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Back/Front discussions / Re: Official back & Front thread
« on: December 26, 2012, 10:19:45 PM »
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I'm probably late on this, but why out of all the Jacksons does Back follow only La Toya? Does anyone know?

Also I'm not getting any of his tweets.
All he is doing is saying to look out on (insert date) for blah blah blah so beware...what?
I don't know all I'm seeing is all talk and no actions, maybe someone should fill me on this Back person.
What happened in 2011? He seemed sure about something, Dec. 3rd and Nov. 30th in 2011? What I'm so confused.
BTW I'm reading all his tweets and nothing makes sense. He keeps saying the same thing since he created his twitter. Which is something big is coming, keep watching, etc.
That Twitter account is a troll aka fake. No affiliation with mjjc back. Read the back posts archived here to know more about back.

So then why did someone from here tell me it was? O.o Also if that is a troll account than it has to be someone on here right? Also I looked at the old archived and I understood none of it. :/

Just so we're clear, you're talking about the twitter account @greatestback right?

Back/Front discussions / Re: Official back & Front thread
« on: December 26, 2012, 07:37:18 PM »
I'm probably late on this, but why out of all the Jacksons does Back follow only La Toya? Does anyone know?

Also I'm not getting any of his tweets.
All he is doing is saying to look out on (insert date) for blah blah blah so beware...what?
I don't know all I'm seeing is all talk and no actions, maybe someone should fill me on this Back person.
What happened in 2011? He seemed sure about something, Dec. 3rd and Nov. 30th in 2011? What I'm so confused.
BTW I'm reading all his tweets and nothing makes sense. He keeps saying the same thing since he created his twitter. Which is something big is coming, keep watching, etc.

Back/Front discussions / Re: Official back & Front thread
« on: December 26, 2012, 07:24:02 PM »
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Sorry off topic guys but I found this very fishy or at least very odd vid on Chris Tucker twitter, you have to flip it to get to watch it, just check it out:

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Christmas Tucker ---> He is in New York City ---> Crystal Ball.

Have you noticed the man down the hall that is being pointing by a hand in the very moment that Santa says: "The best gift of all" it could be nothing but it's a weird vid since you have to flip it to be watched?  :affraid:

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sweetsunsetwithMJ thanks for sharing this video, and if it's weird, on two occasions, that person appears looming, the second time seems to have hat, I do not know, maybe I see what I want to see   :suspect:

Do you guys mean the guy in the back? He looks bald to me and dark skinned. Maybe he's a security guard.

Cute video. Although I had to watch it sideways...didn't seem unusual to me...although I'm a little thick-headed so maybe someone see's something I don't. :icon_e_sad:

Same here

Back/Front discussions / Re: Official back & Front thread
« on: December 26, 2012, 06:36:53 PM »
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Sorry off topic guys but I found this very fishy or at least very odd vid on Chris Tucker twitter, you have to flip it to get to watch it, just check it out:

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Christmas Tucker ---> He is in New York City ---> Crystal Ball.

Have you noticed the man down the hall that is being pointing by a hand in the very moment that Santa says: "The best gift of all" it could be nothing but it's a weird vid since you have to flip it to be watched?  :affraid:

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sweetsunsetwithMJ thanks for sharing this video, and if it's weird, on two occasions, that person appears looming, the second time seems to have hat, I do not know, maybe I see what I want to see   :suspect:

Do you guys mean the guy in the back? He looks bald to me and dark skinned. Maybe he's a security guard.

Back/Front discussions / Re: Official back & Front thread
« on: December 26, 2012, 06:02:27 PM »
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Sorry off topic guys but I found this very fishy or at least very odd vid on Chris Tucker twitter, you have to flip it to get to watch it, just check it out:

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Christmas Tucker ---> He is in New York City ---> Crystal Ball.

Have you noticed the man down the hall that is being pointing by a hand in the very moment that Santa says: "The best gift of all" it could be nothing but it's a weird vid since you have to flip it to be watched?  :affraid:

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With iPhone when you flip it horizontally sometime it will upload vertically and stretch the video out.

Back/Front discussions / Re: Official back & Front thread
« on: December 26, 2012, 05:17:01 AM »
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So yeah, I totally agree, I wish people would dig more into the real MJ, speculate about that if we have to speculate anyway.

Now let me stop here for a while......

