Michael Jackson Death Hoax Investigators

Welcome! => Introduce yourself => Topic started by: jujubii on November 11, 2011, 10:22:48 PM

Title: First post from a long-time lurker. <3
Post by: jujubii on November 11, 2011, 10:22:48 PM
Hello hello, you lovely people. <3!

I have finally gotten the courage to make my first post here!
I don't know why it took me so long, seeing as this forum family here and I think so much alike.

It was because of this forum, a long long time ago, that pieces of the puzzle of confusion and pain in my heart at the idea of Michael being dead finally started coming together,
and I finally started crying some tears of hopeful joy instead of sorrow and just total and complete confusion as to why nothing made sense since June 25th, 2009.

You know, that day, as soon as I heard the news immediately after Jermaine told us he was gone,
the first words out of my mouth were "It's a hoax!".
As if I knew.

The feeling never left me since. I'd only feel pain when I tried to understand and convince myself that it all was in true, plain black and white: Michael had died and that's that.

When I stopped attaching myself to that, to everything the media told me and showed me and shoved in my face...
The quiet, calm reassurance that things are NOT as they seem grew stronger.
That though I may never, ever see Michael again as we knew him -- due to his complex reasons for needing to get away for the sake of protecting his own life -- even though he may never find a way to come back...
I know he's still in his own healthy body, alive, and free.

The knowledge strengthened more AFTER I heard the verdict the other day.
I was shaken for a while, but then I came here- and it all came back to me full force.
I still am not sure about a 'bam' day, though. How Michael can ever return as the same Michael Jackson he was, legally, safely and back in the warm embrace of his fans he's always had...
I have no idea and wish I could understand how a lot of you seem so sure.

But I'm going to trust my heart in all it tells me,
and in all the truths it's showing me with every inconsistency in the ongoing story, every hint of a miracle in some strange disguise...
I'll believe.
Because the logics in my mind and in my common sense and in my eyes never tell me lies.

I have so many stories, so many thoughts I'd love to share, and I hope I get the chance to share them with all of you. <3
Title: Re: First post from a long-time lurker. <3
Post by: bec on November 12, 2011, 12:04:33 AM
Welcome. I'm glad you came out of obscurity. Have no worries, he will be back.
Title: Re: First post from a long-time lurker. <3
Post by: jujubii on November 12, 2011, 12:53:28 AM
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Welcome. I'm glad you came out of obscurity.

Thank you so much for the warm welcome! <3
I wish I had sooner <3

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Have no worries, he will be back.

I love it so much when people say that.
But I always have to ask... what makes you so sure?

If I could ask Michael, I'd tell him I completely understand if he can never return to the public eye.
To protect himself, to start a new life.
Or perhaps because he just can't -- what with the trial and 'death' and all, and the looming question of how his fans would treat him after he came back after pretty much hoaxing his death (no matter what perfectly good reasons he has).

I want to ask all of you, just to share thoughts-
what makes you certain Michael will return?
Title: Re: First post from a long-time lurker. <3
Post by: Blueberry on November 12, 2011, 02:03:50 AM
First and foremost: Welcome jujubii!!  party/

You are not the first one that has been a lurker for a long time. I was that as well, and what a coincidence that I did accomplish my very first post only few days ago. The biggest reason why I didn't comment anything before was by virtue of my lack of time. I did, and still do, study a lot. But I'm enjoying reading others comments and it isn't the end of the world if I'm not participating in the discussions.

I authentically hope that you will enjoy your time here with this lovely hoax family.  :)

Much love and many hugs to you jujubii!  bearhug 

Title: Re: First post from a long-time lurker. <3
Post by: bec on November 12, 2011, 02:08:56 AM
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Welcome. I'm glad you came out of obscurity.

Thank you so much for the warm welcome! <3
I wish I had sooner <3

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Have no worries, he will be back.

I love it so much when people say that.
But I always have to ask... what makes you so sure?

If I could ask Michael, I'd tell him I completely understand if he can never return to the public eye.
To protect himself, to start a new life.
Or perhaps because he just can't -- what with the trial and 'death' and all, and the looming question of how his fans would treat him after he came back after pretty much hoaxing his death (no matter what perfectly good reasons he has).

I want to ask all of you, just to share thoughts-
what makes you certain Michael will return?

