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Messages - bad_girl

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Hoax Pictures / Re: Who Does This Look Like To You?
« on: January 19, 2010, 09:16:18 AM »
hmmm, am hesitating between mj and dave dave??

Other Odd Things / Re: Cassandra Gretchen-Sims... where is she????????
« on: January 19, 2010, 05:10:18 AM »
she's on an island along with TIAI, STUDY, TS, BOW, JCC and all the other attention seekers :lol:

Other Odd Things / Re: I THINK NOW IS THE TIME : )
« on: January 19, 2010, 05:05:28 AM »
IMO,  TIAI, S.T.U.D.Y, and TS are no better than black or white... what have they done? what have they shown? nothing more than black or white.... it's like cassandra gretchen sims, jcc, and god knows who else... they're on a trip, it's the only way they have to attract attention, other than that they are, IMO, lonely people, with no social life, possible phsically challenged, hence spending so much time in front of their pc to come up with such elaborate stories that have every one hooked... no offense to those who believe in these story tellers, i prefer to believe in something visual...

ps i will take all of this back if/when they prove to be something more :D

Hoax Videos / Re: New From MJAlive999: Fan Letters
« on: January 18, 2010, 03:00:01 PM »
probably someone lurking on various forums? just a thought

i read somewhere, some time ago that spielberg and michael were indeed friends, and spielberg even offered the lead role in his version of peter pan, however when the first accusations poured in, spielberg dropped him MJ like a brick, as did pepsi and many others, so i'm thinking they haven't been friends since 1993/94

Michael Jackson News / Re: Are you ready for tomorrow? (january 18)
« on: January 17, 2010, 12:02:37 PM »
i'm leaning more toward the possibility that, taking in consideration the number 7, he will come back in 7 years

Random MJ Talk / Re: so it's my birthday :)
« on: January 17, 2010, 07:31:54 AM »
happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear farhatmjj, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! :D  :D  :D

Other Odd Things / Re: Why did Joe Jackson sad Omar was Michael real son
« on: January 16, 2010, 02:48:58 AM »
it could go differnert  ways:

1: omar is MJ's son and was asked to keep quiet when everybody realized the implication, plus the fact that he is constantly seen with the kids.  :o
2: Joe is telling the truth  :?
3: Joe was/is out for publicity to get his face in the tabloid  :roll:

we'll probably never know for real, all we can do is speculate as we do over everything else!!  8-)  8-)  8-)

Other Odd Things / Re: Michael Jackson is still Alive!
« on: January 15, 2010, 11:31:35 AM »
well I can sure as hell hear the voice!! but are we supposed to see something too??

Quote from: "Lorrie"
I've intentionally refrained from commening in the forum today due to all of the agitation over the recent news about Murray's alleged upcoming charges. Lots of people are understandably upset and/or confused, but I'm taking a "Yeah, right -- I'll wait and see and believe it when I see it" approach to all of this.

Why? Because today's events are just more of the same contradictory and inconsistent stuff we've been seeing since June 25. It looks like it will NEVER end, and I'm personally beyond bored with it.

However, your post has motivated me to chime in for the first time today, rosemariaantigone. I especially love the following part:
Quote from: "rosemariaantigone"
Well, as you know, news have been released that Conrad Murray will face charges. And I know some of you are a bit scared. I am not. If Conrad Murray had been arrested MONTHS ago, that would be it for me. I would believe that Michael was dead. However, the reason why this does not scare me is because they should have done this months ago. What is the point of having a "through" investigation, when the murderer all but CONFESS to killing Michael Jackson? And not trying to play the race card, but as a black person, I have had MANY people in my family and friends being charged for crimes they did not even do. A realtive of my friend is in PRISON right now for something he did not do. And there was a pretty good amount of evidence to prove that he is innocent. So for me, it is really odd that a black man in this country could CONFESS to murder and not only be arrested for MONTHS, but is even allowed to PRACTISE MEDICINE! It just took too long.
*Excellent* observations, and I agree. I just wanted to add one thing, though. I'm black also, and like you, I find it extremely suspicious that a black man like Murray has been allowed to carry on as usual while he's supposedly the primary and only suspect in the death of one of the most famous men alive.

