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Messages - LiteEyeZ22

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Quote from: "eviltwin"
As much as I'd love to think the opening ceremonies would be a BAMSDay opp, the more I think about it, the more I think Mike wouldn't want to upstate all of those hard working Olympian competitors. It would 2000% overshadow their team efforts. Can you just imagine the coverage? Me thinks Mike isn't that selfish.

As for 2/11 punch and Illuminati... Iran announced today that they are officially a Nuclear state. Not to say a false flag wouldn't occur though.

I totally agree...if anything I just expect another clue of some sort....Like if they left his.voice in WATW we can see if its from the original or he rerecored his part like every1 else....or just skme kind of not getting my hopes up, but if it does happen bets. To believe I will e running around screaming lol.......

Random MJ Talk / Re: For those who think he is dead now...
« on: February 09, 2010, 02:40:59 PM »
Quote from: "i_need YoU"
It was not the court hearing that got me thinking it was was the AUTOPSY REPORT!! do u see any garbage pics there?? because i dont.. it looked legit and still trying to find something that says he alive but i cant...that autopsy report is what has me stuck

and those regarding TMZ?....yes they are watching and they are messing with our minds i just know now ANYTHING they put up could be anything to mess wit us...stop going to their website PLEASE cuz u giv them wat they want which is ratings....

Since when do they put autopsys on the internet??? Thats really bothering me, i have never seen this with any other celeb...that information is personal and should be for the doctors and family is there a reason they leaked this? possibly.....and to what do u know TMZ 1st?? coincidence or not? Lets not give up on something that may look legit but again doesnt make sense....thats something that should have never been leaked to the public....through a tabloid at that!

Other Odd Things / MJ is Not Far Away...Jus Hear Me Out
« on: February 09, 2010, 01:36:03 AM »
Dear My MJ Family,

I know today has been a very stressful day, we all went through our ups and downs today, and some of us lost a lil faith. Well, let us never ever forget WHY we first came here. We obviously saw or heard a few things that just doesnt seem right, its inconsistant, and many contradictions. Why let 7months of hard work go down the drain b.c a court case was filmed with a man who had ONLY a $75,000 bail 4 "killing" the biggest superstar in the world, a "yellow brick road" on the judges desk(if u kno about the wiz, as im sure many of u do, b4 they discovered the actual road they well dorthy called the Cabs, the yellow brick road), and not to mention the garbage cans and the autopsy report that has a different story than the 911 call. My point is, wheres the concrete evidence saying hes dead? y throw away 7months of hard work? wen u signed up to the forum u knew what u was getting yourself into...everyday was and is not going to be peaches and cream. "Give me your patients" was MJ's words...lets give it to him. I must admit i am not nor was i a full blown 100% hoax beLIEver BUT i knew something fishy was going on, and thas y i signed up and im NOT giving up until i find the TRUTH.....You Shouldnt Either......not too long ago i was listening to a song and the 1st person that popped into my head was Michael. The song is called Never Too Far by Mariah Carey.....and it made me think, whether MJ is passed or alive I KNOW hes never too far away and hes with us every step of the way....So too give you guys some comfort just watch this and think to yourself, Michael is right here....wherever I Go...Just call His Name...I Love You All, Keep The Faith, God Bless you!



TMZ Articles / Re: TMZ live stream now!!!
« on: February 08, 2010, 01:06:16 PM »
Im curious......wheres the riot?

There was a video of Prince talking about MJ before his death, i think it was after the 2005 Trial, not exactly sure....but in that interview he basically is saying pple is underestimating Michael and that we better watch out and leave him alone b.c Michael has something up his sleeve...something like that..not exactly sure of the exact words but it was sumin like that........not sure if its been discussed here but when i find the video i'll be sure to post it.......

Both Prince and Michael were two very good artist and they both admired each other and thier rivalery wasnt at all what the Media made it out to my personal opinion their rivalery was like Michael's and Janet's...pure loving...every artist finds the other artist competition but the way its handled is the real key...and in My Opinion they BOTH made it clear they werent enemies and they Both had pretty much the same Message of Racism so thas where i stand with the whole Prince and Michael case....Love them Both and They both are gorgeous....

