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Messages - LiteEyeZ22

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Other Odd Things / Re: Please you have to read this!!! ASAP
« on: December 22, 2009, 02:18:00 PM »
Quote from: "DontBelieveTheHype"
Quote from: "LiteEyeZ22"
my dad told me Elvis was 1 of the bigest racist

 :o  :shock:  :o  :shock:  :o  :shock:  :o  :shock:


Ok some of u pple did not fully understand nor did ya'll READ my full Comment.......i said My dad told me he was 1 of the biggest racist (Probably tabloid Junk).....i was saying that my dad prolly heard that from Tabloid so Calm Down!!! As ive stated i dont know Much about Elvis so i can not Judge him OK....So Please b4 ya jump down my throat Understand and Read my Damn Comment.........and i will stick to my belief and say I dont Feel Elvis would help MJ thas just me....and actually i have heard from a college professor who IS white that Elvis did steal black peoples music because it was around the time Blacks really didnt have much play on the Radio.....But as Always Theres 3 sides to a story...Elvis, The People, and the Truth......IM NUETRAL.......i have nothing against Elvis and i like some of his Music but My concern about him "faking his death" is limited....My main Concern and and always will b MICHAEL so think wat ya'll want...........

and BTW that guy is wy to young to b "Elvis" so that theory is shot dead...

Other Odd Things / Re: Please you have to read this!!! ASAP
« on: December 22, 2009, 02:08:38 AM »
yeah ummm honestly if elvis is alive which i doubt WHY in the world would he help Michael??? Lisa's mother didnt like Michael nd pretty sure Elvis wouldnt like him(personally i dont know much about elvis just his music but my dad told me Elvis was 1 of the bigest racist, maybe tabloid junk idk but thas wat ive heard) and thas y i ask y would he help michael???? and How???? so i dont believe this theory

Other Odd Things / Re: A question about MJ's kids PLS READ!
« on: December 22, 2009, 01:51:57 AM »
Quote from: "LiberianGirl"
Quote from: "Harleyblonde"
Reasons he cannot come back-sorry but we have to look at both sides.
1. Finances-he has made more money after "death" than for years and in a short space of time, as did Elvis. If he just retired he would still be hunted by the media but most of all even if he wasn't broke how long would his money last living as he has for years?-he has never lived normally such as you or I.
2. Age-he was nearly 51 years old, most retire at not much older.
3. Health-he wasn't as ill as the media/tabloids said but we know he had arthiritis, you could see on his hands. He also suffered for years with vitiligo and possibly other health problems.
4. Age-again the age factor. He did say he did not want to age and get old. Must be bad to age in front of the whole world, best to bow out and be remembered handsome and not wrinkly and decrepid.
5. Legal implications- members can say what they want but to hoax your death with financial gain is a criminal offence and he cannot claim ignorance on this as he was married to the Daughter of Elvis.
6. His family- Do you honestly think he would let his family announce his death and talk of his passing, hold a funeral and memorial to come back? To make the world know they are liars?
5. Hate- say what you want but for every one of his dedicated fans like us there are 20 or 30 people, probably more who are either indifferent or not fans who would hate him.
6. Media/tabloids-the court case in 05 will have seemed like a rehearsal compared to the wrath and hate he will receive from the media. He would return tenfold to the very BS that plauged and haunted him for years-the hate of the tabloids.
Still waiting for a return?

Im sorry i see where ur coming from but my answers to yours:
1. true he has made a lot of money, but im quite sure MJ has enough to last him a life time upon his return...think about it  he own His Music and Videos...he owns the Beatles cataloge pretty two of the biggest things he owns (himself and the beatles) so finacial wise hes straight...and i truely believe if he come back he'll mke even more money from the love and miss from his fans...

