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TMZ Articles / A&E to Jackson Bros -- The Offer's on the Table
« on: January 17, 2010, 07:05:04 AM »
This is the article that TMZ  had posted today:

A&E to Jackson Bros -- The Offer's on the Table
Posted Jan 17th 2010 12:20AM by TMZ Staff

Jermaine, Jackie, Marlon, and Tito may be as tired of their A&E show as everybody else in America -- we're told the network has already offered them a second season ... but so far, the bros. haven't bitten.

TMZ spoke with a rep for A&E, who confirmed the offer and told us the network would gladly have MJ's male siblings back for another round of "The Jacksons: A Family Dynasty" -- which airs its last episode this Sunday.

But there's one problem: we're told the brothers haven't responded to the offer yet.

It's unclear why the brothers wouldn't jump at the chance for a paycheck ... but then again, it's the Jacksons ... so nothing is ever as it seems.

The last sentence it´s very odd, right?  "it´s it's the Jacksons ... so nothing is ever as it seems". and why is the reason for they haven´t responded to the offer? maybe the "return" of MJ had someting to do here?

Other Odd Things / MJ´s image on ALLJACK5ONS twitter
« on: January 16, 2010, 07:39:33 AM »

i follow this blog every day: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login

And yesterday the blog put these images:

what do you think?

Other Odd Things / There is some weird in MJ´s nephew Taj Page
« on: January 16, 2010, 07:19:53 AM »
Hi guys!

i don´t know if this topic alredy exists, if that is, please forgive me.

I was seeing the ALLJACK5ONS´ twitter and i found this tweet :

RT @taj: Finally the post is up at You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
hace cerca de 12 horas from web

So i clicked on the Taj´s page and on Jan 10th he wrote this:

"After this, we're doing films."
Sunday, January 10, 2010 at 12:00AM
Those were the final words my uncle Michael would ever say to me.
It was at the end of our family day at a Beverly Hills Indian restaurant. While I was saying my goodbyes to the rest of my family, I went up to my uncle and hugged him. I told him that I loved him and that I was proud of him and proud to be his nephew. I also said I would see him soon because I was planning to go to the UK to see his shows. He responded by saying that he loved me more. He then paused, looked me straight in the eyes and said, "after this, we're doing films."

That was our master game plan. You see, my uncle had another huge passion besides music... that was film directing. We would always talk about making films together, me and him, we were going to be a 1-2 Jackson power combo.
That's what I loved about my uncle. You truly believed like you could do anything when you were with him. He made you feel like that. He was so inspirational.
Since he's been gone, a huge hole exists for me. One that can never be filled. An emotional, spiritual, and mental hole. The only thing that helps, is knowing that I am doing exactly what he would want me to do. Doing what he taught me to do…. and that's film. And that's why Code Z is so important to me. It's about a promise. A promise to direct films. A simple promise that I made to my uncle, who was and always will be the greatest.

I know someone could say that Code Z is just a zombie series. But it's much more than that too. It's the official start to my film career... when I finally stopped talking about it and started doing it.

I really want to thank all of you for helping me keep that promise.


i found some things that he had written a litlle odd, what do you think guys? and why now?

TMZ Articles / Re: TMZ on Jan 11th 2010 about xtrajet leaking videotapes
« on: January 15, 2010, 09:24:29 AM »
in the last post of TS, when he/she explains the UPDATE of TIAI TS mentions that at the TII´s DVD, which in addition will be leaked on Jan 26th (one day after 25th), we can see the "stages of the return".

It could be possible that the return of MJ will be in different stages, and one of this stages would be the tapes were founded, what do you think guys?

TMZ Articles / Re: TMZ on Jan 11th 2010 about xtrajet leaking videotapes
« on: January 15, 2010, 07:28:16 AM »
i think TMZ published this article besause they want us to pay attention to the "tapes", i think that Jan 18th will be the beginning of the "return" of MJ, and this beginning could start with "appearing" of the tapes recorded at Jun 25th.

The Illuminati Theory / Re: Illuminati/Mind Control blog videos
« on: January 14, 2010, 01:52:46 PM »
Hi Souza & Mo,

i´ve seen your videos, i´ve read your blog and your posts, but in those last videos i have a question for you.

when was MJ allegedly the victim of Illuminati or Mind Control?, when may MJ had suffered these abuses? since Mike was a child he was performing, firstly with his brothers and after alone, but he was always working tirelessly. He had almost no time to go to school, and his father always was with they.

i understand your theory, but i don´t understand who made this to Mike if his family was with him, perhaps could be someone from his family? but who?

I think that your theory explains some things but not at all, there are much questions which not fit with this.

Pelase, could you explain me these questions?

