Happy Birthday dear Michael ! Have a joyfull day with joy and happiness. :Party: :Gift: :Balloon:
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Michael Jackson News / Today everyone speak or write about the hoax
August 29, 2018, 04:38:49 AMThe First i hear today in the Radio when i take a shower is that Michael can be Alice....in the newspaper i read was an articel about a possible hoax......then Again in the Radio.....it goes on ? Michael, we Love You !
Michael Jackson News / Re: Joe Jackson dies
August 29, 2018, 04:06:17 AMI have a pic from his grave......Joseph Joe Jackson ?????
I love you all !
Other Odd Things / Re: Jermaine's B-day Dinner Photo - MJ in pic?
December 14, 2014, 02:25:24 AMA weird pic.
Jermaine Looks absolut not happy.
His wife sit on a chair that doesn't fit to Jermains chair and where she sit is no plate ...no regular place...
The reflection in the window.
The Hand with this porcelan Vase...or what ever that dosen't fit to....
Not a perfect dinner, not a happy birthday....
Michael Jackson News / Re: DO NOT REPLY ZONE - "Take care of the planet, we have four years to get it right
October 22, 2014, 03:44:55 AMI was interested in this theme since the hoax startet, but i rearly have big Problems to understand....english is not my native language.
Obama say's official that he has no contact to the NOI and Farrakhan, but there are articles that Shows Michelle Obama with the Farrakhan Family.
I don't know if the NOI is good or bad......i only pick up info's and post it here....
Brainstorming......People who has connections to Michael :
Farrakhan and Gaddafi....both where mentioned in Prince vita in the IMBD.
Bill Clinton
Nelson Mandela
At the Memorial nearly every Speaker was a member of the NOI.
The New World order ? Illuminati and Bilderberg ?
Hear the lyric from " Xscape "........it's all running by the book.....
There are thousend things that i don't get in line.....was Michael afraid from the NOI or a member ? Who is good and who bad ? I absolutly don't know who to trust.
What the world needs now is love, sweet love
References & Similarities / Re: Crazy NOI Connections to MJ
September 29, 2014, 03:54:38 AMQuote from: diggyon on September 26, 2014, 01:58:46 AMI write only thoughts.... :smiley-vault-misc-150:I checked the biography of Paris Jackson on IMDb. Since she is Prince's sibling, she must have the same cousins. But in her bio Ghaddafi is not mentioned. I don't thinks those kids have anything to do with him.
What if Paris and Prince are no siblings ? Doe's they look like brother and sister ? I see not one similary in the children of Michael...but all can be, nothing has to be.....only thoughts.
First Paris was so present in the media...exactly 4 years.....can she be an actor ?
Then Prince war often in the News with his Girl friends and his sports....but i never see him with friends, only with Cousins or Blanket when he Comes from his Karate class....no other friends ?
I googled his actual Girl friend Nikita Bess and found her on Facebook....that say's she is working for Official role Player.....isn't that interesting ?
All the pics are looking so staged and i think we have never seen any rearly private video's....it was all planned.
Michael know the media. He never Show his Kids in this way we see them after his " death".....what if they are rearly actors, come together every now and then and make pics or Videos.
Again.....only thoughts from me, without any judging...only to think it over.
:bowdown: :smiley-vault-misc-150:
References & Similarities / Re: Crazy NOI Connections to MJ
September 22, 2014, 03:12:21 AMThe IMDB write that Prince Jackson is the godson of Louis Farrakhan the leader of the NOI.
Other Odd Things / Re: MJ spotted alive video?
September 12, 2014, 04:00:55 AMHe has Shopping bags from Majeste Couture in the 231 rue st. honore, but he wasn't in that street.....it should be the 25.June 2011 ????
It can be absolut fake, but if not ? The Bodyguards....who Shops with so much Bodyguards and the shop is open untill 6 PM.....it was dark, in June ? So it was much later. In June...after 10 pm it was so dark.
Late night Shopping when the streets are empty.....why not ?
Or fake.....everything is possible, we know it !
Other Odd Things / Re: Was MJ at his own bday celebration on 8/29/14?!!!
September 08, 2014, 08:08:36 AMI allways had my doubts with this stories....
Katherine wrote a book in the 80th and say not one good word about Gary und know they visit this house every year ?
Can't it be an film set at Warner Brothers...because nearly nothing changes in this 50 years....a wooden house ?
Katherine told that Michael sand on the washing Maschine before he could speak or walk.....hmmmm....he is Born 1958 , so that must be 1960 or earlier...
Witch poor american familiy with 9 children, living in that small house has a washing Maschine ? She mentionet a freezer as well and a VW bus....
I can be absolut wrong, but i was Born in 1963 in Germany...only my mother an i and we got our first washing Maschine when i was 10 years old.
There is very much wrong in all this stories.
