Michael Jackson Death Hoax Investigators

Hoax Investigation => Multimedia => General Hoax Investigation => Twitter ~ Verified Accounts => Topic started by: Miss.Peppers on March 01, 2011, 08:12:07 PM

Title: Charlie Sheen - @charliesheen (verified)
Post by: Miss.Peppers on March 01, 2011, 08:12:07 PM
Charlie has joined twitter:

http://twitter.com/charliesheen (http://twitter.com/charliesheen)

His first tweet is this photo:

Winning..! Choose your Vice... #winning #chooseyourvice


I think he is one to follow, as he is breaking ranks and will use twitter to say it how it is.
Title: Re: Charlie Sheen - @charliesheen Verified
Post by: Andrea on March 01, 2011, 08:16:05 PM
Wasn't Naked Juice in the "death bedroom" photo?
Title: Re: Charlie Sheen - @charliesheen Verified
Post by: Miss.Peppers on March 01, 2011, 08:59:25 PM
Quote from: "Andrea"
Wasn't Naked Juice in the "death bedroom" photo?

 :shock:  :shock:
Title: Re: Charlie Sheen - @charliesheen Verified
Post by: voiceforthesilent on March 01, 2011, 09:16:33 PM
Quote from: "Andrea"
Wasn't Naked Juice in the "death bedroom" photo?

Hmmm... I think it was Orange Juice but maybe we should look at those bedroom pictures again. I love his second tweet. It's about Nancy Grace. I admire Charlie Sheen's honesty. If he is sober (like it's being reported) he is either really crazy or really brave.
Title: Re: Charlie Sheen - @charliesheen Verified
Post by: Andrea on March 01, 2011, 09:48:11 PM

You can see a bottle of juice on the night stand next to the bed but it's too blurry to tell for sure.  But the shape of the bottle, the lid and the label look similar to Naked Juice.  And I'm pretty sure I read somewhere on here before that it was that juice...?
Title: Re: Charlie Sheen - @charliesheen Verified
Post by: RunFaYaLife on March 02, 2011, 12:13:33 AM
Andrea wrote
:Wasn't Naked Juice in the "death bedroom" photo?

I do believe that was the brand name.
Title: Re: Charlie Sheen - @charliesheen Verified
Post by: Miss.Peppers on March 03, 2011, 04:23:38 PM
Charlie has just tweeted that all the media reporting about the court business have got it wrong and he is not going to court:

# #WINNING! #teamsheen 12 minutes ago via Twittelator

..yet the opposition felt it necessary to still harass me with old gibberish.... odd? perhaps. transparent? you betcha'! 13 minutes ago via Twittelator

not sure what all the legal noise is about... just verbally reached a deal with B. no court mon. yay....

Someone should tweet him about Michael and ask him his thoughts on that.  If he has spoken out about 9/11, i cant see why he wouldnt have an opinion on Mike.
Title: Re: Charlie Sheen - @charliesheen Verified
Post by: Sinderella on March 09, 2011, 07:31:20 AM
This needs to be put on itunes immidiatley and be number 1.


Title: Re: Charlie Sheen - @charliesheen Verified
Post by: voiceforthesilent on March 09, 2011, 08:24:53 AM
Thank you, Sind, for sharing that with us! Someone needs to get that song to Charlie - that was so funny. That group has done some great marketing.

Back to Sheen - some people say he's still on drugs. Dr Drew is saying that he's got this disorder or something, and yet his family has been relatively quiet on the subject. All the while Mr Sheen has gone on the attack and to be quite honest if he is sober and if he is going on the attack against TPTB he deserves a standing ovation. Can you imagine if he and Michael teamed up? They are both in the rare position of power that so few, if any, ever held in Hollywood. They could make some major change.

As for Two and a half Men - won't be the same without Charlie. The Network shouldn't even try replacing him. Whenever I did see that show it was only because of Charlie's humor. That's just my opinion.

Have a blessed day :)
Title: Re: Charlie Sheen - @charliesheen Verified
Post by: voiceforthesilent on March 09, 2011, 08:43:58 AM
Since we're on the Charlie Sheen #Winning discussion here are a few tweets I saw today that is not only hilarious and great marketing ploy, but also shows the attention Charlie has raised.