Thank you very much for this post TS!

while i read it i had the feeling serveral times that you were the real MJ, in sentences like:

"Do not dismiss TIAI, under the claim that it is too religious, merely because you yourself are not religious. If you can document that what I have presented is not what MJ believes, then please do so; but if not, then don’t say that TIAI isn’t Michael’s message (unless of course you’d rather listen to “Sweet Home Alabama” on the jukebox)."

or when you explain that MJ was going door to door when he was WJ..

i don´t want to know if you´re really MJ, i just know that i have felt like if MJ talk to me.
I love you MJ

Other Odd Things / Re: Have you seen Kenny Ortega´s twitter??
« on: January 07, 2010, 11:40:15 AM »
Quote from: "Sangre"
Long Live The King is a common saying. It doesn't have to mean anything. But what really caught my attention was the memorial nomination...o.O

i know that this sentence is a common saying, in Spain too. But I think that this sentence used just behind the other sentence (bravo Michael) and above when it's refers to a "death man" that it's your friend it's a little bit odd, right?

Other Odd Things / Have you seen Kenny Ortega´s twitter??
« on: January 07, 2010, 07:18:12 AM »
Hi guys!

have you seen today what it´s write in the KO´s twitter?
i´ll copy here for you:

MICHAEL JACKSON's MEMORIAL and the THIS IS IT film were both nominated today for NAACP Image Awards Bravo MICHAEL, Long live the KING!
hace cerca de 14 horas desde web

It´s very odd that KO congratulations Mike for the MEMORIAL, right? the film TII it´s ok, but the memorial? is this means that MJ was the director of memorial?
and of course, "Long LIVE the KING"!! LIVE, don´t be to say more clear
What do you think guys?

here is the direction of the blog:
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I am also joining the Army of L.O.V.E - you have my full support and my love!
I was started with the woman in the mirror!

TIAI & TS Discussions / Re: My thoughts on TIAI
« on: December 23, 2009, 08:00:10 AM »
i´m agree with Souza.
Since June i had seen thousand of videos, i had read thounsand of articles and differents post in numerous sites. Sometimes i was surprised, sometimes some article/post or whatelse bothered me, and others makes me cry.
And today i can say that i discovered parts of MJ that i didn´t know, and i´m sure he is alive (there are clues enough to prove it), of course that i would wish to know when he will return, but i want Michael to feel proud of me, after i watch him in several interviews i understood his message and i want help him to carry out.
Many ppl says "i´ll starting with the man of the mirror" but they don´t say with their heart, it´s only a sentence.We have to be better people in our scale with those around us.

I´m here for Michael, not for gossip about him, i´m here to support him, i´m here to demostrate him that there are many ppl in the world that have good feelings, and of course that we love him so much, Michael has become so important to me as my family.
For this, what I want is that Michael knows that thanks to him I am a better person today.

Quote from: "LucyLocket"
Quote from: "HiMichael"
I just wonder why he (E'Casanova) wasn't at the funeral... but then again, alot of people weren't there that should of been...

Maybe HiMichael is on to something.  This quote is from a thread about E'Casanova.  Can we come up with a list of people that we think should have been at the funeral but were not?  Maybe we can find some sort of pattern or common point.

I was read in somewhere which i can´t remember now that the E´Casanova´s manager was at the funeral, but E´Cas no, very weird right?

The Funeral, The Body & Forest Lawn / Re: Forrst Lawn common findings
« on: December 03, 2009, 07:15:23 AM »
Quote from: "Butterfly J"
There you go:
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I don´t like it at all :(

hey guys, in the text appears that MJ was buried on JULY!!! but the funeral was at September, right?

Hoax Pictures / Re: weird...
« on: November 29, 2009, 08:22:09 AM »
hi guys!

Sorry, Eva R. where did you found this photo?
i think that we have to pay attention and we have to investigate the things around MJ, disc, place, etc.
Course it´s very odd, but i think that is a possible effect of the camera too.

The Coroner and Autopsy Report / Re: Jumping out of the coroner van
« on: November 28, 2009, 07:37:20 AM »
Hi everybody!

This is the first time that i wrote something in this forum but i was reading it for a long time ago.
Sorry for my English but I'm from Spain.

I don´t know if the guy that jumping out of the coroner van is MJ really, but i think this video is so weird.

I have seen these videos (coroner´s van on the garage and the RFL´s video)again and again, and ihave found more differences.
First, in the original video van stops ahead the green door than the RFL´s video ("Making of").

Second, there is what appears to be a switch or a bell close near the green door, you can see this switch in the original video because the van stops ahead the door, but in the fake video the bodyguard covers it.

Thrid, the backlight of the van reflected on the green door at the RTL´s video (because the van was stopped at that point), but in the original video this reflex is seen in the wall.

Another thing, the original video is recorded by day with the sunlight that may be reflected in the van while in the fake video artificial light is.

Moreover, in the RL´s video you can see the rest of the parking which you can not see in the original video because a wall of concrete cover it.

Finally, the shadows that the van has on the wall does not seem.

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