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Topics - Doctor Death


I came across this awesome blog that focuses exclusively on Michael Jackson's style quotient. Starting from the Thriller jacket to the Aviators to the amazing Gold Pants...Its all in here.

Also shows celebrities (read "wannabes") who have picked up from his style of military jackets.......

I remember Barbara Walters asking MJ why he dressed so extravagnatly in those military jackets.......

...WHY???? Its quite simple Barbara ! He's wearing them so that in 10 years time when all these two faced wannabes gow up, these jackets will be worn out enough for them to wear !!!  :mrgreen:  8-)


I was just browsing the comments section of the "We are the World LIVE at the WMA 2006" video and I found PAris's comment saying that---

"I am so sorry father, but were way out of tune."

:lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:[attachment=0:4ot6z1dy]Out of Tune Daddy.JPG[/attachment:4ot6z1dy]


So I was going through the "Exploring The Hoax" Blog that is written by Bec, layla and StreetWalker and I came across this very very interesting post concerning Lisa Marie Presley's Blog on the day of 25th of June.

I dunno why this didnt strike me earlier, But this proves more than ever that she IS in on the hoax.

Also IMO,This could be a valid THEORY, I repeat COULD BE(NOT CERTAIN).....regarding our very own TS's identity....If thats a suitable word.

Once again it could just be typo error from Lisa Marie,

But WAIT!!!.......Theres more to it than that.


Using that word completely changes the meaning of what she says in that sentence.....Have a look for yourselves.... 8-)  ;) ... n-day-001/


Now, I am no one to be judging whatever effortts MJ is making to accomplish whatever goal. And I also do understand the urgency of it all.

But I have a few questions to ask TS or whoever has answers.

1.MJ wants to expose certain people. TS says that its the NWO schemers and Illuminati. These people were allegedly after him all these years and took him down along with otehr celebs.

But what if those people just like us, sensed something fishy like we did, and have been reading the forums all this time and watching the videos on YouTube? What if they know of the hoax already and are covertly trying to sabotage it? What if they blow his cover before hand and show his efforts to be another "wacky" stunt?

2.This hoax was suppoed to be an "awakening" of sorts. But where is it? How are we supposed to convince the 6 billion people on this Earth that EVEry American president was a minion of SATAN? That the world is ruled by a secret society? Even if we have conspiracy theories, we need something BIG to tumble out of he closet that would transform these theories into word of truth....Something BIG enough to rewrite History Books......

The website gets a million hits a day, But wheres the "mass-following" that this hoax was supposed to have? Instead, we've been reduced to a few thousand believers pitted against several billion non-believers....languishing in our strait jackets.

I mean, the most difficult part of it is spreading t he message. Michael's image was permanently tainted during his career. So a lot of people dont really care about what he wants to say and sadly, these people are in majority.

I feel disappointed when I see a lot of people around me who really couldnt care less about the hoax. I dont blame them because every one has a lot of things to look after...their kids, their homes, their finances, their taxes...a lot. How can we expect everyone to follow the hoax? But THAT was the real intention wasnt it? To spread the word.....But how can you do it when the word that you want to spread repeatedly gets discarded as bullshit conspiracy theories by the listeners?

I am not here to criticise the hoax....I just need a few answers to the above questions.

Will people ever believe?...SO far I have had a very bad experience trying to make them believe.


In the year 1986, toxic gas leaking from the Union Carbide factory in Bhopal, India caused approximately 15,000 people to die and leaving many more injured. Not only that, it has scarred the subsequent generations for life.

Given the fact that India's judiciary is slower than a tortoise, It took 25 long years for the court to give a verdict on the case.....Believe me, living in India, we sometimes feel ashamed and embarassed about the way corruption has made its way into every level of the society in this country. From the politicians at the top to the toilets inside the railway coaches, everything is royally effed up.

Even if I want to have my passport made, I'll be FORCED to bribe the inspecting officer, otherwise, he wont let me be and delay my passport forever.

Its an effing live in this country. :evil:  :(

And do you know what happened to the CEO of Union Carbide Mr. Warren Anderson?...


He roams a free man.He lives a happily retired life shuttling between luxurious resorts in Connecticut and Long Islands, New York. Wen Greenpeace activists confronted him regarding the whole issue, he was in denial and refused to talk about the tragedy and him remaining non-commital to co-operate with the Indian Judiciary, inpite of having promised to do so some 25 years ago. ... 541709.jsp

Will the US extradite him?

