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Messages - Stillbelieve

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This voice sounds sooooooo much like a stroke victim talking.....Hmmmm
Its not how he says it, its what he is trying to say....thats the clue.
Yeah, I agree. Mentioned that on the first thread regarding this recording last week.  Sounds similar to someone who has had a stroke, having had family members (including my child) suffer one of these.  It also sounds like someone who is being put under as well.  I remember a couple of years ago someone posted a short vid supposedly of Michael a few months after June 2009 who looked as if he had had a stroke by the way he moved or something like that.  Can't remember fully, as it was awhile ago.

I know some people think he could of been suicidal, I have to say I don't hear that.  His sentences and thoughts gravity towards helping those in need (children) as well as addressing depression amongest kids and wanting to do something about it. That doesn't sound like someone on the brink of suicide. If there was ever a time when suicide would of been an option (not that I am saying he considered this during that moment), would of been through the molestation trial. That in my opinion killed Michael's spirit, yet he fought through it.

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Are there any comments of Jermaine or Latoya or anyone else on this voice-recording? (I'm not on Twitter). To me, it could be Michael, although it's very difficult to be sure about it. If there aren't any comments, this could mean this IS his voice.

This is from Jermaine's twitter account:
"Today has been very distressing for all of us, and I'd like to thank you for your prayers at this horrible time. I would also like to remind some in the media that the voice recording of Michael does not show/prove he was "an addict" -- and this leap to agree with the defense is unfair and inaccurate. The prosecution said my brother "was under the influence of UNKNOWN agents" at the time of that recording by Murray. That some people, Jane Valez Mitchell HLN and Ted Rwlands CNN, make statements saying this shows my brother to be "a drug addict" is not what was said in court re that recording. Events are upsetting enough without correspondents adding their own interpretation (or back-dating events to 1993). No-one can rule out the prospect that Michael was groggy because of something administered to make him relax/sleep. That does noke him an addict. I would also add that Murray was by his side "observing" as well as recording so it can have nothing to do with drug depdency because Murras case is that he was unaware of any drug dependency. One more reason why "addict" is a leap to assumption in these circumstances. Some networks need to make this distinction clear and correct this imbalance. Bottom line: Michael did not kill Michael. "               

Dunno. Parts of it sound like Michael to me :?. The words sound Michael-ish, wanting to build a childrens hospital etc. However it sounds as if the person has already been given a sedative and sort of on his way out so to speak, not like someone high and off his face.  Mind you, it sounds similar to someone that has had a stroke also  :?

Hoax Pictures / Re: Photo Used In Trial - MJ At The Hospital
« on: September 28, 2011, 04:34:27 AM »
Fake or not, this picture is disrespectful on all levels.  Even in Michael's supposed death, he is fair game. It's almost as if the media believe they have an entitlement to print this picture without any regard or respect to Michael's privacy as a human being. 

Having said that, the picture was used by the Prosecution with the family present in Court. You would think the family would condemn such a move if the picture was real, given the fact that photo would be in circulation and access to the public for many years to come.  They would also be questioning who took the photo, unless it came directly from them or was authorised by them to be used in the first place. 

The picture could be fake, but I agree with "2good2betrue". I've seen a number of deceased individuals in a hospital setting that vary in presentation.  So it could be real and it defintely could be fake.

Either way, disrespectful the media run with it like dogs on heat.

Twitter ~ Verified Accounts / Re: Paris Jackson Twitter @ParisJackson
« on: August 26, 2011, 07:18:11 PM »
Dunno. Like I said, work with hundreds of teenagers a week, plus am raising 6 teenagers myself so am only relying on what I know from years of personal experience. Her response seems not at all surprising to me. However, if it does to others than thats ok. Just not me.  A majority of teenagers I know have their twitter as well as their facebook accounts set on public. Again nothing odd that Paris has hers on public too, even if she is Michael Jackson's daughter. Many celebrities children have public twitter accounts as well.
Anyway her response doesn't seem abnormal to me and just reflects a typical teenage response. but if it does for others than it does. No problem.

Twitter ~ Verified Accounts / Re: Paris Jackson Twitter @ParisJackson
« on: August 26, 2011, 06:53:39 PM »
Why are people over-analyzing the response of a teenager girl? She uses the word “cool” to describe being at the place where her father was born and raised and then in  another thread it’s been discussed that she used the word “O” upon hearing Frank Delio had died.  Both responses did not seem odd to me.  I wasn’t expecting some deep, heartfelt response from her. Even more so on a twitter account too. Having a house full of teenagers myself as well as working with hundreds throughout the week, I witness these types of responses from teens all the time in the most serious situations.  Let her be free to be herself  and respond the way most (and I said most not all) teenagers respond without having people over analyse her words. Just because she’s Michael’s daughter, doesn’t make her immune to saying and responding this way. 

The Movie References / Re: Michael Jackson wanted to play Phantom
« on: July 02, 2011, 01:17:18 AM »
You know, there's someone that's been posting on TMZ Michael threads for the past 2 years with the username "Phantom of the Opera".  The person never writes anything or engages in the topic/conversation at hand even if someone says something to them.  All they do is posts youtube links to different Michael's performances or video's with Michael in it.   Anyway just thought that was interesting. Probably means nothing (lol)

Sorry, not a newbie here. Just haven't posted for a very long time and my original username and password doesn't work anymore.

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