McDonalds McDonald's
by charliesheen
Despite all the rumors there r no plans 2 bring #mclobster or mcsushi 2 the US menu. We r working on a new menu item called McWinning.
3 Mar Favorite Retweet Reply

neumanngroup Eric Neumann
by charliesheen
Target $7.99. Get them while they are hot! #winning #tigerblood twitpic.com/46hcsc
5 Mar Favorite Retweet Reply

American Red Cross
RedCross American Red Cross
by charliesheen
We may not collect #tigerblood, but we know our donors & volunteers have fierce passion for doing good! #RedCrossMonth
2 Mar Favorite Retweet Reply
Title: Re: Charlie Sheen - @charliesheen Verified
Post by: Sinderella on March 09, 2011, 09:35:33 AM
I have had it on repeat all morning max volume,I tweeted it to him earlier,if you go down my tweets it's there,it'll need rt'ing though because he gets like a thousand @'s a minute   :lol:


He has raised a lot of attention,he needs to patent every quote he's come out with since January lol.
He has many options for merch deals infact he has signed a merch deal with Live Nation this week.He could have his own reality show and make millions,and I say good for him.
If he wishes to bang 7gm rocks,thinks he has Adonis DNA and party who is ANYONE on this earth to say otherwise?
If you don't like him,don't watch/listen/follow/read about him/or take an interest in what he does.
I love him,I think I need a Team Sheen #winning shirt
Title: Re: Charlie Sheen - @charliesheen Verified
Post by: Andrea on March 09, 2011, 09:39:32 AM
I love that video too Sinderella, I was watching it over and over again last night.  So awesome.  :lol:

I'm totally #teamsheen too.  I love how he doesn't conform to societal norms and shoves it in everyone's face.
Title: Re: Charlie Sheen - @charliesheen Verified
Post by: Sinderella on March 09, 2011, 09:45:57 AM
Totally,he is just like it's my choice,my life,I'm awesome,I don't care what you think,I like my life,I win so fuck all y'all

You're argument is INVALID comes to mind

I love how it's been pieced together,sounds like he is singing along in parts
'right every single wrooooOOOOOOoong'
Title: Re: Charlie Sheen - @charliesheen Verified
Post by: mumof3 on March 09, 2011, 02:01:38 PM
He looks very ill to me I hope he gets through this
Title: Re: Charlie Sheen - @charliesheen Verified
Post by: MissG on March 09, 2011, 02:46:02 PM
Quote from: "mumof3"
He looks very ill to me I hope he gets through this

I thought he was acting, but the more I see his videos the more convinced I get that he is ill for real.
Title: Re: Charlie Sheen - @charliesheen Verified
Post by: voiceforthesilent on March 09, 2011, 05:13:28 PM
Quote from: "Gema"
Quote from: "mumof3"
He looks very ill to me I hope he gets through this

I thought he was acting, but the more I see his videos the more convinced I get that he is ill for real.

Uncle Harve has even made comments that he thinks Charlie is acting. For real, I don't know. I will be praying for him all the same because I am worried about the people in high places that he's making mad. He's probably an enemy of some by now. If it's just to right some of the horrible wrongs, I say it's about time and I hope that others who have some power in Hollywood stand behind him. It seems like people are running behind their comfort zones though - just like when Michael needed people to stand behind him and few did because they were worried about their paycheck.

I truly want Charlie to succeed.
Title: Re: Charlie Sheen - @charliesheen (verified)
Post by: ~Souza~ on March 09, 2011, 07:05:30 PM
I agree with Harve, Charlie must be acting. He has something up his sleeve fo' sho'...
Title: Re: Charlie Sheen - @charliesheen (verified)
Post by: RunFaYaLife on March 09, 2011, 08:25:17 PM
IMO Charlie has snorted one too many bags of whatever he is doing and messed up his brain...his neurons are  burned out and misfiring bigtime...
he needs to be committed.
Title: Re: Charlie Sheen - @charliesheen (verified)
Post by: MJhasSpoken on March 09, 2011, 09:10:50 PM
I think Charlie is acting. He is very smart and I don't think he is dumb enough to do what he is doing now. Everyone now wants to know about him, the media wants Charlie and that's what he is giving...they are getting their full dose...I feel he has big plans and after he said about 9/11 I feel personally it somehow is linked to the way he is acting now.
Title: Re: Charlie Sheen - @charliesheen (verified)
Post by: Andrea on March 09, 2011, 09:16:08 PM
Quote from: "MJhasSpoken"
I think Charlie is acting. He is very smart and I don't think he is dumb enough to do what he is doing now. Everyone now wants to know about him, the media wants Charlie and that's what he is giving...they are getting their full dose...I feel he has big plans and after he said about 9/11 I feel personally it somehow is linked to the way he is acting now.

