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Messages - Amber

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Michael / Re: Monster - MJ Full
« on: December 17, 2010, 05:05:10 PM »
love this song!  in my opinion its all MJ the "odd" songs sound like the invincible era which of course is him. the 50 cent in this song is obvious its so good

Definately worth investigating  :geek:   on sky news when it broke that MJ had "died" they said the house was owned by sean connery not sure if this is true but thought id mention it  :?

Others / Re: Usher says he's ready to be the new MJ
« on: December 09, 2010, 06:51:39 AM »
Now not im saying there isnt any room for usher of course there is. But why do people keep saying they want to be or are the "new MJ" there is only a select few that have been and still are on this planet that are truely great, that takes something special and Michael Jackson is 1 of these people. Now mr usher im not saying your not good cos you are but you dont have that special fab factor so dont go comparing yourself and dont expect to be the "new MJ" COS THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN.  ;)    there is only 1 MJ and no comparisons will do!

Hoax Videos / Re: Did anyone see "One more chance video" ?
« on: November 25, 2010, 04:57:20 PM »
totally way off course here, but aint been looking for clues yet cos he shows his bum too much for me to concentrate  :oops:  :oops:

These non believers are weird, if MJ comes back out of hiding for us all too see surely those that really do love him would be happy and relieved? not winging how hurt they'd be!   im going to be dancing and bloody screaming with joy when he does   :D   well done Teddy   ;)

Michael Jackson News / Re: Michael's new dvd clip in september?
« on: August 17, 2010, 03:26:48 PM »
mmmm :!:   this is intresting, why this song? new vid for old song? maybe,just maybe a message from mike tho that maybe far fetched but we really dont know.  very intresting song choice   :roll:

Now i havent read all the comments so i dont no if anyone has addressed this. On the first page ijustcantstoplovingu has a link, on this page if you scroll down there is the also known as section please look and tell me who the hell john jay smith is and why its under MJs aka list???   :?

Latoya Jackson / Re: La Toya's response to believers
« on: July 27, 2010, 03:22:52 PM »
We shouldn't get down if the family speak, as someone has said they have to say he's "dead" they cannot say he's alive!  we expect them too cover it up best they can. its how they do it [as in actions speak louder than words]  that we should look at not their words   ;)

Other Odd Things / Re: Date for this photo ?
« on: July 25, 2010, 05:26:43 PM »
I believe thats Mike. There are pic's of him in the 1990's when the scumbag press insinuated he had cheek implants. Its just the way he smiles and the angle of the shot. He was geting older which accounts for the weight loss not to mention stress. JMAO  8-)

:lol: Im so pleased i smelt a rat on this one, i held my ear phones away  :twisted:

Other Odd Things / Re: No trashcans???
« on: July 21, 2010, 03:12:25 PM »
I dont know how you American friends do the water thing but however its done, IMAO Michael Jackson is not going to have a street full off ice filled dustbins with water bottles in it, why would he?!  :roll:   and on THAT day too...  im curious though as to how the ice is kept frozen in thoses kind of temperatures  :?

Michael Jackson News / Re: DA perfect deal with Murray
« on: July 06, 2010, 07:28:37 AM »
Quote from: "mjj4ever777"
Quote from: "Amber"
dont know what to think about this if its something to do with an MJ "wipeout" i sure do hope that MJ managed to counteract this with his own people and is sitting somewhere safe right now.  :?    IMAO i believe MJ will be the one responsible for Murray walking free, dam i hope so   :roll:

Sending you some LOVE...don't lose hope..Michael needs us to be strong and fight for all of our lives...find the love within...your heart will never lead you astray if you truly Believe in the power of Love!! Big hug for you!!! :P
Thank you mjj4ever777  :D   hugs recieved gratefully, golly ive needed plenty, the anniversary had  a strange affect on me.   :?   im back on form now though  :D

The Hoax Mentioned In The Media / Re: MTV Brazil saying MJ is alive
« on: July 03, 2010, 02:47:48 PM »
I would like to know when Latoya said he wanted to die at 50.. thats rather significant to say the least  :D

Michael Jackson News / Re: DA perfect deal with Murray
« on: July 03, 2010, 02:34:15 PM »
dont know what to think about this if its something to do with an MJ "wipeout" i sure do hope that MJ managed to counteract this with his own people and is sitting somewhere safe right now.  :?    IMAO i believe MJ will be the one responsible for Murray walking free, dam i hope so   :roll:

Michael Jackson News / Re: a potential clue within a picture
« on: July 03, 2010, 02:22:31 PM »
yep, seeing this has made me think about this more, he surely does have a look of DD here [or i should say DD on LKL looks like mike here]   :D   thanks for this

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