28 months of investigation and confidence in my ability to accurately assess information made available to me.  As a result, I have no doubts. He will be back.
Title: Re: First post from a long-time lurker. <3
Post by: katy (MJFAN7) on November 12, 2011, 02:26:40 AM
Welcome (:
I applaud you on having the courage to post :mrgreen:
One of the biggest reasons I believe Michael will comeback is because the amount of clues this hoax has, there is HUNDREDS of clues pointing to Michael being alive. I'm 99% sure that if he wasn't going to come back, there wouldn't be anywhere near as many. Michael is a perfectionist, and he is very smart... he would know how to make this hoax seem 100% real if he wanted to. ;) Also because of the piece after the credits on TII.
Title: Re: First post from a long-time lurker. <3
Post by: use_your_illusion on November 12, 2011, 03:26:31 AM
Hi JJB, hope your enjoying yourself here so far.
Title: Re: First post from a long-time lurker. <3
Post by: jujubii on November 12, 2011, 11:37:26 AM
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Welcome (:
I applaud you on having the courage to post :mrgreen:
One of the biggest reasons I believe Michael will comeback is because the amount of clues this hoax has, there is HUNDREDS of clues pointing to Michael being alive. I'm 99% sure that if he wasn't going to come back, there wouldn't be anywhere near as many. Michael is a perfectionist, and he is very smart... he would know how to make this hoax seem 100% real if he wanted to. ;) Also because of the piece after the credits on TII.

:) Thank you so much!

All your warm welcomes are so lovely ;u;

I feel the same way about the clues. It all says just like at the end of TII,
"Let me breathe in my own time."... then he'll come back when he's ready.

All I want is concrete proof he is alive.
Something undeniable by BOTH my brain, and my heart.

There's so much already that's practically in stone that he did not die that day.
And all those that that feeling deep down, we call it a gut feeling but it's deeper than that, that doesn't just believe-
it KNOWS. It reassures me "yeah, don't question it.
That's it."

But then my brain comes in with voices telling me I'm just imagining things and being ridiculous,
making up a different Michael that has superhuman intelligence and foresight.
But then the arguement goes on: heart/gut feeling/hunch goes, "But you don't HAVE to be a 'super' human being to have those things."

It just keeps going, and all I can do is go by feel.
Because words and images can lie, but true knowledge... when you really notice or SEE something not with your eyes but with your soul, your perception...
Can't be fooled for long.

The only doubts are 'how can Mike return legally, get past the whole 'not only is faking your death illegal but do you realize what a horrible thing you did to your friends and fans!' thing?'
I trust Michael, and I'm gonna be patient to see what he does...
But I wish that nagging question would leave me alone.  bounce/

Again, thank you, you guys <3333
Title: Re: First post from a long-time lurker. <3
Post by: katy (MJFAN7) on November 12, 2011, 02:01:18 PM
Michael's made so many loopholes... he won't be charged for anything. The biggest loophole, IMO, is using "Joseph" as his middle name on autopsy, death certificate, etc. instead of his REAL, LEGAL middle name "Joe" (as confirmed by LaToya, his passports, and other documents.)
Title: Re: First post from a long-time lurker. <3
Post by: jujubii on November 12, 2011, 03:15:18 PM
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Michael's made so many loopholes... he won't be charged for anything. The biggest loophole, IMO, is using "Joseph" as his middle name on autopsy, death certificate, etc. instead of his REAL, LEGAL middle name "Joe" (as confirmed by LaToya, his passports, and other documents.)

Oh, yes!! There's that. I think Katherine also confirmed Joe as his middle name as well, correct me if I'm wrong.
I see Michael as... much smarter than he lets himself appear to be.
I trust him to have thought of everything.

I wish I could know about more loopholes, too.
What about his public image, though?
I can just see he'd get the likes of "you realize people have gone CRAZY/suffered/some have even taken their own LIVES because of your 'death'?".
Has the "Michael wouldn't do this to his fans/friends/family" subject been covered?
Title: Re: First post from a long-time lurker. <3
Post by: katy (MJFAN7) on November 12, 2011, 06:30:15 PM
Yes, Katherine confirmed it. And of course people will do that... I'm 99.9999% sure it deeply upsets Michael that his fans are sad, but this whole hoax is bigger then all that. He needed to do this & he's been planning it for a while. & Yes, I made hoax videos on youtube for months, I cannot count the number of times I got the "Michael wouldn't do that to his fans/friends/family" comment... I literally got it, probably about 500-1000 times. & I'm definitely not exaggerating. It's the nonbeliever's main argument. First, his kids & closest family members obviously would know about the hoax. I highly doubt he wouldn't tell them, and based on the clues from them, I'm sure he did tell them. And about his fans... Yes, the fans are hurt now, but imagine the joy they'll have when he BAMS! I KNOW Michael is alive, and I will still be extremely happy when he bams. Imagine the people that think he's dead! And here is the part where people go "Well, some fans might be angry at him." No matter if they're angry or not, they will be ecstatic, and if they aren't... well wtf? They aren't real fans anyway. :roll: Well, I hope I helped you understand a little better. :mrgreen:
Title: Re: First post from a long-time lurker. <3
Post by: PureLove on November 12, 2011, 07:11:34 PM
Hi and welcome to the forum. Well actually welcome writing on the forum.  lolol/ Glad to hear that you've had the courage to make posts. We need some fresh brains here and that's not becoz we are zombies who need to eat brains but some of us have been here for the past 2 years and fried our brains already.  lolol/  Just kidding.  :mrgreen:

Ahhh and by the way, Michael will come back. Why? Can you imagine a Thriller without the resurrection?
Title: Re: First post from a long-time lurker. <3
Post by: everlastinglove_MJ on November 12, 2011, 07:32:16 PM
Hi, I'm glad that you decided to stop lurking around after all this time and join us here ;D. Welcome!

I'm not sure either if Michael comes back in the spotlight, though I'm certain that he's alive and I deeply hope that he's okay.

You've probably read a lot already, and please do not hesitate to post because I'd love to read your perspective on matters and theories, as from others here. LOVE is all around you here.

with L.O.V.E. always
Title: Re: First post from a long-time lurker. <3
Post by: fordtocarr on November 12, 2011, 07:49:37 PM
I look forward to reading more of your thoughts on the hoax.
We all need each other here to make sure we are sane about believing Michael is alive,
and this is a place we can be free to express our feelings about it.
I love your name btw...
Title: Re: First post from a long-time lurker. <3
Post by: all4loveandbelieve on November 12, 2011, 08:17:22 PM
Welcome to the hoaxie family, your post will be as important.. So please keep on posting, and I will be looking forward reading them.. Blessings.
Title: Re: First post from a long-time lurker. <3
Post by: jujubii on November 12, 2011, 10:12:01 PM
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I look forward to reading more of your thoughts on the hoax.
We all need each other here to make sure we are sane about believing Michael is alive,
and this is a place we can be free to express our feelings about it.
I love your name btw...
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Yes, Katherine confirmed it. And of course people will do that... I'm 99.9999% sure it deeply upsets Michael that his fans are sad, but this whole hoax is bigger then all that. He needed to do this & he's been planning it for a while. & Yes, I made hoax videos on youtube for months, I cannot count the number of times I got the "Michael wouldn't do that to his fans/friends/family" comment... I literally got it, probably about 500-1000 times. & I'm definitely not exaggerating. It's the nonbeliever's main argument. First, his kids & closest family members obviously would know about the hoax. I highly doubt he wouldn't tell them, and based on the clues from them, I'm sure he did tell them. And about his fans... Yes, the fans are hurt now, but imagine the joy they'll have when he BAMS! I KNOW Michael is alive, and I will still be extremely happy when he bams. Imagine the people that think he's dead! And here is the part where people go "Well, some fans might be angry at him." No matter if they're angry or not, they will be ecstatic, and if they aren't... well wtf? They aren't real fans anyway. :roll: Well, I hope I helped you understand a little better. :mrgreen:

That was wonderful ;u; thank you for sharing all that info and your experience.
Michael had a lot to cope with in his life in a magnitude that I could possibly only compare with the likes of Elvis Presley.
No...not even that. Much, much more complicated...
(poor sweet man ;.;...)
His family and friends, and fans like us that care for him as a human being with feelings and a need to escape the only way he can (which is really sad when you think about it), understand the why's better than anyone.
We see him not as an image or celebrity, but as just a person.
An incredibly inside-out beautiful one, but still...a person.

I look forward to reading more of your thoughts on the hoax.
We all need each other here to make sure we are sane about believing Michael is alive,
and this is a place we can be free to express our feelings about it.
I love your name btw...
Posted by: everlastinglove_MJ

Hi, I'm glad that you decided to stop lurking around after all this time and join us here . Welcome!

I'm not sure either if Michael comes back in the spotlight, though I'm certain that he's alive and I deeply hope that he's okay.

You've probably read a lot already, and please do not hesitate to post because I'd love to read your perspective on matters and theories, as from others here. LOVE is all around you here.

with L.O.V.E. always
Posted by: PureLove

Welcome to the hoaxie family, your post will be as important.. So please keep on posting, and I will be looking forward reading them.. Blessings.
Posted by: fordtocarr

I can't tell you how much your sweet welcomes mean to me. ;o;
Thank you so, so very much, I will post as much as I can! <3
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