I agree with you.  I also think that he doesn't want to play "their" game anymore.  And he has everyone's eyes on him now...pretty smart if you wanna say something you want people to hear...

I find that people either think Charlie's so awesome or so crazy.  Remind you of someone?
Title: Re: Charlie Sheen - @charliesheen (verified)
Post by: Andrea on March 09, 2011, 09:40:09 PM
Here's another Winning mash-up, it was on TMZ's site a few days ago...


Admit it, you like it.  :lol:  ;)
Title: Re: Charlie Sheen - @charliesheen (verified)
Post by: suspicious mind on March 09, 2011, 09:42:32 PM
so has there been anyone to come out and say this man is a really good guy at heart yada yada or anything, or this guy is a real jerk or what anything, people who have dealt with him in the business or in personal life ( except for the ex's of course ;) )
Title: Re: Charlie Sheen - @charliesheen (verified)
Post by: RunFaYaLife on March 09, 2011, 09:49:44 PM
I can tell you this most of the people in the USA are sick of Charlie Sheen
He is nothing more than a spoiled  celebrity.

Lawyers in Charlie Sheen fracas lay out strategies
5:34 p.m. CST, March 9, 2011

Los Angeles

When attorney Marty Singer received a phone message last Friday from Warner Bros. litigator John Spiegel, who said he was calling to discuss Charlie Sheen, Singer thought perhaps Spiegel wanted to talk about a possible settlement of the public standoff that had ground CBS' "Two and a Half Men" to a halt.

After all, two days earlier, Singer had fired off one of his infamous letters demanding that the studio immediately resume production of his client's hit sitcom or risk a multimillion-dollar breach-of-contract lawsuit. So Singer left Spiegel his own message, saying he was ready to chat.

"He never called me back," Singer told The Hollywood Reporter.

Instead, on Monday, Warners' legal team messengered to Singer's office a bombshell 11-page letter abruptly terminating Sheen's services and pre-emptively initiating an arbitration proceeding against him. The star's "dangerously self-destructive behavior" -- including the "disturbing rampage" at the Plaza Hotel in New York last year, the "banging 7-gram rocks" of cocaine and the all-night parties with porn-star "goddesses" that caused him to have "difficulty remembering his lines and hitting his marks" -- rendered Sheen incapable of working on the show, Warners said, and, thereby, in default on his contract.

Studio lawyers also wrote that Sheen could be dropped if executives believed he committed a "felony offense involving moral turpitude," which he had all but admitted to during his bizarre, 24/7 media blitz.

Within minutes of its delivery, the letter had been leaked to the website TMZ, owned by WB parent Time Warner, and Singer promised to file his own lawsuit against Warners and "Men" co-creator Chuck Lorre, whom Sheen claims conspired to shut down the show.

The aggressive move by the studio has set up a legal showdown featuring some of Hollywood's top attorneys, with potentially hundreds of millions of dollars from TV's top comedy on the line. The case will likely play out over weeks or years regardless of whether Warners recasts the show, as sources say it is planning to do.

"This is only the beginning," Singer said, previewing his argument. "You know how many times Charlie has had drug and rehab problems in the past? This is about the hostility between Chuck and Charlie that has gone on for years. This is Chuck conspiring with Warner Bros. (to get rid of him)."

Singer also claimed Lorre had a financial interest in Sheen's termination. "We believe Chuck Lorre has a better deal and stands to make more on his other shows ('The Big Bang Theory' and 'Mike & Molly') than on 'Two and a Half Men,' so he has an interest in making those shows flourish at the expense of my client's show," Singer said.

Spiegel, in his first interview since taking on the case with partner Ron Olson, countered, "This is not about Chuck Lorre. It's about a serious health issue that has rendered Charlie Sheen unable to perform the essential duties of his position."

Meanwhile, Lorre has signed his own lawyer, Howard Weitzman, a veteran of Hollywood disputes. Asked about Singer's position, Weitzman said, "That's not a 'winning' argument.

"The conspiracy theory is a pure fantasy," Weitzman added. "Chuck is very concerned for Charlie's health. We all believe Warner Bros. did the right thing given the situation Mr. Sheen created."