"No...We really havent bought up extradotion as a policy" said the chief of South Asian Affairs.  :roll:

And how many years in jail will the Indian executives of that factory, who are guilty of negligence spend?
JUST TWO YEARS  :roll:  :roll: ....Wait....

They have already been  released on bail. Speaks volumes about our judicial system doesnt it?.   :evil:  :evil:


OK, Amidst all the gloom, heres some good news....

This Is It is the Movie Of The Month for June and its showing on SONY PIX this month.....So those of you who have the channel can watch it on TV.

the date hasnt been specified yet.

Tha bad news....I wont be able to watch it...Coz I'll have to be away for some reason. :(

A weird co-incidence though...June...SONY....This IS It...

Anyways, watch it!  :D  :D


I fell off my chair laughing my a** off after watching this video......OMFG!! Its the most hilarious thing I have ever seen in my life. But it defends Michael Jackson and given CNN reporters a taste of their own medicine.

Give this a shot mates!! This will haveyou laughing your way into paradise!!!!

:lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol: ... re=related

:lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:


OMG FELLOWS!!!!! I CANT STOP LAUGHING !!!! HELP!!!!!!!!! :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:[attachment=0:mfzpug1h]012.jpg[/attachment:mfzpug1h]


I just wanted to talk about 3 inter connected incidents---

1.Kenny Ortega's Tweet back IN Sep '09---"...The flowere are in full bloom..and .He's back"

2. LMP's Sunflower Shower request for Michael Jackson...which subsequently results in a load of SunFlower's being shipped to his tomb...and they are there " IN FULL BLOOM"

3.Tito Jackson's "NEW BEGINNING" Tweet on Monday.....


So, the flowers ARE in full bloom.....And there has been a new beginning.....So is now THAT time for him to be BACK?!  :D  ;)  8-)[attachment=0:bshh3x9x]012.jpg[/attachment:bshh3x9x]


When Michael Jackson came to India in 1996, for what would be his first and last show here, as part of the HIStory tour, he lefta  message on one of the pillows in his suite about what he felt about my country. Always fond of surprising people, he didnt tell a soul about what he ahd done......An he left the country promising to be back again......It was only when the attendants came to clean the room up and prepare it for the next guest, they found this pillow with a message from Michael Jackson, signed by him at the end. Heres the picture...... :D  ;)  8-)  :lol:  :lol:

And  he also ordered TONS of Indian cuisine to take with on his flight when he left.... :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

And this was his message on the pillow----"India, all my life I have longed to see your face. I met you and your people and fell in love with you. Now my heart is filled with sorrow and despair for I have to leave, but I promise I shall return to love you and caress you again. Your kindness has overwhelmed me, your spiritual awareness has moved me, and your children have truly touched my heart. They are the face of God. I truly love and adore you India. Forever, continue to love, heal and educate the children, the future shines on them. You are my special love, India. Forever, may God always bless you .
— Michael Jackson."[attachment=0:1v1uew6u]MJpillow.jpg[/attachment:1v1uew6u]


So I was watching TV and came across this documentary called Who's Is This Song?. Its about the kind of chauvinistic hatred generated amongst people by a thing as simple as a song that is claimed as "theirs" by every Balkan country and yet the dispute over the song's rightful place remains unsetteled. And its likely to remain that way for the years to come as neither country is intent on entertaining the possibility that it could have been the same song that could have somhow spread over all countries in that region and therefore could serve as a unifying force in the Balkan region. They will not recognise this fact.

Its really amusing at first as to how a simple song can inject hatred good enough to send these people from different nationalities on a mutual mud slinging spree. A Bulgarian accordion player, when told that the song could be Turkish, went so far as to say " Any one who says that the song is Turkish, DESERVES TO BE HANGED ON THAT TREE". Funny isnt it? Another group of Bulgarian gangsters when confronted with the same questin had to say this "ANY ONE WHO IS NOT BULGARIAN DESERVES A KNIFE"...They said this while brandshig their knives. Not meaning to portay Bulgarians in bad light....the situation is the same in every country in that region.

