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I followed one link to another and found this radio show:
"Medium Christian von Lahr channels Michael Jackson on C2C (06-28-2009)"
I tried to search if it's already here, but didn't find it, so here goes.

There are 4 clips from show 27.6.2009
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I haven't listened to this myself yet so no comments..  ;)

Educate yourself: New World Order & Mind Control Videos / RedIceRadio
« on: July 04, 2010, 03:11:56 PM »
For all truthseekers, a website (in english) based in Gothenburg, Sweden: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
Some stuff is for members only at cost, but there is quite a number of downloadable/streamable radio interviews of various subjects for free listening. And lots of links. Excellent motto they have "We provide, you decide." That's the attitude.

The Resistance / CrowdedHouse - Intriguer
« on: July 01, 2010, 02:31:59 PM »
Their new album is called "Intriguer" which, as the leader and songwriter of the band, explains "is French and means to plot something devious". Interesting lyrics in more than one song. Here are two examples.  It's a brand new album, so I didn't find proper lyrics yet. So instead of a link, I copy/pasted here and corrected the typos.
He is known to write pretty cryptic lyrics and, instead of making any claims, I can only say: pretty interesting album name, lyrics and booklet picture in this day and age.

"Either side of the world"
Either side of the world / Chase the sun
pay the maximum rate / to feel so lonesome
wrapped up like little lambs /safe from harm
enjoy it while you can /happiness is far from home

you know it, he knows it, everybody knows it
when you’re in luck /the world moves with you
whatever you want /they are happy to give you

at the last resort /where the famous have come
to be alone /they try to work it out
the same progression / sometimes I try too hard to overcome
sometime I think too much / wish I could have held my tongue

you know it , he knows it , everybody knows it
when you’re in luck the world moves with you
whatever they want / you turn yourself into
and then you’re in hell

luxury and leisure / never meant pleasure
we like it different /passion and commitment

you know it, he knows it, everybody knows it
when you’re in luck / the world moves with you
whatever they want, you’ll turn yourself into
then you’re in hell

luxury and leisure never meant pleasure
we like  it different /passion and commitment

"Archers arrows"
Kids kissing on the floor /They make a work of art
Up on the gallery wall /They take the world apart
And no one's safe / The tension on the string
We're almost there / It's time to reign over the king

The archer fires away (Send an arrow up)
We hope to rise again (Like an invitation)
Aim high / Then the arrow comes down
Take out / The pale imitation

The whole façade is wearing thin /We just paper over cracks
till people take the power back /Moving out the cavalcade
We live to fight another day / See the arrows fly

They tempt you with a prize / Make you master of the house
You look so indifferent now / With the sucker hanging from your mouth
But you can't be safe / You can't betray your will
We're almost gone / It's time to take over the hill

The archer fires away (Send an arrow up)
We hope to rise again (Like an invitation)
Aim high / When the colours come down
Take out / The pale imitation

The whole façade is wearing thin / We just paper over cracks
till people take the power back / Moving out the cavalcade
We live to fight another day

See the archer's arrows fade (Hey, hey)
See the archer's arrows fade (Hey, hey)
See the archer's arrows fade (Soon find out if we make a mark)
See the archer's arrows fade (Soon find out, leave an arrow in my heart)
See the archer's arrows fade
See the archer's arrows fade (Hey, hey)

A picture from the CD-booklet is also interesting:

I came across this song watching a vid by someone I sub in YT. To put more weight on the song, here it is with just the album cover.


Don´t fret precious I´m here, step away from the window
Go back to sleep
Safe from pain and truth and choice and other poison devils,
See, they don´t give a fuck about you, like I do.

Count the bodies like sheep
Count the bodies like sheep

Counting bodies like sheep
To the rhythm of the war drums

Count the bodies like sheep

Go back to sleep
Go back to sleep

Counting bodies like sheep
To the rhythm of the war drums

Go back to sleep
Go back to sleep

Counting bodies like sheep
To the rhythm of the war drums

Go back to sleep
Go back to sleep

Counting bodies like sheep

Go back to sleep
Go to sleep [x14]
Go back to sleep
Go back to sleep
Go back to sleep

Counting bodies like sheep

Go back to sleep
Go back to sleep

Counting bodies like sheep

Go back to sleep
Go back to sleep

Counting bodies like sheep
To the rhythm of the war drums

Go back to sleep
Go back to sleep

Counting bodies like sheep
To the rhythm of the war drums

Go back to sleep
Go back to sleep

Counting bodies like sheep
To the rhythm of the war drums [x2]

I'll be the one to protect you from your enemies and all your demons
I´ll be the one to protect you from a will to survive and a voice of reason
I´ll be the one to protect you from your enemies and your choices son
They´re one in the same, I must isolate you...
Isolate and save you from yourself




The Resistance / David Dee's digital art gallery
« on: June 13, 2010, 07:38:43 AM »
His artwork has been used a lot by more and less famous people who speak against NWO
So true, once again: A picture tells more than a 1000 words.
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   Swedish top banker boycotts secret meeting
A secret society of top European bankers has run into problems ahead of a meeting in Stockholm.