The concern for Sheen's health -- rather than his violation of the "moral turpitude" clause in his deal -- is expected to be the centerpiece of Warner Bros.' legal argument. Sheen has been giving the studio more fuel for its case as his public behavior becomes even more bizarre. Since being fired, Sheen has declared himself "free at last," climbed to the top of a Los Angeles building brandishing a machete and smoked a cigarette through his nose during one episode of his increasingly disquieting Internet talk show dubbed "Sheen's Korner." He has also moved to cash in on his new notoriety, making deals to put new catchphrases such as "fools and trolls" and "winning" on T-shirts though a licensing deal with Live Nation.

Lawyers for WB and Sheen are likely monitoring his behavior closely; the studio's termination letter included a 10-page list of links to news articles chronicling Sheen's behavior, some of which will likely become exhibits in the coming case.

Whether the dispute is litigated in public or private will likely be the next battleground. Sheen's contract includes a broad arbitration clause, so Warners on March 4 submitted the fracas to dispute-resolution company JAMS, which informed both sides March 7 that it had officially opened a case. The sides have 14 days to submit their first written arguments, and, once a neutral arbitrator is chosen, the case would proceed privately. There's a wrinkle, however. Sheen's contract is with Warner Bros., not Lorre, so Singer could sue the showrunner for interfering with Sheen's contract (a separate cause of action in California).

Singer would like the case to be heard publicly. "Our preference is to go before a judge and jury," he said.

Sheen's recent public spectacles aside, juries tend to favor well-known figures, and Singer would be able to lob grenades at WB and Lorre in open court in front of what would likely be a rapt media -- and, more likely, use that threat to settle the matter before it gets to a messy trial.

But it is far from clear whether a Sheen lawsuit against Lorre would proceed separately from the arbitration. Warners would likely file a motion to compel arbitration, a legal maneuver designed to consolidate the entire mess into one tidy -- and private -- proceeding. Lorre is said to support such a move. Despite being called a "clown" and a "turd" by Sheen, Lorre is said to prefer that any legal dispute be hashed out in private.

And while the lawyers duke it out, Warner Bros. is busy figuring out its next step. Sources close to the show say reports of John Stamos or Rob Lowe joining the cast are untrue but that Lorre and Warners execs are telling people "Two and a Half Men" will likely return in the fall. Existing deals with CBS and syndicators require both Sheen's and Lorre's participation in the show, but Warners execs believe those pacts could be renegotiated if Lorre agreed to return and the right cast came together. And one thing is certain: At least the initial ratings next season would be huge.

But with the nasty legal dispute likely still unresolved, would Lorre want to keep "Men" going?

Said an insider, "If you're Chuck Lorre, who has been smeared, isn't there part of you that wants to say, 'I'm going to show this mother------,' and in Episode 1 of the next season show what he could do to write this guy out of the show?"

http://www.chicagotribune.com/entertain ... 5741.story (http://www.chicagotribune.com/entertainment/sns-rt-entertainment-us-chatre7287sx-20110309,0,5825741.story)
Title: Re: Charlie Sheen - @charliesheen Verified
Post by: anewfan on March 09, 2011, 10:12:03 PM
Quote from: "Sinderella"
This needs to be put on itunes immidiatley and be number 1.



This video is hilarious!!
Title: Re: Charlie Sheen - @charliesheen (verified)
Post by: MJonmind on March 09, 2011, 10:25:46 PM
I love the Sheen Winning song! Catchy lyrics! He seems to have lost his fear of TPTB, and since he's gotten past that he's unstoppable. I wish him the best in his future plans.
Title: Re: Charlie Sheen - @charliesheen (verified)
Post by: voiceforthesilent on March 09, 2011, 10:49:50 PM
by RunFaYaLife » Wed Mar 09, 2011 8:49 pm
I can tell you this most of the people in the USA are sick of Charlie Sheen
He is nothing more than a spoiled celebrity.

I live in the USA and I'm not sick of Charlie. If he's sober, heck, even if he's not, he's speaking more truth than most of them have in a long, long, time. If he's sick he needs help but I am another who wouldn't be surprised to learn that he is acting.

On another note I keep hearing how difficult and long the process is to get verified on Twitter. Charlie Sheen had over a million followers in less than 10 posts and now has over 2 million followers in what...a week? Amazing. However, I just noticed that he's also been verified by Twitter.

I guess this makes another area that Charlie is #Winning.
Title: Re: Charlie Sheen - @charliesheen Verified
Post by: PureLove on March 09, 2011, 10:55:54 PM
Quote from: "Sinderella"
This needs to be put on itunes immidiatley and be number 1.