Other Odd Things / Re: Was MJ at his own bday celebration on 8/29/14?!!!
September 08, 2014, 07:28:40 AMIt Looks very interesting...
I allways wonder why this tree right beside the entrace dosn't grow since the Jacksons lived there.....50 years and it Looks the same.
Michael Jackson News / Re: katherine jackson death hoax
June 06, 2014, 01:06:24 PMIt. ist exact One Year After Paris allegated Suizide attempt.....whey on this Date ?........it's My Birthday and i want to hear better news....
Other Odd Things / Xscape and the copyright catalogue
June 06, 2014, 02:45:20 AMUntill now i could find every song from Michael in the Copyright catalogue, but not the titles from Xscape......only is in....Love never felt so good.....and this song from Xscape is the only one i hear i the Radio here from my favorite Radio Station.
In the US every song, lyrics......Need a Copyright in this catalogue......not so in Europe. Here you have a Copyright when you write something.
So you don't find the Beatles Songs in that catalogue. They are written in the UK, so they don't Need this .
I am a Little bit confused what that means and don't know the US legal System.
Maybee it's interesting ?
Hugs to the Family :bearhug:
Michael Jackson News / Re: billboard awards
May 24, 2014, 03:26:53 AMQuote from: likemike on May 23, 2014, 09:34:38 AMThe Secret Of Michael Jackson's Illusion
Audiences at Sunday's Billboard Music Awards ceremony were treated to a performance of Slave to the Rhythm by none other than the late Michael Jackson himself. Though widely mistaken as a hologram, the performance by Michael Jackson was the result of computer-generated images, live performers and a touch of illusion known as Pepper's ghost. Here's how producers mixed fantasy with reality:
SAN RAFAEL, Calif. — Michael Jackson came back to life last Sunday on the Billboard Music Awards telecast. And the team that orchestrated his high-tech resurrection is beaming through their fatigue."It scared us to death to create an image that had to look, feel and function for four minutes like an entertainer everyone in the world knows," says Frank Patterson, CEO of digital effects firm Pulse Evolution. "You have to see his eyes and moves and believe it was him."
After a week of social and online media speculation about how the effect was pulled off, Florida-based Pulse exclusively invited USA TODAY to its Bay Area studios, located in the former headquarters of George Lucas' Industrial Light & Magic, to explain the details behind Jackson's performance of Slave to the Rhythm, off the late singer's new album, Xscape.
But first, a plea. "It's not a hologram," says Pulse Executive Chairman John Textor, sitting in the room where the Jackson effect was crafted with Patterson and visual effects supervisor Stephen Rosenbaum, who worked on Avatar.
So what is it? "An illusion," Patterson says.
Indeed, Pulse refined a 19th-century magician's technique called Pepper's ghost, which Textor — then leading Oscar-winning graphics company Digital Domain — also employed to summon the ghost of slain rapper Tupac Shakur at the Coachella music festival in 2012. The effect involves projecting an image on glass or plastic at a 45-degree angle, which brings that image into the viewer's field of view.
But the Jackson illusion was infinitely more complex to pull off. "Tupac had no hair, and just stood there, where Michael had to be all over the place," Patterson says.
There is also a video
Link to article: http://www.mjjcommunity.com/news/the-secret-of-michael-jacksons-illusion?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter
Thank you likemike !
I wonder why the audience stands at the end with the back to the stage and are clapping to the other side ? I also noticed that much ppl of the audience wear usual clothes, not very fine Dress.....wasn't it a great Event where you dressed better....you don't go to the gym....
Lokk at the beginning....ppl direct in front of the dancers with caps on......and at the end you see the stage in the back and the audience with the back to the stage is clapping to the other side...
An again....where is the Family ? No comments ?
Michael Jackson News / Re: billboard awards
May 23, 2014, 02:31:32 AMI hear here that it's a new Technologie and the creators also worked at Avatar.....as far as a know Michael was several times in Avatar.
Michael and specialy the woman right next to him at the chair are not breathing.......Hello, we have a Gentleman here and he is not breathing....remember ?
Michael Jackson News / Re: billboard awards
May 22, 2014, 02:13:33 AMI found this one here :
There are endless possibilities to make it. For me it Looks like the complete stage is a hologram. The dancers are so diffuse. The woman right to Michael at the chair dosn't clink one time the eyes.
You can see that the pad from the chair is dented where he sit on it.....a hologram is weightless......so i think they filmed that all in one.
I personaly don't like holograms from living or dead persons.
Imagine this hologram or whatever it is.....would look exactly like Michael...that was to much......fans and everyone who knows him will get nuts. There must be a difference.
What are the children thinking ? Where is the Family ? No comment from Latoya and all the others ?
It's all weird....here in germand my Radio Station had played Michael so often and mentioned the Album Michael and played Songs.....but nothing from Xscape......nothing......if i wasn't here i would know nothing about that.
Thats strange !