Michael Jackson Death Hoax Investigators

Latest News => TMZ.com => Michael Jackson News => TMZ Articles => Topic started by: jacilovesmichael on April 08, 2010, 08:05:39 PM

Title: TMZ live today - needles and nonsense
Post by: jacilovesmichael on April 08, 2010, 08:05:39 PM
Here, they spend a long time talking about the "death"and trial... I think it's interesting in the beginning when he says that they can't talk about it too much because they "have other stories to publish on this and don't want to give that away". Thought that was strange. But a lot of it is strange.

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Title: Re: TMZ live today - needles and nonsense
Post by: jacilovesmichael on April 08, 2010, 08:06:16 PM
Ok that clearly didn't work, lol. Here's the link...

http://www.tmz.com/tmzlive?autoplay=tru ... reURL=true (http://www.tmz.com/tmzlive?autoplay=true&mediaKey=ec1117c9-03d7-4951-8100-d4f86a95d2fd&isShareURL=true)
Title: Re: TMZ live today - needles and nonsense
Post by: voiceforthesilent on April 08, 2010, 08:17:50 PM
I liked when the girl said things don't add up. She's right... :)
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