2. i dnt get wat ur saying but from wat i think ur saying MJ has a choice to retire if he come back and hang up his dancing shoes fine but if not GREAT i believe MJ can go for at least another 10yrs if not more..he dont give up that easy but 1 reason y i think he would retire is because he said he doesnt wanna die on stage(meaning he dont want to die not retired)...he can come back and till retire

3. Yes true, MJ does have health problems However he also takes very good care of himself...but if health is the issue ok he can Retire his fans would undersand

4. Your right he did say that.....but simple like hes done for 7-8 years he can stay out of public eye just explain to fans whats going on and show up here and there bt h dont have to b in the publics eye everyday of his life...

5. It Is NOT illegal to have fans that love you a lil more......thats like saying Beyonce said "Im gonna retire" every1 runs to buy her CD and stuff she makes a few extra buck then comeback and say "i decided not to retire" is illegal.......Its the same thing with Michael announcing his final Concert..Fans went out and bought his CDz and Dvdz and everything then no show...thats not Illegal Im sorry.....and ny other finacial  situation like the Memorial and funeral cos and eveything was all paid for by Michael's estate in other words Michael....he didnt collect any insurance nor did the kids or family...the allowance comes from Michael's estate hence Michael himself....He committed NOTHING Illegal....lies? Yes...rude? certainly...but knowing Michael its a damn good reason y he did wat he did

6. Yes i would believe it for the simple fact that #1 DOCTORS or DETECTIVES r suppose to announce a death Officially so that was no accident or far as funeral and things well.....i simply call it Protecting my family....Blood is thicker than water so if the family had to do whatever to protect their sibling then they gotta do what they gotta do....Presenting them as liars??? No i like Protectors.....

7. I believe his TRUE fans would understand WHY he did this......especially if u wanna get an important message across or u just wanna protect ur life

8. Now i see where u stand........The Media wont mean Shyt to ANY1 after his return because this would totally BLOW UP in there faces, They would b exposed as the Liars they r in the worst way possible, and pretty much they would have to confess that everything they reported about MJ's "death" was a lie that THEY created....then wen they try and tell a story who still gonna tune in??????

So in other words....YES I'm still waiting for a Return :)

Kenny O is Buggin lolz That Tweet pretty much Confirmed my Belief oh emm gee!!!! :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Im sorry but Michael's chest was a distraction.......lolz he has a sexy chest lolz ok ok sorry anyway yeah umm def late 80s pic....his make and the flash wasn't a good mix it made him lighter than he actually was...oh well we know the truth!!! :-)....I Love Him

Other Odd Things / Re: Jermaine cancels London Tribute!
« on: December 19, 2009, 11:26:12 PM »
Quote from: "DontBelieveTheHype"
Quote from: "icebluestarlight"
Jermaine needs to get a grip, he keeps putting these ridiculous ideas together and when no-one buys a tickets it all gets cancelled.



This way the real fans who have stood by him will be there, he will be surrounded by real love for his spectacular comeback and the press will be dumbfounded - works for me!!

WORD.  8-)

I'M WITH IT!!!!!!!! :-D

Other Odd Things / Re: Shame on you
« on: December 15, 2009, 02:27:37 AM »
Quote from: "Msmelly"
Shame on you
I have only that to tell you after all these BS i saw in your page...
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im watching all your BS  couple weeks now..But that is infringement to Michael.
No respect....even the title of the article ,wacko jacko..
I hope Michael never gonna come and read that article.
and hurts him more...
Im not gonna stay anymore here...
Shame on you AGAIN!

