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Updates & Posts by TS / TIAI Revealed, Part 9: Today is 12-21-2009 (R49)
« on: December 22, 2009, 02:30:20 AM »
TIAI Revealed, Part 9: Today is 12-21-2009  (R49)

In this final part, we are going to be examining once again the “2012” film—especially as it relates to the concept of the end of the world on 12-21-2012, which is exactly three years from today.  The “2012” movie story starts in the year 2009, and ends in 2012.

The “four years” that MJ mentioned in TII started in the spring of 2009 (when the “This Is It” concerts were in the planning stages); so we have already gone through the first year.  You could also think of the four years as ending on 9-9-09, 10-10-10, 11-11-11, and 12-12-12 (ten day countdown to 12-21-12).  Of course these are a little more than a year apart; but they are interesting numerology milestones in the four year process.

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“Can Ye Not Discern the Signs of the Times?”

Jesus said: “… ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times?” (Matthew 16:3).  Jesus also said: “… when ye shall see these things come to pass, know that it is nigh [near], even at the doors.  … Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away.  But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father.” (Mark 13:29-32).

So we don’t know the exact day or hour of the end of the world—maybe not even the exact year.  But if we can “discern the signs of the times”, we should be able to know when it is near!  The exact date of 12-21-2012 for the end of the world is fiction; it could happen on that date, but unlikely.  However the end of the world being near is a very real concept, and not merely fiction.  So let’s look at some of the “signs of the times”, which show that the end is near.

Speaking of fleeing at the end of time, Jesus said: “But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the Sabbath day:  For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.” (Matthew 24:20,21).  Did you know that 12-21-2012 will be the first day of winter (northern hemisphere)?  And did you know that 12-21-2012 will be a Friday?  And did you know that in the Bible, the Sabbath day begins at sunset on Friday??  Is it a coincidence, that both of the things which Jesus mentioned (winter and Sabbath) will begin on the same day that the Mayan calendar ends?

Again, this does not necessarily mean that the world will end on 12-21-2012; in fact, Jesus asked us to pray that we would not have to flee on that day.  Nevertheless, the fact that all these things line up on the same day is almost certainly a clue (sign) that the end is near.

The NWO is another huge sign that the end is near.  It was prophesied nearly 2,000 years ago in the book of Revelation; read the whole book, especially the last half—and most particularly Revelation chapters 17 & 18.  Here are a couple verses: “These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.  These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them:” (17:13,14).

Also very well known, from the book of Revelation, is 666 and the mark of the beast (see Revelation 13 & 14).  The mark is related to finances: “And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark …” (13:17).

Surely you know that USA has the largest economy in the world.  But did you know that S&P 500 (not Dow) is “the most reliable measure of the broader market” {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}?  And did you know that the S&P 500 hit a low of 666 this year on 3-6-09 {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}; even the date is similar to 666 (subtract 3 from the last digit, and add it to the first digit).  This was the bottom point in the worst US recession since the great depression; and in fact many people were calling it the verge of financial “Armageddon” (another end-of-the-world term from Revelation).  What does this mean?  Surely, it is another sign that the end is near.

Daniel 12:4 says that in “… the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.”  Do we see that today?  Travel on a major scale, the likes of which has never existed before in human history.  And also there is increasing knowledge in many areas, never before known to man.  In fact the internet, a major source of knowledge, has only come into normal household use in the last decade or two.  Furthermore, the speed that we can now share information on the internet (through videos, pictures, etc) is something that we couldn’t do just a few years ago.

Another sign of the end is many natural disasters (see Matthew 24:7; Mark 13;8; Luke 21:11; etc).  Did you know that earthquakes (along with other disasters) are on the increase?  {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}

As mentioned already (see R47), the Ark of the Covenant plays a major role near the end of time.  Again, stayed tuned to TIAI for more info on the Ark; this will certainly happen well before 12-21-2012.

And what about the Mayan calendar ending on 12-21-2012, should we entirely dismiss this?  Again, maybe nothing will happen on that exact day—perhaps not even in that year; but especially in light of all the other signs, it is pretty evident that the Mayans did not miss the end of the world by centuries, or even decades.  Sometimes I think that the ancient civilizations had more true wisdom than modern man, with all his boasted technology and science.

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“The Son of Man Cometh at an Hour When Ye Think Not.”

“Be ye therefore ready also: for the Son of man cometh at an hour when ye think not.” (Luke 12:40; see 12:46; Matthew 24:50).  “… the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.  For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.” (1 Thessalonians 5:2,3; see Luke 17:26-30).

Different people have different concepts—even within Christianity—about the end of the world: when it will happen, how it will happen, etc.  And other religions also have their concepts of the end of time.  But most people in most religions are realizing that the world is on the verge of some major change; that is just too obvious to hide.

And for those who think that there will be at least seven more years before the end, be careful.  Maybe there will be, but maybe not.  Remember that the Jews—even Christ’s own disciples—thought that prophecy was yet to be fulfilled, before the Messiah would come; and yet the prophecy had already been fulfilled, and they didn’t recognize it (see Malachi 4:5; Matthew 17:10-13; etc).

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“There Shall Come in the Last Days Scoffers”

“Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts,  And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.” (2 Peter 3:3,4; see 3:5,6).

Scoffing is another major sign that the end is near.  Just because there have been false alarms in the past, doesn’t mean that the real thing will never come.  So don’t be too quick to join in with the scoffing attitude.

And don’t be over confident in what the media or scientists tell you (that it’s not the end of the world); often scientists are right, but they have also been wrong at times (see 1 Timothy 6:20).

Scientists were wrong in the days of Noah; they told everyone not to worry about any flood, because it had never rained before and “all things [would] continue as they were from the beginning of the creation” (see Genesis 2:5; 2 Peter 3:3-6).  So of all the people in the antediluvian world: only eight refused to believe the scientists, and decided to get into the ark of safety.

Do you think that the flood is just a myth?  Jesus took it literally, and used it as an example of how people would be at the end of the world: “And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man.  They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all.” (see Matthew 24:37-39; Hebrews 11:7; 1 Peter 3:20; 2 Peter 2:5; etc).  Again, stay tuned to TIAI: and soon you will see abundant evidence that the flood of Noah literally happened—similar to the final scenes in the “2012” movie.

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This Is REALLY It!

The end of the world is near: whether you want it or not, whether you believe it or not, whether you’re ready or not—the end of the world is coming, soon and very soon!  This is big; this is huge; this is colossal; in fact, it really doesn’t get any bigger than this!!!  And once again, from the London press conference {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}: “This is it, I mean this is REALLY it; this is the final — this is the FINAL curtain call.”

Updates & Posts by TS / TIAI Revealed, Part 8: The End Is Near (R43 - R48)
« on: December 22, 2009, 02:12:50 AM »
TIAI Revealed, Part 8: The End Is Near  (R43 - R48)

Part 8, “The End Is Near”, has three meanings.  First, then end of the TIAI daily redirections is near.  Second, the end of the MJ hoax is near.  Third, the end of the world is near (see Part 9).

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R43. The Wizard of Oz
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This is a very fitting picture for the first redirect in part 8, “The End Is Near”.  This is the second time we have seen Emerald City (see R15); but now the city is not in the distance anymore, we are right at the gate.  Soon, we will see the man behind the curtain, the Wizard of Oz.

And just like the man behind the curtain in the Wizard movie, the man behind the TIAI curtain did not have special magical powers.  He was just helping people to see what they had in themselves already—the ability to search a little deeper, and see more clearly the reasons for the MJ hoax.

And the proof is in the fact that TIAI (S.T.U.D.Y.) had no contact with any hoax believers for almost two months—and yet many people figured the out the “wake-up call” message, from nothing other than the simple redirects.

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R44. “99”
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This was pretty much a repeat of the 77 (R23), except that at this time it was now 99 days after 9-9-09.  And just like the 77, this redirect was done at a different time of day than normal.

Yes, there were other good reasons for redirecting to the 99.  For example, 99% represents almost (the end is near): TIAI, the MJ hoax, and the end of the world.  And here is a definition of 99, which fits MJ: “99 … represents artistic genius. A person with this number is often misunderstood, and is frequently the victim of gossip.” {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}

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R45. 2009 Calendar
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Similar to the number 99, the 2009 calendar was another reminder that the end is near: the end of this year, the end of the TIAI redirections, the end of the MJ hoax, and the end of the world.

It was also given as a hint to count 99 days backwards (from the day when “99” was the clue), and end up on 9-9-09.  If you counted 99 days forwards, you would be in 2010; but the calendar did not go into 2010, so this was a hint to count backwards.  A couple of people even mentioned counting the days backwards, but apparently nobody actually did it.

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R46. Michael Jackson’s Wake Up Call
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Here was one last example of how people were getting the message from TIAI, through nothing more than the web page clues (redirects).  If non-professional investigators can figure these things out, what a rebuke to the professional world of investigators and media—who can’t even figure out that MJ is alive, much less the reason for the hoax and his message to the world, etc.

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R47. Ark of the Covenant
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The Ark of the Covenant?  What in the world does that have to do with MJ?  Is there some connection with the Raiders of the Lost Ark?  Perhaps.  But those who read the Wiki article carefully noticed a very interesting date: “On 25 June 2009, the patriarch of the Orthodox Church of Ethiopia, Abuna Paulos, said he would announce to the world the next day the unveiling of the Ark of the Covenant …” {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login; You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login; and You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}

The unveiling did not actually occur.  But why the amazing date of 6-25-09, was this yet another strange coincidence?  This of course was the exact same day that the MJ “death” was announced.  Could there possibly be a relationship between the death hoax, and the unveiling of the Ark?  In fact, could both of these things be directly related to the end of the world (see R49)?

