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Charities / What to about this war?
« on: December 11, 2010, 01:35:23 AM »
Ok, so I shall start a thread about this forum war. What is going to happen and how are you going to solve this?

On the one side you have Souza, and on the other side you have Mo, Puff, Keyboardwizzkidd ( or what ever the name is)

So two admins on opposite sides now when once they were one. How do you solve this without getting rid of one or the other?

Can the two admins and the opposing Mods come back together or are we, as members going to be asked to follow one or the other?

I think the members, who have known Souza and Mo from the beginning, perhaps need to put our heads together to figure out a way to make these two come back together.

We also need to help the mods figure out how to get things back to consensus. The division will NOT work. No matter how hard you Try Souza and Mo , the division will NOT work. One admin( when once there were two) will not be able to lock threads without conflict or discussion. Not possible.

So Mo and Souza you all need to perhaps appoint someone neutral to control the board for a few weeks so you all can take a time out, or you need to overcome your disfunction and work together.

There I said it and i feel better now ......just my opinion.!!!

Other Odd Things / Family In the House the day After
« on: February 08, 2010, 11:32:36 PM »
I am a bit upset today as we all are about the autopsy report but do not want it to get me dwon to much.

I want to ask board members about something that has bothered me from the beginning. I cannot get it out of my mind and it was there again today as I read the report. I am still unable to get my head around the fact that 1 or 2 days after the "death " the family was allowed into house and came in with moving trucks.

Michael Jackson was one of the most well known entertainers in our world and with what had gone on in previous years I cannot help but wonder what were the family doing in the house and why did they not clear everything that was mentioned in the report OUT of the house?

If it was my family member I would not have left all that incriminating evidence there for the whole world to see and therefore have the general public now able to have confirmation of Mr Jackson's extensive drug use ( if there really was extensive drug use)  I would not want my family members memory to be further damaged by leaving the drug bottles, the cathaters and all the other eveidence that was taken away 3 or 4 days later.

Perhaps they were not thinking clearly but would'nt the first thought to be to protect their brother as much as possible by removing as much as possible?  this has always bothered me. I have spent 7 months wondering what they took out or what they took in.

Michael Jackson News / Use the MJHD Archives
« on: January 23, 2010, 03:52:20 AM »
To all the newer members,

If you want to know about all the findings at the memorial or the ambulance pictures, or the staff and all the inof just after the death you only need to click on the MJHD archive at the top of the screen and there you will find a wonderful amount of info  and research that was done immediatley following the "death"

There is ino there about the children and our reactions as to what we saw just days after the supposide death and it can be quite informative as it was done and observations were made by members just days after.... not months. This original forum is a goldmine of information as all the things you are discussing as newer members has been discussed by members of the original site and only weeks or days after not months. We watched the news and commented. We watched the memorial and commented as we were watching, We watched the daily information at that time and commented, we watched the burial and commented. We were there daily, New members need to see what we saw and heard then and disect and comment with fresh eyes for us. You can see things now that perhaps we did not see at the time and that is the purpose of the archives of the original MJHD

I cannot stress enough to all of the new members how much research has already been done and every post I have seen in the last weeks has already been discussed and disected before so you may find some very very useful info by going on the MJHD archive site and you will see the info with eyes that were just viewing all the things that were going on back then at the time they were really going on. Not 7 months later.

I have been watching the site and the comments and there is more and more info coming up from new members who are just now discovering some old info. That is great but looking back will give you so much more insight.

I encourage new members to see what we saw 7 months ago. I encourage new members to see the pain we went through and the incredible research the members then did.

I am happy to see "new eyes" here and want to read every day your new insights but if you take the time to read what we did before you may be able to expand on what we did and find some very interesting articles and news reports and information that you can not get now. Read and have funwhile things are slow and enjoy our initial insights as things were actually unfolding.

Omer Bhatti / Omar
« on: January 02, 2010, 03:25:47 AM »
Can anyone explain Omar? He has been consistant in all the photos of the children. I am glad he is a constant in thier lives but why?

Omar is pictured in all of the videos of the children and has been pictured since. I think it is wonderful that he is there as he has know the children ( especcialy Blanket) almost from the day they were born and he is still there as the one constant that they have but why??

There is denial that he is a son so why is he still living with them and in all pictures? Has he been asked by the family to remain onsite? Who is supporting him? What does he do? Is he the childrens Nanny now?

Who is he and why is he always there??

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