Michael Jackson Death Hoax Investigators

Hoax Theories => References & Similarities => The Movie References => Topic started by: TheRunningGirl on February 23, 2011, 04:02:12 PM

Title: TMP - Michael and the Movies - Godspell
Post by: TheRunningGirl on February 23, 2011, 04:02:12 PM
This is the First chapter of a new series by the Michealproject20 focusing exclusively on Michael Jackson's influence and involvement in Hollywood filmmaking during the past 40 years.

This thread specifically focuses on 1973 classic Godspell.

Parts 1 and 2 are posted below, other parts will be posted when available:



As usual I found the videos very interesting, well made and full of very relevant information. I specifically made note of the following (But there is much more!):

- The film director is called David Greene.  David Greene also directed the 1962 Twilight zone film and the 1975 Count of Monte Cristo films (Refer to V for Vendetta).

- There are many references to Vaudeville Schtick in the Godspell movie.  This is not only a reference to the muppet show (Who have got their own Dodo by the way!) but also to a form of theatrical entertainment played at Vaudeville venues such as the Pantages theatres. (Hollywood tonight video)

-The History of Bethesda Terrace in Central Park, a place frequently shown in Godspell and the parallels with Michael's This is it.  We know how often the water symbolism comes back in Michael's work.
The Reference to Bethesda Terrace in the Gospel of John: http://www.domini.org/gospels/john/john05.htm

With L.O.V.E
Title: Re: TMP - Michael and the Movies - Godspell
Post by: PureLove on February 23, 2011, 05:39:56 PM
WOW!!! Thank you so so much for posting these videos. I haven't seen them before. They are very interesting really. I need to find and watch all of these movies to get to my own conclusions as well. Thank you TheRunningGirl. :)
Title: Re: TMP - Michael and the Movies - Godspell
Post by: TouchedByAnAngel on February 24, 2011, 12:23:42 AM
This is interesting and I'm looking forward to more in this series from TheMichaelProject.

Godspell does seem to have some Michael flavor to it  :D I noticed that it began it's off Broadway run at The Cherry Lane Theatre and then moved to the larger Promenade Theatre in New York City.


The Promenade Theatre is an Off-Broadway theater, which is actually located on 2162 Broadway, and was renovated from a Mormon church.

This reminded me of the TMZ article about MJ's latest video being produced for Hollywood Tonight...in front of the Pantages Theatre. The Pantages Theatre, formerly known as RKO Pantages Theatre, is located at Hollywood and Vine (6233 Hollywood Boulevard), Hollywood, California, in the United States of America.
Quote from: "TheRunningGirl"

- There are many references to Vaudeville Schtick in the Godspell movie.

The Pantages Theatre Circuit had been built on Vaudeville, and the new Hollywood theatre programmed first-run movies alternating through the day with Vaudeville acts for its first two years. But like other theatres during the Great Depression, it was forced to economize and thereafter operated primarily as a movie theatre, though live entertainment was presented occasionally.

Pantages sold the Hollywood landmark in 1932 to Fox West Coast Theaters. In 1949, Howard Hughes acquired the Pantages under his RKO Theatre Circuit and moved his personal offices to the building's second floor.

Past productions that have graced the Pantages (as part of Broadway in L.A.) have included: Peter Pan and The Wizard of Oz. There are numerous others but these of course jumped out at me.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pantages_T ... llywood%29 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pantages_Theatre_%28Hollywood%29)

It's late and I will have to look into this more, but I found the theatre connection intriguing, and of course the Howard Hughes link is just another coincidence I'm sure  ;)

Blessed to have been,
Touched By An Angel

http://twitter.com/TouchedByAngelM (http://twitter.com/TouchedByAngelM)
Title: Re: TMP - Michael and the Movies - Godspell
Post by: TouchedByAnAngel on February 26, 2011, 12:13:34 AM
In my last post I talked about the Pantages Theatre where MJ's video for Hollywood Tonight was being filmed. Today, Feb. 25th I run across this gorgeous shot of the front of the theatre that was supposedly sent from the Jackson Estate to the fan site called Mjnewsalerts.com


http://home.mjnewsalerts.com/2011/02/25 ... 9D-videos/ (http://home.mjnewsalerts.com/2011/02/25/stills-from-%E2%80%9Chollywood-tonight%E2%80%9D-and-%E2%80%9Cbehind-the-mask%E2%80%9D-videos/)

It is taken from a distance but the 7 big stars jump right out at ya! Also when P P and B were on the Good Morning America show with grandma today, Paris said she wants to try out for a play. Plays are usually in theaters (I know she said school play, but still) IDK, thought I'd share.