Are you aware the three major religious systems in the world (Jews, Muslims, and Christians) all expect the Ark of the Covenant to resurface, near the end of time?  The Jews are expecting to get the Ark again, in connection with rebuilding their temple in Jerusalem near the end of time.  “Muslims believe that it will be found by Mahdi near the end of times from Lake Tiberias” {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}

And again from the Wiki article: “The Ark is mentioned in one passage in the deuterocanonical 2 Maccabees 2:4-10, which contains reference to a document saying that the prophet Jeremiah, ‘being warned of God,’ took the Ark, the tabernacle, the altar of incense, and buried them in a cave on Mount Nebo, informing those of his followers who wished to find the place that it should remain unknown ‘until the time that God should gather His people together, and receive them unto mercy.’”  Many Christians believe that the Ark will be a major factor in the final battle between good and evil (see Revelation 11:18,19; etc).

Few if any objects in the history of mankind have been regarded with more sacredness and mystery, than the Ark of the Covenant.  And surely if there is any object on planet earth that God can and will control at the end of time, it is the Ark of the Covenant.  But the devil knows this, so he will have one or more counterfeit arks to confuse people.  Then if we want to be on the right side of the final battle between good and evil: we must STUDY the true Ark, and know it so well that none of the counterfeits will lead us astray {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}.

By now you’ve probably learned not to trust what the media tells you about the Ark of the Covenant.  In fact, don’t trust what anybody tells you about it!  You can and should be open to evidence, which will help you distinguish the true from the false; but don’t trust the source of the evidence, trust only in the evidence itself.  “The truth will prevail!”  For those who are not prejudice, and are willing to examine the evidence carefully, the true Ark will stand out in striking contrast to any and all fake arks.  In fact, did you know that the number seven is one of the main keys to unlock the mystery of the true Ark?  Did you know that seven will be God’s most important number in the final battle between good and evil?

Almost everyone knows that the Ark of the Covenant was designed to contain the Ten Commandments—which are based on the two main concepts of love for God, and love for mankind (see Matthew 22:36-40); it’s all for love.  If everyone in the world was following the Ten Commandments right now, then we wouldn’t need to heal the world—because the world would not be sick!!!

Last of all, stayed tuned to TIAI; it will not continue with the redirections on a regular basis, that aspect for the purpose of TIAI has been completed.  But stayed tuned: this is not it, there’s more to come.  When the time is right, there will be further information about the Ark of the Covenant.  And of course there will be updates on MJ and the hoax, etc.  You don’t need to check TIAI daily, if you don’t want; new updates won’t come every day.  And you don’t need to worry about missing an update, if you don’t catch it on the right day: because any past updates will be readily available, simply by going to <!-- m -->You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login<!-- m --> so stayed tuned, “the best is yet to come”!

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R48. “In What Will Go Down in HIStory
as the Greatest Demonstration for Freedom ... 999”

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This is a quote from Martin Luther King Junior’s speech, titled “I Have a Dream”.  And as most of you know already, MJ used this in “They Don’t Really Care About Us” (in the film).  Of course this could be yet another amazing coincidence; but it really seems like MJ used this phrase in that song, because the death hoax would go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom from the NWO and media control (as well as other aspects of freedom).

The “999” was put at the end, to keep any images from coming up in the search; that would keep this final message fairly simple and straightforward.  Yes, there are some interesting properties of 999 {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}.  And finally, this “999” was included in the redirect, as one last clue about 9-9-09.

TIAI Revealed, Part 7: NWO Powers Control the Mass Media  (R29 - R42)

This whole part 7 deals with the secret societies; and especially their agenda to create a one-world religion and one-world government system, called the New World Order (NWO).  There are many such societies, including: Illuminati, Skull & Bones, Masons, and many more; they are bricks in the pyramid (shown on the back of the U.S. one dollar bill).  Instead of trying to identify individual secret societies, the general term “NWO powers” will be used.

Michael is well aware of these NWO powers, their corruption, their tremendous power, and their conspiracies (see R29).  And he knows that these powers control the mass media; which means that if you do a hoax to expose the mass media corruption, you are inherently going to come under the wrath of the powers that control the media—you can’t do one, without having the other.  So he has to be very careful with when and how he returns to the public eye.

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R29. MJ on Police Brutality
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The redirect for this day was another YouTube video; it was a segment on police brutality, from the 60 minutes interview in December of 2003.  It is of course very sad the way that MJ was treated; but the truly heroic part, was his humble and mild response—you have to watch it, if you haven’t already.

Later in this same interview (part 3), Michael said: “I don’t want to say too much … there’s a conspiracy, yeah; I don’t want to say too much.  I’m done.” {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login, at 8:20}  You see, he didn’t want to say much, because he knew the danger involved in exposing the NWO powers.  And no, he was not talking about some small-town conspiracy; he was talking “media” conspiracy, and “manipulating history books”, etc.  Watch the following YouTube video; it has good information, even though they mistakenly think that he was murdered {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}.

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R30. The Illuminati Theory – Not Involving Murder
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Here was a thread from the hoax forum; this thread was chosen because of the title, and also some of the posts in the thread.  I will quote from some of Lacey5842’s post; it is very well stated!

“All the while this is happening [the hoax] people are waking up, not necessarily to him being alive, but to what is happening in the world that effects them and they aren’t happy. They’ve started to look for answers on how we, humanity, can stop this evil minority from continuing with their plans. So, essentially, people are becoming united all over the world for example that’s how you and I are now connected.  All the while this is happening Michael is safely hidden away, watching what is happening from a distance.  I believe that once Michael can see that enough people are united and have enough knowledge of all that is happening he will then feel safe enough to reveal that he is still alive and confirm his message. In effect all those that didn't believe he was still alive will then see that, in fact, he is but they will also have all the knowledge of the things happening around them. Michael will then have his army, ‘Soldiers of Love’ and not one of his billions of soldiers are going to allow anything to happen to him because if anything did happen to him the Elite would know that there would be war and our army is far bigger then [than] theirs but is also worldwide. They will know they don’t stand a chance so in effect they won’t even try.  It is my belief that when Michael does return there will be a war but it will be a non violent, peaceful war. A war based on numbers, unity, wits and L.O.V.E.

This thread was also used, because of the title: The Illuminati Theory – Not Involving Murder!  Since the next half-a-dozen redirects would deal with murders, this title was used to show that MJ himself was not murdered.  In spite of this, and many other TIAI redirects pointing to a hoax and not a murder, some still thought that TIAI was trying to say that MJ was murdered.

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R31. George Magazine, Inaugural Issue
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This clue was the cover of the first issue of JFK Junior’s magazine, George.  This redirect was chosen for multiple reasons, most of which can be seen on the cover picture—including these statements: “the next american revolution”; and “not just politics as usual”.

George earned infamy in the conspiracy cyberculture, when an article slated to run in the October 1998 ‘Conspiracy Issue’ on the top conspiracy writers was killed at the last minute by George editors. Titled ‘Princes of Paranoia,’ it would have highlighted writers and websites that were popular in the field of conspiracy theory and given their work exposure to a wider audience.”  {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}  Less than a year later, on July 16, 1999, JFK Jr. was permanently silenced; after that, there would be no more danger of him exposing any conspiracies.

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R32. George?  (Google Images, Page 10)
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The primary reason for the George magazine clue above, however, was the title itself: George.  Regarding the assassination of JFK Senior: “… polls conducted from 1966 on show as many as 80% of the American public hold beliefs contrary to these findings [the government conclusion that Lee Harvey Oswald was the ‘lone gunman’].” {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}

Close friends of JFK Jr. said, and common sense should also tell you, that his single biggest goal in life was: to discover the conspiracy behind his father’s murder, and bring it to public knowledge.  He of all people in the world had the motivation, and also the connections, to get the “inside” information.

Yet he also knew that it wouldn’t be easy to get this information out, without making himself a target.  So he decided to put the first name, of the person who orchestrated his father’s murder, into the title of his magazine.  And he also had Cindy Crawford dressed as George Washington, to show the connection with the US Presidency (this would also serve to distract those who were not in tune with the real reason for the name “George”).

If you look at a list of US Presidents from the beginning until 1995 (when the magazine came out), you will find only two Presidents with the name “George”: George Washington, and George H. W. Bush (Senior) {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}.  Obviously, George Washington did not orchestrate the assassination of JFK Sr.  So it was George Bush Senior that murdered JFK Senior (and later George Bush Junior murdered JFK Junior).

These corrupt NWO leaders really don’t care if you believe in conspiracies, etc—just as long as the culprits remain in the realm of unidentified mysteries.  But they definitely don’t want to be identified by name and face; especially not the well-known ones, like the Bush family.

The Google images page, at the time of this redirect (now the images are arranged differently), had pictures of all three “George” US Presidents: Washington, Bush Sr., and Bush Jr.  Many noticed Bush Jr. to the right of Washington; but if you look close, the picture above Washington is Bush Senior {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login, look at the second post by Serenity’s_Dream on that page}.

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R33. Murder of JFK Jr.
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This redirect was to the trailer for a video on the murder of JFK Jr.  This murder of JFK was chosen, partly because it is a classic example of how much power these NWO leaders have over the media.  If you watch the whole video, or even the trailer, you will see that the first news reports said that John had made a radio call just before the crash.  Then when the Pentagon took over, this fact was silenced in all of the mainstream media channels.

There is one major piece of evidence, though, that did not get filtered out; it can still be found in the official NTSB report, on their official website {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}: “The fuel selector valve was recovered … and the valve was found in the OFF position.”  Yet the NTSB went along with the media story about the cause of the crash {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}: “The National Transportation Safety Board determines the probable cause(s) of this accident as follows: The pilot’s failure to maintain control of the airplane during a descent over water at night, which was a result of spatial disorientation.”

Any experienced pilot should see a glaring problem with the NTSB’s own report.  If John lost control of the airplane from spatial disorientation (confusion): why was the fuel valve turned off?  If you are disoriented and out of control, the only thing you are worried about is getting the plane level again; and turning off the fuel isn’t going to help level the plane in the least bit—that would be a total waste of time, when every second counts!  And you can’t just accidentally bump it into the off position; no, it takes deliberate effort (so that you don’t accidentally shut the fuel off while flying, and lose your engine).