When I first came to the forum back in 2009 I was totally astonished because on the forum I found that almost every one knew every single detail about Michael Jackson's private life!! I always believed the lies about him and never cared to hear otherwise. Plus, where I come from MJ's news aren't the main headlines of the our national newspapers. One can hardly find any news about him in our media. Even his songs are only played on special radio stations that are not broad casted in my native language! All I wanna say is I didn't know anything about this artist at all! I know it's hard to believe but that was the case with me. I only followed the news of his death out of curiosity! I just felt that there was something fishy about the whole thing......... As I said, I discovered that almost everyone knew every single detail about MJ: the size of his shoes, how tall he is, how much he weighs, how many times he got married, his children, (biological or not), his other unknown son, what he likes most, every single song he sang, his friends, his habits, the way he talks, etc..... (I bet most of you know these things for  s u r e ). Then I asked myself one question: does Michael Jackson want it really that way? Does he really want everyone of his fans (who must be billions by now) to know every single detail about his life? Does he want his way of living, his family quarrels (if there are some...) exposed to the people around the globe? Are we here to talk about his life and dig even more to find more suff we haven't discovered before? How would anyone of us feel if he/ she finds out that one of his/ her friends knows only a little about his/ her private life (marriage, private habits etc.....)? I really don't want to go into much details here but I would be the first one to jump out of the window if I found out that my life is exposed to the public! Michael Jackson has no secrets!!!!! All the fans know all of them!!!!! How can someone live this way? I personally can't! And again, through investigation we ought to know the man!!! More private details exposed! I must admit that I sometimes feel ashamed when people talk about the trials and his body examinations and stuff! It's really hard for me to follow up sometimes! I know that Souza and the mods are doing their best to prevent a deeper digging in MJ's life. But still.... so much has been exposed already! It's the price of fame i guess! I still ask my self the same question every now and then: does Michael really want us to know so much about him, his life and his family?? He has been so close to us in the past 3 years, we shared laughters and sadness together, he is among us through the usernames he uses on this forum to communicate directly with us, to come closer to a bunch of believers the way he never did before in his whole life! My question remains unanswered! Does Michael Jackson really want us to know so much about him!!!!

Personally I think he does not, but because he's a mega star and one of the greatest entertainers known to man!, he gets no privacy.

 Remember we are all online, so anything we find is based online unless some of us on here go full on detective and go to Neverland and visited his family and stuff. So it's not like we go out of our way to hop over a fence to find evidence. Or if someone on here knows Michael, but that's the only way we're getting evidence.

Never the less, I think personally some of us forget the Michael is a human being and though he was a genius; music and knowledge wise, he was not the smartest person in the world. So sharing "evidence" that is really nothing, but they turn it into something outrageous. No offense to anyone, but some of the things that you've guys have said is really out there and even Michael probably wouldn't of thought of that.

He lived life simple as best as he could, but also knew when to put his brain at work and when to use it if he needed too. So no I don't think Michael wanted us to know so much, but because he was a mega star he either had no privacy because the media, his fans, his enemies, and HIMSELF. How? Because he had to explain himself more than he really needed to. I think this began after the first allegation of molestation. You can tell that Michael was explaining himself more than usual, so his image wouldn't suffer, but it did.

He was just emotionally drained and who won't be after having people know your every move. Part of being human is having that boundary of keeping things just for you to know (sex life, attractions, other's secrets, guilty pleasures, etc) and the world did everything in their power to not only go over the boundary of public and private, but go over the boundary of expectations.

His fans treated him like a god. His enemies and haters treated him like a demon. (Which is why I think Michael loved kids and animals so much. They don't want anything from you. They treat you like anyone else and just want to have fun.)

I don't know where I'm going with this, but yeah. I just think we expect to much from him even to this day. We should all just chill out and let it happen, stop trying to predict dates and stalk Paris Jackson hoping she gives another "clue" and I use that loosely because she's a teenager and so am I and I don't think she's trying to tell us something with her tweets, at least not lately. Most teen girls tweet about liking this or that song.

Ok, yeah I'm done haha sorry my little stupid rant.  :icon_e_confused: I tried to edit this the best I could to make it formal, but I most likely made a mistake somewhere. Sorry  :confused:

Other Odd Things / sofurgofromashes
« on: December 25, 2012, 07:41:52 PM »
Pearl Jr brought this to my attention. At first I was like, that isn't Michael, but I was told to never rule anything out because you think you know something. So I need other peoples opinion.

There is this guy on YouTube from Spain who impersonates Michael. You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
His name is Pablo. I guess this is his second account, I guess the first one got deleted I'm not sure, but on his first video for his channel a lot of people are mad and I don't know why, but what. Also I found this picture on his Facebook page, better weird. Do you think he's a wanna be or do you think it's Michael?