Touched By An Angel
Title: Re: TMP - Michael and the Movies - Godspell
Post by: RunFaYaLife on February 26, 2011, 12:17:49 AM
hahahaaa Coolness!
Title: Re: TMP - Michael and the Movies - Godspell
Post by: TheRunningGirl on March 14, 2011, 09:20:43 PM
Here are the following 2 videos in the TMP Godspell series.
TMP Writes" The continuation of Michael's connection and influence of this classic film. Also a revelation of why you are definitely witnessing a hoax and how Errol Flynn plays a major role in it."

1. Michael and the Movies: Godspell pt 3 Intro

2. Michael and the Movies: Godspell pt 3 Conclusion

Some very interesting parallels with Errol Flynn that build on the previous series of videos:

The positioning of Canada (Vancouver/Toronto) as an alternative to Hollywood opens new perspectives!

With L.O.V.E
Title: Re: TMP - Michael and the Movies - Godspell
Post by: voiceforthesilent on March 15, 2011, 01:42:59 AM
Thank you for sharing these. What I've seen so far is really interesting. Blessings!
Title: Re: TMP - Michael and the Movies - Godspell
Post by: trustno1 on March 15, 2011, 06:13:35 AM
There are many references to Vaudeville Schtick in the Godspell movie. This is not only a reference to the muppet show (Who have got their own Dodo by the way!) but also to a form of theatrical entertainment played at Vaudeville venues such as the Pantages theatres. (Hollywood tonight video)
http://muppet.wikia.com/wiki/Vaudeville (http://muppet.wikia.com/wiki/Vaudeville)

Did the Muppets have a dodo?  I can only remember a bald eagle, his name was Sam if memory serves but it was a very long time ago so maybe I'm wrong.  Was there a dodo too? Had too much coffee this morning, methinks, my mind's in overdrive thinking about all the Muppets characters now LOL :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
Title: Re: TMP - Michael and the Movies - Godspell
Post by: TheRunningGirl on March 15, 2011, 02:49:29 PM
Quote from: "trustno1"
There are many references to Vaudeville Schtick in the Godspell movie. This is not only a reference to the muppet show (Who have got their own Dodo by the way!) but also to a form of theatrical entertainment played at Vaudeville venues such as the Pantages theatres. (Hollywood tonight video)
http://muppet.wikia.com/wiki/Vaudeville (http://muppet.wikia.com/wiki/Vaudeville)

Did the Muppets have a dodo?  I can only remember a bald eagle, his name was Sam if memory serves but it was a very long time ago so maybe I'm wrong.  Was there a dodo too? Had too much coffee this morning, methinks, my mind's in overdrive thinking about all the Muppets characters now LOL :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

A Dodo made some guest appearances in the muppets show:

The Dodo is a goofy bird who appeared in episode 415 of The Muppet Show. He interrupted Anne Murray on her signature song "Snowbird," and helped her finish the song after exchanging some bird puns.
The dodo also appeared in the 1996 film Muppet Treasure Island.
Reference: http://muppet.wikia.com/wiki/The_Dodo

All nicely connected!  :)

With L.O.V.E
Title: Re: TMP - Michael and the Movies - Godspell
Post by: trustno1 on March 15, 2011, 03:17:31 PM
Aha! Thanks so much for that RunningGirl, you made my day! :D
Title: Re: TMP - Michael and the Movies - Godspell
Post by: TheRunningGirl on March 18, 2011, 06:04:45 PM
Quote from: "trustno1"
Aha! Thanks so much for that RunningGirl, you made my day! :D

My Pleasure Trustno1!  :D

The Dodo shares a quiet beach with Macca in Mauritius (Treasure Island) and would most probably get an invite to Lamb Island if too many celebrities decided to "escape the Game" and move to Treasure Island.

