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TMZ Articles / Re: Jackson House -- Katherine's Little Fixer-Upper
« on: July 29, 2010, 08:36:26 AM »
Quote from: "voiceforthesilent"
Quote from: "TinkerBell_777"
I think the possible clue lies within the toy display picture. TMZ also draws attention to it ("we can't help but raise our eyebrows at that creepy toy display case") - what's so creepy about it? Because I can't see a thing...
First of all, it is non-professionally taken, for a specialized photographer, because it mostly reflects the image of the alley and not the toys themselves. I'm sure the photographer took more than one shot of that case and he could have easily found a better frame, especially because there was enough shadow near the display. Moreover, we can see that and identify the exact location of the display with the aid of the 4th photo, where we see the left corner of the fabric roof of the toy case. So that 4th photo shows the left side of the case. Any sightings in the window reflections or in the very case (but blurred by the reflection)?  :D


Maybe it's a connection to the ambulance photo - meaning the glare. Sorry, can't think any further than that at the moment but the glare had me thinking about the ambulance picture :)

Has anybody noticed the red curtain which is hanging across the display case about 3-4 feet high? :o

TIAI ~ 2010 / Re: TIAI 7/29
« on: July 29, 2010, 08:30:37 AM »
Quote from: "Sarahli"
Quote from: "*Mo*"
Quote from: "Sarahli"
I don't know what will be the scenario maybe that just after they discover there's no body in the tomb, Michael bams to tell no need to look for a dead body I'm still alive and it corresponds with the worldwide satellite transmission we've talked about.

Souza and I have been talking about the Easter eggs that might be hidden in the This Is It DVD.  So far no one has been able to find one on the DVD, but IF there is one and it would be the missing piece of the hoax puzzle, you can bet your ass on it that it's hidden so well that no one will be able to find it UNLESS we're told HOW to get to it.

So, instead of Mike revealing the hoax and its purpose through a worldwide satellite transmission (which would take at least 2 hours I would say) there could be an announcement, an article or whatsoever telling us how to open the Easter egg.  

Wouldn't it be hilarious if millions of people have been sitting on the missing piece of the puzzle for months and months already, but never realized it?

Oh yes I forgot this piece of the puzzle ! It still has not been discovered yet. Makes a lot of sense that would be tremendous !!!

Could someone remind me which update this was mentioned in please? :roll:

TIAI ~ 2010 / Re: TIAI 7/29
« on: July 29, 2010, 08:25:07 AM »
Quote from: "TinkerBell_777"
Well indeed, the connection to Bobby Fischer came to my mind too, especially because of the "inherited vitiligo" argument of MPJ ("MPJ also claims she was diagnosed with Vitiligo ... so, there's that.") , which reminded me of the so-called inherited chess talent of Fischer's alleged daughter. Heredity is just one of the possible causes of vitiligo and it cannot be considered a solid evidence, just like the chess skills of individuals.

   However, the exhumation option does not seem so valid in Michael's case, because I am pretty sure there is already enough DNA material to be tested, with no need to "exhume him", just like in James Brown's case : "To be prepared for anticipated DNA tests, doctors at the Medical University of South Carolina had retrieved bone fragments from Brown’s body before burial" (You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login), unless, of course, MPJ is connected to the hoax and the main purpose is to really dig out the alleged tomb and reveal the truth. Otherwise, in a real/simple case, samples of Michael's DNA surely exist and are already available with no need to "exhume" him.

    Just an opinion...


We should make the comparison here with the Eliza/Elvis case. Although there were already DNA samples from Elvis in existence,
which should exclude the necessity for exhumation, when tested the results were inconclusive as none of the DNA samples matched!!!

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A Memphis businessman and collector stepped forward with some of Elvis' medical records, including tissue samples from two liver biopsies and his post-mortem. The samples were sent for testing and came back negative - but not just between Jesse and Elvis.

It was also discovered that the DNA from the singer's liver did not match that from his post-mortem, a claim that has supported many of the subsequent web-based theories.

So, if there are existing DNA samples from MJ do they match those taken at his post-mortem???!!! My guess would be a definite NO, which will mean a possible exhumation. :o

TMZ Articles / Re: Jackson House -- Katherine's Little Fixer-Upper
« on: July 29, 2010, 06:25:33 AM »
Quote from: "curls"
What's a 'Fixer-Upper'?  I've never heard that expression.

I thought it meant someone who does something up, i.e.fixes a place up, but according to the Wiki definition a 'Fixer Upper' is actually the place that needs doing up.

This is the Wiki definition:

A 'Fixer-Upper' is a real-estate property that will require maintenance work (redecoration, reconstruction or redesign) though it usually can be lived in as it is.

I wouldn't have described the Encino property as a 'Fixer-Upper'!!

Any clues here??

I'm halfway through my 2nd round but I'll be spending another night in mail-jail before I can continue!!

A lot more are being bounced back to me.....!!