Hoax Videos / This Is It Backwards(Clearerer) Pianogames Vid
« on: February 07, 2010, 01:14:06 AM »

Pianogames new actaully made me tear up at the end...This man is a pure genius

I just want to give News of The World a piece of my ind one good time b.c these idiots still call him Jacko and Wacko!!!! :evil:  :evil: These A**holes!!! Anyway theres so any things wrong with this article smh....and to let the kids testify??? thas just obsurd!!! and wat pissed me off the most is the bail...They giving Dr. Murray a $25,000 bail but they Michael a 3 Million dollar bail on a crime he did not commit!!!!! They arrested him and locked him in a bathroom, but they letting Murray walk around like he aint do nuin.....Thas y i pray this is a hoax.........oh and lets see what he uses as Bail Money, i hope they printed a lot a pictures of Gilda  ;)  ;)

Messages to Michael / Re: Unusual Request for Michael!
« on: February 05, 2010, 07:23:56 PM »
Im In!

Other Odd Things / Re: The Official Grammy Thread
« on: February 01, 2010, 07:46:23 PM »
Ok so here are my thoughts on the Grammys:

1st and Foremost let us not forget That the Grammy producer (forgot his name), I guess u can say, respected MJ a lot and they were cool. He asked MJ to perform last year but MJ said this year he'll do it. He met with MJ the night before he died and watched Earth Song. Now With that being said I don't think the grammy organizers know about the hoax, just that 1 Guy the producer and I think he used certain pple as tools to help us beLIEvers(get back to that in a min). I think MJ not being on the memorial list was done on purpose, or else that would b pretty messed up. I'm still debating on if mj was live however, could have been. They only showed pictures from the Bad Era (whoa theres a surprise…not!)...moonwalker much the last pic....Usher pointing to the pic that was interesting I y Earth Song as the Tribute not even showing MJ's clip fully? Imo the producer like mj wants us to focus on the message, or the producer wanted more ratings and totally disrespected our King "(

Now the Recap(and tools) : JMO ok!
Lady Gaga: Well I think she's a powerful entertainer and Never disappoints. Ive noticed Lady Gaga sang speechless, 1 of MJ's songs from invincible is Speechless, in This Is It he sung A portion of Speechless and looked directly into the camera like he's giving us a message and do love us. It could b nothing but idk there's been a lot of coincidences lately dontcha think?

Beyonce: Love Her! So Beyoce we all know loves Michael so y wouldnt they use her? Well anyway her performance started off with a drill……TDRCAU anyone? Another song which conveyed quite meanings and message, one being the obvious Martin Luther King. "In what will go down in history…" ya get the point....MLK is a black figure(elaborate in a min) lets us not forget her lil crotch move lol Just sayin

Now we have the "tribute": to me it homely didn't feel like a tribute but thats just my opinion...but it felt more like a message...ive explained my thoughts earlier above.

Mr. Lionel Richie: a bit to happy just couldn't put my finger on y. Then he mentions a new version "We Are The World"  another song with a powerful message. Lets not forget it comes out this month ;-).

Now my Little Darlings Paris and Prince: They are beautiful kids and very smart. Prince words to me was to the world and was more like a wat? Message like this is what my father wants u guys to see...the destroying of our planet, the environment, the corruption, the lack of LOVE. Little miss Paris I always thouht we had to keep a lil sharp eye on her. Well her speech to me I felt was to US the beLIEvers! "Daddy was suppose to be here, uh, daddy was gonna perform this year but he couldn't perform last year" to me it sounds as thought shes comforting those who believed he was going to come back at the Grammys but plans changed. And my thoughts on y plans chged would b Haiti...I Dont think Michael would want to take the focus off Haiti so maybe that's y plans changed...notice the kids are wearing the support Haiti campaign ban(the red on arm)...then the Tribute to Haiti came on so thas my belief. I'm still trying to figure out y 3T...hmm

Then last we have the memoriam..nas vstate beforw either this was done on purpose by the producer or it was really messed up b.c even tho he had a tribute he was still suppose to b mentioned....lets wait for the excuse.