Also, shutting the fuel valve won’t keep you alive if the plane nosedives into the water or ground; you will most likely die from the impact.  Furthermore, shutting the valve won’t keep the plane from catching on fire or exploding upon impact.  Think about it.  What about the planes that hit the trade towers: do you suppose if they had shut the fuel valves off just before impact, then there would’ve been no explosion??  Nonsense!

Then why was the fuel valve shut off in JFK Junior’s plane?  Most likely, as stated in the video, there was a Manchurian candidate flight instructor on board.  He was probably programmed to shut the fuel valve off, while John was making his radio call to the landing airport; John would be distracted at that moment, and might not notice the instructor turning the fuel valve off.

A few seconds later, the engine would quit from lack of fuel; then the instructor would push the plane into a nosedive.  John would then have to physically fight the instructor to get the control back; and even if he succeeded at that (which would be very difficult), he would then have to deal with a dead engine.  While trying to restart the engine, the instructor could nosedive the plane again; and so on.

The NTSB official website reports that the same basic thing happened on Egypt Air 990; and this was in the same general area, only about 100 days later.  The “FDR [flight data recorder] recorded an abrupt nose-down elevator movement … the engines were shut off. … the captain, surprised to realize that the engines had been shut off, was trying to tell the relief first officer to leave the engines alone.” {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}

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R34. MJalive999 YouTube Video, Part 2
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Another YouTube video; this time, though, it is a video specifically about the TIAI redirects.  It is actually part 2 in a series—all of which are good; but part 2 was the redirect, because it had the information dealing with the Kennedys.  Not only was the information good on that video; but MJalive999 had figured out the connection with the George magazine title, and JFK Junior naming his father’s murderer with the magazine title.

I also wonder if MJalive999 picked that username, because of the 9-9-09 date in relation to “This Is It”.  Another account on YouTube, called PianoGames, also did a video (part 16) on the TIAI redirects {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}.

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R35. Google Search on Various Conspiracy Murders
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After going through several redirects related to JFK (Jr. & Sr.), this redirect was for the purpose of showing that there are many more such cases.  No particular web page was intended in this redirect; instead, the Google search was merely to show that there is a lot of information on the internet that you can research.  Some got a virus from clicking on one of the search hit pages; sorry, this was not intentional.  Before doing any internet searching, you should have good antivirus software; because any web page can potentially contain a virus.

The list on the Google search was Pearl Harbor, JFK, RFK, MLK, Princess Di, 911, and the Titanic; Pearl Harbor was listed first, because that redirect was on December 7 (Pearl Harbor Day, 68th anniversary).  Some said that other cases should’ve been included.  However, there wasn’t much more room in the search box; if you looked close, though, there were three dots at the end (…) to indicate more—yes, there are many more cases.  And all of the cases listed have common elements: conspiracy by corrupt powers in the government to murder their own people, and for the purpose of establishing the NWO.

Also, about half of the listed cases have close connection with MJ: he knew Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}; here is a YouTube video with MJ and Lady Diana {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}; and MLK III spoke at MJ’s memorial {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}.

The last one given in the search list was the Titanic; and although the sinking is very well known, the conspiracy behind it is rarely heard of—even among those who recognize a lot of the conspiracies.  The NWO powers were trying to set up the Federal Reserve, for controlling money and funding their agenda; but some very wealthy and influential people knew that this would be bad, and were against it.  So what did the NWO powers do about it?  They sunk a whole ship, and murdered 1,517 people—just to get rid of the opposition.

“On the maiden voyage of the Titanic some of the most prominent people of the day were travelling in first–class. Some of these included millionaire John Jacob Astor IV {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login} and his wife Madeleine Force Astor [one of the wealthiest families in the United States], industrialist Benjamin Guggenheim {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}, Macy’s owner Isidor Straus {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login} and his wife Ida …” {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}

The ship sunk in 1912, and the three wealthy men listed above all died in the disaster; then the Federal Reserve was set up in 1913. {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}  This explains why the iceberg warnings were ignored, and it also explains the numerous other strange mysteries surrounding this major disaster.

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R36. Aphrodite Jones and Thomas Mesereau (MJ Conspiracy)
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This YouTube video was the redirect for 12-8-09.  Before going into the subject of the video, let me point out that this day was in the middle of part 7 on NWO conspiracies (R29 – R42); and the biggest of all, is the 911 conspiracy.  And in fact, just one day before (on 12-7-09), the TIAI redirect had a list of conspiracies—including “911”, etc (see R35).

Well, on 12-8-09 TMZ had—not one or two, but six different articles with “911” in the article heading {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}!  This timing should make it obvious that TIAI was not copying TMZ.  Was it yet another coincidence?  Well, how often does TMZ have even one article with “911” in the heading?  Check it out for yourself.

Now back to the “MJ Conspiracy” book and video.  Quite obviously, there was a conspiracy against MJ, even though it wasn’t a murder conspiracy.  And the testimony from Aphrodite shows that people involved in a conspiracy may not even know it themselves (only the upper levels understand).  And even after she recognized the conspiracy, it seems that she only saw media and money as the source of the conspiracy—not the NWO powers controlling the media.

The conspiracy did succeed to the extent of damaging MJ’s reputation; but it did not succeed to the extent of the court finding him guilty.  At the end of the video clip, Aphrodite asked a very appropriate question: “Why are we still crucifying this man?  He was found not guilty.”

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R37. Daniel and the Lion’s Den
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“My God sent his angel to shut the lions’ mouths so that they would not hurt me, for I have been found innocent in his sight. And I have not wronged you, Your Majesty.” (Daniel 6:22, NLT).

As always, the context of the verse is important.  In this case, it is the very well known story of Daniel and the lion’s den.  High officials in the kingdom hated Daniel, and conspired to get rid of him; but God overruled, saved Daniel’s life, and vindicated his character.  I’m sure that you can see the parallel here, with the conspiracy against MJ.  God thwarted the plans of MJ’s enemies, and he was found not guilty on all charges.

Now let’s stop and think here for a minute.  These NWO leaders are capable of sinking a whole ship, and killing over 1,500 people on it, just to get rid of a few people.  They brought down the trade towers, which killed masses of people; they killed the US President (JFK), as well as his son—and the list goes on.

Then don’t you think they are capable of taking MJ out?  So why didn’t they succeed in killing MJ before 2009?  In fact, why didn’t they succeed in the child molestation charges?  There is a very simple answer: as with Daniel, God shut the mouths of the lions, and thwarted the conspiracies of the government officials.

Why did God protect MJ, and not JFK, MLK, etc?  Perhaps only God understands that fully; but it could well be that God has a special plan for MJ, in the final battle against the NWO.  Maybe God has a mission for MJ, and has protected him from his enemies “for such a time as this” (Esther 4:14).

Then if God can protect MJ in 1993, and in 2005, and clear up to 6-25-09: then don’t you think that God can still protect him after 6-25-09?  In fact, don’t you think that God could protect his life ON 6-25-09???  Then why do we keep being faithless, and thinking that he really died?

If God wants to keep MJ alive, or you, or anyone else: not all the weapons in the whole world can kill.  Just like Daniel in the lion’s den: “My God sent his angel to shut the lions’ mouths so that they would not hurt me …”

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R38. “People Should Not Be Afraid of Their Governments. …”
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The full quote says: “People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people.”  As most already know, this is a quote from the “V for Vendetta” film.  This clue was quite obvious, and didn’t need any deep investigation.  Yet this had more than one reason, as usual.

Especially after the section on the Kennedys, people were saying that TIAI was trying to create fear in order to control people.  It is sad that people try to find an evil motive in everything; yet with the condition of society, there is a great deal of evil out there—so it is understandable.  So this redirect was given to help people see that TIAI was not trying to create fear in the people; if anything, it is intended to create fear in the corrupt leaders committing these crimes.

Another reason for this redirect, was that it was a picture of a bumper sticker.  If anyone found the source of the picture, they also found where to buy the bumper stickers {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}.  Put them on your car, and help spread the message (I have no affiliation with Zazzle, and I don’t make a single penny from these sales; I just want to promote the message).

The Bible says: “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear … He that feareth is not made perfect in love.” (1 John 4:18; see Revelation 2:10).  So don’t be afraid to join Michael’s Army of L.O.V.E. (see R39, next).

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R39. Michael’s Army of L.O.V.E.
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This clue was one of the still shots, from the TII trailer; specifically, an army of soldiers, with an “M” in the center of the background (Michael’s army).  Take a look at a close up picture of the soldiers, and you will see that they are not carrying guns or weapons {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}.  This is because it’s an Army of L.O.V.E., not an army of violence.

These soldiers in the TII movie were filmed as part of the song “They Don’t Really Care About Us”.  This army needs to stand up against the NWO corruption, the very ones that MJ is singing about—who don’t really care about us, but kill thousands of their own citizens to forward their evil agenda.

Actually, all four of the film segments in TII are directly related to the hoax and its purpose.  Smooth Criminal: about the hoaxed death.  Thriller: about the MJ “resurrection”.  Earth Song: butterflies (represent re-birth), and healing the world (environment, etc).  The army, just discussed above.  Wow!  Yet another amazing coincidence!!  Or perhaps, was this planned??

Those in the old MJHD forum will remember that I tried hard, more than once, to rally an Army of L.O.V.E. (though at the time, I did not go into the conspiracy aspect); but I got only about a hundred people to post their support prior to the release of the movie.  So let’s try again; this time, we can do better.  How about several hundred, or several thousand—maybe more than ten thousand!  But if we can only come up with a hundred again, then don’t be too surprised if MJ doesn’t come back.

Many people will refuse to listen, yes; but for those who are open-minded, just ask them to go to, and read TIAI Revealed.  Especially if they are MJ fans, remind them that MJ himself said: “Prejudice is ignorance”.