Title: Re: Charlie Sheen - @charliesheen (verified)
Post by: PureLove on March 09, 2011, 10:58:56 PM
Quote from: "voiceforthesilent"
by RunFaYaLife » Wed Mar 09, 2011 8:49 pm
I can tell you this most of the people in the USA are sick of Charlie Sheen
He is nothing more than a spoiled celebrity.

I live in the USA and I'm not sick of Charlie. If he's sober, heck, even if he's not, he's speaking more truth than most of them have in a long, long, time. If he's sick he needs help but I am another who wouldn't be surprised to learn that he is acting.

On another note I keep hearing how difficult and long the process is to get verified on Twitter. Charlie Sheen had over a million followers in less than 10 posts and now has over 2 million followers in what...a week? Amazing. However, I just noticed that he's also been verified by Twitter.

I guess this makes another area that Charlie is #Winning.

I love him too. I hope he is just acting for whatever reason. Do you think that he can be the second celebrity who fakes his own death? :lol:
Title: Re: Charlie Sheen - @charliesheen (verified)
Post by: Sinderella on March 10, 2011, 05:25:01 AM
I've chopped that song and made it my new ringtone,spreading the message of #WINNING to all who happen to be around me when my phone goes off  :mrgreen:

I am not endorsing or saying that anyone is clever for banging 7gm rocks or getting arrested etc but what I do endorse and what I admire about him is that he is admitting to all of it,instead of some worried management company releasing a press release covering it up-LYING to the world when everyone can clearly see he is guilty and making out he is someone who has a problem because of fame.Which is usually the general excuse.
He is putting it out there,being honest and saying yeah,I do drugs,but y'know what it's my life,the media do not control what I do,if you don't like it,get off my wavelength and leave me alone.

I know he has kids and i'm sure he is a very good dad and provides anything they might need but who is anyone to judge him?Who is anyone to say 'no Charlie Sheen,you cannot hang out naked in Vegas with women and do drugs?'
He only got fired because he was slagging off the producers from two and a half men and saying he had deleted the guys number so if he wanted to talk he would have to ring him hahahaha which I found utterly hysterical.
He achieved a world record-yep it's going in the book-without even meaning too for getting 1.2million followers in 25hours on twitter.It's 2million+in a week and he was verified from the word go.(which does say something about TR as much as I admire and respect the man-it is quite simple if you are a celebrity with status to get that blue tick so where is his,he was filling forms in in like October 2010?)

We want celebrities to stand up and stop being pampered and given an easy ride,he is doing it and getting shit for it.He has even put on his twitter unemployed winner-which to me suggests he is not sorry for his behaviour or anything he has said,is sticking by his opinions,isn't being two faced or letting the media push him into giving some sort of fake apology so he can get his job back.

Charlie Sheen is going to make A LOT more $$$$ from this whole thing than Two and a half men/it's producers will.
He has already signed merch deals,E! will probably give him his own show,hell if they give Kim Kardashian two of them he can get one!
That show is rubbish without him,they can't replace him so who is the biggest loser?
Title: Re: Charlie Sheen - @charliesheen (verified)
Post by: trustno1 on March 10, 2011, 07:50:00 AM
It wouldn't be a surprise if this "meltdown" was all an act, look at this pic, his thumb is over the top of the bottle, he isn't even drinking it!! All for show!  Not saying he isn't an addict but the media has been on his case for ages now thanks to his outspoken views on certain things.  He doesn't seem to be taking their crusade too seriously.(http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/03/08/article-1364040-0D840CFA000005DC-903_634x667.jpg)
Title: Re: Charlie Sheen - @charliesheen Verified
Post by: Mj5StarChick on March 10, 2011, 07:59:13 AM
Quote from: "Andrea"