In a world where we have more and more celebrities taking up "Humnitarian" causes everyday(though more of these are simply PR stunts), one wonders what could be he possible means to resolve quarells taht are instigated by issues as trivial as the one discussed above but lead to mass-hatred and misconception and INTOLERANCE.....What would be the way forward in places that are probably impermeable to HOLLYWOOD Glamour and Stardust?? On one hand we chant "WE ARE THE WORLD" and "YES WE CAN" owing to some random Adrenalin spurt we experience when we see a glimpse of what an IDEAL WORLD would look like......On the other hand, when we land with a thud into the real world full of inequalities.....where we can be judged even for the colour of our skin and the length of our BEARDS....We dont give a damn about all of that......Its this fickle minded and MALLEABLE nature that makes us a very JUDGEMENTAL group of people..that can be easily manipulated.....

I was just wondering how and when will Michael Jackson's message percolate down to these countries that seldom get any attention from the Media and people in general. Isnt there any way to change the way people think?? Why is it so hard for peopel to see that they are surrounded by not Martians but humans like them?? DAMN  :evil:  :evil:

Read about this documentary here ... this-song/


I kinda figuresd out, althugh not a very ingenious way of putting MJ's trademaek Victory/Peace sign as a smiley sort bash me...I just didnt know where to put this.....Suggestions to improve this are welcome.

It goes like this---

<  ))

where < is the thunb and )) refer to the ring finger and the little finger respectively///
And / are the index and middle fingers.



I wont be able to watch it here in India, but I wanted to ask wether they have started broadcasting it or not. It was supposed to be aired in April, right?

Has it started yet? IF yes then, how's it dealing with the MJ subject, i.e, vindicating him?[attachment=0:qi10ucad]012.jpg[/attachment:qi10ucad]


Sun, Mar 28 02:25 PM
London, March 28 (ANI): Michael Jackson's fans are reportedly shelling out up to 3,000 pounds in bribes to have a look at the star's final resting place in Glendale, California.

The singer's family was said to be fuming after followers were littering the marble tomb at the Forest Lawn Memorial Park with disrespectful photos.

"The family believe some former staff members who can find their way around existing security have been smuggling in fans for visits and charging them up to 3,000 pounds for the privilege," The Daily Star quoted a source close to the family as saying.

"Fans are taking in memorabilia and posing for inappropriate or even disrespectful photos next to Michael's tomb. It has got completely out of hand. Photos of Michael's final resting place have been turning up on websites all over the net and it is really starting to upset the family.

"Then there's the worry about safety and security. There is a risk the fans could scratch or deface Michael's marble tomb or take away keepsakes left behind by friends and family.

"The family are now taking steps to drastically reduce the number of people able to visit Michael's burial site and security has been tightened up. As part of the new measures, the list of people actually allowed into the mausoleum will now include family only and no one else," the source added. (ANI)


Is this to be trusted? How can Fans "sneak" in by bribing when all the secirity had been withdarwn? Or are they scared of someone blowing their cover?

Introduce yourself / My new Attachment
March 25, 2010, 03:48:25 PM



I really need to sum up all the anomalies in the death certificate...please do contribute...

Like there was this thing about the seal being false...but it was later debunked....So is that all that was there to the death certificate or were there any more anomalies?

Other Odd Things / 3/9....STILL NOTHING.
March 10, 2010, 12:27:23 AM

OK heres the deal....

I m not gonna wait for a comeback anymore.....I do belive he's alive out there but this man is really getting on my nerves.....I am sick and tired of waitting for the BIG BAM...Looks like its never gonna happen..not today, not tomorrow and not in June....

Even if it happens the media will hijack the whole scenario before he can really make a tell-all statement....about the whole thing......The broadcasters will probably put up an example of the most MORONIC behaviour possible and brainwash the viewers before they can form an opinion of their own......That will leave Michael cornered....

I know whatever I wrote is in total contradiction with what I wrote earlier...I urged people to keep up hope but it seems like I cant keep up myself.....

Forgive me but this is one pissed off and frustrated member who's exhausted from waiting since time immemorial. :evil:

TIAI ~ 2010 / TIAI March 9
March 09, 2010, 01:20:47 AM

This guy/gal whoever is behind this is surely fu@#king with us....This just doesnt make any sense..... ... =50#p81606

How many times are we supposed to drool over the numbers thing?....This has gone way too far.


OK Guys...Theres been enough hostiltiy going on and I feel that amidst all the mud slinging we missed the whole point of the TMZ story......

Frankly speaking the TMZ story has very little to do with the JAcksons being bad or incapable parents......


TMZ quotes MicahelJacksonHoax  as its source for the for the Debbie Rowe visiting Forest Lawn story......My Queston is WHY?