And even if someone still believes that MJ is dead (or alive, but will never come back): the basic message is just as important.  So please don’t let doubt, as to whether MJ is still alive, stop anyone from helping to “heal the world”.

I will post a thread in this same sub-forum {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}, titled “Recruiting Soldiers for Michael’s Army of L.O.V.E.”  Please post at least your support; and additionally, entirely voluntarily, you can mention specifics that you are willing to do: starting with the “Man in the Mirror”, make that “change”; maybe a New Year’s resolution.  And then go beyond yourself, and reach out to others, joining together in helping to “Heal the World”.  This is Michael’s message; This Is It.

PLEASE NOTE: This is not a phishing scam; so please do not post your personal information.  We want a quantity of people to show their support; but we are not asking for name, address, phone number, or other private info.  Beware of anyone trying to get you to give out your personal information!

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R40. “The Whole Armor of God”
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“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world [NWO powers], against spiritual wickedness in high places.  Therefore, take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day and, having done all, to stand.” (Ephesians 6:12,13; 21st Century KJV).

If we want to be warriors in Michael’s Army of L.O.V.E., we need to be wearing the “whole armor”—then and only then will we be able to stand against the NWO powers, etc.  Does this mean that we should take up guns and bombs, and only add more strife and bloodshed in this world that needs peace?  No!  The Bible says that “the weapons of our warfare are not carnal [not physical weapons]” (2 Corinthians 10:4).

Then what is the armor, which we need to have?  The context of the above verse in Ephesians gives the answer (verses 13-18): “Therefore, take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day and, having done all, to stand.  Stand therefore, having your loins girded about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness,  and your feet shod with the preparation of the Gospel of peace.  Above all, take the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.  And take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints.”

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R41. “This Is Really Not It, There Is Going to Be Much, Much More”
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Yet another video, on YouTube, called “Michael Jackson Death Hoax: CLUE Analysis” (by c33stylisticz).  This was a good hoax video, and it even started with some video shots of the army in TII; so it was a real good continuation from the previous redirects.  And it was a very good analysis of the Randy Phillips interview.

But the interview with Jermaine, at the TII premier, was the special point of interest in this redirect.  Here is what Jermaine said: “This [movie] is called, ‘This Is It’; but this is really not it, there is going to be much, much, more go…, going on—but this is, this is definitely it; but it’s not, the final curtain, no.” (at 3:28).

What then, is the “more”?  Several things; including the release of the DVD & Blu-ray, with additional footage (which was not announced yet at that time).  However, the “more” includes Michael’s message: the wake-up call.  And notice that this was stated just before TIAI started.  By the way, near the end of the above hoax video, there is a short clip from Michael: “the best is yet to come”!

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R42. “This Is It” AND This Is Also It (CNN iReport)
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A redirect with the same title, “This Is Also It”, was chosen to conclude Part 7 here on NWO corruption.  The article is about financial corruption, specifically the Federal Reserve: “... about [how] our country has been scammed since 1913 with the Federal Reserve Act ...”  Does that remind you of the Titanic?

Now notice the date of this article: “October 28, 2009” (upper left corner).  Since this is a CNN iReport, not from official CNN news, anybody can write pretty much anything in the report; but the date is automatically stamped by CNN, the user can’t modify it.  So how did this person know about the TIAI name and the TIAI message—before the redirects even began?

Notice that this user (16USA60) joined CNN iReport more than a year before the movie release; and months before MJ supposedly died {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}.  So this person was not signing up all of a sudden, just for the purpose of making this statement about TIAI.  And notice that the domain wasn’t even created until the next day, 10-29-09 {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}.  If I were 16USA60 (and I’m not), why would I wait until the next day to create the—why wouldn’t I grab it up on 10-28-09, before anyone else got it?

Then there was Jake Byrd, at the TII premier—even behind the fences with the VIPs—making fun of TII with his own movie called “This Is It Also” {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}.  Where did he get the idea for this name, even before the Andy Borowitz article on 10-28-09 {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}?  And why was he making fun of This Is Also It, with a slightly different name (This Is It Also), if there was never going to be a real TIAI?

Finally, some have asked what does the “also” refer to in TIAI?  In addition to the music and entertainment in TII: TIAI is the wake-up call message, to see the NWO for what it is—and join the Army of L.O.V.E. to help heal the world, etc.

TIAI Revealed, Part 6: “This Is It” Movie Rating  (R20 - R28)

Part 6 here has to do with the movie, “This Is It”, and also statements that I made about the movie (with username S.T.U.D.Y.) before it came out.  I may repost those old S.T.U.D.Y. threads soon in this forum, with some updates, under the “Numbers Theory” section {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}.

In addition to my 9-9-09 prediction, I made several other statements about “This Is It” weeks before it came out publicly.  Here are a few examples, all stated on 9-18-09; this was more than a month before the release of “This Is It”, and the old MJkit forum still has this thread available to read (dated 9-20-09, because it was reposted on MJkit a couple days after I posted it on MJHD; {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}

“Yes, this whole hoax and plan is for a bigger purpose than just exposing the media.  It is time for everyone to STUDY peace {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}: peace in our own lives, and peace in our world.”

“So if an MJ ‘resurrection’ is part of the plan and movie, what day would it be: … During the funeral wouldn’t even fit with the original Thriller, because the dead did not hop out of their caskets during a funeral—no, they came out of their graves. … ‘R’ = MJ Resurrection (9-9-09), MJ Return, MJ hoax Revealed!!! … Let’s see how many ‘R’ votes we can get between now and October 28 …”

Notice here that I connected the “Resurrection” with 9-9-09, which was already 9 days past at that time; so I was not using resurrection in the sense of returning to public view—I used the word “Return” for that.  I used the word “resurrection” in the sense of a concept, related to the hoax and especially the Thriller II film segment (graveyard scene, see R20 & R21 below).

As already stated, the cinema version of the movie did “Reveal” the hoax to a degree (no MJ RIP; Smooth Criminal hoax death, hoax death actor in original “Gilda” had same birthday as MJ {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}; and MJ “bam” statement at end, etc).  And the home version will reveal it even more (see R20 & R22 below).

Then what about the MJ “Return” to public view, when will that be?  Well, the sad thing is that potentially he could’ve returned at Halloween; but we were not ready.  We did not understand the NWO conspiracy aspect of the hoax, or the seriousness of it; in fact, the old MJHD was forbidding discussion on this subject!  And just a few days later, it went down and was out for about a week.  We simply were not ready for MJ to return yet; if he had, in all the excitement, people would’ve had little or no interest in studying into the NWO aspects of the hoax.

Since people were not ready for the MJ return at Halloween: immediately after the TII movie was released, TIAI was set up.  The purpose of TIAI was (and still is) to give MJ fans, and especially hoax believers, a better understanding and bigger picture of the hoax and the reasons for it; this in turn would help prepare the way for the MJ “Return”!

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R20. 2 to 3 Hours of Additional Footage on “THIS IS IT” DVD/Blu-ray
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This was a video clip of an interview with Kenny Ortega, about the fact that the DVD and Blu-ray versions of “This Is It” would have 2 or 3 hours of additional footage.  Please notice that this redirect was on November 22, which was a week before the official release date (and specific content) was made public.  That did not happen until November 30 {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}.

Once the DVD release date was made public, the website gave the specifics of what would be included in the additional footage {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login, then click “Special Features” at the top}.

Notice that the first thing on the list is “Staging the Return”; of course this is intended to come across as the plan for MJ to return to the stage last summer, at the 02 arena in London.  But could it have a double meaning??

Notice also that the extras on the Blu-ray are “Smooth Criminal” (which Revealed the hoax death), and even “Making Smooth Criminal”; additionally, there will be extra on “Thriller”—the clip with the MJ “Resurrection”.  So once again, “This Is It” movie has MJ “Resurrection”, MJ “Return”, and MJ hoax “Revealed”!  Shouldn’t this qualify for an “R” rating ?!?

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R21. MJ Doctor Investigation Will Go Into 2010
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This was a People magazine news article on the internet, which came out on November 21, 2009; the title says it all: “Michael Jackson Doctor [Conrad Murray] Investigation Will Go into 2010”.  This was the TIAI redirect for Monday, November 23, 2009; however, as usual, the redirect was done the night before.  And then Monday was the day when Conrad Murray was all over the TMZ news {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login; You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login; You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login; and You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}.

Back in early October, however, TMZ said: “… the investigation into MJ’s death should wrap up next week -- and Murray is still the sole target.” {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}  Why the major change, from completed in October (the month when the film was released) to January 2010 or beyond???

You see, they couldn’t arrest Dr. Murray in October, and then have him sit in jail for not killing MJ—and then let him out in January or beyond when MJ returns, and says it’s all a hoax.  So they did not arrest him in October.  But if MJ was not planning on returning until January or beyond: then why the statement about an arrest back in October?  Why not just say, back in October, that it would not be completed until 2010?  Could it be that in early October, MJ was still planning on the “return” at Halloween—and then he had to change his plans?

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R22. DVD Easter Eggs
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Here again, this clue had more than one meaning.  A fairly obvious one is that Easter relates to the resurrection theme of TII, especially the Thriller part.   Does this mean that MJ will return next April, during the Easter season?  Not necessarily.  Then when can we expect the MJ return to public view?  That’s what everyone wants to know, right?

As he said at the end of the movie: I will come “in my own time”; it is up to him alone, and nobody else will be able to figure it out for sure.  Some distinct possibilities include: 12-25-09 (Christmas), 12-31-09 (full moon & New Years Eve), 1-1-10 (New Years Day), 1-18-10 (MLK Day), 1-25-10 (seven months since the “death”, and same time as the DVD release), or beyond.  Hopefully not beyond; but that may depend, to a certain extent, on whether MJ fans are ready for the return (understand the TIAI message, join the Army of L.O.V.E., etc).

