made me cry a little bit. thought i'd share.
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made me cry a little bit. thought i'd share.
As some of you may know, a co-worker of mine has a relative that says he was the one who Tagged the body of michael jackson. i always believed it until i found my way here so my friend-coworker is going to LA this weekend to see his cousin and he asked me if i wanted him to ask him anything regarding what he saw and stuff because he knows I am all about the MICHAEL JACKSON is alive thing!!! so i cant come up with much on my own but told him i would get him a list to ask his cousin. so if anyone has any questions that they have please put them here and i will give them to my friend to ask his cousin this week and report all answers that i get back to you on monday. the only thing i can think to ask him is was it really michael jackson lol. like i said i cant come up with much.
didnt know where to put it.. and i didnt see it posted. its super cute. i love this little guy and michaels voice of course.
Jermaine Jackson said that Prince, 12, Paris, 8, and Blanket, 7, — accompanied by a therapist — were taken in to view their father's dead body so that they could understand he really was gone and begin to grieve.
"I know it's tough, but I think it was the best thing to do," Michael's brother, also of Jackson 5 fame, said during an interview on Thursday's Today show. "At first I was against it, but what do you say if you don't show them?"
i absolutely agree... i know its personal and all but michael has millions of fans and i think the same thing really shouldve applied to us all. just my opinion.
My name is Amy. I am from San Diego, California. I am a beLIEver. Everyone around me thinks I am crazy and I tell them I do not care if they think i'm crazy, MJ is alive. At first I believed he was dead. I had R.I.P. Michael jackson on my back window for over a month :)
now i have a simple beautiful decal on my back window. its beautiful.
and i recently became aware of what seems to be going on. i am opening my eyes to L.O.V.E. i love it here and you'll probably see me around a bit. i've got some opinions. and i enjoy reading each of yours.