I just had a good exchange of ideas with 2 members here----Grace and Bec, and I need to thank them for provoking my thoughts in this direction.
IMO, This is a hoax is a mission that aims attaining many objectives through the execution of a series of premeditated events stitched together....One of those objectives would be to give people a first hand experience of what he had to go through every day that he spent at the TOP....Because when you're at the top, you are like a flower in full bloom and that in itself is reason enough for people to feel the urge to pluck the flower....There will always be people who wil wanna drag you from the top and take you down the hill.
Look at the past 7 months....After the intial hysteria died down, we al started speculating over his reasons for hoaxing his death...And then every day, stuff kept happening that at times threw the hoax investigation off gear...Becasue we have had a lot of debates and confusion prevailing for along time ovr a lot of issues....and all of us are pretty much frustrated by now and want to know the truth....Thats right, we have become DESPERATE.
Dave on LKL or MJ on LKL, Doubles or no doubles in TII, the true meaning of the TIAI redirections.....wether LArry King knows or not....Who is WHAT? We dont know anymore......
He needed to intentionally create these confusions so that people could feel the FEAR, PARANOIA,INSECURITY, The feeling that you cant trust anyone around you because you dont know who's tellig the truth anymore, The feeling taht everyone is pushing you into a corner and that the more you try to undo the confusion, the moe entangled the whole situation becomes......What to beLIEve and what not to beLIEve......And in the end, TOTAL FRUSTRATION.....And when this situation persists ovr a long span of time, the lesser you care about life.....and either feel like giving it up or punishing those people who are deliberately making the truth more and more opaque for you.
That is exactly what is happening with us now. Because right now, we're suspicious of every soul regarding this case...we dont know who's telling the truth and who's bluffing us. The opinion regarding TIAI and thealleged doubles in TII is also vastly divided.....Then theres all the debate over the o2 guy.....
In short all these months,there have been enough diversions that have challenged our convictions and perceptions regarding the whole scenario and,... we've been oscillating between YES and NO....And this is exactly how Michael would have felt in recent years with everyone out there wanting a piece of him and earning money AND attention off his name in the most distasteful fashion. He felt intimidated, insecure and unsure of the people around him......And maybe maknig us feel the way he felt was a secondary....if not primary objective of this hoax.
Too many people mesing with his head and manipulating him...thats what he wanted us to feel.