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Hoax Pictures / wierd "person" facing camera at memorial
« on: December 27, 2009, 10:48:10 AM »
i was browsing through some pics and came across this, scroll down and then to the right


« on: December 26, 2009, 06:10:18 PM »
i have thought for a very long time about this, and recent events on the forum have made my opinion/belief even stronger.....
this is all about the blonde lady but not the picture of her persé.....
to cut a long story short i believe sincerely that MICHAEL JACKSON died as we know him and now lives on as the blonde lady that we all saw at the memorial, not as in disguise but he IS the blonde lady, period.
no i have not lost my mind and again i have thought about this a lot, especially since reading maura's original post on the topic "please read this everyone" she mentions that it's not about the PICTURE of the blonde lady, but that we wouldn't believe how friggin' right we were about her. the only things posted about the blonde lady were things like "omg it's mj IN DISGUISE" i now believe that he underwent a full sex change operation, and if i think about the memorial with jenifer hudson singing "will you be there" her being pregnant and all, it's like saying this is a re-birth. think about jermaine's statement at UCLA he said "my brother, the king of pop, has passed away,..." well he wasn't lying, his BROTHER as he new him was definetly gone.. think about the crown on the coffin,...everything points to THE KING OF POP being gone..
i do not believe that this is just some frivolious wish on MJ's part, not like that he woke up one day and on a whim said "i'd like to be a woman" i truly believe that he was in danger and rather than go into witness protection and be seperated from his family, he chose a solution that would allow him to remain with his family, out of danger, out of the spot light....and fulfill one of his own desires, to be a woman... i am very serious about this thought, please do not treat me like i'm crazy, as i said, i've been thinking about this for a long time and todays events just re-inforced it all for me. for me it makes no difference whether he's a man or a woman, i have always loved MJ, his voice, his music, his kindness and his private life is nobody's business, i will continue to listen to his music and watch videos, this changes nothing for me whatsoever, i'm just so unbelievably relieved that he is alive and well.
please, before you start the bashing, have a good think about it

« on: December 26, 2009, 06:06:20 AM »
english is not my first language and so i have found somebody to write with minimum mistakes as to convey my thoughts.
as my title says FREEDOM OF SPEECH.... i do honestly think that we are all entitled to voice our thoughts, without being attacked by somebody who seems to think/feel that these thoughts are offensive in some way or another. yesterday miss peppers started a topic about MJ being a HOT BLOODIED HETEROSEXUAL, having found an article where it stated that no evidence was found of homosexual or child pornography. She was then attacked by others who seemed to say it was improper to talk of such things when 1: it's MJ's private life (sic...) 2: there are many children on this forum who shouldn't be seeing/reading things like this.. i have always understood from this forum that if you do not like or agree with a topic, then just don't react to it, but do not give members a bashing for something they like or agree with.
IMO it's been 6 months now that we've been dissecting MJ's PRIVATE  life from A to Z, no stone left unturned!! saying at times YES it was him at the O2 or NO it wasn't. there have been threads about autopsies, conspiracies, child molestation allegations, gold pants, red pants, lies, false accusations, calling some of MJ's siblings names, speculating about whether it could be Dava Dave, Hatman, etc...i wonder how MJ would feel about all of this if he could read it??
 having read some of the comments regarding the "hot sexiness" of MJ in the gold pants i beg to differ about the fact that miss peppers thread was improper, however this thread seems to have miraculously gone missing!!!
FREEDOM OF OPINION.... we are also all entitled to voice our own opinions.... whether it concerns the TIAI thread that some people seem to cling on to like they would a life line..... or that MJ was in fact dressed as BLONDE LADY at his memorial, it's their right of course as it is also the right of others to not agree or believe in the whole TIAI theory or any other theory for that matter. i myself do not believe in the biblical meaning to the hoax, that is my right of FREEDOM OF BELIEF.... some have been attacked here for not agreeing or for simply not comprehending some of the theories put forward, being called LAZY, STUPID, etc,...not nice at all in my opinion.
As for wondering or speculating whether MO and SOUZA have insider information, that should not be of our concern...and taking the risk of coming across as a slimy, brown-nosed, sucker-upper, i at least find their theories thoroughly entertaining and appreciate all the hard work they've put into this forum and keeping it from drowning.
going back to the GOLD PANTS.... it sure is fun, and MJ is very sexy and i personally like to read that MJ is not gay but a HOT BLOODIED HETEROSEXUAL MALE.
that was MY freedom of speech, opinion and belief.

Random MJ Talk / for all members
« on: December 07, 2009, 12:49:31 PM »
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this is a petition i started up for MJ. to stop the media calling him names and to respect him and his family please sign it
L.O.V.E to all

TMZ Articles / radio silence from TMZ??
« on: December 07, 2009, 12:46:19 PM »
has anybody noticed that TMZ seemed to have ceased "fire" on MJ posts???
i had an idea..... the "final" tmz post/story may be it is
maybe there's something to be seen in the pictures???
could it be a clue/message that these paintings are the final gift for his kids/us as fans?
MJ's Final Gifts to Kids -- Disney, Dali & Ice Cream
Posted Dec 2nd 2009 10:20AM by TMZ Staff

Before Michael Jackson died, he ordered three pieces of art for his children -- and today they're finally going to be delivered.

We've learned Jackson picked out the paintings "Alice in Dali Land," "Lost Fairy Tales" and "Flavor of the Month" from artist Nelson De La Nuez -- and they were supposed to be dropped off the week of his death.

Obviously, the plans had to be shuffled around -- but we're told Katherine Jackson has arranged for the artwork to be dropped off this afternoon.

As TMZ previously reported, Jackson had a thing for the artist -- MJ dropped $13,000 on some De La Nuez pieces for himself just two weeks before his death.

More Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson's Last Art Purchase

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Nederlands / groetjes aan iedereen
« on: November 24, 2009, 12:21:00 PM »
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bedankt aan iedereen deze petitie de ondertekenen..... ;)

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