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The Funeral, The Body & Forest Lawn / Re: The body
« on: June 29, 2010, 01:40:18 AM »
Quote from: "2good2btrue"
See topic:
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Oh MY!!!!!  :shock:  :shock:  :shock:

The McDonalds Corp is in the Illuminiti Bloodlines. Thats a fact. Now, after seeing this Im starting to wonder if "they" are running this show (hoax) and merely playing with us. Arughhhh this is getting wilder and more bazarre by the day.
Here's a link to the Bloodline list.

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The Funeral, The Body & Forest Lawn / Re: The body
« on: June 28, 2010, 03:35:18 PM »
Quote from: "~Souza~"
Quote from: "1VLOVE"
Well, I simply can not bring myself to believe such trash. This theory is way out there.

So come up with your own. How did Mike get the body if we assume there was one?

Souza...Im not saying you came up with this trash because you posted it, im saying I cant believe any article that talks about being turned into plastic. Its just crazy in my opinion, therefore my criticism is about the procedure, not about you nor your posting. I share your intrest in MJ of course.

The Funeral, The Body & Forest Lawn / Re: The body
« on: June 28, 2010, 03:04:20 PM »
Well, I simply can not bring myself to believe such trash. This theory is way out there.

June 25, 2010 / Re: MICHAEL IS NOT A BIG LIAR
« on: June 27, 2010, 06:56:58 PM »
Quote from: "awesome1"
Quote from: "Person"
Quote from: "PrincessMuffybear"
Michael hasn't broken any laws in the US so it is highly unlikely he would be arrested when he returns.

I think there is a very good explanation for why he needed to leave...I am sure when he returns it will be abundantly clear.  

God Bless  :)

Did you actually read my whole message?

Yes it is, according to US law. My mother works with attorneys. It is illegal to fake death in an attempt to collect insurance and/or escape debts. Michael had hundred million debts. Again, Michael would not go through all this trouble for no explained reason. He's not returning, or else this whole thing would be pointless. Why get us excited for This Is It and make fans waste money buying the tickets if he was just going to ditch the concerts? Again, if he is hiding he wanted NO ONE to know, including fans. He's not coming back. He is in God's Kingdom. Let him live there in peace please.

Now with the assets that michael owned..... do you really believe he was in that amount of debt..... just take a look at this:
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now tell me with the money he would make off that, how is he in soo much debt as the tabloids claim?

And btw how do you know that the tickets were a waste  ??? do you know anyone who bought a ticket.... how many tickets were actually sold ??

How about this PERSON...We do not know if ANYONE has claimed any insurance on his "death". Creditors are allowed to make a claim to a persons estate when they die. It appears unlikely that his so called "debts" are not being paid in full. Until we learn that a judge has to settle debts against his estate, his creditors are being paid. I personnly do not believe he would default on ANY financial obligations. The man in my opinion was never in debt as the Tabloids state. I think that perhapes you need to do more research before listening or reading that kind of garbage and posting it.
MJ is a brilliant man with a brilliant purpose in life, one that we are just unable to comprehend. Our minds are finite compared to his.

I'm certainly in..just purchased the set! Thanks

Michael Jackson News / Re: Enough clues!
« on: June 26, 2010, 09:33:18 PM »
Quote from: "smoothcriminal"
This site has been a great contribution to the wake up call on the Illuminati, and their agenda.  I have had my awakening since 1994.  It has been a long ride with such information, and believe you me a lonely one at that.  You must realize at first I was laughed at and was told how I should quit believing in conspiracy theories. At times I thought I was foolish for thinking that way, that I was listening to the wrong people.
There was a gentleman back in Michigan (that is where I am from originally) by the name of Mark Scott, he was on the radio back there and had a daily talk show on this such information.  The NWO, Illuminati, The Trilateral Commission and so on.

That was my wake up call then and this is a HUGH wake up call to us now, and Michael Jackson just so happened to be AWARE, he used his gift of music and that is how he was able to put his message out there and in his videos.