TIAI ~ 2010 / Re: redirect 7/27
« on: July 27, 2010, 11:11:17 AM »
Quote from: "PrincessMuffybear"
6.1 "As hard as it was for me to believe, as an attorney, that Elvis may actually be alive, I find it much more believable that all this evidence is legitimate than Eliza and several others having engineered this entire scam years ago, knowing that it would involve testing of DNA.”

I am so TS an attorney or not?  :|

I think we're digressing here but I can see why you're confused. TS isn't a lawyer but Harvey Levin is.

Harvey Robert Levin (born September 2, 1950) is an American television producer, lawyer, legal analyst and a celebrity reporter.

Levin received his B.A. in political science from the University of California, Santa Barbara, and his J.D. from the University of Chicago. He passed the bar exam in 1975, and taught at Whittier Law School (formerly known as Beverly Rubens School of Law), in Los Angeles, now located in Orange County, between approximately 1977 and 1996.

He later worked in various legal roles in the entertainment industry.

So.... he didn't make the above quote but he IS a lawyer.

Btw, I don't believe that Harvey is TS :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Sorry Harv, just sayin'

TIAI ~ 2010 / Re: TIAI 7/25
« on: July 27, 2010, 06:16:00 AM »
Quote from: "MJFAN7"
Quote from: "MJonmind"
Just wondering who highlights the words, "time" and "all", throughout this whole thread, TS or Mo/Souza?

It's TS. You can also highlight words, go to the search box at the top, type in whatever words you want, and then every post that those words appear in will highlight the words. ;)

I just tried to do that in this thread but I got this response:

The following words in your search query were ignored because they are too common words: time. :?

TIAI ~ 2010 / Re: redirect 7/27
« on: July 27, 2010, 05:58:22 AM »
Quote from: "MJFAN7"
Quote from: "newoldfan"
Quote from: "curls"
Quote from: "MJFAN7"
TS redirected to "Time, All" before the TMZ article was published.

Which would mean TS knew about Michael (or whoever, if it wasn't michael) releasing them to TMZ before TMZ showed them to the public, which ALSO means that TS knew TMZ would have the words "All Time" in the title. :shock:

Which could also mean that TS and TMZ are one and the same - and it just appears that they are 2 separate entities????  There is no need for a third person feeding information to the other two, if there is in fact just one.

Curls you could be right. I seem to remember a post from someone a long time ago about TS possible standing for TMZ Staff
as the TMZ articles always have a Heading, then date and time followed by "by TMZ Staff"!

I'm not sure, I originally thought that, but TS said this in Update #5c:

Quote from: "TS"
By the way: even before that TMZ article on 4-4 4:00 (and far more after it), many were thinking that TIAI/TS works for TMZ—and perhaps is Harvey Levin himself. However, I am not Harvey, nor am I any other staff or employee at TMZ.


Thanks for that reminder!! I need to go back and read the updates again :oops:

TIAI ~ 2010 / Re: redirect 7/27
« on: July 27, 2010, 05:13:49 AM »
Lilwendy, you're amazing. I LOVE your posts. I'm now going to watch the videos.
I may even start reading the bible :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Seriously, thankyou.


TIAI ~ 2010 / Re: redirect 7/27
« on: July 27, 2010, 04:46:25 AM »
Quote from: "Hazzely"
Quote from: "newoldfan"
Quote from: "Hazzely"
Not everyone follows the bible or trust it even though Michael does (in my opinion he is very aware of the "mysteries" sorrounding the bible and I can't tell if he really believes it but for sure the reason why he liked it is because of its message and moral..because he admires Jesus and he wanted to follow his steps, he wanted to literally heal the world)
So the reason why I'm saying this is because not everyone will be convinced because of the biblical passages
You may consider this farfetched but Michael is my "bible" & inspiration so I trust HIM..

Again, this is my opinion so there's no need to attack me because of that ;S

I respect your opinion Hazzely,  I have never read the bible and don't fully understand quotes from it on this forum. However, I do believe in God and Jesus and the many "mysteries" surrounding them, but I am not overtly religious.  Obviously no-one can prove that God exists but the true test of belief is about having FAITH (belief "not resting on logical proof or material evidence). If you trust Michael, perhaps you should show your belief by having some faith in TS.

Has nothing to do, I had FAITH in TS until he came up with the EandMJ media approach
No one proved he is linked to Michael or that Michael himself approves this ..  
I can't help it..i'm being guided by what my heart says..I'm sorry ;S

~~much love~~

But that's what I'm trying to say. You say that "no-one proved he is linked to Michael or that Michael himself approves this" but FAITH is about not having the proof. I hope you can find a way of trusting in TS again.

Much love back.

TIAI ~ 2010 / Re: TIAI 7/25
« on: July 27, 2010, 04:41:12 AM »
Quote from: "curls"
Quote from: "MJonmind"
Just wondering who highlights the words, "time" and "all", throughout this whole thread, TS or Mo/Souza?