You can see a bottle of juice on the night stand next to the bed but it's too blurry to tell for sure.  But the shape of the bottle, the lid and the label look similar to Naked Juice.  And I'm pretty sure I read somewhere on here before that it was that juice...?
That does look like the Naked juice bottle even though the picture says orange juice ;) (http://madisononthecheap.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/Naked-Juice.jpg)
If it is Michael made a good choice because Naked juice is delicious :D  ;)
Title: Re: Charlie Sheen - @charliesheen (verified)
Post by: jacilovesmichael on March 10, 2011, 09:03:49 AM
I think Sheen is a genius in his own right, just like Michael. OBVIOUSLY he's not a moron, he knows what's going on in the world and in our government especially. Anyone who can't see what is clearly being done to him is just plain ignorant. Unfortunately, most of our population is ignorant and believes whatever they see on tv or in a magazine. Charlie Sheen already spoke out about how he feels, and now he's just playing along with their game until the time is right. In my opinion, I think Michael Jackson might have a lot to do with it. Once the world finds out that MJ didn't really die, all eyes will shift from Charlie to MJ...and hopefully the truth regarding our government and media lies will be revealed, and Michael will have at least one other celebrity on his side (Sheen). I have a feeling all hell will break loose in Hollywood once this happens, because I'm sure many other celebs WANT to speak out but are afraid to at this point in time. Thank God we have these brave men who are willing to risk their lives (and even GIVE their lives in a way) in order to fight for true freedom in a country where freedom is an illusion at best. I applaud Charlie Sheen for taking one of the team and I'd bet my last dollar that this is all directly related to MJ's hoax.
Title: Re: Charlie Sheen - @charliesheen (verified)
Post by: ForstAMoon on March 10, 2011, 09:22:24 AM
Quote from: "jacilovesmichael"
I think Sheen is a genius in his own right, just like Michael. OBVIOUSLY he's not a moron, he knows what's going on in the world and in our government especially. Anyone who can't see what is clearly being done to him is just plain ignorant. Unfortunately, most of our population is ignorant and believes whatever they see on tv or in a magazine. Charlie Sheen already spoke out about how he feels, and now he's just playing along with their game until the time is right. In my opinion, I think Michael Jackson might have a lot to do with it. Once the world finds out that MJ didn't really die, all eyes will shift from Charlie to MJ...and hopefully the truth regarding our government and media lies will be revealed, and Michael will have at least one other celebrity on his side (Sheen). I have a feeling all hell will break loose in Hollywood once this happens, because I'm sure many other celebs WANT to speak out but are afraid to at this point in time. Thank God we have these brave men who are willing to risk their lives (and even GIVE their lives in a way) in order to fight for true freedom in a country where freedom is an illusion at best. I applaud Charlie Sheen for taking one of the team and I'd bet my last dollar that this is all directly related to MJ's hoax.

I share your view. Here is some reminder on what some of his views are:

Title: Re: Charlie Sheen - @charliesheen (verified)
Post by: Miss.Peppers on March 10, 2011, 02:17:51 PM
Quote from: "trustno1"
It wouldn't be a surprise if this "meltdown" was all an act, look at this pic, his thumb is over the top of the bottle, he isn't even drinking it!! All for show!  Not saying he isn't an addict but the media has been on his case for ages now thanks to his outspoken views on certain things.  He doesn't seem to be taking their crusade too seriously.(http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/03/08/article-1364040-0D840CFA000005DC-903_634x667.jpg)


But has he lost it?   He actually is #winning at the moment, and raking the dollars in.

I really like Charlie Sheen.  Being in the UK, his show is not popular over here.  I dont even know what channel screens it.  But since this has happened, ive watched his interviews and i find his honesty very refreshing.
Title: Re: Charlie Sheen - @charliesheen Verified
Post by: Lovely One on March 10, 2011, 04:38:52 PM
Quote from: "PureLove"
Quote from: "Sinderella"
This needs to be put on itunes immidiatley and be number 1.




HAHAHA!!! This is amazing!!  :lol:
Title: Re: Charlie Sheen - @charliesheen (verified)
Post by: Sinderella on March 10, 2011, 05:26:05 PM
LOL my phone keeps ringing and all I hear is 'Duh winning winning,I was banging 7gm rocks that's how I roll winning..........' I dont want to answer my phone so I can let it ring hahaha
Title: Re: Charlie Sheen - @charliesheen (verified)
Post by: MJhasSpoken on March 10, 2011, 05:52:54 PM
Quote from: "Sinderella"
LOL my phone keeps ringing and all I hear is 'Duh winning winning,I was banging 7gm rocks that's how I roll winning..........' I dont want to answer my phone so I can let it ring hahaha

I love your sig;
We should all be #Winning at life

I was also thinking since jacilovesmichael mentioned that Charlie could be connected to MJ's hoax, what if Charlie Sheen was reading this?  :lol:
Title: Re: Charlie Sheen - @charliesheen (verified)
Post by: Miss.Peppers on March 10, 2011, 06:20:19 PM
Quote from: "Sinderella"
LOL my phone keeps ringing and all I hear is 'Duh winning winning,I was banging 7gm rocks that's how I roll winning..........' I dont want to answer my phone so I can let it ring hahaha

watch this video on this link.