The clues for this Hoax have been made clear, there is enough information here to know that Michael is alive and when he will return is anyones guess.  He is waiting for his army to grow in numbers, and that seems to be happening every day.  His return will be in a way that we would never expect.  Just be patienct. He will return, we have others things to concentrate on now.  

We must stay on course here, time is at hand.  Also if I may add, the Hopi Indians were a very aware people also, and their message has been told for many many years.  The Hopi Elders have said many times, "we are the one we have been waiting for".

Do not have any FEAR of this change that is coming, this is and will be the cleansing that has been prophecised.  They feed on our fear. Remember that.!!

I have been presenting this info to others, more now than ever, especially since 9-11.  Oh that was significant. A eyes wide open smack in the face.  The sad part is that our own government was behind it. Was planned for years. That for me was the turning point of my distaste for the ones who run our nation.  I remember the day they had televised the service of the 9-11 tragedy and I remember seeing President Bush and the smirk on his face, I lost it and cried my eyes out for a very long time. That is when I started to really voice my ideas and dig for more truth than ever before.  
So please let us be the voices not only for Michael, but for our childrens children,  lets us make that change that needs to be made.
Time is running out, spread the message, respect one another, help one another, show kindness to one another, love our planet, LOVE one another..............before its to late.
This will not be easy and we must stay together and unite as ONE.  This is just the beginning of the Big Shit hitting the fan.  Excuse me there got carried away.  Sorry for the misspellings also, seems like there is no spell check.  My brain is a little withered .

Keep talking and spreading the information that we are so grateful to have.
This is our time to take back what is rightfully ours...........

Thanks for allowing me to have my say............
I'm grateful for this website and all the connected "family" we have here.
Namasti :)

Very well said!! Thank you for taking the time to write this.

Michael Jackson News / Re: Please read this video done by karenjoymc
« on: June 26, 2010, 06:24:02 PM »
Thank you very much for your insightful video. Im going to make this short and bittersweet. I believe this video and I do believe Michael would do this for us.
In the bible it says "there is no greater love than to lay your life down for a friend" (fans).
Michal says "Its All For Love". And remember JJ says "It'll all come out". And it will, in time.

Other Odd Things / Re: What if Michael was an actual genuine...
« on: June 24, 2010, 03:47:39 PM »
umm  are you serious? *blinks her eyes*

The Jacksons ~ A Family Dynasty / Re: NeverCanSayGoodbye First page
« on: June 23, 2010, 03:33:34 PM »
Quote from: "angelshadow"
May I ask where from this extract of the book comes?

I purchased the book today online and after paying for it, I recieved a free E-BOOK and d/led it. This was on the first page.

Other Odd Things / Re: Coupon code: 'MJ LIVES' for Katherine's book
« on: June 23, 2010, 07:15:52 AM »
Quote from: "Syringa"
Quote from: "1VLOVE"
Quote from: "2good2btrue"
But this whole post is about the secret coupon code "MJLIVES"...and now we are seeing other codes as well.......MJmirror...I'm totally confused and down now. :(  :(  :(  :(
Im right with ya on that. That is the code i was told to use.
And it came with a free E-Book I have just d/led. We'll see.

Well, the site says: "Readers get a 35% discount throughout the weekend, with coupon code: MJ LIVES". And this article was posted 19th (Saturday) and it is now 23th (Wednesday). So this MJ MIRROR (which works until 30th June) code could all different code, because I just tried it out and it still works. But I don't know really... O.o

Anyway. Does anyone know if it's possible to buy the book using Paypal?

No its strickly by CC.

The Jacksons ~ A Family Dynasty / NeverCanSayGoodbye First page
« on: June 23, 2010, 07:00:41 AM »
Below is what is on the first page of Katherines new book.