I asked about redirects a couple of weeks back and was told Mo and Souza have nothing to do with putting them together. It's all down to TS on TIAI.

I was just about to say he copies and pastes an extract from a thread, highlights the words and then re-posts the extract on his website. But I see what you mean!!! He doesn't do that as his re-direct is directly into the live MJDHI website.  :?

SOUZA...... :?:  :?:  :?:

TIAI ~ 2010 / Re: redirect 7/27
« on: July 27, 2010, 04:27:07 AM »
Quote from: "Hazzely"
Not everyone follows the bible or trust it even though Michael does (in my opinion he is very aware of the "mysteries" sorrounding the bible and I can't tell if he really believes it but for sure the reason why he liked it is because of its message and moral..because he admires Jesus and he wanted to follow his steps, he wanted to literally heal the world)
So the reason why I'm saying this is because not everyone will be convinced because of the biblical passages
You may consider this farfetched but Michael is my "bible" & inspiration so I trust HIM..

Again, this is my opinion so there's no need to attack me because of that ;S

I respect your opinion Hazzely,  I have never read the bible and don't fully understand quotes from it on this forum. However, I do believe in God and Jesus and the many "mysteries" surrounding them, but I am not overtly religious.  Obviously no-one can prove that God exists but the true test of belief is about having FAITH (belief "not resting on logical proof or material evidence). If you trust Michael, perhaps you should show your belief by having some faith in TS.

TIAI ~ 2010 / Re: redirect 7/27
« on: July 27, 2010, 04:13:42 AM »
Quote from: "curls"
Quote from: "MJFAN7"
TS redirected to "Time, All" before the TMZ article was published.

Which would mean TS knew about Michael (or whoever, if it wasn't michael) releasing them to TMZ before TMZ showed them to the public, which ALSO means that TS knew TMZ would have the words "All Time" in the title. :shock:

Which could also mean that TS and TMZ are one and the same - and it just appears that they are 2 separate entities????  There is no need for a third person feeding information to the other two, if there is in fact just one.

Curls you could be right. I seem to remember a post from someone a long time ago about TS possible standing for TMZ Staff
as the TMZ articles always have a Heading, then date and time followed by "by TMZ Staff"!

TIAI ~ 2010 / Re: TIAI 07/26
« on: July 27, 2010, 02:27:42 AM »
Quote from: "lilwendy"
I agree with you guys saying that "time will tell all" and also that the fact that time and all were mentioned and now this post has it in the title is key.

Here is the full post of my thoughts: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login


How do we know what is really true?

Well that’s a question that often comes up with regards to the Bible and God.

How do we know that the Bible is truth?

Well I know the Bible is truth because of the things written in the Bible that have come true… beyond mere chance.

Well here it seems TS wants us to know we can believe him because he highlighted time and all in the redirect (which I agree, time will tell all) but also was done before the article came out on Jon Bon Jovi with the same words and with a pic of MJ. Now statistically, could this have happened by chance or is this a case of being beyond mere chance?

So similarily, people doubt the Bible, they doubt end times, they doubt that this world will end, they doubt a second coming… they doubt a lot.

Well guess what… time will tell all in this case as well.

I agree, It's all about having FAITH.

TIAI ~ 2010 / Re: TIAI 07/26
« on: July 27, 2010, 02:24:08 AM »
Quote from: "~Souza~"

Hey wait a minute....

We didn't have any MJ news on TMZ today, but we had this post where Mike was mentioned as well, while the pics with Mike are not new or secret at all, so that didn't make sense. But 'all' and 'time' are both mentioned in the title of the post:

Bon Jovi -- Most Boobiful Photoshoot of All Time
7/26/2010 12:50 AM PDT by TMZ Staff

Jon Bon Jovi never wanted the world to see these incredibly awesome photos of him and half-naked women from the '80s -- but they're coming out now ... and TMZ has this peek inside the vault.

According to a new book -- "Sex, Drugs and Bon Jovi" -- the bodacious pics of the band cavorting with topless women on a bed are from a 1985 photoshoot that was deemed way too risqué for the public. So, the sexy snapshots never saw the light of day ... until now.

The guy who wrote the book -- Bon Jovi's tour manager at the time -- claims Jon went ballistic trying to keep the photos under wraps ... because he was afraid they'd ruin his reputation. It's unclear if he was more worried about the bedroom shots or the pose with Michael Jackson.

No need to fear, Jon. The pics just prove what everyone already assumed -- being a rock star is AWESOME.

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Maybe TS's way to try and show once again he does have a connection to the hoax and TMZ.

I don't have doubts TS, but since some still think TMZ is the devil, I'm not sure this will have the desired effect ;)

Souza you have a brilliant mind, especially at 2am  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

I looked at that article several times yesterday and just didn't see it!!
I agree. This proves to me (beyond reasonable doubt) that TS has inside info, but like you say, there will always be those who
will say this is just a coincidence (another :roll: ). Other than coming right out and revealing himself I don't see how else he can
convince those who doubt him.

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