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Other Odd Things / Michael and the Rothschilds/ Illuminati
« on: October 25, 2010, 01:48:24 AM »
I found some strange thinks.
The auction from the Arno Bani Pictures is in the Hotel Salomon de Rothschild in Paris. I think not every fan may go into this Hotel...why they chose that ?

I surch about Michael and the Rothschilds and found that :

The rojal coat of arms from the Rothschilds :
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The Neverland Gate :
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 :shock:  :shock:  :shock:

Other Odd Things / Michael J. Bhatti
« on: October 19, 2010, 02:56:01 AM »
Omer...often different written.. :?  has on his HP this :
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I have not much heard about him in the last months....but this is weird.

Why does TMZ...when they are in the hoax and all was many others at the beginning saying Michael dies from Demerol...and then changed to Propofol after the 01. July 2009 ?
Because it could be that fans are able to get Demerol, but never Propofol to die like Michael ?

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In the first days all are speaking about Demerol...

Other Odd Things / Have you heart something about the Mural ?
« on: August 31, 2010, 05:25:22 AM »
Weeks ago they are talking about a Michael Jackson Mural in LA that would be unveiled at his birthday....i could nothing find about it...

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Joe Jackson / Joseph celebrated Michael's 52 birthday !
« on: August 31, 2010, 04:43:44 AM »
i found Joseph visits Gary and celebrated the 52. birthday of his son !
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Michael Jackson News / Michael Timeline 2003 - 2009
« on: August 26, 2010, 04:44:20 AM »
i found this link with so much informations, about his contacts.
Maybee it's interesting for you ?

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Other Odd Things / Google Earth Pic from Carolwood House
« on: August 17, 2010, 07:03:30 AM »
i wanted to take a look at the 100 North Carolwood Drive House.
The pic was taken from November 2009 and the house is not real in the's a drawing plan of it....why doesn't you see the house in real on this google earth pic.....short after the June 09 it was not so...
I can't copy it....please can anybody here take a look ?

Michael's features, habits & disguises / How can hands so change ?
« on: August 04, 2010, 04:36:35 AM »
Every time i look at older pics i wonder when i see the hands from Michael.
There are not much pics i could find online from the early years when i saw that he has markant long thin fingers, also so long hand, not so strong like now.
There is no reason to that change....arthritis or lupus or being older... the lenght of the fingers can't change.
I put some pics...the best i could find in the moment :

His fingers seams to be longer then the hand...very long, thin and fine, also the hand.

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Here you have to soom, but you see how long ! the fingers are !
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And here some pics where it seams like the fingers are short, the hand very strong :

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Please, what do you think ? All the same...than i should need some new glasses soon... :D

This Is It / Coincidence in TII and 25 years ago
« on: July 31, 2010, 05:08:19 PM »
I had post this in general talk, but its importent for the i give a link:

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i became my Never can say good bye book and i took a fast page 58 and 74 we see Michael before ????? 25 years ??? on stage.
In the background at the top there was something i also saw in the TII movie...a transparent big thing...i have no idea what it was.
It was absolut the same,but there was so much innovation in technics that it was nearly impossible that it was still the same....
I don't find that pic to post .
Here a ...not so good quality :
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You can see this big transparent thing from beginning , very good at 0:13
What is it ?????????????????? And the same around 25 years ago ?????????????? :shock:
Funny was too that he had nearly the same light spots on his black pant at TII and on the pic from.....i don't know, long time ago, i think 25 years.

This Is It / TII, the end of Thriller
« on: July 31, 2010, 01:15:59 PM »
Since a long time i wonder about a scene from Thriller...i can't exlain it good enough in english and i would enjoy if someone understand what i was saying and look too  ;)

At the end of the song Thriller, Michael goes to a ramp ( right word ?), it gets man stands beside him but he way this man looks seems to me like he didn't see Michael...he looks but not at Michael, like Michael was a hologram or later put in the film...
Watch that man please....he goes with Michael up and then both are standing there and the song it's absolut weird...the man seems to hold or hug Michael, but his arms goes through he wasn't physically there...i watched the scene again and is absolut weird.... :o

What are you all think about it ?

Katherine Jackson / Everywhere only older pictures
« on: July 30, 2010, 06:25:49 AM »
Today i became the " Never can say good bye " book and i wonder why only older pictures where taken....not one from the last 20 years i think...
Old pics at the memorial and the funeral and much areas miss at the monument.
Not one pic from proud grandma Katherine with Michael and his children....i saw then first together at the memorial.
I don't know when it was, but when he meat Ronald this time he had a unhealthy skin colour...not in the book but i saw pics when he meat Princess Diana...also this nearly grey skin colour at his face and his must be for some weeks/months.
Why not pics from the last years ?
Nothing from the 90th... :?

I have thought about the spider bit and found some weird things :
Michael in front of the court house has a white sock at his left foot...they say he had a spider bite, but the pictures you found from the bite are at his right leg, not foot ! There you don't need a sock and it's the wrong leg !
I am sure that such a big thing made a scare or a darker pigmentation and i surch the autopsie report and yes the dark pigmentation was mentioned exactly at the area we saw it, at his right leg !
I don't know who was the wright MJ, but i wondered about the differences...left foot, right leg !
I have some problems to open the sides so i edit the pictures in the next minutes.

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Here the pictures from the autopsie report...left side, his right leg, left to see there is a notice i can't read exactly...2...inches area hyperpigmentation ?

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It was the same area we could see at the pictures, but why MJ has his white socks at the wrong leg ?
Weird at all...who is dead ???????????

Michael told several times not believe the media....
We have seen it in the last 10 months ever and ever that they are writing and telling BS...sorry, i don't use those words, but here i don't know a better word... :lol:
BUT...when there comes a new dirty story...there was so much attention on it....all knowing will be forget and the most ppl first believe....maybee not all, but the emotions get high.
That's all the media want and they are hurting so much ppl and there whole family  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:
So please start to ignore !

TIAI ~ 2010 / TIAI May 5
« on: May 05, 2010, 02:04:44 AM »
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