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Messages - Im_convincedmjalive

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Other Odd Things / Re: Lady Gaga
« on: February 27, 2010, 01:17:37 AM »
Please don't anyone get upset by what I am about to say.

Did any of you really look at the picture in FULL?

Beyond comparing her coat to something MJ wore in his TII movie?

For me when I saw this pic the first thing I noticed is the HUGE DEVIL antlers on her head.

Second she looks scared shitless, grabbing at her coat as if to say help me.

The guys face tells it all. The way he is grasping her purse as if to send a message.

Her public statement she made at the grammys pissed some controllers off. This piture to me is saying she has been taken back.

Like I said please don't be upset by my observation.

I see things differently.


Hi to you all who have responded to my post with open eyes and love. :D

Thank you..

First I would like to say that the only reason I opened up like I did was because I felt it was necessary for people to realize that this does happen and a person like myself is on this forum.

I basically was giving a different perspective to the mind control aspect. The ladies in the videos aren't here on the forum to speak so I did.

I appreciate the responses and understanding. Please do not feel sorry for me. I am not a victim. I am a strong survivor. I also wasn't looking to gain any sympathy.

This is to Its her,

I wasn't necessarily directing my comment to you when I said it is possible to get up and perform after a beating. I was just putting it out there for all to see.

And I left out the sodomy on purpose. But, once again yes, it is possible. As aweful as it may seem to think about. Humans and especially children have great strength and resilence.

I understand what you mean about the girl's in the Red light district. I haven't always been this smart, LOL.  :lol:

It takes for God to snatch you out of the fires of hell to get to where I am now.

As for my gifts and what I am supposed to be used for by God, well I have been wondering this for a long time also. I still wonder. But, perhaps I just was used a little when I made my statement here,  ;)

I pray for all of the world to be healed.



I understand that you realize I wasn't directly stating that my words of MJ being a freak was my opinion. I would like to clarify that now: Yes your absolutely right. That was not my thinking on that word at all. I do not think MJ is a freak. I think he is a genuis who has turned an ugly thing in his life full circle and is using it now for good.

What I was stating is that the whole take down of MJ and manipulating his image was a part of the Illuminati mind control process. Mind controlling him into believing he was Peter Pan was just another way for the Illuminati to turn his reputation into a freak show and thus make the public think he was a freak.

I haven't spoke much on this forum because I was researching alot of information on my own ( outside of this forum) about these very issues that are apart of the hoax and apart of our world.

Now that I have done extensive research and my eyes have been opened to the reality, I am now stating my beliefs.

I also would be considered a freak. If one was to know my whole life story and my lifestyle, you could very easily say that I am immoral and corrupt.

I truly believe in the theory of mind control and manipulation. I also truly believe in the DID theory. I not only believe it, I am a product of it.

I am not the byproduct of Monarch programming or MKULTRA or Illuminati programming. I am a product of child abuse, physical, mental, and emotional.

All of us posess the ability to seperate our mind and take it somewhere else when something horrific is happening to us. It is a natural thing that our mind does to protect us so we can continue to function.

I have been in many different situations where I was attacked and raped and my mind went somewhere else so I could not feel it in my soul. Only my body was present.

My mind had to seperate the terrible things so I could think rationally of how to survive the rapes and come out of them alive.

After some of those instances I went on to not only go back to what my job was but, did it the very same day or night.

I see many people here who doubt that the women who shared their stories couldn't be telling the truth. I am referring to the videos in this thread. Well, I have no doubt in my mind on how real their stories are.

I also know that many don't believe it would be possible for MJ to go on stage and perform right after a beating. Well, yes it is possible. I have done it myself.

I am not a celebrety so my life isn't in the spotlight and under a microscope but, I have had to play many characters. I get it.

I know that many here will also doubt my words and I am not here to convince anyone of my truth but, you ever hear of the Red light district? Since the age of 15 and I am now 41. If you understand what that term is then you will know what I am talking about.

Many on this forum are quick to discount these realities. That is apart of the mind control and the illusion of the Evil one ( the devils lies).