But what about the DVD Easter eggs, where does that fit in?  Well, this is a term which refers to video clips on DVD’s that are hidden; and it takes a particular key sequence code to unlock each hidden clip.  Many DVD Easter eggs are simple enough, that people discover the unlock code by random guessing; but the codes can be made so complex, that it is essentially impossible to discover by chance.

If needed, MJ can use this to hide information about the hoax and purpose for the hoax, until the time is right to reveal it.  Then, after millions already have the DVD in their homes, the unlock code could be given publicly; then everyone would have the information at the same time.

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R23. Seventy Seven
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This “Seventy Seven” image had several meanings.  Most obvious, is the many sevens surrounding MJ.  This image also looks similar to the MJ logo; most have seen this already, but if you haven’t seen it yet: you can see it on this good website {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}

Another meaning here is the upside down pyramid.  The illuminati likes the regular pyramid (like on the back of the U.S. one dollar bill): with the few on top, controlling the masses below.  Turning the pyramid upside down represents the masses controlling the few (government afraid of the people).

If you write “666” on a regular pyramid, and then turn it over so that you have an upside down pyramid, the numbers become “999”.  You see, MJ plans to turn the NWO upside down with the hoax, revolving around the 9-9-09 date.

Speaking of 9-9-09, lest I forget, that was the main purpose for the “Seventy Seven” image.  This image was displayed 77 days after 9-9-09!  The redirect was done at a different time than normal, to be a hint that the redirect was about time itself.  Also, it was displayed on 11-24 & 11-25, so you could still come up with 77 depending on what time zone you live in—and whether you counted with inclusive reckoning (starting with 1) or standard reckoning (starting with 0).  By now you may have guessed that that “99” was displayed at 99 days after 9-9-09; and again, the redirect was done at an unusual time of day (see R44).

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R24. “Give Thanks” On Thanksgiving
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“Sing unto the LORD, O ye saints of his, and give thanks at the remembrance of his holiness.” (Psalm 30:4).  The most obvious reason for this verse, was the “give thanks” part—especially since it was the redirect for Thanksgiving (November 26).

However, as with almost all of the redirects, there was more than one meaning involved.  In the context (previous verse) it says: “O LORD, thou hast brought up my soul from the grave [resurrection]: thou hast kept me alive [never literally died], that I should not go down to the pit.”

The whole chapter deals with David’s thankfulness for being saved from death (God saved him, several times, especially from the attacks of Saul).  The resurrection concept is of course a parallel with MJ; but another parallel is God’s protection from being killed.  The enemies of MJ tried to kill his reputation, but God overruled and he was found innocent of the charges.  No doubt there are some who have wanted to literally kill him; but God has a special plan for MJ, and He has saved him from literal death (more on this in R27 & R37).

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R25. Don’t Forget the Black Widow Spider in the TII Movie
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This redirect was pretty straight forward; it pointed to a thread in the old MJkit forum, discussing the Black Widow spider in the TII movie.  Of particular interest are the following statements, found on the page that TIAI pointed to.

“Black widows represent death. When the spider comes on stage during the movie Michael comes out of the spider. He escaped death. … So, considering all that I’ve just posted.. We are here to change the world??? … Anyway, the point is that Michael has escaped the death threat and he’s alive.”

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R26. Thriller II (TII) in “This Is It” (TII)
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The redirect on this day was a YouTube video of the Thriller portion of “This Is It” (in mirror image).  If you click the link above now, you will see that it has been removed due to copyright claim.  But by now most of you have seen the clip, in the theater and/or on the TIAI YouTube redirect.

If you watched carefully, you probably noticed two phases of the spider scene.  First, the spider came up out of the graveyard (this would be the “resurrection” phase).  Then a little later, you see the spider coming on stage; and then MJ comes out of the spider into visibility (this would be the “return” phase, when he can be seen again by the public—maybe even on stage once again).

Of course MJ didn’t literally die.  And this is represented by the fact that spiders often play dead, especially when in danger (“Threatened”).  When the spider got up out of the graveyard, and started walking, that was when it quit playing dead (the spider came back to life, resurrection).

We have not yet seen the 9-9-09 connection with “This Is It” in relation to the hoax and resurrection (other than of course my posts on the hoax forums); that would be too obvious for now.  But keep watching, we will yet see more developments regarding 9-9-09 and the hoax.

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R27. “WHEN the Disciples Gathered Around Him …”
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“However, WHEN the disciples gathered around him, he rose up and went into the city. And the next day he departed with Barnabas to Derbe.” (Acts 14:20, NKJV).  As usual, not only was the quoted verse important, but also the context (previous verse): “Then Jews from Antioch and Iconium came there; and having persuaded the multitudes, they stoned Paul and dragged him out of the city, supposing him to be dead.”

Here again we have parallels, like with David: enemies trying to kill him, God saving him from death, yet they think that he is dead (like most think MJ is dead), and then a “resurrection” and return to public life (he rose up, etc).

Although many saw the parallels here, it seems that nobody noticed the key word “WHEN” (which is why I have emphasized it here).  Do you want to see MJ return to public view?  Of course, we all do!  Then we need to “gather around him” by joining Michael’s Army of L.O.V.E. (see R28 & R39).

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R28. Community, Love and Support
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This is another one of the clues that needs little if any explanation.  A picture is worth a thousand words.  We need to join the Army of L.O.V.E., and give Michael our “love and support”—as well as caring for each other.

TIAI Revealed, Part 5: Solving the Clues  (R13 - R19)

This set of redirects revolved around the solution to the clues: including not only general information about the clues, but also specific examples of how the clues were already starting to be understood correctly.

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R13. Touched By An Angel
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Up to this point, many people had been thinking that TIAI was silly nonsense; but then on November 12, discussion on the old MJkit forum took a turn towards looking seriously at the redirections.  So TIAI was redirected to that page; there were several good comments on that page, but especially a couple of longer ones from Carol (user name TouchedByAnAngel).  Her entire post is too long to copy here; but I quote some highlights below.

“I believe it is a death hoax with much bigger implications. … this hoax is a way to get the attention of the whole world … and the WORLD needs to pay attention because this is so important. THIS IS IT! Michael mentioned conspiracy against him in several interviews but didn’t go into details. I think all the clues are leading us to look at a worldwide conspiracy … not just against MJ but the entire world. This is the ultimate good vs bad scenario. Michael has left plenty of clues to him being alive...and the key players have also said things to make us wonder and think. Look at all the clues left by the website. … I’m a woman who is primarily lead by her heart and intuition, and I have NEVER had anything hit me like this.  Yup, I’ve been touched by an ANGEL.”

I started weeping for joy when I read Carol’s post; indeed, God had sent an angel to touch her heart!  This post was so wonderful, that TIAI remained pointed to it for three days in a row (instead of the usual one day duration).

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R14. Bits & Pieces Put Together
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This clue sort of picked up where the last clue (prior to Carol’s post) left off: “Performance art is a term usually reserved to refer to a kind of usually avant-garde or conceptual art which grew out of the visual arts.” {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}  If you click on this “conceptual art” link {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}, you will find the “bits & pieces” picture on that page.

This picture was a brick wall, with the following words: “Bits & Pieces Put Together To Present A Semblance Of A Whole”; the words “Bits” and “Pieces” are in reverse image, and represent the individual clues that make up the bigger picture.  The point here was not to try and understand each clue all by itself; but to put the clues together, like puzzle pieces, in order to solve the clues and see the bigger picture—which is exactly what Carol had just done (she understood this “bits & pieces” clue, before it was even given).

Some noticed that the word “semblance” may refer to a false impression; however, the word can also refer to a true impression.  With regards to the TIAI clues, true impression was the intended meaning.  But with the hoax in general, however, many people have a false impression that MJ is dead.

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R15. Emerald City
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This was another photo, found on the Wikipedia page for “Emerald City”, from the Wizard of Oz.  The picture includes not only Emerald City in the background, but also the Yellow Brick Road in the foreground.  Of course the bricks here represent the same basic thing as the last redirect (wall with bricks): individual clues that need to be put together and followed, in order to arrive at the destination (Emerald City).

Although far too long to include here, there is a very good description of the hidden meanings in the Wizard of Oz.  And this interpretation fits very well with the bigger message that TIAI was trying to get across {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}.

This redirect was intentionally done on November 17 (10 + 7 = 17), because that day was a special one night showing of the 70th (10 x 7 = 70) anniversary of the Wizard of Oz.  {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}

And at this point, I need to bring up a subject that is very sad; but it still needs to be mentioned—both to help validate TIAI, and to help vindicate MJ.  The redirect for November 5 was “V for Vendetta” (remember, remember, the 5th of November); and the redirect for November 17 was “Emerald City”.

What happened on November 5 of significance?  Three things, all related to MJ: the largest hoax forum ( was going down (again), the TIAI “V” redirect, and Evan Chandler committed suicide.  Just in case anyone doesn’t know, he was the one who initiated the molestation charges against MJ; and he was the father of Jordan Chandler, who was supposedly molested.  {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}

Then on November 17, TIAI redirected to the picture from Emerald City on Wikipedia; and on this same day the news came out that Evan Chandler had committed suicide.  Did TIAI choose this “Emerald City” redirect after the news came out, to show the November 5 Vendetta fulfillment?  No, because the redirection was done late in the preceding day—between about 10:00pm and midnight (California time)—on November 16.  Furthermore, the November 17 special showing had already been planned long before; prior to November 16, and even prior to November 5!

Then was this yet another grand coincidence?  No.  Actually, whether you believe it or not, it was the hand of God!  This was part of God’s plan to help vindicate MJ’s character; this was part of God’s plan to use Michael in his battle against the evil conspiracies in this world, etc.  But the mainstream media never reported anything about this suicide—why not?  When the media jumps on just about anything related to MJ, why the “dead” silence on this?  It is simple: because the media does not want to see MJ vindicated.