• Swedes feel cheated by the bank
• Can you trust Swedish stock market analysts?

The European bank organisation, Institut International d'Etudes Bancaires (IIEB), has been described as a secret club for top bankers.

Its three-day annual spring conference in Stockholm, hosted by the Swedish banks Handelsbanken, SEB and Nordea, is being slammed for its lack of insight.

"If it happened in the construction industry it would be called a cartel. But IIEB has never had any problems," a former member told business daily Dagens Industri.

The agenda, which has not been made public, is a mixture of seminars, discussions, dining and shopping. Tabloid Expressen describes the conference as a "lavish banquet with expensive dinners and mingling with the Swedish royals".

The Riksbank’s governor Stefan Ingves will hold a speech on regulatory frameworks and the capitalisation of banks, according to its website. SEB's main shareholder the Wallenberg family will arrange a lunch for the bankers in one of the family’s villas.

Annika Falkengren, head of SEB, is said to be the driving force behind the beanfeast. But the three banks now seem to have fallen out after different opinion on who will pick up the bill and the ethics of secrecy.

The chief executive officer of Handelsbanken, Pär Boman, has decided to turn his back on the conference.

"We have two comments. First, the program should not be conducted in secret. The press should be invited when we are facing these turbulent crisis. And second, the costs of dinners and happenings," John Lagerström, press officer at Handelsbanken, told TV4 business news.

The bank organization is an exclusive members club and was officially founded in 1951. But there’s little information to be found about the society.

“You don’t talk about IIEB”, the former member told the business daily.

The conference kicks of Thursday.

Some of the participants:
• Josef Ackermann, CEO Deutsche Bank
• Klaus-Peter Müller, chairman Commerzbank
• Frédéric Oudéa, chairman and CEO Société Générale
• Baron David de Rothschild, senior partner Rothschild & Cie Banque
• Peter Straarup, CEO Danske Bank
• Pier Francesco Saviotti, CEO Banco Popolare
• Marcus Agius, chairman Barclays Bank
Source: DI

Yes, lessons from Star Trek ;) . Someone has done some brilliant paralleling:

"Dr. Michael Parenti: "Terrorism, Globalism and Conspiracy"
OCTOBER 9, 2002, VANCOUVER: Dr. Michael Parenti, one of North America's leading radical writers on U.S. imperialism and interventionism, fascism, democracy and the media, spoke to several hunded people at St. Andrews Wesley Church in Vancouver. Dr. Parenti has taught political science at a number of colleges and universities in the United States and other countries. He was written 250 major magazine articles and 15 books and is frequently heard on public and alternative radio"

A dynamic and very thought provoking speech. It's been quite a long time since I last watched it, but it's one of my favorites: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login

This was one of the first long documentaries I saw.
"Wake Up Call compiles the best clips from the most important documentaries into a single presentation that exposes the global elite’s New World Order agenda, the methods used to advance it, and why it’s so essential for us to come together as a collective and stop it. An ideal crash course for those still unaware of the monumental plight humanity faces today."
Watch it here  You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
or (with spanish subtitles) You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login

Jermaine Jackson talks about a conspiracy regarding Michael. You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login

Michael was too powerful to the system who wants to spread FEAR. Michael was about LOVE and he was followed by the masses. And the system couldn't stand it. But they probably couldn't guess that WE are HERE right NOW - reading, writing and learning about the world they've created. The Earth does not belong to them, it belongs to us all. We are not their servants! A lot of people are waking up every day. Not all the sheeple were asleep after all. Let's spread the word!


Introduce yourself / Hi all!
« on: January 15, 2010, 09:59:27 AM »
I've been reading here for a while and now thought I'd be more active. I'm Linda, 38 years old, have been a fan for around 20 years. I haven't been actively following Michael's life recent years, but he always owns a spot in my heart.
Like so many others, I have been trying to find out about what really happened in June, since June. I've watched a zillion Youtube hoax videos, read some articles. It's been confusing to say the least. I'm not 100% if Michael is dead or alive. I need to see him surface to believe he is 100% alive.
Today, I think this: I like to think that he is alive. He has faked his death because he had to. I don't expect him to return - not that I didn't want to, but I don't think he''ll do it. And I can live with that.
I have interest in nwo, I believe it is "The System" that pretty much runs the western world. I believe 911 was an inside job. I've woken up to all these things several months before Michael's disappearance. I had been watching the rapid change in culture in my small country in Europe - how capitalism and greed for money ruins the lives of everyday people, and I see same things happen simultaneously in other countries as well. So simultaneous it made me think what is going on. Only after that I found out about nwo, and it really connected the dots for me - that's it. This is why I believe in it so firmly. Never mind the history of the Illuminati etc. - I'm not interested. Today only matters. Tomorrow only matters. Something funny is going on in this world, big time.
And I believe that Michael's alleged death is linked to the system. Somehow. They killed Michael or he escaped from it or did this to expose it.

Love, peace, music and hope,

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