1. Lamb Island
Uri Geller purchased Lamb Island in Scotland in late 2008/2009. He said he hoped to win permission to search for the Egyptian treasure which he believes could be buried there. His theory is that Princess Scota, the sister of Tutankhamen, was exiled there after fleeing Egypt 3,000 years ago, and she may have left gold and jewels behind.
Short extract from an article "Why I Bought Lamb Island" by Uri Geller published on 2009-02-12 6:46 on Uri Geller Website. Reference: http://site.uri-geller.com/why_i_bought_lamb_island

Television presenter and world-famous mystifier Uri Geller revealed today that he is the new owner of a mysterious and enigmatic island claimed to be one of the Great Pyramids of Scotland.
Lamb Island, a volcanic outcrop in the Firth of Forth north of Edinburgh, is one of three rocky outcrops which mirror the layout of the Pyramids at Giza, near Cairo in Egypt.
"This island has links not only to the pyramids, but to King Arthur, King Robert the Bruce and to the ancient Kings of Ireland too. It might seem forbidding, and it is certainly uninhabitable, but it is also one of the keystones to British mythology, and I am thrilled to be its owner."
According to research published by a historical investigator named Jeff Nisbet, in the magazine Atlantis Rising, in September 2002, there are three crucial Templar sites in the UK: the village of Temple, Rosslyn Chapel and the Isle of May. This last is believed by some Arthurian scholars to be the real location of Avalon, the island where King Arthur was laid to rest and await his return as the Once and Future King.

2. Escaping the Game
Lindsay Lohan is to help celebrities fake their own death in upcoming film.
Reference: http://x17online.com/celebrities/lindsay_lohan/lindsay_lohan_chris_zylka_movie_escaping_the_island_thriller_negotiations_022811.php
We're told Escaping The Game is about celebrities that make it famous very quickly and can't handle every day life. As a result, they must fake their death to move and live on a hidden Island along with other celebrities that have faked their death in the past.

We may also have to be sent to an Island to escape the Game!  :lol:

With L.O.V.E
Title: Re: TMP - Michael and the Movies - Godspell
Post by: TheRunningGirl on March 18, 2011, 06:44:19 PM
In the Michael and the Movies: Godspell pt 3 Conclusion (Renamed to part 4 on Youtube), it is very interesting to see how closely Conrad Murray's plea mirrors Captain Blood's (Errol Flynn - 1935 film).

Captain Blood - Start at 7:45 on the video

Captain Blood: "It is entirely innocent I am"
Court Spokesman: "Are you guilty or not guilty, you must use the right words"
Captain Blood: "Words is it? Oh! Not Guilty"

Conrad Murray - start at 10:15 on the video

Conrad Murray: "Your Honour, I am an innocent man, I therefore plead not guilty"

Errol Flynn seems to have been a great source of inspiration for Michael!

With L.O.V.E
Title: Re: TMP - Michael and the Movies - Godspell
Post by: mjintrigue2012 on March 24, 2011, 04:38:07 PM
Michael and the Movies: Godspell - pt. 5

Another excellent and thought-provoking video in the TMP's Godspell series:


TMP20: "In this part, the focus continues on Errol Flynn's influence on Michael and the classic 1973 film 'Godspell' and how the legend of Robin Hood, one of Flynn's greatest roles set the stage for the 'hero' persona for both men and women."
Title: Re: TMP - Michael and the Movies - Godspell
Post by: TheRunningGirl on March 26, 2011, 08:41:29 PM
Thank You for posting mjintrigue2012.  Those videos are definitely thought provoking, you are right!

The "Robin" connection was interesting:
 - Robin Roberts is shown interviewing Janet in the video but she is also the one who interviewed Katherine and Michael's Children on GMA. (And lately led to Chris Brown breaking a window! )
- Conrad Murray is also a "Robin" as he is Conrad Robert Murray
- The Rockin' Robin song has some interesting connections. It was first sang by Bobby Day (Not to be confused with Robert Day  ;) ) in 1958 and by Paul Anka in 2005. It was Michael first single.
Reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rockin'_Robin_(song)

The Thriller connection with the thriller "He knows you're alone" (Edgar Lansbury directed it - Same director as Godspell) was an eye opener! Also an inspiration for "You are not alone"!
Reference: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0080850/

I also really liked the Canadian connection in the previous video and with Janet very recently signing a film deal with Lionsgate entertainment, a company formed in Vancouver, the connection does continue! I even wondered when watching the video whether the O2 announcement may have been filmed in Canada rather than London! Who knows!  
Reference: http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/janet-jackson-signs-film-production-167872
Reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lionsgate_Entertainment

Food for thoughts!