I am a spiritual person and I know that this isn't a flesh war. It is a spiritual war between good and evil.

I believe the reason that it is now becoming more open to the publics mind is because the truth will always outshine the lies.

Also hiding things in plain sight is easier to fool people. People think why would they do that and let it be known. It makes you confused and dissillusioned.

I hid many illegal acts in plain site.


This thread is now going on 6 pages so I hope that people are truely waking up to this horrific REALITY!

The fact that the USA govt. has been using the MKULTRA mind control programming on ALL of us for as long as they have is the very reason many people can't see the TRUTH!

I believe very strongly in my soul that yes MJ was MIND CONTROLLED! And the ultimate level of that MIND CONTROL is THE ILLUMINATI and the way they program children and then cont. to do so as the children grow up into adulthood.

What was supposed to be innocent fun fantasy from Disney in my childhood has become a horrific reality of the most horrendous abuse on our societies minds.

They took my innocent child hood memories that I had.  Now I see how they have corrupted many youth and adults into still believing in the fantasy.

I realize that fantasy is just that, fantasy.

Many people have blurred the lines of fantasy into reality in their own lives as a way to escape it. Their lives.

I never bought into the Peter Pan character of MJ because to me it is just that a fantasy. Yet the Illuminati used it as a way to manipulate MJ and turn him into a freak.

The character fantasy manipulation of Peter Pan has cont. to manipulate many fans of MJ's to think he is Peter Pan and they ( fans) are Wendy. Or Tinkerbell.

I'm highly upset at the reality of these fans who cont. to refer to themselves in that way.
Or when they cont. to feed the corrupt image of MJ as Peter Pan.

I for one will never say to him "your my peter pan, can I be your wendy?"
That to me keeps the cycle of abuse going.

I am sure MJ is aware of what has happened and now he is using the bad for good.

I have another  opinion about who is trying to cont. to exploit MJ with this mind control of Peter Pan but, I refrain at the moment from saying a name.

After spending hours reading on the MKULTRA and how they traffic children and use them for programs I am sickened to this reality.

I am sickened to read how right under my nose here in Portland, OR at the train station is an underground tunnel system to traffic children into the MKULTRA program.

I have a 16 year old daughter and I do share the very harse reality with her about this very stuff. Of course I keep some things from her. Like the torture of the children. But, if I don't tell her who will?

She goes to school and she has to be aware of the evil  :evil: so she can run if she needs to.

Many parents need to inform the children so it doesn't happen to them.

I gotta stop now. I am blowing a vein in my head, LOL :lol:

Other Odd Things / Re: Maura's shoutout to us
« on: February 25, 2010, 07:34:05 PM »
:lol:  :evil:  :lol:  :evil:  :lol:  :twisted:  :lol:  :twisted:  :lol:  :roll:  :?:  :roll:  :lol:  :lol:

Ok first off I couldn't even get through the whole video. I made it to around 5 mins. and my stomach was like WTF?

My thoughts are my own!

I am basing this opinion on what I think and not what someone else has told me to think.

I will say that many people have similiar opinions to others and when they agree with someone then that is exactly what it is, agreeing!

I personally do not have ALL the history on this war and conflict between these three women. Mo, Souza and Maura but, I will say that from what I have seen recently in MY OPINION:

Mo and Souza approach this hoax with no agenda, they make unbiased opinions and share theorys based on honest research.

The fact that MKULTRA is "VERY REAL" is the very reason that people can not overlook the fact that MJ has been exposed to that. As we ALL have at one point in our lives.

When people refuse to acknowledge that aweful truth they stay stagnat in their lives and rot in evil lies. When you accept the reality as ugly as it is, only then can you grow and mature.

My opinion of this recent video is that Maura has taken on a soap box role and has now tried to turn what started out as a hoax with a message from MJ and it is now Maura's reality show. ME! ME! ME! look at me, I am Maura and what I say is truth, LOL!  :lol:

The whole point in this hoax was not to turn people into youtube talk show hosts but, to open our eyes and gain knowledge in TRUTH!

I feel that Maura should take her own advice when she stated that people need to open their minds to other theories.

Ok I am done.

PEACE! :ugeek:

« on: February 25, 2010, 03:13:03 AM »
Hello World:

“All I wanna say is they don’t care about US!” ( All of US!)

"In what will go down in HISTORY as the greatest demonstration for FREEDOM! In our nation” ( For ALL of US!)

“Some things In LIFE they just don’t wanna see.”

 Meaning the Govt. and some of us don’t wanna see or accept the truth that they have lied to us throughout history.

Question the history books! :?:

(If) We continue to stay in denial it gives governments control over us through media and fear!  :evil:

If MLK JR. was ALIVE he wouldn't let this be!

Since he is NOT and WE are WE CAN"T LET THIS BE! :mrgreen:

Love u!

Peace :geek:

Introduce yourself / Re: a shy hi from Finland! *Stalker registered lol*
« on: February 25, 2010, 02:48:03 AM »
Ahhh All you shy peeps make me wanna give you ALL a big HUG!

Greetings from a nonshy lady in Portland OR. :D


TIAI ~ 2010 / Re: TIAI New Redirect for 2-21-2010
« on: February 21, 2010, 09:29:44 AM »

Your right it is the link that was important but, the fact that someone had gave a opinion on what her siggie meant, I dropped clues to meanings that are REAL based on tweets given by thisisalsoit.

If people want the whole message of the hoax and why it was done more investigation needs to be done. Alot of info is given and it is an explanation into the soul and mind of the man.


TIAI ~ 2010 / Re: TIAI New Redirect for 2-21-2010
« on: February 21, 2010, 05:05:57 AM »
My interpretation of this picture is:

1: MJ as a child being held back from his childhood. He could not play games like other children. Hence the cat being held back. Cat and mouse playing games. Someone was playing games with his life when they brainwashed and mind controlled him with the MKultra programming.  

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Illuminatti programming: Peter Pan

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2: MJ when the media had manipulated his image out of control and he lost his mind and he SCREAMED!

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Also the same applys to how the media manipulated his fans and cont. to do so today with the current affairs.

3rd: This is MJ going through a spiritual death,

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and rebirth.   You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login

Hence the Green man image in the We are the world video. :mrgreen:

Remember the time.

Egyptian influence :ugeek:


Links are provided for reference and research. Some are pics only but you can find the info on the hang man card on wikipedia and what it means.

TIAI ~ 2010 / Re: TIAI 02/19 Thessalonians 2:11 (King James Version)
« on: February 21, 2010, 04:25:49 AM »
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Proverbs 1:22 (Amplified Bible)

22How long, O simple ones [open to evil], will you love being simple? And the scoffers delight in scoffing and [self-confident] fools hate knowledge?

Something that we should remember here is that not everyone can or have been given a spirit of discernment.

So for the few of us who can actually interpret the Lord's message and what God has said,  it comes to us like second nature. Those who can not and choose not to open up to the truth and receive knowledge are the ones upon illusion and the lie effect.

What I believe and would hope is that for the people who do have discernment and can interpret the word,  try as best as you can to cont. to put it down in layman terms as you all seem to be doing.

Proverbs 4:1 (Amplified Bible)

Proverbs 4
 1HEAR, MY sons, the instruction of a father, and pay attention in order to gain and to know intelligent discernment, comprehension, and interpretation [of spiritual matters].
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Colossians 1:9 (Amplified Bible)
9For this reason we also, from the day we heard of it, have not ceased to pray and make [a special] request for you, [asking] that you may be filled with the full (deep and clear) knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom, [in comprehensive insight into the ways and purposes of God] and in understanding and discernment of spiritual things--

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ok that's all from me ttfn!


TIAI ~ 2010 / Re: TIAI new redirect 2/17
« on: February 21, 2010, 03:28:57 AM »

Seriously people,

Before you go doubting yourselves and other people on this forum, who time after time keep giving you solid proof that the "MEDIA LIES" and "WILL BRAINWASH " you,

 if you listen to the "TABLOID JUNKIE." :evil:  :twisted:

 Take a good look at how CNN reports news. see below in the video.

Although this is of a different event and time, different actors involved, it is still CNN and it is still how they operate.

 :?:  :?:  :?:  :?:  :idea:  :idea:  :idea:  :idea:  :?:  :?:  :?:  :?:

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For the life of me I can't figure out how to post the actual video so the best I can do is the link. Maybe someone can post the video here so peeps don't have to go outside the forum. TYVM

TIAI ~ 2010 / Re: My favorite Redirect so far...2/20
« on: February 21, 2010, 02:13:25 AM »
:mrgreen:  :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:  :mrgreen

Applause, clap clap clap!!! It's about time the youtuber pros came out with this vid.

I am not a youtube vid pro so, I can't do it. But, for me the message has been that and only that from the day of my join date here. Also many other things about why he did this.  

I do not need to be the lecturer or on the soap box so I have sat, observed and watched the nasty comments, speculations on the hoax, and what not. I then would choose to go on a different path and do my investigations of "TRUTH" based on what MJ has layed before us to see. The clues are everywhere on the net. Seek and ye shall find.

I am not better than anyone and I do not hold this info to myself because I do not want to share it but, I do it because the learning process needs to be gained from each individual person in their own way. I choose not to give my opinion's on alot of stuff because I do not want to influence or sway your minds.

You have free will and you have a brain that God blessed you with. It is up to you and me to use our brains and not just our eyes. Media distractions...other people's opinions.


Think outside the box...


The Numbers Theory / Re: I don't make predictions or guesses... LOL :)
« on: February 18, 2010, 02:18:53 AM »
Quote from: "Im_convincedmjalive"


So this is my first topic post, and first try at numbers theory! So bear with me..

So in regards to numbers and how they apply to MJ well lets just say, I am no good with numerology or math.

I just pay attention to "EVERYTHING".. everyone's thoughts and especially MJ's. I have been silently S.T.U.D.Y. ing everything. When you watch a master at work you learn things.

I am like a sponge, I absorb truth and nothing but, truth.

I am making a heart filled honest response to a date that I feel is relevant based on some clues I have seen. 13 R's from the TIAI reveal post on MJ's TII movie.

I also know how much MJ admires MLK jr. and the relevance of this very important speech... and what MJ did "ALL" this for.

In saying all that I would like to say: 9/28 is somehow important.

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Now all you other brainiacs have fun... I hurt my head with this much thinking! LOL :mrgreen:

Thanks for your cooperation...

God bless you all.

God bless you MJ, I love you more!

Quote from: "Im_convincedmjalive"
LMAO I told ya'll I wasn't good with numbers... I meant 8/28..


The Numbers Theory / Re: I don't make predictions or guesses, LOL :)
« on: February 18, 2010, 02:16:39 AM »
LMAO I told ya'll I wasn't good with numbers... I meant 8/28..


The Numbers Theory / I don't make predictions or guesses, LOL :)
« on: February 18, 2010, 01:54:44 AM »
Quote from: "Im_convincedmjalive"


So this is my first topic post, and first try at numbers theory! So bear with me..

So in regards to numbers and how they apply to MJ well lets just say, I am no good with numerology or math.

I just pay attention to "EVERYTHING".. everyone's thoughts and especially MJ's. I have been silently S.T.U.D.Y. ing everything. When you watch a master at work you learn things.

I am like a sponge, I absorb truth and nothing but, truth.

I am making a heart filled honest response to a date that I feel is relevant based on some clues I have seen. 13 R's from the TIAI reveal post on MJ's TII movie.

I also know how much MJ admires MLK jr. and the relevance of this very important speech... and what MJ did "ALL" this for.

In saying all that I would like to say: 9/28 is somehow important.

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Now all you other brainiacs have fun... I hurt my head with this much thinking! LOL :mrgreen:

Thanks for your cooperation...

God bless you all.

God bless you MJ, I love you more!

Ooops my bad, I didn't post this on it's own the first time..

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