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Messages - lauren09

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« on: December 26, 2009, 05:21:21 PM »
You people have totally gone off the deep end!  I mean really. Elvis died in his bathroom, drugged out of his mind!  Period. He's doctor went to trial. Elvis died!  He had an open casket.

Michael died too,'s the facts. You can swing this all you want. It happened, it's horrible but it's true.

Because it is a NICK NAME. His father's name is JOSEPH and they call him Joe! What difference does it make??? He was ALWAYS Michael Joseph Jackson since I was a child in the 1970's!!!! Lord Jesus!!

It does not matter, it's the same. Michael Joseph (JOE) Jackscon, it's the same. Why don't you people understand this. Watch the TMZ live feed about this, Harvey Levin even addressed it. Ask an attorney, it doesn't matter.

And the SS DEATH Index is correct with Michael's name, birthdate and date of death listed correctly.

Move on people, live your own lives. Michael passed or he is not coming back and wants to be left ALONE.

this is sad but just let this go.  he passed. it's not a hoax it's just details that are messed up. if you look on youtube, you'll see a lot of videos of mike really messed up, looks drugged, was a problem for him. it took him.

Michael Jackson News / Re: Michael Jacksons Drivers License!
« on: December 23, 2009, 07:11:46 PM »
You know what I'm thinking about? We have his driver license Number and Social security Numbers but what if Michael changed his identity now? What if he changed his name and his physical appearance? It means new Driver License and Social security numbers so we don't care about the last ones and they can now show them to us. What do you think?

Maybe, but you can't just go get a new social security number and all this other stuff, there has to be a significant reason. And yes, Michael Joseph Jackson is his name, period, his RELEASED SS# is his number, his DL# is his number.  This Michael Joe Jackson stuff is nonsense. It's the same person, Michael Joseph Jackson - the who's bad one!

Michael Jackson News / Re: Michael Jacksons Drivers License!
« on: December 23, 2009, 05:34:28 PM »
Buh Bye !!! DUCES

And, you're certainly not the only one who loved/loves and respects and admires Michael Jackson. I have a hard time ( a very hard time) stomaching this stuff too!

Michael Jackson News / Re: Michael Jacksons Drivers License!
« on: December 23, 2009, 05:32:53 PM »
Ok lauren09, you have come to the conclusion that Michael is dead right (NOT!)? So now there is no need to keep repeating what you believe and there's no need for you to look into this any further!
Buh Bye  !!! DUCES

I'm looking for truth and answers.  That's the thing with you people, the minute someone provides the truth or facts, you harass them and won't even look at it.  you don't know, i don't know, i just know the facts and the info that has been released by the officials.  that's all.


Michael Jackson News / Re: Michael Jacksons Drivers License!
« on: December 23, 2009, 05:28:23 PM »
Also consider though the SIN# was for Michael Joseph Jackson (not legal name) and the one for Michael Joe Jackson was not revealed!

OK, and the info showing for Michael Joseph Jackson, with his SS# just happens to be exactly the same as real  Mike's date of birth and date of death.

Michael Jackson News / Re: Michael Jacksons Drivers License!
« on: December 23, 2009, 05:14:35 PM »
They just reissue a new licence with a different licence number so the other number if someone tried to use his licence is reported stolen/invalid and comes up on their system because even some bars now have a scanner to scan to see if it is legitamite.

What, no they don't.  I can't tell you how many times I've lost my Social Security Card, probably three  - four times. I had to go get a new one. I certainly DID NOT get a new social security Number because I lost the card.

Michael Jackson News / Re: Michael Jacksons Drivers License!
« on: December 23, 2009, 05:11:31 PM »
Re: Michael Jacksons Drivers License!
by ellbell290 ยป Wed Dec 23, 2009 11:05 pm

What I'm getting from your post is that you're saying since his driver's license number and social security number have been exposed to the public, he has to either be dead or he has to have obtained a completely new identity. But what happens if somebody loses their driver's license or their passport? The numbers are clearly visible to anyone that finds them. All you have to do is apply for a new one, and you don't need a completely new identity just because someone has seen those numbers.

Yes, but court documents and the FBI have released this stuff, which they are bound to legal regulations regarding this. They werent' just lost, the've been released to the entire world.  I am a Human Resources Executive, I know HIPAA and all the regulations associated with it when it comes to employees confidential information. I can't even leave a file open on my desk unattended if it has personal identifing info on it or medical, etc..  I don't know.   I wish we had answers, it's exhausting.  

Michael Jackson News / Re: Michael Jacksons Drivers License!
« on: December 23, 2009, 05:07:52 PM »
Something to think about...

If someone loses their driver's license, do they have to get a whole new identity? No.