Quite honestly this "Shame on you" post should b time try reading the damn title before writing ur FALSE accusations....if u think that info was b.s fine dnt go posting ur negativity on here a dnt even know what ur talking about on top of that....ur just making itself look like a wreck quite honestly...if u leave fine take ur negative comment with u

Quote from: "mjlonglives"
several days ago i had my own thought about the top 10 questions on net, and i had a strong feeling that mj is alive......but  everything reversed so quickly..just now a fan claimed that she works in the center told us that mj is really dead...she said that she had seen the report ,and can sure that there is no injection pinholes in mj' s body ,and the test tracing Propofol said that mj had those about 10 weeks ago, the time after his announcement in britain. (this can prove that mj was not a druggie!he never keep having drugs for a long time).the reason why they cannot arrest murry is that no evidence showed that murry was the only one to administer propofol to mj...and she said murry is not a doctor,but a heart  Consultant ...and the part of mj' s brain had been cremated..also she told us that goverment covered some truths in order to avoid the rate of crime...
    my heart is dying, i dont know how to relieve it~~~~~~no offence ,i just come to here for help ,someone maybe save me~~~~~~my heart and my mind is bombed by the "truth"~~~~~~~~~~~~ :(

Ok here's is y that lady's whole statement is totally wrong!
#1. As previous pple stated...u can not trace Propofol back to 10 leaves the body very quickly...
#2. Regardless on w.e "Dr" Conrad Murray is, it is illegal to use propofol outside a hospital, especially if he doesnt even have the license to do so.......AND on top of that HE was the one who administered the fatal dose then Admitted to giving him it..........he should've been behind bars the day they ruled it a homicide then let out on high bail but still investigated until they schedule a trail for the that crap about not enough evidence is total bullshyt
#3.If the government is hiding any truth its either a planned murder or Craig Harvey(him b.c I feel he in on the hoax).....MJ is to smart to b murdered so must mean Craig Harvey(chief investigator) know something we r trying to figure out......

So can tell ur crazy "fan"/friend that next time try giving some actual proof before making statements like a days pple r gonna say they know this and that about the MJ case.....well if they not from MJ's inner circle/family then I pay them no mind........dnt b discouraged over this false information

P.s. it was already stated MJ's brain was returned to body hence y it took so long for the burl they were waiting for the brain.....btw do u honestly think Kathrine wuld allow her son to b buried with half a brain and on top of that the other half cremated? Doubt it!!!! Dnt let that so called doctor bring u down, there's more proof towards him being alive....hope this brought ur spirit up :)

Hoax Pictures / Re: Why the stains?
« on: December 14, 2009, 02:38:10 PM »
I feel its his make up because these arent the only times Michael had problem or stains from his makeup my computer is Down so I can't post pictures but 1 example can b found during the MTV awards in 1995 while he was performing dangerous i guess the sweat from his hands made the make up easier to come off cuz wen he slapped his leg it looked like a make up stain was MJ is never dirty his make up just causes malfunctions imo....he's human these things happen sheesh lol.....btw he looks Hawt ;-)

Hoax Videos / Re: The Meaning Of L.O.V.E (possibly!!)
« on: November 28, 2009, 02:56:53 PM »
Quote from: "kpnuts"
I think it was MICHAEL...L.O.V.E. who said that MJfanforeverandaday's videos were genuine - I will look into this a bit further!  The definition of L.O.V.E. is exactly the same

I know MICHAEL...LOVE has stated that he is a fake, but I'm not sure.  He could be saying this as a decoy, to see how many people would still believe him..

Also the user name is so obvious, that people WOULDN'T believe it was him.

It's just an idea I have. I could be wrong of course.

i honestly didnt get ur message

Hoax Videos / The Meaning Of L.O.V.E (possibly!!)
« on: November 27, 2009, 11:58:58 PM »
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MJFanForeverandaDay is a death hoaxer BUT Her Videos r 1 of The Best infact i think THE BEST! bcuz she not just give clues she Breaks Them Down and Look Deeper into Them and They make more sense! The meaning she had for L.O.V.E sounds Just like Michael and They way he Viewed things...this is Great....sometimes i b thinking she works for Michael lol I'm serious tho. Her Videos r really good and she has confirmed mt belief!!!


Read the Actual meaning of the words and you'll see how it goes with the hoax and possible WHY Michael Kept saying L.O.V.E all the Time (besides just meaning he Loves us)

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