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Michael Jackson News / Spike Lee at Venice for the Bad 25 premiere
« on: September 01, 2012, 06:21:35 AM »
Spike Lee , at the Venice film festival presents Bad 25   You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login

In the days before establishing himself as the swaggering firebrand of African-American cinema, targeting racial tensions in films such as Malcolm X and Do the Right Thing, Spike Lee nursed an unlikely ambition. He longed to sing ABC on primetime TV, just like his childhood idol.

"You could say I grew up with Michael Jackson," the director told journalists at the Venice film festival. "I was born in 1957, he was born in '58. And when I saw the Jackson Five on the Ed Sullivan Show I wanted to be Michael Jackson. I had the Afro, the whole Jackson look. But the singing and dancing – that's where it stopped."

Four decades later, Lee pays a belated tribute to his hero on Bad 25 – an exhaustive, track-by-track tour through the recording of Jackson's 1987 album and the world tour that followed. Bad was the record that saw Jackson setting out to redefine his image. The promotional videos cast him in the role of lethal jungle cat, facing down heavyweight hoodlums or tracking leggy vixens down ghetto streets - even though this was not his natural habitat. On finally catching the girl, for instance, the cripplingly shy Jackson couldn't bring himself to kiss her and opted for a chaste embrace instead. Elsewhere, director Martin Scorsese recalls the singer's horror at shooting the flagship Bad video in the projects of Harlem: "He looked around and said, 'Do people really live here?'."

Lee described Bad 25 as his "love letter" to Michael Jackson – a chance to accentuate the positive. "There's been a lot of focus on the personal stuff," he said. "I wanted this film to concentrate on the music. It was a chance to dig into his creative process. The film shows that Michael did not just sit on his ass. He was out there watching Bob Fosse, Gene Kelly, James Brown and Fred Astaire. He studied the greats and then made himself greater."

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Era ieri in Italia per presentare il suo libro ......mmmmmm........  :icon_rolleyes:

Catania, 7 ago. - (Adnkronos)- ''Ci sono contatti con la Sony per far nascere un film dal mio libro su Michael Jackson e abbiamo gia' programmato un incontro nel mese di settembre''. Lo ha rivelato Frank Cascio, manager e grande amico di Michael Jackson, nel corso di un incontro con i giornalisti nella sala stampa della Direzione di 'Etnapolis' organizzata per il lancio della quarta edizione del 'Jackson Friend Tribute', che si svolgera' il 25 agosto nella 'Citta' del tempo ritrovato'.
Cascio, italoamericano originario di Castelbuono, sulle Madonie, e' autore del libro 'My friend Michael', tradotto con grande successo anche in Italia e in cui rivela la sua verita' su Jackson, da lui conosciuto nel 1984, quando era ancora un bambino, narrando il 'dietro le quinte' di un quarto di secolo di carriera straordinaria e controversa.
''Sono di sangue siciliano - ha detto Cascio - e ho preso con me stesso un impegno d'onore, quello di mostrare a tutti chi fosse veramente the king of pop. Cioe' una persona normale, l'amico che si metteva ad aiutare mia madre nei lavori di casa. Il libro, come eventualmente nel film, nasce dalla volonta' di dare al mondo l'opportunita' di comprendere chi fosse realmente Michael. E io ho voluto raccontarlo con il cuore''.

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TMZ Articles / I'm dying in jail
« on: June 18, 2012, 05:10:42 PM »
Mmmmmmmmmm ....... :suspect:

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Dr. Conrad Murray is pulling a Floyd Mayweather Jr. -- pleading with a judge to spring him from L.A. County Jail because it's taking an extreme physical toll on his body ... and if he doesn't get help soon, Murray believes he'll DIE behind bars.

But here's the crazy thing -- unlike Mayweather, Murray's not asking for house arrest (he knows that will never happen) ... Murray's asking to be sent to PRISON, where he believes he'll get better care.

Murray's lawyer tells TMZ, he wants to serve out his time in the big house because he's being treated like filth in L.A. County jail -- getting fresh air once a month, and fresh underwear once a WEEK.

As a result of the alleged deprivation, we're told Murray's health is failing -- his hair, nails, and skin are gnarly  ... and he's been suffering from a constant headache over the last few weeks.

Murray says he's never gotten headaches in the past -- and is worried it might be a brain tumor.

We're told Murray asked to see a doctor, but got shuffled around and has received no medical attention.

Murray told his attorney, Valerie Wass, "I may not make it out of here alive. This is a very dangerous place. I'm in here dying. The system is intent on killing me."

A rep for the L.A. County Sheriff's Department tells us, the department doesn't comment on pending cases.

General Hoax Talk / Mumble mumble......
« on: June 10, 2012, 01:50:25 PM »
I was thinking one thing........ :icon_rolleyes:
In this year are gone , unfortunately, many famous people....Amy Winehouse, Whitney Houston, Liz Taylor, Donna Summer...  :icon_rolleyes: persons known and much loved....but about they do not smarten speak after the clamor of the first days.....  :icon_rolleyes:... instead of Michael , after three years , continue to emerge news .. his family is always interviewed.......  :icon_e_smile:......

