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Messages - DancingTheDream

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Michael is dead.   This cannot be right..  with his children.

I think Michael has gone....   :cry:

Quote from: "EyeHeartMJ"

Also the English guy at the end, it seemed inappropriate and very rude he would say "was that weird for you too?" Actually it just occurred to me right now; MJ hated the English tabloids. Do you think there's a connection between that and why this would be held in London?

No, Dermot O'Leary was not being rude. x

Quote from: "Gema"
Quote from: "DancingTheDream"
Ive noticed at 4:17 - just before he says "I will be performing the songs my fans want to hear"...  he takes a deep breath and wipes his mouth.

Could be nervousness, but ive read that touching your face, and you mouth and nose in particular...  is an indication of lying.  And touching your mouth is a way of covering the lie, and comforting yourself.

That´s more like a "thinking" touch.

Body language analysis isnt absolute.  Its all up for interpretation. x

Ive noticed at 4:17 - just before he says "I will be performing the songs my fans want to hear"...  he takes a deep breath and wipes his mouth.

Could be nervousness, but ive read that touching your face, and you mouth and nose in particular...  is an indication of lying.  And touching your mouth is a way of covering the lie, and comforting yourself.



Police officer set on fire.

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(This is what i do not like.  People against people like this.  Its like the World has been wound up to a point of no return now)

Twitter ~ Not verified but (probably) real / Re: Karen Faye - @wingheart
« on: February 23, 2011, 12:17:24 PM »
Quote from: "RunFaYaLife"
I dont really know what you mean... her speaking with a forked tongue. ???


She could be lying.  It is a possibility that she sold the story to TMZ herself.

Guess we will never know...   :?

Whoever started it...  whichever leader is in the right or in the wrong....   at the end of the day, i dont suppose it matters.

What matters is that innocents will suffer.

I am reminded of Michaels words and music,  yet again.

So i will let Michael remind us all.....     :)


Like it or not, the whole volatility in the middle east is nothing to do with democracy but everything to do with safeguarding oil. It wouldn't surprise me one bit if the USA had a hand in all of this so they can destabilise the region and then work some cushy oil deals for themselves.
Blair has had his hand in that tactic, too.

This aint about freedom and democracy...  its about oil and money!!

Look at Libya...    its an oil rich nation... and the proverbial is about to well and truly hit the fan!

Im all for Gadaffi getting the heave-ho.  Im all for people fighting for a democratic country, free of dictatorship.  Im just finding this all very suspicious.  Its like it is the beginning of the end.

I keep thinking about the ending of Planet of the Apes... where the lead character realises that the human race blew itself up.  
The World is about to become a much more scarier, volatile place from now on.

The Double Theory / Re: Uhhh...who is this guy?
« on: February 22, 2011, 05:14:13 PM »
Whoever he is, he looks a lot like Donte does now.   Very similar face, if you look at a picture of Donte.

Whoever Donte's father is, he is defo a Jackson.

Jermaines ex live in girlfriend wrote a book in the 90's and said that Donte appeared out of nowhere one day, and was calling Jermaine "Daddy"

Twitter ~ Not verified but (probably) real / Re: Karen Faye - @wingheart
« on: February 22, 2011, 05:11:24 PM »
I dont really know what you mean...   her speaking with a forked tongue.  ???

She is accusing the prosecution of working for the defence.

Quote from: "alovesmichael"

I hear ya DancingTheDream although I quite like Jackie, he seems quite sincere compared to some of the brothers but that scenario would indeed fuel my questions about the family's confusing actions... Reading articles about Michael's kids, how they miss their dad and talk about him all the time, never ever makes me go - "wow, that might mean something to the hoax". These interviews just makes me want to cry my eyes out. I wanna see Michael walking around with his children, even if it's tabloid pics, because that's the way it should be  :( . I guess I live in my own dream world...

Im glad i am not alone in these thoughts.  x

Im even wondering now if the only reason Jackie took Prince to that basketball game, was to get some publicity for his t-shirts.   :?

Twitter ~ Not verified but (probably) real / Re: Karen Faye - @wingheart
« on: February 22, 2011, 12:10:57 AM »
Quote from: "RunFaYaLife"

What testimony...that was a prelim?
I haven't read any testimony anywhere...have any of you?

She means her testimony she gave to the LAPD which was leaked to TMZ>
(you know, the one about MJ fearing he would have to work at McDonalds)

But read what she says again.  Someone in the PROSECUTION team is leaking info to help the DEFENCE!!


Hoax Videos / Re: Michael Jackson faked his death documentary on TV
« on: February 22, 2011, 12:03:26 AM »
Bravo to the woman who made that youtube video!!!

She has said many of the points that i also thought and noted.

I did not buy the book, but someone i know did and they then emailed it to me.

There are parts which discuss the race of MJs children, the race of the women he dated, etc.   And like the lady says...  what has that got to do with the hoax???  Nothing...  and it smacked of jealously to me.
As with many women before her, Pearl has fallen into the trap of feeling jealous of the women who were in MJs life and so she decided to attack them personally and for no reason.

And like the point i made earlier in this thread.....  it is not ok for her to make money off Michaels name and off the hoax.
When i began this journey of investigation, i did not expect to make any money or get any recognition for it.  This journey is to discover the truth, and that is all.   I do not think it is right for someone to make money from the collective investigation, nor to make money off Michaels name.
And, as i said before, none of the profits from this e-book have gone to charity.

Im sure Pearl is a very nice woman.   Unfortunately, she can be a nice and friendly woman but that might mask her true intentions.
She is probably nice to people because she wants them to buy her book.

She chose to step into the fire (by taking the money) and now she has to expect some back-lash.   Someone mentioned earlier that she is a journalist, and this is her job. What tosh!!  And where has she worked as a journalist?????
Her job is not to make money from Michaels name.

So many people in the past and in the present have raped Michaels name for money.   Do we really want the hoax community to be part of that group????

And Pearl...    i know you read these threads.  I know you are reading this now.  Please understand why i am making this post.   I feel uncomfortable with the profit making that is going on.   Our investigations, and this forum, were never about making a profit or selling books.

This is about Michael.  And only Michael.    Its not about me, you, Pearl or anyone else.  

MICHAEL.  I will not be another person who uses him to make money, or to make a reputation.   I love him and its pure love.

General Hoax Talk / Re: Anyone know?
« on: February 21, 2011, 11:41:11 PM »
What you have to keep in mind, is that Katherine is a Jehovahs Witness.

From what i have read and been told about Jehovahs, is that they do not visit graves after the body has been buried.  
As Katherine is a devout Jehovah, Joe probably does not visit out of respect for his wifes religion - and as MJs 3 children are in her care, that is why they dont either.

Not all of Katherines children remained Jehovahs which is why they have been back.  I know Rebbie is still a Jehovah, and i dont think she has ever visited Holly Terrace either.

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