Now with all that being said my final thought is maybe there just might b a lil hope for a comeback in February b.c
1. L.O.V.E February is the month of Love
2. 2.14-Valentines Day 2+1+4=7
3. February is black history month...Martin Luther King
4. We Are The World Remake
5. Its little Blankets Bday dont u guys think it would b a good present :)

Well these are just my opinions...wat u guys think?

Lisa Marie Presley / Re: Nicholas Cage Blamed MJ for his Divorce from LMP
« on: January 25, 2010, 04:11:16 AM »
Oh man lol ive read this topic ba few times now I decide to post Lolz..........just thinking about Michael and his gold pants *day dreams* Mmmmmmmmm I vdont thinkvivwould b able to contain myself around him lol......oh man here comes thoughts **Goes to Bed Dreaming of a moment with Mike** lol srry fever

Other Odd Things / Re: I Feel THIS IS IT! =]
« on: January 19, 2010, 11:26:53 PM »
Quote from: "lovemj4everandever"
@ LiteEyeZ22

Thanks for posting this here.  I'm helen on the LKL blog and the original author of this post....but so glad you shared it here!  I'm a firm beLIEVer that THIS IS IT!   :mrgreen:  :D  I had started another thread on this already called "Is Michael's death Jermaine's dream" but I did not explain it as well as I did on LKL.  So again, thanks! This is a much catchier title!   :D

Hi!! Wonderful to meet the Brilliant mind behind this post....I read it said wow could not have said it better myself lol...bu ur welcome :-)

Other Odd Things / Re: Reply: MJHD Insensitivity To Reality
« on: January 19, 2010, 10:55:51 PM »
Quote from: "Lizziebee"
Quote from: "LiteEyeZ22"
Well since the original topic was locked nd I couldnt post my opinion and answer so here it go

Ok I'll try to answer from My opinion the best I could and shortly cuz I'm on a cell phone..ok here we go:

1. I'm sure we all understand the sacrafice Mj had to make regarding the hoax, however I feel hes srill able to see his family and keep contact. But no1 knows for sure so u can't really say he as no contact with them...
2. I'm sure its extremly hard to pull off the hoax which can explain the inconsistencies, but if it had to be done all he can do is try. It worked(if this isn't a murder covered up)......imo the only consequences MJ would face would b the lost of trust from his fans. I'm quite certain that mj's legal matter is taken care of, he's a billionaire.

3. I'm honestly 50/50 on their emotion b.c how is it that Jermaine could break down when having the discussion about the Motown situation but we had to wait until the last episode to see some emotion...sceptre Tito at the premier wen he feared for a few mind then started laughing again....but we can't judge them cuz pple grieve in their own way i guess thats IF he's dead.....if alive and thier emotion is real it could b b.c simply look what Mike had to result to in order to escape//send his message//take a break. We CANNOT speak for them we can only go by their actions and state our opinion from there....I dnt think it's pple don't want to c, just investigating the truth...and true MAYBE none of em know or just one or two either way u'll think they'll b a bit more emotional than that last episode.

4. No1 knows for a fact that he dont see them which imo I think he does....and also They really don't c each other that much anyway so imo I dnt think thas Y they emoonal as ive said before...

5. Um every1 who can see knows MJ has Vitiligo that shouldbt even b questionable. The surgeries can easily b his insecurities about his face....he was tormented by his own family about his face....also u say surgeries like had a million in my honest opinion I dnt think MJ had so much surgery cuz he does get older like every HUMAN and age can change ur appearence....his nose is 3 Max for me imo......and the sex change is absolutely insulting and insensitive! HE'S A MAN!!! Dnt u think the tabliods put him thru enough saying him and la toya r the same person then him and janet was the same person then say he's gay....he said over and over he isn't gay, he loves women, he's a man...thas ridiculous

6. Yes MAYBE he's no longer with us, u have to understand pple on here grew up with MJ and his music and some like me Loved him since we can walk and talk WE meeting MJ apart of our lives so for u to say its not that serious is very insulting to me and im sure alot of pple....people will let things go in thier own time u have know right say pple need to let things go...if u wanna let go fine but I as I'm surebmany pple wont let it go until we have some answers and I think thas wats upsetting pple, we Ave NO solid answers, filming a "live" "PRIVATE" funeral or filming urself in the hallway of Forrest lawn doesnt give a solid answer there is more than 1 Jackson buried at forrest lawn besides Michael....Michael is Human and can Die, however hes young, an Illusionist, a musical Entertainer so y Can't he pull off a hoax?? So it can go either way.....no1 is stating he cant die we're just saying his things about his "death" doesnt add up....