And here my thought....for me  all  it,  is  wants by  our Michael, is his way of telling us every day I 'm here , I am close to us.... :bearhug:

What do you think ?  :icon_razz: :icon_bounce:

Excuse me guys for my bad english....Love you all...   :bearhug:

Italiano / Epitome of artistry
« on: June 09, 2012, 07:58:15 PM »
Tempo fa, quando l'ho visto per la prima volta, ho postato questo video nella sezione internazionale.
Lo posto anche qui,  nel caso non lo abbiate visto...  non si può perderlo...è semplicemente fantastico... :bearhug:



Michael Jackson News / Paratore died at 58
« on: May 31, 2012, 04:36:05 PM »
Paratore TMZ founder is died at 58   :icon_e_sad:

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Hoax Videos / New from Pearljr
« on: May 27, 2012, 03:12:02 PM »
A new video of Pearl 


Another of Matt Fiddes....   :Pulling_hair:.....SPEECHLESS ..... :icon_e_sad:

Matt Fiddes, Former Michael Jackson Bodyguard, Says MJ Tried to Have Brother Randy Killed
May 8th, 2012 3:28 PM by Free Britney

Michael Jackson's former bodyguard Matt Fiddes claims that the late King of Pop once tried to have members of his inner circle kill Randy Jackson.

His brother, not the portly American Idol personality of the same name.

In the interview with The Sun (UK), Fiddes claims that Michael was intensely paranoid and "caught in a war with his brothers for years, They were all desperate to sign him up to a $500 million deal for a Jackson 5 reunion tour."

Fiddes explained that the eccentric Michael eventually grew fearful of his sibling.

"Things reached a head when Randy was trying to force his way past the bodyguards to speak to him in one of his rented homes. Michael ordered him to be shot."

Of course, no one shot Randy, who is alive and (presumably) well right now.

Fiddes adds, "[Michael] was out of mind on drugs and luckily Randy was OK."

"Randy was so scared he got on the phone and threatened to call the press. He told the bodyguards, 'If you shoot me the whole world will know about it.'"

Fiddes also claims MJ despised Madonna and poked holes in a Voodoo doll of Steven Spielberg. None of his accusations have been corroborated.


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Michael Jackson News / Sony streaming
« on: April 26, 2012, 03:30:26 PM »
I found this news....   :compute:   ..Interesting...  :icon_razz:

Excuse me if is a double topic....

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Italiano / Ologramma
« on: April 23, 2012, 06:06:57 PM »
  :compute: Una news di cui si parla molto nel forum internazionale..eccola qui in italiano..  :icon_razz: 

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Hoax Videos / New video of Magical Xscapism
« on: March 07, 2012, 06:00:30 PM »
Look...interesting !!!!   ;)


Italiano / Un saluto
« on: March 01, 2012, 05:23:00 PM »
Qui nel forum italiano mi esce dal cuore  un saluto ad un grande cantautore italiano che se ne è andato via  oggi...

Grazie Lucio per le tue bellissime canzoni.  :cry:


Italiano / Video diThe 2Thriller
« on: February 06, 2012, 07:54:23 PM »
Posto qui perchè è in italiano ma penso sia facilmente capibile anche dagli amici di altri paesi.    :compute:
E' un ragazzo veramente ok, che fa video moooooooolto interessanti....da vederli.     :Michael_Jackson_dancing_smile  Questo è l'ultimo....  /[youtube]![/youtube]

                                                                              bearhug moonwalk_/

Italiano / Buon 2012
« on: December 29, 2011, 04:59:04 PM »
  ;)) Un augurio di cuore e un abbraccio a tutti gli italiani dell'Hoax: non ho mai capito quanti siamo. Sarà che qui si sta talmente bene che, nonostante le difficoltà di interagire in una lingua che non è la tua, comunque ti senti a casa ed anche io , in verità per questo motivo, frequento poco questa nostra sezione.  ;)). Love you all.

Un augurio in italiano a tutti voi amici insostituibili dell'Hoax sparsi tra mille nazionalità ma uniti dall'amore per Michael   bearhug ...grazie per la vostra presenza, le emozioni che mi regalate, la compagnia che mi fate. Vi amo moltissimo.  ;))

Un augurio con immenso amore a te Michael   michael-jackson/ che da quel 25 giugno mi hai cambiato la vita. Starò sempre al tuo fianco e ti seguirò per sempre con tutto il mio cuore, con la mente e con la passione che mi hai insegnato a mettere nelle cose che faccio.  :D .
                                                      GRAZIE      :-*      THANKS

                                              BUON 2012      bearhug

                                                forever                      UNITED IN L.O.V.E.


Court Case & Hearings; Discussion and Articles / The film continues
« on: December 10, 2011, 04:30:07 PM »
 :) THE BEST IS YET TO COME    ;)) :D   /judge/  /cook/

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