With L.O.V.E
Title: Re: TMP - Michael and the Movies - Godspell
Post by: mjintrigue2012 on March 28, 2011, 12:25:40 AM
Thankyou for your comments TheRunningGirl.

I think that the "robin" might also correlate to Michael in a spiritual way.  I first wanted to understand what the symbology of the "robin" is:

Robin, Power Animal, Symbol of Growth and Renewal

Robin's medicine includes understanding the power of song, happiness, guide in the wisdom of change, growth, renewal.

Robins have a powerful significance in ancient myth and lore. One tale has its origins in European mythology, in which the bird of Spring is linked with the New Year and symbolises divine sacrifice and the rebirth of the spirit.

Medieval Europe lore often depicted the robin attending the Christ child, an emblem of the Passion to come. The tiny robin flew to Jesus' Crown of Thorns, striving bravely to pluck the thorns away with his beak. Unfortunately, the bird only tore his own breast on the thorns. Since then it was thought that robins wore red feathers on their chests as a badge of honour.

The robin is a bird of divine service. Robin people often have past life ties to the Christ energy and would make excellent missionaries or priests.

Robins are good parents like many birds are. One facet of this power animal their ability to nurture themselves into true adulthood. This is signified by the robin's red breast - it symbolizes the activation of creative energy, inciting growth. This is also linked with the Robin's traditional connection to spring - the season of renewal. When we let go of our past - a lot of which stems from childhood experiences - we are refreshed and renewed, thus unburdened and free to nurture and serve ourselves as well as others. If the robins gifts have not been learned and utilised correctly, you will be continually challenged by the prospects of change with difficulties cropping up as well as emotional disharmony. Let go of the past…move on……

If there is an abundant food supply, robins will live the year-round in an area. This can show us that when our heart and soul feels gloomy and cold, we are able to thrive if we possess sufficient inner strength, courage and trust. Therefore, the robin is an especially good ally to have through the winter months.

One part of growth is learning how to deal with conflict in a mature manner. Male robins immersed in territorial disputes sing to each other. This trait upholds the creative aspect of this bird's energy. To become truly mature, we have to learn to trust our intuition and our unique creative expressions.

Robin will incite new growth in all areas of your life, areas that have become stagnant and out-dated. You must believe in yourself as you move forward for if you do, barriers will disappear, and confrontations will be for show only. Robin will show you how to do this with joy in your hearts. Their song is a happy one, reminding you to let go of your personal drama and learn to laugh with life.

The robins eggs are powder blue. This colour is associated with the throat chakra in man and is also linked to heavenly inspiration. As the throat chakra's main function is use as an expression of All That Is and the egg is symbolic of new life, you will be taught how to express yourselves positively in all you do. You will be lead to new beginnings without fear by restoring trust in yourself and your soul. Meditate on Robin and the right path will be shown to you.

The red colour on the robins chest is linked to the kundalini in man. This is the life force that resides coiled up within the base of the spine. When sufficient spiritual growth has been reached, it uncoils and moves up the spine to create heightened awareness. This will enhance psychic vision and leads us to enlightenment. If robin is your guide, you will most probably be a dedicated spiritual seekers. Although growth can be slow and testing, with patience, compassion and proper focus spiritual ideals will be fulfilled.
http://www.shamanicjourney.com/article/ ... nd-renewal (http://www.shamanicjourney.com/article/6081/robin-power-animal-symbol-of-growth-and-renewal)
Title: Re: TMP - Michael and the Movies - Godspell
Post by: TheRunningGirl on March 28, 2011, 12:08:40 PM
Thank you mjintrigue2012.  This reminds me of Michael's poem "Two birds":

It's hard to tell them what I feel for you.
They haven't ever met you,
and no one has your picture.
So how can they ever understand your mystery?
Let's give them a clue:

Two birds sit in a tree.
One eats cherries, while the other looks on.
Two birds fly through the air.
One's song drops like crystal from the sky while the other keeps silent.
Two birds wheel in the sun.
One catches the light on its silver feathers, while the other spreads wings of invisibility.