7. Its not the need of him to be alive, its the fact of his death inconsistentcies.....we want to just know for certain b.c as u can c its driving every1 madd.....we don't need a comeback just want 1 b.c as ive stated pple grew up with him and to c him go hurts! Ur right it is selfish of us to want him to comeback being that he gave us 40+ yrs...however its all for L.O.V.E.....and its UR opinion if u think hes not coming back stop trying to state a he comes back or not is not the he's alive and well IS b.c we just cant seem to find any concrete evidence pointing to him being dead.....people can make there own choices and for u to make a topic saying pple r insensitive is completely wrong....especially if ur research comes from tabloid!!! a Woman? Many surgeries? Tabloid! Ur the one being insensative to us fans...THE PEOPLE WHO SHOW MORE EMOTIONS THAN THE FAMILY actually imo.................I hope my answers make u rethink ur own post ;-)

Its all for L.O.V.E

Lol. Pretty good for using a cell phone. I tried that before...didn't work. I had typos EVERYWHERE.  :D

You're right. It wasn't okay for them to say the it wasn't that serious or that he's NOT coming back. None of us know. All we can do is hope and pray for his safety, health and happiness. That's enough for me. Yes, I'd like to know what his reason for doing this was. (whether he "needed" or "wanted" to) Believe me, with as much as people have been stressing this (a lot) I've been thinking more and more about it each day. I understand how important it is for us to know WHY he did this. But people have gone as far as disrespecting and belittling those who are more worried about him coming back. That is not okay. People just want to know he's okay. And I believe we all need closure if he is in fact gone. People need to take their time with this and if it's getting to be too much of a burden then they should take some time off. Take care of yourselves guys.   ;) Remember to smile, give, love and have faith.

~ Lizzie <3

Lolz actually hard b.c its just long but I. Text so much I guess I'm used to it Lolz.....but yeh I agree with u....i guess we all just gonna have to b patient

Other Odd Things / I Feel THIS IS IT! =]
« on: January 19, 2010, 10:36:54 PM »
I totally agree with this below....found it on another site thought it was worth posting for every1.....What's ya'll take?? Arty if repeating didnt c anything about it

This blogger from Larry King Live Blog summed up the finale this way:

This is my interpretation and synopsis of the finale...what do you beLIEvers think?

The mind blowing ending is that Michael's death is all a dream. In the first episode Jermaine said "they call me the dreamer". When the footage is shown of Jermaine announcing Michael's death, that footage is shown in slow motion "like a dream." The only other time we see "slow motion" footage in the entire series is in the Finale when the brothers are leaving Jimmy and Terry and wondering what they are going to do without Michael. After that "slow footage" scene, the next thing that happens is he tells Halima about the dream he keeps having. When Jermaine tells the brothers about his dream, that is when they go to Forest Lawn. The whole reality series is about losing their brother and the biggest superstar on earth, but in REALITY, it is all a dream! The question is "what did we all learn from the dream?" To LOVE before it's too late. The final words in the series are "that's what I've learned."

The series started with Jermaine being the "dreamer" and ended with Jermaine telling the brothers about his "dream." Remember the show Dallas from years ago? They did a whole season that was based on a dream and no one knew that until the end of the season.

The new song written for them is "Love Needs A Warning." The "dream" of Michael dying is the warning. The reality is series is linked to the movie and They Don't Care Care About Us, Martin Luther King, Jr. I have a "dream." One that will change the world forever and make HIStory. Make that change. Mike's "death" has definitely changed the world forever.

It was a SECRET FINALE that would BLOW YOUR MIND! If you got it, of course! That's my take on it.....

We love you, Mike!    And YES, we will be there!