Charlie isnt mad... he knows exactly what he is doing:

http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/bfb12a ... red_videos (http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/bfb12aea47/charlie-sheen-s-winning-recipes?playlist=featured_videos)
Title: Re: Charlie Sheen - @charliesheen (verified)
Post by: MJhasSpoken on March 10, 2011, 06:36:01 PM
Quote from: "Miss.Peppers"
Quote from: "Sinderella"
LOL my phone keeps ringing and all I hear is 'Duh winning winning,I was banging 7gm rocks that's how I roll winning..........' I dont want to answer my phone so I can let it ring hahaha

watch this video on this link.

Charlie isnt mad... he knows exactly what he is doing:

http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/bfb12a ... red_videos (http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/bfb12aea47/charlie-sheen-s-winning-recipes?playlist=featured_videos)
:lol: ...I absolutely love Charlie Sheen...what about when he says, "Warning the taste of Charlie Sheen has the potential to cause your soul to weep and forfeit."  :lol:  :lol:
Title: Re: Charlie Sheen - @charliesheen (verified)
Post by: Sinderella on March 10, 2011, 07:04:30 PM
Quote from: "Miss.Peppers"
Quote from: "Sinderella"
LOL my phone keeps ringing and all I hear is 'Duh winning winning,I was banging 7gm rocks that's how I roll winning..........' I dont want to answer my phone so I can let it ring hahaha

watch this video on this link.

Charlie isnt mad... he knows exactly what he is doing:

http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/bfb12a ... red_videos (http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/bfb12aea47/charlie-sheen-s-winning-recipes?playlist=featured_videos)

I will watch but where in what I said about my ringtone did I say Charlie Sheen was mad :?:
I haven't once said he was mad in any of my posts,I am on #teamsheen which what I have been saying this whole time.

@ MJhasSpoken Thanks,we should though,one shot at it,one chance to win  :mrgreen:

'I'm on a drug,it's called Charlie Sheen,it's not available,if you take it once your face will melt off and you will die' HAHA.
Title: Re: Charlie Sheen - @charliesheen (verified)
Post by: MJhasSpoken on March 10, 2011, 07:21:11 PM
Quote from: "Sinderella"
Quote from: "Miss.Peppers"
Quote from: "Sinderella"
LOL my phone keeps ringing and all I hear is 'Duh winning winning,I was banging 7gm rocks that's how I roll winning..........' I dont want to answer my phone so I can let it ring hahaha

watch this video on this link.

Charlie isnt mad... he knows exactly what he is doing:

http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/bfb12a ... red_videos (http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/bfb12aea47/charlie-sheen-s-winning-recipes?playlist=featured_videos)

I will watch but where in what I said about my ringtone did I say Charlie Sheen was mad :?:
I haven't once said he was mad in any of my posts,I am on #teamsheen which what I have been saying this whole time.

@ MJhasSpoken Thanks,we should though,one shot at it,one chance to win  :mrgreen:

'I'm on a drug,it's called Charlie Sheen,it's not available,if you take it once your face will melt off and you will die' HAHA.

 :lol:  Never a dull moment in the life of Charlie Sheen.
Title: Re: Charlie Sheen - @charliesheen (verified)
Post by: Miss.Peppers on March 10, 2011, 08:43:45 PM
@sinderella.  Sorry, i didnt mean it to come out that way.  I merely meant it in general... that the media are labelling him mad and that i dont think he is.  I can see how you thought i had directed that at you.  I wrote it in a wierd way, i guess.

Sorry about that confusion!  x

Also,... check this link out.  Charlie is selling tickets to a road-show:  http://www.ticketmaster.com/artist/1568566 (http://www.ticketmaster.com/artist/1568566)

Here is the bio:
My Violent Torpedo of Truth/Defeat is Not An Option Show is coming for you.

I'm going on the road. LIVE.

Will there be surprises? Will there be guests? Will there be mayhem? Will you ask questions? Will you laugh? Will you scream? Will you know the truth?  

This IS where you will hear the REAL story from the Warlock.  

