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Topics - Bird lover

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Hi people, I found a large documentary on youtube that's analysing Rihanna's video Umbrella and Disturbia.


The creator of this movie even states that some entity (rain man, aka as :evil: ) is singing along with Jay Z, literally. Also, an explanation is given who, or better what is behind the illuminati and the meaning of umbrella besides it protects you from rain.
Dam dam di dam, dam dam di dam dam, dam dam di dam, dam dam di dam dam
from the song disturbia would be a curse targeted to the listeners of music, don't know how he got this information but it would mean: 'be dumb, be possessed'.

Maybe the creator isn't always correct in this video, or not even at all, but I am more aware know what I listen to at my iPod. I always wondered how some artists come up with lyrics that actually are hard to understand or don't seem to make sense at all. I am not going to defend the contents of this movie, I just posted it in here in case you might be interested. It is something to be aware about.

Introduce yourself / Hi!
« on: August 16, 2010, 08:42:26 AM »
A new member here.  I was also a member of the old mjdeathhoax forum and mjkit with username darkfeather, but now a new username in a new site. I have believed that MJ was dead for 7 (yes, again) days, until I googled 'mj not dead' and here I still am. I believe I was (or at least one of the) first posters that mentioned the Elvis comparison regarding the death hoax and posted the 'many number sevens with MJ' post of TMZ on the mjdeathhoax.
Furthermore I have been amazed how much people find out on these forums. I won't post much I think, only when I really think it would contribute somehow.

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