Some have said that Evan Chandler committed suicide—not because of guilt over the MJ situation, but because of health problems.  However, a guilty conscience was very likely a major source of his poor health (see Proverbs 17:22).

Finally, there is a similar situation in the Bible, the case of Judas.  He also committed suicide, because of a guilty conscience (see Matthew 27:3-5).  And although this was a terrible thing—yet it was prophesied in advance (see Psalm 41:9; Zechariah 11:12,13; John 13:18-21); and when it came true, the fulfillment of the prophecy was also put on record (see Matthew 27:6-10; Luke 22:48; etc).  Let both of these cases (Evan Chandler and Judas) be a warning to each one of us: if we have done wrong, we should confess and make things right.

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R16. MJ Parallels In the “2012” Movie
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Here again was a redirect that showed the fulfillment of a previous redirect; in this case, the initial redirect was the “2012” movie trailer.  After this came out, people who watched it saw the many parallels with MJ, the hoax, and even the purpose for the hoax, etc.  Below are portions of the “2012” parallels post (by user name MauraMissesMichael).

*Huge(main) Characters name is “Jackson” …
*Reference to Princess Diana/Important person that knew secrets killed in a FRENCH tunnel in France!!
Michael is behind something HUGE! I knew it all along but this movie just confirmed it!
Dea sting, movie, save the world!! ALL OF IT IS MAKING SENSE!! …
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE see this!! It will confirm so much of this hoax!! …
I mean that was totally enough for me to prove that this wasn’t some weird coincidence… And then everybody panicking and thinking that “Jackson” is dead at the end, only for him to emerge from the light …

It is true that “Jackson” is a common name; but it is not so common that one out of two or three people have this name.  Probably less than one in a hundred have this name.  And on top of that, all the other parallels make it very unlikely to be yet another round of coincidences.  Part 9 of this TIAI Revealed series will go into the “2012” movie in much greater detail than here.

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R17. Predictions That Come True
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“And now I have told you before it comes, that when it does come to pass, you may believe.” (John 14:29, NKJV).  Since many people were still questioning the validity of TIAI, this verse was given to help people think about two TIAI predictions that had already come true: the November 5 “V” redirect, and the November 4 “2012” redirect.

Here is another quote from that last “2012” thread redirect above (R16): “There was a link from this is also it to the movie trailer 2012 and that was before the premiere of this movie so nobody knows the story of the movie so mabey mabey [sic] michael owns Sony==?” (by user name mariza).

In addition to these two predictions which came true, there are several other S.T.U.D.Y. and TIAI predictions which have come true (such as 9-9-09, etc: see especially part 6).  And in fact there are other predictions yet to be fulfilled in the future—stayed tuned, “that when it does come to pass, you may believe.”

A secondary meaning in this clue, was the preceding verse just before John 14:29; verse 28 says: “You have heard Me say to you, ‘I am going away and coming back to you.’”.  I think you can see the dual-meaning here.

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R18. The Answer
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This redirect went to another great post by Carol (TouchedByAnAngel).  And once again, it is too long to quote in full here; but the link is there for anyone who wants to read it all.

Here is Carol’s reaction, when her own “The Answer” post became the next TIAI redirect: “Shortly after I posted this new thread topic it became the next redirect from TIAI. For myself, this was intense and joyful confirmation that I was on the right track. It appears to be helping many people come together and understand Michael’s message to the world.”

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R19. It’s All For Love … L.O.V.E.
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This redirect was to another picture: a simple black and white outline of MJ, like in the TII movie poster, with the following words: “It’s All for Love … L.O.V.E.”  Like many of the TIAI clues, this one was not hard to figure out.

As stated by MJ in the TII movie trailer: the reason for this whole plan and hoax is to help save people from the many problems in this world; love is the reason, love is the answer.

Secondarily, the TIAI redirects and clues were being given for the same reason.  Since some were still thinking that TIAI was for the purpose of poking fun at MJ fans and hoax believers, etc: “all for love” was given as the motive for TIAI, so that people would work on solving the clues with this motive in mind.

Updates & Posts by TS / TIAI Revealed, Part 4: Art Is Resistance (R8 - R12)
« on: December 22, 2009, 01:57:06 AM »
TIAI Revealed, Part 4: Art Is Resistance  (R8 - R12)

Having completed the introductory phase (R1 - R7), this next set of redirects (R8 - R12) were all related to the 911 terrorism (focusing now more directly on the emphasis of the TIAI message, corruption and conspiracies in our own governments, etc)—and the MJ hoax plan to bring more public awareness of these things, which in turn can bring more freedom, etc.

Of course MJ’s desire to “heal the world” includes much more than just the government corruption; it includes the environment, the family, children, and many other things {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}.

TIAI did not focus on the government aspect because it is the only reason for the hoax; rather, because it is the most misunderstood reason—even among hoax believers!  In fact, MJHD forbid discussion on this subject.  So TIAI was set up to help hoax believers understand this important part of the hoax, and thereby create a safer environment for MJ when he returns (MJ’s “Army of L.O.V.E.” that understands the situation, and is ready to back him up as needed; see R39).

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R8. NINe 1nch Nai1s (Year Zero ARG)
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Quoting from the Wikipedia redirect: “Year Zero is an alternate reality game (ARG) based on the Nine Inch Nails concept album of the same name ... Reznor stated that the concept behind Year Zero was partially inspired by his feelings toward the Bush administration. He further explained, ... I’m appalled by the behavior of our government, the direction that it has taken and the direction that it’s taken everyone else in the world and its arrogance ...”

This redirect was chosen for several reasons.  It is an ARG, and yet not an ARG that is simply a game for entertainment; it is an ARG with a very important message, and one that goes along quite well with the TIAI message—in fact, the TIAI redirects were actually one form of ARG.

And like the “2012” film: the specifics of this Year Zero ARG are imaginary, but the concepts are very real.  Notice this statement, which is about the related Year Zero album {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}: “The album criticizes the American government’s policies, and ‘could be about the end of the world’. Reznor specifically cited what he labeled as the ‘erosion of freedoms’ and ‘the way that we treat the rest of the world and our own citizens’. Reznor had previously called the results of the 2004 US election ‘one step closer to the end of the world.’ ... the timeline of the album and alternate reality game mentions historical events, such as the September 11 attacks ... Regardless of being fictional, a columnist of The Hartford Courant commented, ‘What’s scary is that this doesn’t seem as far-fetched as it should, given recent revelations about the FBI's abuse of the Patriot Act and the dissent-equals-disloyalty double-speak coming out of Washington in recent years.”

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R9. 9/11 Truth vs Mainstream Media
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It seems as if nobody noticed that this 9-11 redirect was done intentionally on the date 11-9 (9-11 backwards); this was also the 9th redirect.  This message here is basically two-fold: you can’t trust the mainstream media in general, and specifically you can’t trust what the media has told us about the 9-11 attacks.

At this point it is probably a good place to stop and talk a little bit about a common term, no doubt you have heard it: conspiracy theorists; all too often, it is used with a negative connotation, a form of ridicule.  So we need to establish another term: conspiracy ridiculists!  You see, conspiracy theorists use evidence in support of the theory; but when opponents can’t fight the truth with evidence, they resort to ridicule in attempts to make up for their lack of evidence.

The fact is that conspiracy theories are indeed based on theories; but at least in many cases, they are based upon true theories!  If you look up “conspiracy” in the Bible, you will find ten uses of the word (KJV); and out of those ten times, exactly ten of them are real conspiracies—and not merely some far-fetched imaginary theory, invented by some insanely ignorant people.  If you look up the related word “conspired”, you will find similar results.

Among many serious problems with the mainstream media’s account of 9-11 terrorism, possibly the most obvious evidence of USA government involvement, is the lack of any video showing the airplane supposedly flying into the Pentagon.  Probably no building in the world has more video and camera surveillance; and yet for eight years now, our beloved government hasn’t been able to cough up the documentation from any of the numerous cameras.

Sure, we have seen the still shot of an explosion; but that could’ve been from a missile or a bomb.  Where is the motion video evidence of an airliner flying into the Pentagon??  Will the conspiracy ridiculists now come forward, and answer this question—since our “trustworthy” government refuses to do so???

Many hoax believers are already aware of the 9-11 conspiracy in our government.  For those who want to look into it, though, here are a couple of websites that are not from wild-eyed and uneducated lunatics; instead, they are from highly trained professionals: architects, engineers, and pilots—all agreeing that the official story about 9-11 is a big fat lie!  {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login; You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login; You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}

Of course President Bush is a big suspect in the 9-11 terrorism corruption.  Here is a video where he admits that he is in the secret society called “Skull and Bones” {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}.  Why do you suppose they used such a name, could it possibly have anything to do with killing?  And by the way: the “conspiracy theorists” ridicule tactic was used in this clip.

Here is another video, where Bush was asked about 9-11 prior knowledge; and he was quite obviously embarrassed, and at a loss for words {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}.  Bush corruption will be revisited, when we examine the assassinations of JFK Sr. & Jr. (see Part 7).

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R10. AIR Flyer
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This redirect pointed to the flyer for the Year Zero ARG, and associated Year Zero album.  There are several phrases on this flyer, the most prominent of which is “Art Is Resistance”; other phrases include “here is one thing that the government wants you to forget”, “you have a voice”, “speak the truth”, “art is action without violence”, “art changes hearts without breaking bodies”, etc.

This AIR (Art Is Resistance) redirect also has a connection with the “MJ AIR” blimp, in the Smooth Criminal portion of “This Is It”.  And remember that Smooth Criminal is where MJ played the part of Mundson (in the original movie “Gilda”), who faked his death!

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R11. Wikipedia Article on “Faked Death”
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This was the 11th redirect, and it was for the date 11-11; see if you can guess whether this was an accident, or by plan.  The most obvious reason for this clue, was to show once again that TIAI was promoting the MJ death hoax.