Bring it. I dare you to keep up with me.
Title: Re: Charlie Sheen - @charliesheen (verified)
Post by: Miss.Peppers on March 11, 2011, 01:47:01 PM
Curveball; Warlock edict; pain & devastation in Japan demands us all to dig deep & LOVE THEM VIOLENTLY Dogspeed my cadres of the Far East! c about 2 hours ago via Twittelator
Title: Re: Charlie Sheen - @charliesheen (verified)
Post by: Miss.Peppers on March 11, 2011, 08:13:50 PM
Title: Re: Charlie Sheen - @charliesheen (verified)
Post by: mjfansince4 on March 11, 2011, 09:03:36 PM
Quote from: "voiceforthesilent"
by RunFaYaLife » Wed Mar 09, 2011 8:49 pm
I can tell you this most of the people in the USA are sick of Charlie Sheen
He is nothing more than a spoiled celebrity.

I live in the USA and I'm not sick of Charlie. If he's sober, heck, even if he's not, he's speaking more truth than most of them have in a long, long, time. If he's sick he needs help but I am another who wouldn't be surprised to learn that he is acting.

On another note I keep hearing how difficult and long the process is to get verified on Twitter. Charlie Sheen had over a million followers in less than 10 posts and now has over 2 million followers in what...a week? Amazing. However, I just noticed that he's also been verified by Twitter.

I guess this makes another area that Charlie is #Winning.

i'm not sick of him either. my mom is borderline about the hoax (i talk to her about it) and she thinks charlie has issues, but she told me that he makes some really good points. he's an ACTOR. he's raised some really good questions about US policies and such. if you actually read past the warlock's tales, there's actually something there.
Title: Re: Charlie Sheen - @charliesheen (verified)
Post by: RunFaYaLife on March 11, 2011, 11:20:28 PM
Yeah that warlock BS is just nonsense.

I do not think Charlie is even aware of the "hoax" ...
he's too stuck on himself and his message...whatever THAT is.
He also has too big of a mouth.
Bet your mom would agree with that.
Title: Re: Charlie Sheen - @charliesheen (verified)
Post by: anewfan on March 12, 2011, 12:09:45 AM
Quote from: "Miss.Peppers"

That link doesn't work for me. Does it work for you?
Title: Re: Charlie Sheen - @charliesheen (verified)
Post by: RunFaYaLife on March 12, 2011, 12:36:53 AM
It did for me Mrs Peppers.

All it says is "sign up and start winning'".
With your email.
Title: Re: Charlie Sheen - @charliesheen (verified)
Post by: Sinderella on March 12, 2011, 04:26:05 AM
Quote from: "anewfan"
Quote from: "Miss.Peppers"

That link doesn't work for me. Does it work for you?

Nope! He might be but his website is deffo #notwinning haha

Check out the thread from Nelly's twitter and what he tweeted yesterday...
Title: Re: Charlie Sheen - @charliesheen (verified)
Post by: Miss.Peppers on March 12, 2011, 02:17:18 PM
Quote from: "Sinderella"
Quote from: "anewfan"
Quote from: "Miss.Peppers"

That link doesn't work for me. Does it work for you?

Nope! He might be but his website is deffo #notwinning haha

Check out the thread from Nelly's twitter and what he tweeted yesterday...

Do you have a link to Nelly thread?  x

Also, did you see my reply to you further up? x
Title: Re: Charlie Sheen - @charliesheen (verified)
Post by: Sinderella on March 12, 2011, 04:02:09 PM
Quote from: "Miss.Peppers"
Do you have a link to Nelly thread?  x
Also, did you see my reply to you further up? x

I do

and I missed it but I have just read it over now and it is no problem,just a mix up is all :)
I checked your links out too,haha I just joined The church of Charlie Sheen on facebook,someone suggested the page to me,how could I say no?
Title: Re: Charlie Sheen - @charliesheen (verified)
Post by: Miss.Peppers on March 13, 2011, 03:18:25 PM
I cant help but watch this video over and over again.  It makes me smile...   and i need smiles in my life!!!

"Come on dude, i got Tiger Blood!"


Also..   am i the only female here who finds Charlie Sheen strangely attractive?  He is like one of those men you know you shouldnt fancy, but seem inextricably drawn to.  He is old(er) and a bit worn out and wrinkly around the edges...  but he IS attractive!  Must be his charisma...  i would love a night out with him.  The conversation would be EPIC!

Title: Re: Charlie Sheen - @charliesheen (verified)
Post by: Sinderella on March 13, 2011, 04:26:17 PM
Not at all he is deffo someone who would be awesome to go on a night out with.
Singing this song everywhere you went.LOL

OH he has shirts too now,I saw on twitter before


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