If they so readily believe that the man is dead...that they announced it 6 mins earlier.....why are they EVEN bothering to read HOAX FORUMS?

And why havent they made fun of these HOAX forums even once?

Because they are TMZ right?.....They find everything funny......
Even if a man gets mauled down by a TRuck.....Thats funny to them.....
So the question is why arent these HOAX forums funny to them....????

Why are they PROMOTING hoax forum like Micahel

IMO This is why.....

We have long speculated that TMZ could be AN INTEGRAL part of the hoax.....And their recent behaviour in promoting as a NEWS source is a part fo the strategy to get as many people logged into these hoaxa forums as they can.......

Because when read that Debbie Rowe article.....They will click on Micahel JAckson ..............Now people know taht TMZ is drawing stories from a hoax forum......So the next time TMZ publishes an article, people will, out of curiousity, AGAIN  visit the hoax forum.....Some people will GooGle Miahel Jackson Hoax Death....and everyday more and more non believers will become BELIEVERS.....More and More people will come to know of the hoax and very soon, the news will spread----

It will spread by word of Mouth.....By Facebook....By Twitter..By Orkut....Short segments on News Channnels.....ANd Slowly the whle world will be discussiong this topic....although a bit hesitatingly.....

The whole purpose of all this drama is to divert as much traffic as possible to all the hoax forums so taht people come to know.....

That was my opinion on te issue ....Would like to know yours....

The Jacksons have been yelling for a long tie and raising a hue and cry over the trial. They claim to know the "PEOPLE" who "KILLED" Michael Jackson......Well thats fine and dandy except for one thing....

Why warn those "PEOPLE" before hand that they are planning to take them down?...Wouldnt then the "PEOPLE" smell touble and be prepared to face the JAckson lawsuit beforehand?.....Wouldnt they be ready with their defense?......THis strategy makes no sense....IMO. Why not wait for the mole to come out of the hole and catch it when it more vulnerable?


Btw, TIAI redirets to the official blue ray intro.....


I just had a good exchange of ideas with 2 members here----Grace and Bec, and I need to thank them for provoking my thoughts in this direction.

IMO, This is a hoax is a  mission that aims attaining many objectives through the execution of a series of premeditated events stitched together....One of those objectives would be to give people a first hand experience of what he had to go through every day that he spent at the TOP....Because when you're at the top, you are like a flower in full bloom and that in itself is reason enough for people to feel the urge to pluck the flower....There will always be people who wil wanna drag you from the top and take you down the hill.

Look at the past 7 months....After the intial hysteria died down, we al started speculating over his reasons for hoaxing his death...And then every day, stuff kept happening that at times threw the hoax investigation off gear...Becasue we have had a lot of debates and confusion prevailing for along time ovr a lot of issues....and all of us are pretty much frustrated by now and want to know the truth....Thats right, we have become DESPERATE.

Dave on LKL or MJ on LKL, Doubles or no doubles in TII, the true meaning of the TIAI redirections.....wether LArry King knows or not....Who is WHAT? We dont know anymore......

He needed to intentionally create these confusions so that people could feel the FEAR, PARANOIA,INSECURITY, The feeling that you cant trust anyone around you because you dont know who's tellig the truth anymore, The feeling taht everyone is pushing you into a corner and that the more you try to undo the confusion, the moe entangled the whole situation becomes......What to beLIEve and what not to beLIEve......And in the end, TOTAL FRUSTRATION.....And when this situation persists ovr a long span of time, the lesser you care about life.....and either feel like giving it up or punishing those people who are deliberately making the truth more and more opaque for you.

That is exactly what is happening with us now. Because right now, we're suspicious of every soul regarding this case...we dont know who's telling the truth and who's bluffing us. The opinion regarding TIAI and thealleged doubles in TII is also vastly divided.....Then theres all the debate over the o2 guy.....

In short all these months,there have been enough diversions that have challenged our convictions and perceptions regarding the whole scenario and,... we've been oscillating between YES and NO....And this is exactly how Michael would have felt in recent years with everyone out there wanting a piece of him and earning money AND attention off his name in the most distasteful fashion. He felt intimidated, insecure and unsure of the people around him......And maybe  maknig us feel the way he felt was a secondary....if not primary objective of this hoax.

Too many people mesing with his head and manipulating him...thats what he wanted us to feel.