Yet, I believe there's another reason that may partially explain why law enforcement hasn't moved more quickly to arrest Murray, namely the fact that Michael is black too. It's that old black-on-black versus black-on-white crime reality: sadly, it just seems like authorities care more about the second one in general.

the racism card doesn't work the way some people would like to think or make out..... the color of skin makes no difference in this case or any other... maybe 25yrs ago..
but come on people!!! please don't use skin color, it's an insult to everybody (yes including me, i'm from mixed race so i can talk about it!!) theres actually one thing that sets me off and that is ANY race using the race card to be seen as a victim of their color. a few months ago i was walking down a street and i ignored a bunch of guys whistling at me and you know what they said?? SHE'S A RACIST!!!!  that is so lame, seeing that i too have a black father, my point is DO NOT ACT LIKE A VICTIM BECAUSE OF SKIN COLOR

Other Odd Things / Re: Andrae Crouch
« on: January 06, 2010, 12:27:41 PM »
Quote from: "Datroot"
Andrea Crouch choir sang wiht MJ on Man in the Mirror and Keep the Faith so they must have met quite a few years ago.

very true!!!

Other Odd Things / Re: Way OT please read
« on: January 06, 2010, 12:17:17 PM »
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please sign this, it's our way of standing up for MJ

The mind control has nothing to do with fearing God, if you study it further it has to do with Satanic principals.  Please watch some of the videos.  Michael turning back to God was when he started to seperate from the Illuminati and think for himself.  That is when they started losing control of him.
I am not saying I agree with the Jehovah's Witnesses.  I am strictly talking about Michael's relationship with God.[/quote]

i get your meaning, really i do.... but being me, i tend to believe that ALL religions, whether they be in God, Satan, JW, or even buddhisme or islam are a different way of escaping reality, don't get me wrong here.... i am an atheist, but do respect others beliefs/religions as long as they keep it in the closet and don't use it to harm others....but todays world, referring to extremists, etc... blowing up innocent people to support their religion/belief.... sort of makes me think that this world would be a better place WITHOUT religion...even the catholic religion IMO is not as innocent as it claims..
well, thats me and my opinion, no intention in offending anybody whatsoever

Other Odd Things / Re: Doubles @ Concerts ETC.....
« on: January 03, 2010, 01:23:58 PM »
Quote from: "MJhunny"
Bad_girl's right! In fact somewhere on this forum there's a playlist and a cast-list for the TII concerts where you can see that the part in thriller Bad_girl is talking about was to be played by TII dancer Devin Jamieson, he was going to double for MJ in the were-wolf mask, if TII was ever meant to be a concert of course...

thankyou MJhunny......... :lol:

wow!!!!! is all i can say... not that i agree or disagree with any particular theory above another, but we cannot dismiss anything, no matter who might feel hurt about it!!! it is in no way disrespecting mj, we are all here because we want to know the truth, no matter what it is, and IMO any theory is credible until PROVEN otherwise....
this morning, before reading this post i was having some thoughts on MJ, and i didn't even have the time to voice these thoughts to the one and only person who wouldn't laugh at me or be shocked by what i was thinking at that moment, when she said it for me.....that MJ was not 100% ok.... i then said to her that was exactly what i was thinking!! i even went further by saying that if anyone is to blame, IMO and this is a thought like many others, his mother is to blame for raising him to fear God, and all the stuff she made him do for the jehovas going door to door, etc,... but ultimately it was his choice when he became an adult to carry on with this fear he had, but i also think that MJ was very vunerable as a child and therefore more influenced by his mothers preachings than any of the other sibbling, maybe with the exception of Rebbie, who still is a JW.

if anything, hat off to MO and SOUZA for allowing us to have an opinion

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