Raising the awareness of the general public in all our countries is essential, I'm going to start printing off leaflet's and posting them around the city in the near future, and wherever else I end up visiting for that matter. These guys hate attention and I intend to put as much public focus on them as I possibly can, I hope others do the same aswell!
That political situation sound's almost identical to that of Egypt, they've been using the same tactic for 30 years. It's only now because of the internet and the alternative media that people are realising what's going around them and that's forcing the Bilderberg Group to speed up the process of installing a one world government, they're running out of time and terrified that the world is on the verge of discovering they're atrocities, all you have to do raise awareness and educate those around you, we can't let them bankrupt our economies, exterminate 80% of the human race and enslave the remaing 20%, because that is they're unltimate goal, we die and the "elites" live forever.
We really should start a campaign on here to raise awareness about this outside of the forum.