Several things on this Wikipedia page are interesting, including: “Steven Chin Leung, who faked his death in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks ... Dorothy Johnson, an American woman who allegedly faked her death in the September 11 attacks ... Ace Baker, an American composer and 9/11 conspiracy theorist, faked suicide by gunfire while on a live radio show with Jim Fetzer. Baker later admitted the stunt on his blog, calling it a work of performance art ...”

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R12. Performance Art
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This was another Wikipedia page; and in fact it is a direct link from the statement quoted above, found on the “Faked Death” page.  Obviously, then, the MJ death hoax can be considered as performance art—and therefore it can certainly qualify as one form of non-violent artistic resistance (AIR).

Here is an interesting statement from the performance art Wikipedia page: “The performance may be scripted, unscripted, or improvisational. It may incorporate music, dance, song, or complete silence.”  Ever since the June 25 hoaxed death, MJ himself has been completely silent; and yet his silence has already spoken louder than before his “death”!  Performance “art is resistance”; MJ “has a voice”, and he can “speak the truth”—even through his silence.

Updates & Posts by TS / TIAI Revealed, Part 3: Purpose of TIAI (R1 - R7)
« on: December 22, 2009, 01:55:26 AM »
TIAI Revealed, Part 3: Purpose of TIAI  (R1 - R7)

The redirects in this first set (R1 - R7) were introductory: establishing the relationship of TIAI to MJ, the hoax, “This Is It”, and an initial look at the deeper message which TIAI was designed to bring out.

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This was the very first redirect.  This was chosen to show connection of TIAI with MJ and the hoax (and at the time, MJHD was the largest hoax forum).  TIAI remained pointing to MJHD for more than one day; but soon it was discovered, and the rest is HIStory.

Actually, the admin there (Amy) was upset that it was pointing to MJHD; so TIAI was then pointed to the next location (“This Is It”).  Many assumed that Amy was behind TIAI, but this was not the case.  Remember that MJHD had banned all discussion on the illuminati?  And yet TIAI has had several redirects on this subject; so it should’ve been obvious that Amy was not running TIAI.

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R2. “This Is It” Movie Website
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This was the second redirect.  There really weren’t any major clues here, except of course the obvious—to show the connection between “This Is It” and “This Is Also It”.  The movie had only been out for a few days at this time; so this redirect was reminding hoax investigators to watch the movie (if they hadn’t already) in order to better understand the TIAI clues.

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R3. “2012” Movie Trailer
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This was the first redirect which went beyond the basic concepts in the first two redirects (hoax, and the relationship between TIAI and the TII movie).  As already mentioned in Part 1, TIAI redirected to the “2012” movie more than a week before the MJ parallels were made public (more details on this in Part 5, R16).  Here is a short YouTube video, showing some of these parallels {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}.

As with almost all movies, “2012” is a combination of reality and imagination.  Specific events, and even specific dates, are imaginary; but there are concepts in the film which are very real.  Most significantly, that the end of the world is very near; but also concepts such as government officials who are only worried about saving themselves (the “elites”), and indifferent to the rest of the population (there will be much more detail about these things in Part 9).

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R4. V for Vendetta (Wikipedia Article)
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This was the redirect for November 5 (2009); and of course, this is a key date in the movie: “remember, remember, the 5th of November”.  What exactly happened of significance on this day?  Three things, all directly related to MJ: first, this TIAI redirect; second, MJHD was going down again; third, Evan Chandler committed suicide {in case anyone doesn’t know who he is, You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}.  This third one will be examined further in the redirect for November 17 (see R15, in Part 5).

Aside from the significance of the November 5 date, this redirect was chosen because it is another movie about corruption in the government.  And redirect number 38 was a quote from this film: “People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people.”

The clues in this redirect were not very obscure; and MJalive999 did an excellent job of showing the “V for Vendetta” parallels with MJ, in his YouTube video {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}.  You can also see some good artwork on this (and other TIAI redirects) at the myspace page for ThisIsAlsoMJ {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}.

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R5. “EndGame” Trailer
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This film is by Alex Jones; and because Alex has spoken out against MJ, there was concern that TIAI redirects were not in favor of MJ.  As the redirects continued, however, it became obvious that TIAI redirects were in favor of MJ, not against him.

This redirect represented the opposition that MJ gets from all sides (both the illuminati/NWO powers, and those who oppose the NWO like Alex, etc).  The “EndGame” film was chosen for several reasons: once again showing the government corruption, and in this case the trailer even started with the clip from George H. W. Bush (senior) announcing the “New World Order”.  At 0:54 in the trailer, it says that only an educated public can stop them in their tracks; and indeed, this is one of the main reasons for the MJ hoax and TIAI message.

Another reason for the “EndGame”, was that the title and movie brings out the similarity with the “2012” movie: the end of the world.  Finally, “EndGame” trailer was chosen because of the numerology (“777” and “999”) that flashed across the screen at 1:57; it would’ve taken a hawk-eyed investigator to catch this, but it was there nonetheless.

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R6. The Final Curtain
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Especially after the “EndGame” redirect, some who were watching TIAI began to think that TIAI was promoting the MJ murder theory (killed by the NWO powers).  So this redirect and the next one (Liberian Girl) were included to show that TIAI was promoting the hoax, not murder.  The Final Curtain was a hoax (about death), by Joey Skaggs who is a master at hoaxes.  One hoax forum post even connected this redirect with my S.T.U.D.Y. post, about the Final Curtain hoax parallels with the MJ hoax {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}.

Another reason for this redirect was the word “Final” in the title: relating again to the end of the world in the “2012” film, as well as the “EndGame” film.  This hoax is about more than just the “final curtain call” for MJ, it is about the “final curtain” wake-up call for the whole world.

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R7. Liberian Girl Video on YouTube
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The primary meaning here is obvious: to show again that TIAI is promoting the hoax—since MJ was directing this video from behind the scenes, and the pictures from this video and song were used at the memorial and at the funeral.  Secondarily, this redirect represented that TIAI itself was being directed from behind the scenes, much like the Liberian Girl video.

Last but not least, this video was chosen because of the title: Liberian Girl.  The root word here is liberty!  And once again, that is one of the main purposes for the MJ hoax and the TIAI message: to help bring awareness and freedom from the corruption in the government and in the media.  “In what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom …” (see R48).

Updates & Posts by TS / TIAI Revealed, Part 2: Outline of Redirections
« on: December 22, 2009, 01:53:53 AM »
TIAI Revealed, Part 2: Outline of Redirections

The entire part 2 here is simply an introduction to the redirections, and then an outline of the redirections (broken into part 3 through part 9).

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Introduction to the Redirections

None of the information on the internet, which TIAI redirected to, was actually created by TIAI; instead, all of the redirections merely pointed to information that already existed on the internet, at the time of the redirection.  This was done to show that all of the necessary information was already available; it was just waiting to be found, the dots connected, etc.

Because of the fact that nothing was created, in some cases the redirects pointed to a web page that was the best one available—yet was not ideal, such as having grammatical errors or other imperfections.  This fact led some people to dismiss the validity of the redirects, not realizing that the redirects were never created and were only pointing to the best web page available at the time.

Every redirect had at least a primary clue, related to the MJ hoax; and most of the redirects had one or more secondary clues, also related to the hoax (for the sake of keeping things from being any longer than they already are, I will not even mention many of the secondary clues).  Some of the clues were quite obvious, while other clues were very vague or obscure.

Most of the clues were discovered, but some were not.  All in all, though, there were many who did an excellent job of solving the clues.  And I stand in awe of Carol—who was indeed “Touched By An Angel”—and was the first to sense the truth that TIAI was pointing to, and posted an excellent description of the message {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}.  Notice that she said “I have NEVER had anything hit me like this”; indeed, God had sent an angel to touch her heart!  And there were many others who did a great job in figuring out the clues and the message.

The remainder of Part 2 below is an outline of all 49 redirects, categorized into seven sections; this is to give an overview of the bigger picture, before going into the details of each redirect.  These seven sections below correspond with the seven remaining detailed explanations in TIAI Revealed, Part 3 (Purpose of TIAI) through TIAI Revealed, Part 9 (Today Is 12-21-2009).

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TIAI Revealed, Part 3: Purpose of TIAI  (R1 - R7)


R2. “This Is It” Movie Website

R3. “2012” Movie Trailer

R4. V for Vendetta (Wikipedia Article)

R5. “EndGame” Trailer

R6. The Final Curtain

R7. Liberian Girl Video on YouTube

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TIAI Revealed, Part 4: Art Is Resistance  (R8 - R12)

R8. NINe 1nch Nai1s (Year Zero ARG)

R9. 9/11 Truth vs Mainstream Media

R10. AIR Flyer

R11. Wikipedia Article on “Faked Death”

R12. Performance Art

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TIAI Revealed, Part 5: Solving the Clues  (R13 - R19)

R13. Touched By An Angel

R14. Bits & Pieces Put Together

R15. Emerald City

R16. MJ Parallels In the “2012” Movie

R17. Predictions That Come True

R18. The Answer

R19. It’s All For Love … L.O.V.E.

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TIAI Revealed, Part 6: “This Is It” Movie Rating  (R20 - R28)

R20. 2 to 3 Hours of Additional Footage on “THIS IS IT” DVD/Blu-ray

R21. MJ Doctor Investigation Will Go Into 2010

R22. DVD Easter Eggs

R23. Seventy Seven

R24. “Give Thanks” On Thanksgiving

R25. Don’t Forget the Black Widow Spider in the TII Movie

R26. Thriller II (TII) in “This Is It” (TII)

R27. “WHEN the Disciples Gathered Around Him …”

R28. Community, Love and Support

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TIAI Revealed, Part 7: NWO Powers Control the Mass Media  (R29 - R42)

R29. MJ on Police Brutality

R30. The Illuminati Theory – Not Involving Murder

R31. George Magazine, Inaugural Issue

R32. George?  (Google Images, Page 10)

R33. Murder of JFK Jr.