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At the same time, I feel like he's fake because he has a Facebook page and stuff, I don't think Michael would do that.  :icon_question: :icon_e_geek:

TIAI ~ 2012 / Re: TIAI December 20
« on: December 25, 2012, 07:23:28 PM »
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TS/Front's track record is very strong to excellent, which gives me strong confidence. But that we are not understanding the way he means is a very strong possibility.  Though he likes to trick us in his words, doesn't mean he is an out and out fake or liar. Just because MJ pranked people he knew sometimes, didn't mean he was generally a liar or hurter of people.  TS/Front said not to go just by their words but by the evidence we have accumulated over all this time.  Our faith in TS/Front/Back/Michael is resting on a strong foundation of the proofs laid down by our forum in great detail on accessible threads, 3 1/2 years of our intensive labor. Do we discount this as nothing?  Now we have some few steps requiring some trust in him, or like going through a dark tunnel for a little bit.  But that light will be coming soon.  Can we be strong for him?  TS has put so much time and effort in all his investments here on this forum. What are we afraid of?  Looking like fools (too late for that)? Being left high and dry (too late for that)?  We (at least the ones who have been here all this time since the beginning) have really gone too far to go back, and most of us would not just abandon this journey. I know I won't, as long as Souza keeps this forum going. There is a core group that is going to be faithful no matter what.   If we truly love Michael, where else is there to go--another forum? Hardly.  TS will come through as he said, but we must allow for that trickery of meaning behind his words, or reading between the words/lines.  If we believe MJ truly hoaxed his death, we know he's been operating by stealth and incognito for many years, so why would this be any different.  He's doing it for LOVE, he doing it for the fans, and he's doing it for the planet.  History will be affected--this is no small potatoes.  What stuff are we made of?  When the going gets tough, the tough get going. And all that talk.  Love you guys, and I want to bolster your faith. I truly believe we are on the right track here on this forum, with TS and Front.  Let's cheer him (them) on, and support him!  We have no idea how ridiculously blessed we really are here!  MJ here! Simply magical!!  (MJonline) :icon_e_wink:

Thanks MJonMind.  Great Pep talk.  I'm here for as long as it takes.  No quitting for me.   I think you're right.  This isn't only for us.  It's for the whole world. No small potatoes like you say.  That's why I joined the army of love, to help heal the world.  So, we can't quit until it's done.

Same here, I agree with you guys. One thing that I am wondering since I am not a native english speaker is the real meaning when he says: "if Michael doesn't BAM by Jan 1st" I think this means that if Michael is to BAM will ONLY be on Jan 1st, 2013, or am I wrong? or in this case the word BY means that is a deadline and won't BAM beyond that date?
Please I need help in this guys!!
BTW TS explained that BAM means a PHYSICAL---> MICHAEL IN THE FLESH <--- COMEBACK.

I think he means if Michael doesn't BAM before Jan. 1st than it's going to be on Jan. 1st but no later than that.

« on: December 25, 2012, 07:51:19 AM »
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As for 2.a):

I doubted the DWD theory at first, because I couldn't believe that MJ would use a real corpse for his Death Hoax.
But with a bit of explaining from TS, I kinda turned my believes. (and, without a BAM before 3/1/2013, this could be fake also :) )

To use a Hospice patient is one thing. To let him get plastic surgery is another.
I cannot believe that.

How can you make that right? How can you let a person (who's got 6 months to live), go under plastic surgery?

What if he was already done with surgery? I don't know how that would really work, but I doubt a man with 6 months to live is going to go under surgery. Also there was a video, I forgot where it was, but it was Jermaine (Michael's brother) responding on that, saying that Michael used that 6 months thing as a way to get publicity for his This Is It concert. So I don't know if that's true, but I heard him say it. He said something about Michael knowing how to manipulate the media and his ex wife Lisa Presley even said it also, talking about how he could manipulate the media.

« on: December 25, 2012, 01:59:47 AM »
Someone already brought that up in another post, I forgot who though,

« on: December 25, 2012, 01:34:21 AM »
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I'm thinking the so-called Drivers 2005 is more like from the nineties. On the right is MJ from the time of Oprah's interview in 93.

His face looks aged a bit in the DL picture. Also his eyebrows are thicker in the DL picture. Also he doesn't have the greased down baby hairs that were oh so popular in the 90s (lol). Plus if it were 90s he would definitely be smiling. So I think not, but that just my opinion.

TIAI ~ 2012 / Re: TIAI December 20
« on: December 24, 2012, 08:35:56 PM »
Totally Agree!  :icon_e_biggrin:

« on: December 24, 2012, 08:25:01 PM »
So Michael didn't have a cleft chin. Well I guess he did, but not that deep of a cleft chin.

« on: December 24, 2012, 07:42:12 PM »
That is a very good point.

Back/Front discussions / Re: Official back & Front thread
« on: December 24, 2012, 07:27:53 PM »
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“@ParisJackson: —hey , how are you !?
—i am .”

Not getting it? I looked on her Twitter and I don't see it.

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