This book is dedicated to the loving memory of
my son, Michael Jackson. These pages contain
photographs from our private family collection,
and are illustrated with my personal stories
about Michael from his early childhood, right up
through his remarkable career. Over the course of
Michael’s life, I’ve reserved my comments about
my son. Now, after his death, I have decided to
share my story for two reasons.
Firstly, I hope this book sheds insight into
the person that Michael truly was, the person
who I’ve always known him to be. Sharing my
memories with Michael’s fans is my way of
passing on his message and legacy in a way that
he would approve. And it is my hope that his fans
come to know ‘the real’ Michael, rather than the
person that the media portrayed him to be. Those
who knew my son well will attest that Michael
was one of the best persons you’d ever want to
meet and be around. He loved everyone; he was a
good father and a very good son.
Michael was generous, kind, considerate, funny,
intelligent, warm and extremely humble. His acts
of kindness and generosity were something he
hardly spoke about; when in fact he was truly
one of the greatest philanthropists of our time.
At one point, he was active in 39 charities, and
the Guinness Book of Records recognized him for
his donations in the philanthropic world. Michael
often saw the good in people and trusted many in
the early part of his career, sometimes leading to
pain and betrayal in his life.
Most of what I’ve read or heard about Michael
in the media was not the truth - especially the
allegations of child abuse.
Evan Chandler, the father of Michael’s first
accuser, recently committed suicide. Though
I can’t comment on why, I want to believe his
conscience finally caught up with him and he
was not able to live with himself after
destroying an innocent person’s career and
breaking his spirit. Michael loved children and
he worked diligently and passionately to better
the lives of the less fortunate … the last thing he
would do is harm an innocent child.
The second reason for writing this book is to
celebrate the remarkable artist my son Michael
was, and to acknowledge the contribution he
made throughout his life to music, arts, people,
and the planet. Michael was a true artist with a
vision to heal the world through music. Being on
stage was what he loved to do, and I am happy
that he shared his gifts with his fans who he loved
very deeply.
Beyond our hardships, our family loved Michael
dearly, and each of us shares a special bond with
him. Through our memories, we will always
cherish Michael.
Katherine Jackson

Other Odd Things / Re: Coupon code: 'MJ LIVES' for Katherine's book
« on: June 23, 2010, 06:50:10 AM »
Quote from: "2good2btrue"
But this whole post is about the secret coupon code "MJLIVES"...and now we are seeing other codes as well.......MJmirror...I'm totally confused and down now. :(  :(  :(  :(
Im right with ya on that. That is the code i was told to use.
And it came with a free E-Book I have just d/led. We'll see.

Other Odd Things / Re: Coupon code: 'MJ LIVES' for Katherine's book
« on: June 23, 2010, 06:34:30 AM »
OK guys, I just ordered this book. Not because I think Mike is not with us but because its connected to Mike and the proceeds that it goes to. I do not know where the code MJLives came from but the code I used and WORKED was MJMirror. It was a 30% discount that did come off the original price. The shipping was $9. something here in the US. I paid for it with a CC and it seems thats all they take. I recieved a comfirmation number as well. Hope this helps.  :)

General Hoax Talk / Re: fun...teeth, MJ or Double...
« on: June 22, 2010, 06:29:20 PM »
Quote from: "*Mo*"
Quote from: "mykidsmum"
Quote from: "mmz"
Good thread!!!..but I think that this will not make change idea to those who believe it was not MJ at 02...
I posted many others pictures (hands,details..) that could prove it was really Mike,but....What I realized is that Believing is  a feeling sometimes,and something can be a proof for someone,and a non-proof for someone else.
SO ..I just keep on Believing it was Michael at 02,and not believing the double theory.. :D

you are right, it won't change anything...even if their brain realizes the truth they will refuse to see it in order to believe what they want.  

mykidsmum, there is nothing wrong with my brain.  No matter how many pics you post or whatever you say about the O2 guy, everytime I look at those pics it's very obvious to me that that's not Michael Jackson.

By the way - the pic of the dentures you posted is horrible, I have seen a whole lot better ones than that.  If my dentist would give me dentures like that I would for sure tell her to put them there where the sun doesn't shine, and find a new dentist as fast as I could.

I toltally agree with you Mo, and nothing will ever change my mind on that. ;)

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