R34. MJalive999 YouTube Video, Part 2

R35. Google Search on Various Conspiracy Murders

R36. Aphrodite Jones and Thomas Mesereau (MJ Conspiracy)

R37. Daniel and the Lion’s Den

R38. “People Should Not Be Afraid of Their Governments. …”

R39. Michael’s Army of L.O.V.E.

R40. “The Whole Armor of God”

R41. “This Is Really Not It, There Is Going to Be Much, Much More”

R42. “This Is It” AND This Is Also It (CNN iReport)

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TIAI Revealed, Part 8: The End Is Near  (R43 - R48)

R43. The Wizard of Oz

R44. “99”

R45. 2009 Calendar

R46. Michael Jackson’s Wake Up Call

R47. Ark of the Covenant

R48. “In What Will Go Down in HIStory
as the Greatest Demonstration for Freedom ... 999”

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TIAI Revealed, Part 9: Today is 12-21-2009  (R49)

Updates & Posts by TS / TIAI Revealed, Part 1: Who Is Behind TIAI?
« on: December 22, 2009, 01:50:55 AM »
TIAI Revealed, Part 1: Who Is Behind TIAI?


Note: TIAI Revealed has 9 parts, and may take a couple of hours to read.  If that seems like too much, then please read at least this part 1 (Who Is Behind TIAI?) before deciding whether to read the rest.  To read the other 8 parts, click here: {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}

TIAI Revealed, Part 1: Who Is Behind TIAI?
TIAI Revealed, Part 2: Outline of Redirections
TIAI Revealed, Part 3: Purpose of TIAI  (R1 - R7)
TIAI Revealed, Part 4: Art Is Resistance  (R8 - R12)
TIAI Revealed, Part 5: Solving the Clues  (R13 - R19)
TIAI Revealed, Part 6: “This Is It” Movie Rating  (R20 - R28)
TIAI Revealed, Part 7: NWO Powers Control the Mass Media  (R29 - R42)
TIAI Revealed, Part 8: The End Is Near  (R43 - R48)
TIAI Revealed, Part 9: Today is 12-21-2009  (R49)

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Speculation About Who Is Behind TIAI

Although many have taken You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login (TIAI) seriously—and thought that either Michael Jackson himself or someone from the MJ camp is behind the TIAI redirects—yet many others have assumed that TIAI is merely someone playing with the feelings of MJ fans.  And some have even attempted to dismiss TIAI by identifying a specific person or website that is operating TIAI.

Many of these web pages and hoax forums have a lot of good information on them.  However, the truth is that ever since the TIAI redirections began: no statement has been made by TIAI on any website of any kind—except of course the redirections are statements; and also one short reveal date announcement was made on 12-15-09 {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}.

Prior to the start of TIAI, however, I did post about half a dozen threads on MJHD; no doubt those who read my threads will remember them.  In my first few posts, the information presented had amazed some of the most advanced hoax investigators—and even had some questioning whether I was MJ, or at least someone very close to MJ.  At the time, I was going by the screen name S.T.U.D.Y.  Once “This Is It” started showing in the theatres: it appeared as though I was “gone”; but in reality I was still watching, “directing” TIAI from behind the scenes, until the right time for me to “reappear” (does this sound familiar?).

For those who may still question the validity of TIAI, let me point out several things which should show clearly that I’m not a fake (also, anyone who reads all 9 parts should be very certain that I am not faking it).

First, I am the one who brought out the 9 parallels between the Joey Skaggs “Final Curtain” hoax, and the MJ “Final Curtain Call” hoax {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}.  I am also the one who revealed the 1998 MJ autograph codes, and predicted the 9-9-09 connections to “This Is It” a couple days before 9-9-09; and indeed that prediction came true {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}.

I also predicted, more than a month before “This Is It” was seen by the public, that the MJ “resurrection” scene would not be at a funeral with MJ coming out of the casket; instead, I said it would be a graveyard scene, like original Thriller (see TIAI Revealed, Part 6).  This came true, with the graveyard and spider “resurrection” scene during Thriller 2.

Another prediction of mine was that “This Is It” would reveal the hoax.  And although the hoax was not revealed as blatantly as some of us were expecting, yet anyone who was paying attention did see the hoax revealed in the movie (lack of MJ R.I.P., or any mention of his death; Smooth Criminal hoaxed death; MJ statement after the credits; etc).  Furthermore, we still haven’t seen all of “This Is It”; the DVD & Blu-ray has more, specifically on Smooth Criminal (hoax death) & Thriller (resurrection)—and you can be sure that this home version will reveal the hoax to an even greater degree than the cinema version.  For more details on this rated “R” prediction, etc: see TIAI Revealed, Part 6.

If anyone questions whether I actually stated these things before the fact, and not after, you might be able to find them on Google cache.  And anyone reading this now, who remembers these things, please post a comment: verifying that your memory fits with what I am saying.

At the movie premier, Jermaine said: “this is really not it, there is going to be much, much, more …” {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}  There was also talk around that time of something more, relating to “This Is It”, coming out in December 2009—do you remember that?  Well guess what, it is now December!  And was it just a coincidence that I (S.T.U.D.Y.) am the same one who ended up with

One of the first TIAI redirects was the movie trailer for “2012”; this was more than a week before the full movie was made public.  Then when it was released, the public could see that the main character’s name was “Jackson”—and that he was on a mission to save the world; and they thought that he had died, but then found he was still alive; and many other parallels, that were not found in the trailer.  Was it a coincidence that I redirected to the “2012” trailer, several days before the MJ parallels were known to the public?

There are many other things which should make it very clear that I am not faking it; but I won’t continue with them here—you will have to read all 9 parts to get the rest of them.  And although I am not MJ, I do have information about MJ and the hoax that has not yet been fully understood.  Again, anyone who reads all 9 parts will have no doubt that I do have some very important information.  I am not going to say right now how I got this information; many would not believe me if I told you.  But I will reveal this when the time is right.  Anyway, how I got the information is not nearly as important as whether or not the information is true.  So I am not asking anyone to believe what I say based upon my claim of where it came from; rather, I am asking you to let the evidence speak for itself.

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Speculation About the Purpose of TIAI

I love all of you hoax believers, even those who have opposed TIAI; and I also love the non-believers.  In fact, I love all people of all races and all religions.  But many hoax believers have not taken TIAI seriously, based primarily or entirely on assumption—not on any solid evidence.  Good investigators do not dismiss any avenue of investigation, unless there is very solid evidence that it’s not valid.  Actually, TIAI is the farthest from goofing around as you can possibly get; anyone who reads all 9 parts will know this for certain, without a trace of doubt.

If anyone continues to oppose TIAI, without reading these 9 parts: please remind them that MJ said “prejudice is ignorance”; and this includes more than just racial prejudice.  Pre-jud-ice means to be pre-judge-ish, to judge prematurely.  If someone has read all 9 parts, and still wants to oppose TIAI, that is fine; but if anyone makes objections blindly in the dark, they are prejudice.  Albert Einstein said: “Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance.”

During the course of the redirections, a common reason given for not accepting TIAI, was that there was no new information—so apparently TIAI was getting information from hoax forums, instead of the other way around.  Even if that were true (and it’s not), it wouldn’t necessarily prove that TIAI is fake; the fact is that thousands are watching TIAI, few of which are advanced hoax investigators who already know all these things—and in fact some watching aren’t even hoax believers (yet).

Another point is that even if advanced hoax investigators already know each piece in the puzzle (each redirection): this does not mean that they have already put all the puzzle pieces together, and already see the bigger picture—in fact, if they did already see the bigger picture, then why haven’t they posted it already?  Again, anyone who reads all 9 parts here will see that TIAI presents a big picture which nobody else has fully brought out before now.

Finally, it is not even true that TIAI never pointed to anything new.  Some examples are the Year Zero ARG (true, ARG’s had been discussed before this, but not this specific one and its relationship to the whole hoax, etc); the Art Is Resistance poster (MJ AIR); Performance Art; the JFK connection, and the George magazine title; the Titanic; and the Ark of the Covenant; etc.

A similar idea was that TIAI was merely mocking statements made on the hoax forums—such as CeeLovesMJ said “I’m going to ‘ease on down the road’”; then shortly after that, TIAI redirected to the Yellow Brick Road {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}.  The simple fact is, as you can see the date on the forum thread, it was 11-16-09; and the redirect to the Yellow Brick Road & Emerald City had already been planned to display on 11-17-09 for several reasons, including the fact that this day was a one-time special 70th anniversary showing of the Wizard of Oz {You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login}.

Especially during the redirections about JFK and conspiracies: some were saying that TIAI is merely trying to create fear, and control people through fear.  This in spite of the fact that an earlier redirect said “It’s All For LOVE”; and another redirect was included after the JFK ones, saying “People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people.”  The purpose of TIAI is not to create fear; rather, it is to create awareness and awakening and hope, which can lead to more safety and less fear.

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Forum Discussions About TIAI Revealed

For those who want the answer to the billion-dollar question: when will MJ return?  You will need to read all 9 parts, in order to get a clear answer.  Also, TIAI is now going to be heavily discussed in all of the hoax forums and beyond; so if you read everything, then you will be able to join the discussions with a good understanding of the information being discussed.

For the most part, I will not be involved personally in the discussions; but I will occasionally answer objections to what I am revealing now.  However, I don’t know everything, and I won’t attempt to answer questions about MJ or the hoax that are not directly related to the subjects in these 9 parts.

For those who are interested, please feel free to post your comments on these TIAI Revealed threads.  However, please be careful to stay on topic; there will be thousands of people or more, reading these posts.  Since there is already a lot to read, we don’t want them to spend even more time reading through things that are not related.  Also, try to keep your discussion under the most relevant thread in the 9 parts (for example: discuss 911 in part 4, which had a specific redirect about 911—rather than part 7, which just briefly mentioned 911 along with several other conspiracies).

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