Other Odd Things / Re: Reply: MJHD Insensitivity To Reality
« on: January 19, 2010, 07:27:21 PM »
Well since the original topic was locked nd I couldnt post my opinion and answer so here it go

Ok I'll try to answer from My opinion the best I could and shortly cuz I'm on a cell phone..ok here we go:

1. I'm sure we all understand the sacrafice Mj had to make regarding the hoax, however I feel hes srill able to see his family and keep contact. But no1 knows for sure so u can't really say he as no contact with them...
2. I'm sure its extremly hard to pull off the hoax which can explain the inconsistencies, but if it had to be done all he can do is try. It worked(if this isn't a murder covered up)......imo the only consequences MJ would face would b the lost of trust from his fans. I'm quite certain that mj's legal matter is taken care of, he's a billionaire.

3. I'm honestly 50/50 on their emotion b.c how is it that Jermaine could break down when having the discussion about the Motown situation but we had to wait until the last episode to see some emotion...sceptre Tito at the premier wen he feared for a few mind then started laughing again....but we can't judge them cuz pple grieve in their own way i guess thats IF he's dead.....if alive and thier emotion is real it could b b.c simply look what Mike had to result to in order to escape//send his message//take a break. We CANNOT speak for them we can only go by their actions and state our opinion from there....I dnt think it's pple don't want to c, just investigating the truth...and true MAYBE none of em know or just one or two either way u'll think they'll b a bit more emotional than that last episode.

4. No1 knows for a fact that he dont see them which imo I think he does....and also They really don't c each other that much anyway so imo I dnt think thas Y they emoonal as ive said before...

5. Um every1 who can see knows MJ has Vitiligo that shouldbt even b questionable. The surgeries can easily b his insecurities about his face....he was tormented by his own family about his face....also u say surgeries like had a million in my honest opinion I dnt think MJ had so much surgery cuz he does get older like every HUMAN and age can change ur appearence....his nose is 3 Max for me imo......and the sex change is absolutely insulting and insensitive! HE'S A MAN!!! Dnt u think the tabliods put him thru enough saying him and la toya r the same person then him and janet was the same person then say he's gay....he said over and over he isn't gay, he loves women, he's a man...thas ridiculous

6. Yes MAYBE he's no longer with us, u have to understand pple on here grew up with MJ and his music and some like me Loved him since we can walk and talk WE meeting MJ apart of our lives so for u to say its not that serious is very insulting to me and im sure alot of pple....people will let things go in thier own time u have know right say pple need to let things go...if u wanna let go fine but I as I'm surebmany pple wont let it go until we have some answers and I think thas wats upsetting pple, we Ave NO solid answers, filming a "live" "PRIVATE" funeral or filming urself in the hallway of Forrest lawn doesnt give a solid answer there is more than 1 Jackson buried at forrest lawn besides Michael....Michael is Human and can Die, however hes young, an Illusionist, a musical Entertainer so y Can't he pull off a hoax?? So it can go either way.....no1 is stating he cant die we're just saying his things about his "death" doesnt add up....

7. Its not the need of him to be alive, its the fact of his death inconsistentcies.....we want to just know for certain b.c as u can c its driving every1 madd.....we don't need a comeback just want 1 b.c as ive stated pple grew up with him and to c him go hurts! Ur right it is selfish of us to want him to comeback being that he gave us 40+ yrs...however its all for L.O.V.E.....and its UR opinion if u think hes not coming back stop trying to state a he comes back or not is not the he's alive and well IS b.c we just cant seem to find any concrete evidence pointing to him being dead.....people can make there own choices and for u to make a topic saying pple r insensitive is completely wrong....especially if ur research comes from tabloid!!! a Woman? Many surgeries? Tabloid! Ur the one being insensative to us fans...THE PEOPLE WHO SHOW MORE EMOTIONS THAN THE FAMILY actually imo.................I hope my answers make u rethink ur own post ;-)

Its all for L.O.V.E

Jermaine Jackson / Re: Jermaine's Secret Book
« on: January 18, 2010, 07:27:02 PM »
Ok if this is true who the hell needs enemies, media, haters when u have brothers like this! Smh....I mean jermaine just started to get back on my good side and now....smfh........of course this is if it were true....Idk Wat to believe So i guess I'll just keep a closer eye on Jermaine "(

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