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Messages - awesome1

Michael / Re: Album "Michael" & computer
December 21, 2010, 03:28:52 PM

if your not connected to the internet the computer wont recognise the artist and track details

Other Odd Things / Re: Coincidences on Playstation game!
December 07, 2010, 04:20:44 PM

:lol:  :lol: E.Cassanova ..... Mini One '02

Are they trying to say something  :lol:


I Already have Keep your head up on MP3 and its just perfect....much too soon i snagged from TMZ when they put it up, still gonna buy the album though

TMZ Articles / Re: New MJ Song Released: "Much Too Soon"
November 30, 2010, 04:09:28 PM

Lovely song, but still think Keep your head up is the best track on the album.

side note if you right click on the mp3 link and click save link as, BAM you have downloaded MP3  ;)

Michael / I found a Download for Keep your Head up !!!
November 25, 2010, 03:13:49 PM

Download links are on this page: ... highlight=

Its a really beautiful song..... Id say the best song on the Album ! This Definatley the Mike we all know and Love...  :D

So Enjoy !


So anybody gonna Prep the Janet Jackson Death Hoax Investigators website  :lol:


As a Glee Fan, I will be wtching this happily :lol:

Michael Jackson News / Re: MUCH TOO SOON
November 17, 2010, 06:17:05 PM


Such a nice song, just go get the mood going..... kinda reminds me of the type of song you would slow dance to.

The Kanye Line.... Strange insertion, but 100% true " First Rule in this World Baby, Dont pay attention to anything you see in the news"


The reason why the Xbox 360 version is going to be delayed is because Kinect is only out this November and it would take a lot longer to program the game to work perfectly with it, basically they want it to work glitch free.  And i think the PS3 reason is something to do with the PS3 Move thing being soo new, and maybe making parts of it in 3D.

But its good that its delayed, it means that its gonna save me some serious cash over the next month :lol: and id rather have the game running smoothly  :D

You cant Rush perfecction


Well from what i last read that michael doesnt own neverland.... well all of it anyway, i think he had to sell most of it to be able to keep it as it was


The first one looks to be part of a series/collage of images as it looks like a photohop of several shots of that scene put into one, just looks at the visible effects on the image.

The second one isn't that clear to make a proper analysis


If michael came back id just be happy :lol: a tour would be lovely but only if he wanted to do it and if it was all on his terms.


So its This is It Mike with short Hair ?!

Now I wonder who can explain that one  :lol:


Mike and Prince are both Fantastic Atrists and entertainers, but i canot understand why prince fans are soo against michael


Why do they want to find the next one, when the real mc coy is still alive  :lol: