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TIAI ~ 2010 / Re: TIAI redirect 3/4
« on: March 04, 2010, 06:32:23 AM »

July 4th and the reference to it being INDEPENCE DAY meaning FREEDOM makes sense but,

I am confused on the fact that I live in America and I sure never heard of July 4th being canceled by President Obama and it was to be named "Thriller 2009 day"

I also never heard about his ( MJ) funeral being on pay-per-view on July 4th for fans to watch.

I watched the public ceremony on basic T.V. channel the day it was broadcast.

I miss alot not watching the TABLOID JUNKIE!  :lol:

But, after going to that link I found 2 comments that were intriging:

Dedicated Michael Jackson fans were sympathetic to those who lost their holiday.  Burt Higgens, a Jackson fan since the early 1980's, said, "I can understand how they feel.  I've suffered a loss, too.  I'm not saying the Ben Franklin isn't important to America, I mean he invented the light bulb, but we can celebrate his birthday anytime.  But, Michael Jackson might not die again for years." <<<< MJ MIGHT NOT DIE AGAIN FOR YEARS! yea we know! :lol:


Jackson insiders say, Michael is expected to remain dead throughout the ceremony.  The highlight of the ceremony will be a no hold barred cage fight between the members of the Jackson family and his close friends and associates for what is left of the singer's assets.<<<<< Um well yea I can see this happening!

Ok I am not even about to figure out the rest, have fun people.


I found this today 3/25/2010, so I figured might as well add to the post. Please click link to read the article for yourselves on TRUTH, k... thanks

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A few things here that I would like to address.

When I first signed up on this board I had scanned relevant information on this site to get an understanding as quickly as possible of the hoax and the reasons behind it.

I was playing catch up due to the fact that I came on board late in the game. This hoax had been going on for almost 7-8 months before I found out. Alot of folks had been following the hoax and clues and what not all this time so you folks had to wait and be patient for everything to be revealed.

I kinda had an advantage because I came late and with almost everything in place and available for me to see. There is still way more to come that I have absolutely no way of knowing what is coming or when so I sit patiently and wait.

In the mean time since I do have to wait and since I scanned information quickly from the beginning to catch up and be on the right TRACK I now have gone back over ALL of TIAI reveals and started to S.T.U.D.Y. them closer.

One thing that stood out for me from the first time I read this reveal on my sign up date was the reference to Evan Chandler.

TS revealed to many of you that he had committed suicide and that apparently the media didn't do much, if any coverage on it.

I am not sure about that because I do not follow TABLOID JUNKIES but, I was aware of it before this reveal that Evan Chandler had indeed committed suicide. I didn't say anything at the time because I knew eventually I would come back to this post and tell my TRUTH and knowledge of knowing about it.

Here I am letting you all know. Yes, it was some what known back in November 2009 by a few thousand people that Evan Chandler had committed suicide.

Now I am going to post a quote from a website that is my actual quote of an article and my words about what I thought happened to Evan Chandler.

This quote has not been doctored and I don't feel it would be appropriate to reveal where the quote is posted at. Specifically the forum on which I did it.

Let's just say it comes from an ADULT themed forum. So you see even the ADULT themed forums and odd places actually do have good places to find info.
Quote from: cherrymoon503
After the sudden death of Michael Jackson Evan Chandler tells the truth.

In 1993, Chandler told a psychiatrist and police that he and Jackson had engaged in sexual acts that included oral sex, the boy gave detailed description of Jackson’s genitals. The case was settled out of court for a reported $22 million, but the strain led Jackson to begin taking painkillers. Eventually he became addicted.

Now maybe for the remorse of his death Chandler decides to tell us the truth. ” I never meant to lie and destroy Michael Jackson but my father made me to tell only lies. Now i can’t tell Michael how much i’m sorry and if he will forgive me ”.Evan Chandler was tape-recorded saying amongst other things, “If I go through with this, I win big-time. There’s no way I lose. I will get everything I want and they will be destroyed forever…

Under the influence of a controversial father (Jordan Chandler) told his son to tell that Jackson had touched his penis.Jordan Chandler then told a psychiatrist and later police that he and Jackson had engaged in acts of kissing, masturbation and oral sex, as well as giving a detailed description of what he alleged were the singer’s genitals.
” Now for the first time i can’t bare to lie anymore. Michael Jackson didn’t do anything to me, all was my father lies to escape from being poor.”

This boy's father has (apparently) commited suicide recently...

The father of a boy who accused Michael Jackson of molesting him 15 years ago was found dead of an apparent suicide, Jersey City Police confirmed to PIX News.

Makes me wonder if his guilty conscious finally got to him for forcing his son to lie.


In the quoted text is the article which has obvious flaws. One being that WE know MJ was not addicted to drugs after that incident of any guilt MJ felt. Second the article has the names wrong and backwards. They say that Evan was the child who was molested and Jordy was the father. Just shows how much the MEDIA lies and doesn't know shit.

I am going to post my words here for reference of them inside the quote so you can see wherethe article media lies are and mine.

 :geek: This boy's father has (apparently) commited suicide recently...  :geek:
:geek: Makes me wonder if his guilty conscious finally got to him for forcing his son to lie. :geek:

What did TS say about a quilty conscious?

Then was this yet another grand coincidence? No. Actually, whether you believe it or not, it was the hand of God! This was part of God’s plan to help vindicate MJ’s character; this was part of God’s plan to use Michael in his battle against the evil conspiracies in this world, etc. But the mainstream media never reported anything about this suicide—why not? When the media jumps on just about anything related to MJ, why the “dead” silence on this? It is simple: because the media does not want to see MJ vindicated.

Some have said that Evan Chandler committed suicide—not because of guilt over the MJ situation, but because of health problems. However, a guilty conscience was very likely a major source of his poor health (see Proverbs 17:22).

Finally, there is a similar situation in the Bible, the case of Judas. He also committed suicide, because of a guilty conscience (see Matthew 27:3-5). And although this was a terrible thing—yet it was prophesied in advance (see Psalm 41:9; Zechariah 11:12,13; John 13:18-21); and when it came true, the fulfillment of the prophecy was also put on record (see Matthew 27:6-10; Luke 22:48; etc). Let both of these cases (Evan Chandler and Judas) be a warning to each one of us: if we have done wrong, we should confess and make things right.

That is all.


Hoax Videos / Re: Maura's New Video Truth Campaign Intro
« on: March 03, 2010, 03:27:05 AM »
@ Dorian,

First I have no understanding of anything you just posted in response to my message.

It was very broken and not really intelligent. Second I have no reason to go on an attack or hate campaign for or about Maura. My post was simple stating fact.

I am a grown woman of 41 and I am an independant thinker. Always have been, always will be.

There is absolutely nothing in this forum or on anyone's videos that influence my opinions other than my own opinion and what I see from MJ the man himself.

Everything I stated wasn't an attack but a learning tool for anyone who read it correctly and interpreted correctly. I do not have hidden agendas. The only agenda I have is to see JUSTICE for MJ. And to go on an adventure of knowledge and TRUTH.

Everything I stated was mature and non attacking and if you had maturity you would see it for what it is. I do not type with emotions, I type with logic.

You appear to have typed with aggression and emotion that I have not involked or provoked.

I have understanding of things because I keep an open spiritual mind and heart.

Whatever you choose to believe is your God given right, as is mine.

Everything was said for a reason but it appears beyond your comprehension, if you took offense of it and felt you needed to defend Maura.

I do not have any history of her issues with this forum. I made my opinion based on this video and a few others she had made addressing this forum which included ALL assholes over at Mo and Souza's thread. Well, I am one of those people she so called politely addressed as an asshole.

Not once in my original post did I call her out her name.

Even what I stated was to be taken as not the truth unless properly investigated independantly of itself. Not to be taken at face value unless you properly investigated it with knowledge and gut TRUTH.

Investigate my posts. Look at my sign up date. Find out where my head is at. Research who I am before making snap decisions and judgement calls based on ignorance.

Beyond that, nothing of a petty nature about Maura or anyone else for that matter interests me or do I find fasinating.

The only mission I am on is a mission of self discovery, TRUTH, and Justice for MJ.

I am on a mission and an adventure of a lifetime, I am here to enjoy this not dispute petty sillyness.

This isn't about who is winning a popularity contest.


Hoax Videos / Re: Maura's New Video Truth Campaign Intro
« on: March 02, 2010, 10:47:10 PM »

I just got done reviewing Maura's Truth video and well, I must say good for her, she is finally seeing the truth. She hasn't always been on this truth campaign from the jumpstreet with her intial videos in her series. She also had a veil of deception over her eyes.

She was also one of those people who was in denial of the truth when it came to the Illuminati. She also wanted to stay very far from it.

Many people were already aware of the Illuminati and how they had a huge influence over MJ and his life at one point. Many people were trying to expose this truth here on this site and many people attacked those people with naysayer shit. She was one of them.

She posted nasty comments and videos towards the people who had been trying to expose the truth all along.

I am glad to see she is coming around but, my advice is to not take everything you hear from someone who may not have the FULL understanding of the Illuminati.

Unless you do extensive research outside of this forum and read up on it yourself, you will not be able to FULLY understand it.

Many people will blindly follow half truths. There is always half truths within half lies.

Do not always trust or listen to the messenger without your own proper investigation and your own gut TRUTH feeling.

While I am a very strong believer in the fact that the Illuminati exists and at one point they did have a very strong influence over MJ's life, that is no longer the case.

One thing you can not do or ever do is KILL a TRUE PURE spirit and soul like MJ.
No matter how much evil influence is over one persons life when you have a soul as PURE as MJ's it will shine as his does and never be put out.

Because MJ is as PURE as he is at his core, it is the very reason he has masterminded this GREAT ESCAPE from the evil. This is the reason MJ has been able to expose the evilness and the Illuminati. He is protected by GOD. He is very much ALIVE and in full charge of this whole experience.

That is the power of faith. That is the power of TRUTH, and GOOD.
That is the power of GOD.

Don't be lead by confusion.

Hoax Videos / Re: Maura's New Video Truth Campaign Intro
« on: March 02, 2010, 09:41:26 PM »
Quote from: "*Mo*"
Quote from: "Shout"
Quote from: "curious1"
All I can say is WOW. She seems to be on to something.

All I can say is this is BS. Sorry!!! This does not convincing me! Michael was is in the first place an artist and not a fighter against Illuminati. To me there is no one convincing prove for Michael´s fight against Illuminati. You will find this "clues" everywhere if you want to find them!! But this is just ridiculous sorry! Maybe she should point out everything not just some parts to underline her opinion, then I am sure she will find the truth instead of some illusions

Hush-a-bye, don't you cry,
Go to sleepy little baby.
When you wake, you shall have,
All the pretty little horses.

 :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

I have read alot of your come backs to the naysayers Mo and have  :lol:  here alone at my house tempted to post a comment in support of you. I have restrained my self until this one. This should get an award.


Hoax Videos / Re: The Micheal Project New Vid - The Introduction
« on: March 02, 2010, 09:25:21 PM »
Quote from: "dmovie27"
Joe made it hard and look what resulted.
I'm on your side more than most people here because I'll tell you the truth, but because of where your head is at, you'll ultimately look at me as the enemy.

This is as far down the posting I have gotten so far. I wanted to come back here to this thread and respond and let you know you have my FULL support. I viewed this video yesterday. I am mistresscherrymoon on youtube.

Keep up the good work. As I stated yesterday the beginning of a butt whoppin experience in TRUTH in the REAL world.




I really wish I knew how to speak dutch so I could get the full understanding of the host when he speaks. Sorry to say but, I giggle @ him speaking because some of his words seem like they are fake joke words. I am sure that might be how people who hear english speaking people feel sometimes.

Anyways that isn't the important part to my thoughts. I haven't been able to view all the videos due to my laptop goes through major lags on the videos and it is doing alot of nonresponding lately. Plus alot of the info is speculation on MJ's "death" prior to the hoax being revealed in full. To me not all of the information is important or relevant.

But, there is one major point that stood out for me. During the first video, which is the only one I could get through because of my laptop issues. Anyways the guy who said  AEG, Sony, and whoever else is involved in the making of the TII film, concert promotions, etc. Don't give a FUCK about MJ and if anyone should be looked at, it is them.

I absolutely agree 100%. I have thought that from the jump start of MJ's "death".

I know that the guy's opinion is based on speculation on his thinking MJ was actually murdered. I however know MJ is ALIVE, and this was a planned hoax by him but, it still doesn't take away a very important thing in what I believe also and that is AEG, SONY, and everyone who did MJ dirty is who should absolutely be investigated.

That includes K.O. I have always gotten a creepy feeling from him. He was the one who was there in 1993 when MJ first got accused of child molestation. He was the one who was there when MJ first started to believe he was Peter Pan. K.O. was also the one who  tweeted some disturbing ques about Captain Hook.

From what I read on Illuminati and Peter Pan programming, the Master is Captain Hook.

Now I had said in another thread I believed someone was still trying to exploit MJ with the Peter Pan shit and at first I wasn't stating a name but, now it is full on. I am saying this is what I believe and have believed from the jump. Manipulation at it's core.

I am not easily fooled by K.O. His background and who he has worked with in the past don't mean squat to me. When I see injustice happening that is all I see.

No one has to agree with me but, I am never going to change my opinion on this.



« on: March 02, 2010, 03:20:31 AM »

You are very much going in the right direction. There was alot of clues given by TIAI reveals and by thisisalsoit tweets. From the beginning everyday there has been a tweet given in which it is a story telling of his life and things that were happening and are happening.

I have followed the tweets and READ every article and watched every youtube video. There is a huge spiritual egyptian influence to it when it comes to MJ and the spiritual death and rebirth. To understand it in full the information is there on the tweets. Follow them carefully and read in full the articles given and watch the youtube videos even if it is uncomfortable to do so or uninteresting.

I am glad to see that you have given this a thought.

Michael's Reasons to hoax his death / Re: What If The Hoax Is A Hoax?
« on: March 02, 2010, 03:00:50 AM »

First I would like to start off by saying I have not made a public introduction of myself on this forum. So many of you who have been participating in this forum and hoax longer than I have seem to have gotten to know each other and have built a rapore on this wonderful adventure.
And of course since you don't know me and my thoughts most of my info seems to get overlooked by many.

I see that you ALL seem to be forgetting the fact that MJ stated very clearly in his TII movie that this was an adventure for ALL of us. He wanted to take us places we've never been before and show us things we've never seen or experienced.

And it was stated very clearly this was ALL for L.O.V.E.

This is coming from a man who has given everything of himself for his fans and many other people throughout his entire life. It always is done from his heart.

He has given and given and continues to give unconditionally without asking of anything from any of his fans but, to trust in him.

MJ never needed to ever do a publicity stunt persay to boost his image or his career. His talents alone do that ALL by themselves. The man is a phenom with his singing and dancing abilities. He is an absolute genius. This is another part of him and his genius to get people interactively participating in a huge creative demonstration.

This demonstration has many facets to it beyond the hoax itself. There are many serious issues that MJ has been tapping the world on the shoulder about for years in his lyrics.

No one heard him when he sang them on stage or when they heard his music on the jukebox. You only heard an image of who you thought MJ was.

This was something he absolutely needed to do to shock the shit out of people and wake them up to more than just his music.

There are very serious issues happening in our world and if you continue to overlook it you will be taken way out of your comfort level more than just this hoax has done.

I suggest you seriously start paying attention to the issues presented during this hoax and learn what is going on before it is to late. Stop worrying about the why of the hoax and educate yourself.

MJ has exposed some very dangerous things while doing this hoax, things that put his life in danger. Do you honestly think MJ would sacrifice his LIFE if it wasn't a serious issue for the world to WAKE UP to what is going on around us being done by our GOVTS.?

Alot of my post go unread or responded to because it appears that many of you would rather continue to be in the dark and denial. This is a serious thing here not just a hoax or some publicity stunt for MJ's selfish reasons or a study group experience.

There is elements of a study being done for sure  but, we ALL need to play a role in it and REALLY STUDY the issues being presented that maybe a little uncomfortable to think about.

Now I do not post much and when I do it is usually on the lines of important things needing to be addressed. I enjoy the adventure but, I enjoy knowledge way more than petty threads about nonsense theories.


I haven't watched the video posted yet but, I usually read others responses first to get an idea of where yall heads are at.

I am wondering where did that picture come from that is posted of the song lineup?

And LOL did no one see the line about  PLANE EXIT at the end?

Things that make you go hmmm?



I have a quick question for you, did you ask this because you were unsure and needed support? Or do we win a brownie for being completely, adamantly, and positively sure MJ is ALIVE!

My username says it all. I started late in this hoax cause I am always tardy for parties.
But, it took me a few hours of scanning relevant information on youtube, here on this site, TIAI reveals, and various other clues to absolutely seal the deal for me on the very same day of my sign up date. I have never waivered in my feeling of faith.

Funny that today you should ask this question, because on my twitter account, I tend to babble out stuff to whomever reads it.

 I only have 4 followers and I don't tweet all over the internet chatting to people but, I do send out my thoughts in vibwaves.

I am not a warm fuzzy person all the time, so please no one get offended ok.

I am just a straight shooter Real talk type person sometimes so,

Here it is:

Stand for something or you will fall for anything! I would rather be an anomaly than put in a category of the rest!
about 11 hours ago via web

I understand self doubt and apprehension but, a flip flop on your belief system everyday is whack
I don't know how to do screen print but, that is what I stated today.

Pretty self explanatory when I refer to standing for something, and your belief systems.


 now where's my brownie LOL  :lol:

TIAI ~ 2010 / Re: TIAI -28/2/10
« on: February 28, 2010, 03:55:23 AM »

Thanks for posting this, I was just on poor Dr. death's thread of frustration when I clicked the link and went to the passage, it is not funny but, I will admit I had to chuckle when I read it.

After reading the amount of people's frustrations over this last part of the TIAI redirects on the meaning of 4 years and how confused and angry some people seem to be getting this redirect is very appropriate.


Please don't misunderstand. I am not laughing at people over their frustrations, I am just amused at some of the back and forth conversations on topics.

I am actually very saddened by a lot of the confusion and arguing going on here.

This is better than Jerry Springer now a days, LOL


Other Odd Things / Re: We only have four years?
« on: February 27, 2010, 10:41:35 PM »
Although this text comes from a website in which the plan of the devil ( satan) uses a deception on people to believe that this information is coming from an Alien, like E.T. if people of (faith who understand it to be exactly what it is) and interpret this information correctly it is very good insight to truth.

A SPIRITUAL WARFARE between good and evil. Warfare between God, Jesus, The Holy Spirit ( Trinity) <Good vs. Evil> ( satan and his demons).

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Humanity, though utterly unconscious of the fact, has a significant part to play in this. You (as a collective consciousness of the planet) are choosing the Negative Polarization by default, by the quality of your thoughts and actions. Thought is creative energy, focused. You get exactly what you put out.

Why do you think the Media is so important to us? You have (as a society), in your hypnotized comatose state, given your Free Will consent to the state your planet is in today.

You saturate your minds with the unhealthy dishes served up for you on your televisions that you are addicted to, violence, pornography, greed, hatred, selfishness, incessant 'bad news', fear and 'terror'.

When was the last time you stopped, to think of something beautiful and pure? The planet is the way it is, because of your collective thoughts about it. You are complicit in your inaction, every time you 'look the other way' when you see an injustice.

Your 'thought' at the sub-conscious level of creation to the Creator, is your allowance of these things to occur. In so doing, you are serving our purpose.

It is very important to us, that the Polarization of this planet is Negative at the time of the Great Harvest. That means Service to Self orientated, as opposed to Positive, Service to Others.

We require a Negative Harvest, and you are doing a fine job of helping us to attain our goal. We are very grateful.

There will be dramatic changes to your climate and weather conditions over the next few years, as the time of the Great Harvest approaches.

You will see windspeeds surpassing 300 miles per hour at times. There will be raging tsunamis and widespread devastation; and a solar emission in late 2009 early 2010 that will cause major melting of the ice caps, and subsequent drastic rise in sea levels, leaving many (international) metropolitan areas underwater.

That is all I have time for at present. I have a Sacrifice I must attend now.

No, not really.

Let's see if we can increase the 'depth' of enquiry and question matter in the next session. Seek beyond the superficial. Get to the 'Core' of the matter.


Now if you read this as a person of FAITH and see it for what it is, this is a spirit ( don't know for sure which side it is on) but, it has told it like it is. It has given us Humans the answer, and WE have FREE WILL to choose what we want here and NOW!

L.O.V.E.= Law of vibrational energy.

Stop living in FEAR and Confusion.



Other Odd Things / Re: We only have four years?
« on: February 27, 2010, 09:51:14 PM »
Quote from: "MJalive999"
When he sets himself up as God war will break out in heaven. Satan, having received false glory as the Almighty from his son the antichrist, will be cast down to earth along with his legions of demons who side with him in the heavenly battle. This will occur three and a half years after the peace agreement has been signed and marks the beginning of the 1,290 day desolation period.

I am REALLY GLAD to see this!

Someone is getting the BIGGER picture!

I pray that more people will soon have the DECEPTIVE veil lifted from their eyes.

While the hoax is providing us with clues to many things about why MJ had to construct his "death" as a shock value for US to wake up to these REALITIES, it is also causing many to get confused and not focus correctly.

I have read the theories related to what some think is the meaning behind 4 years and I say it is humorous at times but, also very sad.

I am getting the impression here that there are alot of younger people who need their elders to get involed. I hope that if the younger ones on this forum become aware that they in turn inform their parents to help them gain a better understanding of this enormous concept.

Don't lose hope and give into FEAR!

Love you all.

L.O.V.E. = Law of vibrational energy!
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TIAI ~ 2010 / Re: TIAI redirect 2-25-10
« on: February 27, 2010, 04:05:48 AM »
Hi everyone,

I saw this picture when the OP original posted it and noticed what I feel very strongly this picture is revealing to us based on the words written on it:

Michael Jackson

This is it

I think the key words here are what is in capital letters above.

We have never seen him do anything like this whole AIR/ hoax before.

I was waiting a while to post my observation to see if anyone would come up with that but, seeing how so far no one did post that, I did now.

Think it over.


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