deactivated on the 26th June - so whose was it?

Either way, there's too much distance between B and C on the map for me to believe 9641 Sunset blvd was a GPS trace location / lucky guess, and besides, TBH is too relevant for it to be random.

Point 5:
Location: The Brush Area at 9641 Sunset Blvd - May 15th 2009 - Jackson Family leaving The Beverly Hills Hotel
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Hey, Alvarez, why don't you jump into the shrub and practice your 911 calls?

King TutankhaMike's got some cool gold pyramids on his shirt and jacket.

Paris is reading "Warriors - Fire and Ice".. rawr!

Katherine spots the papz and wonders if she should shoo them off with her handbag OR squirt them with the supersoaker she has hidden behind that big shrub for extra karma points. (jk - but I wish)

So, why is Papa Joe carrying a planner?  Scheduling a few silly things to say in the future?

Could this be one of the staged interventions? Janet is nowhere in sight. She must have seen him this day or the day before (depends on when these photos were actually taken) since she said that she saw him "2 days before her birthday, at a family gathering "where she claims he was "very much in denial". But we have no evidence of her attendence here.  8-)

Point 6: Why would the police need to barricade off Cedars Sinai Medical Center if Michael was taken by ambulance in the opposite direction to UCLA?
The paramedics performed CPR and took him to UCLA Medical Center, Ruda told the newspaper.

Police in Los Angeles have blockaded streets around Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles.

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Because Jackson was not under the care of any UCLA doctor for a particular condition at the time of his death, the job of signing off on his death certificate goes to the coroner's office.
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My questions now are:
Were the shenanigans at Carolwood drive and UCLA a diversion tactic with the Leave Me Alone dummy affectionately nicknamed Michael "Joseph" Jackson?
Was bald with peach fuzz, frail, and unrecognisable Mike really staying over at TBH, found "not breathing at all" and then taken to the Cedars Sinai Medical Center? (And from there to the airport if you ask Jermaine  8-)  )

Confusion always tends to mean we should look closer.  :)

James Brown / The not yet OFFICIAL James Brown thread
« on: May 02, 2010, 07:43:56 PM »
Anything you want to post about James Brown can be posted in here.  :D

Today, May 3rd, is what would've been James Brown's 77th birthday..

James Brown's physician at the time of his death was Dr Conrad Murray.. there's a thread about it etcetc.

But, let's talk about it all here..

 Like reasonables+luvs+MJ said in that thread: MJ and JB had the same coffin.

"The casket, called a Promethean, features a blue velvet interior and a hand-polished, mirror finish. It is made of solid bronze and plated with 14 carat gold."

 "Finally, rumor also has it that Latoya Jackson picked out the clothes  Michael was buried in: two black gloves, black pants beaded with black beads, a pearl-beaded white jacket embossed with cherubs and an oversized gold belt. A single white glove was reportedly placed inside the casket, too."

Black gloves

Deep voice warning ahead....  ;)


"Brown's body was transported to the theatre on a white carriage similar to the one seen at Jackson's Neverland ranch after his death. "
(quoted from You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login)

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There's probably plenty more to add on this..

Michael Jackson News / One side is very hot - the other is very cold..
« on: January 24, 2010, 11:49:53 AM »
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Michael Jackson: 'One side of my body is hot, it's hot, and one side of my body is cold. It's very cold,'"

LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Michael Jackson was so distraught over persistent insomnia in recent months that he pleaded for a powerful sedative despite warnings it could be harmful, says a nutritionist who was working with the singer as he prepared his comeback bid.

Cherilyn Lee, a registered nurse whose specialty includes nutritional counseling, said Tuesday that she repeatedly rejected his demands for the drug, Diprivan, which is given intravenously.

But a frantic phone call she received from Jackson four days before his death made her fear that he somehow obtained Diprivan or another drug to induce sleep, Lee said.

While in Florida on June 21, Lee was contacted by a member of Jackson's staff.

"He called and was very frantic and said, `Michael needs to see you right away.' I said, 'What's wrong?' And I could hear Michael in the background ..., 'One side of my body is hot, it's hot, and one side of my body is cold. It's very cold,'" Lee said.

"I said, `Tell him he needs to go the hospital. I don't know what's going on, but he needs to go to the hospital ... right away."

"At that point, I knew that somebody had given him something that hit the central nervous system," she said, adding, "He was in trouble Sunday and he was crying out."

Jackson did not go to the hospital. He died June 25 after suffering cardiac arrest, his family said. Autopsies have been conducted, but an official cause of death is not expected for several weeks.

"I don't know what happened there. The only thing I can say is he was adamant about this drug," Lee said.

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