True, but he did not lose his drivers license. All this information has been released under strict privacy regulations, which can only be released if someone has died. Do you know how many nut cases could go and use that DL# or SS# and open credit cards, accounts, etc...

i don't know... i just don't know.  

i don't know how he's just supposed to come back
I don't know how' he's just supposed to establish a new identity

i just don't know.

Michael Jackson News / Re: Michael Jacksons Drivers License!
« on: December 23, 2009, 05:00:34 PM »
Something to think about...

If someone loses their driver's license, do they have to get a whole new identity? No.

What?  No, you just go get another drivers license.  it's not like you lost your check book and get a new checking account. it's a number that is used to identify you just like a SS# and passport, they're all tied in together!

Michael Jackson News / Re: Michael Jacksons Drivers License!
« on: December 23, 2009, 04:26:19 PM »
If you look it says the driving licence expires in 1989.... so its an OLD document.

It doesn't matter if the Drivers License has expired, i have an expired drives license some where in my files but my drivers license NUMBER stays the same. it doesn't change every time you go in to renew your drivers license, hello!

And no, of course Mike's SS# was never released before he 'died'.  

Again, Michel Jackson has said over and over and over again, under oath, during court proceedings and depositions, legal name is Joseph.  Do you think he would lie under oath and be open for purjury?   I don' t know what else to say. If you want and need to believe Joe and Joseph are different names, then so be it.

Also, that means none of his marriages were legal either. C'mon!  I want him desperately to be alive too, I have been a fan for 35 years!  

But, you have to look at facts, not cryptic messages and nonsense.

And, if LAPD, FBI, etc...are helping him and he's in the Witness Protection Program (which I highly doubt because he would have taken his children WITH HIM), then we WOULD never know and/or see him again, period. That's what's it's for, to completely establish an ENTIRELY NEW identity.  

And, do you think the media would embrace MJ's death hoax, they hate him as do a lot of other people, read the hater stuff, it's disgusting. how is he just supposed to return and come back. Hello, I'm back. This world would make him a laughing joke and humiliate him forever!   His credibility as an artist and frankly, a human being, would be completely destroyed.

Whatever...I want to believe too but it doesn't make sense. Something else happened that day that we don't know but is' not that he's still alive.  I'm just saying.

Michael Jackson News / Re: Michael Jacksons Drivers License!
« on: December 23, 2009, 01:18:36 PM »
This thread does make me wonder if this person is trying to convince us that Michael is dead. Are you a believer that he's alive? Or are you a believer that he's dead? I'm not accusing you of anything, we've had a lot of people trolling the hoax forums trying to convince us that Michael's dead.

NO, that is not true, I too badly want to believe that Mike is alive, very badly. However, I am a realist and also have to look at FACTS.  I have to do this too because I have to prepare myself for what may result in all this. he's either still alive or dead, only one of those two.  all his confidential information HAS been released.  So, unless he gets an entirely new identity, what can one conclude.

Michael Jackson News / Re: Michael Jacksons Drivers License!
« on: December 23, 2009, 12:28:45 PM »
Yes, and when you release your SS# and/or drivers license number to someone, doctor's office, employer, etc...they're legally obligated to keep that information confidential under HIPAA and other regulations.  Why do you think employers have to lock their files, etc...have to make special accomodations if personnel files are destroyed, etc...

Giving someone personally your DL and SS# is much different then displaying it all over the entire world.

Also, joe and joseph mean the same thing, i don't get why you people don't understand that. it's like bill and william (my brothers name) he uses both. mike's middle name is his father's first name, joseph. joe - joesph, why do you people make a big deal about this, half of MJ's legal files say joseph and others say joe, it's the same.

mike said in many LEGAL depositions his middle name was Joseph, so he lied?

Michael Jackson News / Re: Michael Jacksons Drivers License!
« on: December 23, 2009, 01:47:06 AM »
hum, i goggled it, i can't find it now, but it showed a sample picture, two , of a california drivers license, it had the exact same numbers as Michael's did, 8. nothing had changed.

how do you know this because it's not the information i found.

also, if you look at the trial court documents in 2003, that has his drivers license number, no change.

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i mean, one has to be logical here, he'd have to have a completely new identity.

Michael Jackson News / Re: Michael Jacksons Drivers License!
« on: December 22, 2009, 09:02:46 PM »
also, another thought, his PASSPORT has been released to the public as well with his PASSPORT number on it, that number also ties into his SS# and drivers license #, a passport is often used as a form of identity if one doesn't have the other's mentioned above.

So, I so so badly want to believe hes still alive, badly. But how, he'd have to truly be in the Witness Protection Program and establish an entirely new identity.

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