It's easy to guess which bird I am,
but they'll never find you. Unless.....
Unless they already know a love that never interferes,
that watches from beyond,
that breathes free in the invisible air.
Sweet bird, my soul, your silence is so precious.
How long will it be before the world hears your song in mind?

Oh, that is a day I hunger for!

This poem got me to think about the book "The Soul Bird" by Michal Snunit:
Deep down, inside our bodies, lives the soul. No one has ever seen it, but we all know it's there. There is a 'soul bird' who lives inside us all. This special bird opens and closes the drawers of our soul, in which we keep all our feelings. There are drawers for our innermost secrets, but also places where we hide away our happiness, anger, joy, jealousy and sorrows. The soul bird has the keys to these drawers, and can open them when we ask. But sometimes the soul bird seems to disobey our wishes, and tolerance turns to fear, or calm turns to anger. Perhaps we don't listen to our soul bird often enough. Indeed, some of us only hear it once in a lifetime. We should try, maybe late at night, or at another time of peace and quiet, to hear the voice of the soul bird, and listen to what it is telling us. Michal Snunit's "The Soul Bird" has been translated into 25 languages and has been a bestseller around the world for ten years since its first publication. This celebration edition introduces new colour to enhance the beautiful simplicity of Na'ama Golomb's original illustrations. This gentle and poetic book has become a firm favourite with both children and adults. Showing how the consolation and encouragement we need can be found in small, everyday places, it is a lovely resource for those moments when we feel in need of spiritual refreshment. Its deceptive simplicity conceals a deeper philosophical message for us all.
Reference: http://www.bookdepository.co.uk/book/9781849010320/The-Soul-Bird

I can now see why there will always be one robin there for Michael!
The Robin is the soul bird, it is part of Michael, it is Michael's soul and it is his opening to the spiritual World.

With L.O.V.E
Title: Re: TMP - Michael and the Movies - Godspell
Post by: MJonmind on March 28, 2011, 01:46:36 PM
Thanks TheRunningGirl. There are so many interesting bunny holes to go down and explore with MJ. So incredibly many interconnections. I've believed so long now that this is totally a God-thing for only He could have the knowledge and power on this scale. I always wondered why MJ chose to sing a song like Rockin Robin, which was not like his other songs.

Also, on the movie of the island and escaping the game, reminds me of the science fiction movie 2005, The Island, which I enjoyed. The truth may be stranger than fiction. Who knows what the real truth is, and we see only glimpses.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Island_(2005_film (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Island_(2005_film))
Title: Re: TMP - Michael and the Movies - Godspell
Post by: mjintrigue2012 on March 31, 2011, 03:16:20 AM

Do U see the GREEN MAN? (Michael and the Movies -- Godspell pt 4).  TMP20 asks this question in the video. It is in reference to a certain mystery actor who appears in the 1973 film Godspell.

Errol Flynn was born June 20, 1909 and died October 14, 1959.  He was 50 years old. The actor that TMP points out in the video bears a strong resemblance to an older Errol Flynn. The film, however, was shot in 1972. The Godspell film was released 13 years after Errol's death.  Did Errol Flynn fake his death?

Green Man -- "...a sculpture, drawing, or other representation of a face surrounded by or made from leaves. Branches or vines may sprout from the nose, mouth, nostrils or other parts of the face and these shoots may bear flowers or fruit...primarily it is interpreted as a symbol of rebirth, or 'renaissance', representing the cycle of growth each spring."  The characters of Robin Hood (Errol) AND Peter Pan (Michael), are attributed to Green Man mythology. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_Man (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_Man))

Robin bird) -- "...understands the power of song, happiness, and guides in the wisdom of change, growth, renewal" (http://www.shamanicjourney.com/article/ ... nd-renewal (http://www.shamanicjourney.com/article/6081/robin-power-animal-symbol-of-growth-and-renewal)).

Green Man (masculine) + Robin = the wisdom (feminine). Green Man is the physical embodiment of the new growth and is coupled with the spiritual "wisdom" of the "soul bird" (Thankyou,TheRunningGirl!). When they operate TOGETHER there is BALANCE. Yin and Yang. Alpha and Omega.

That said, I'm going to leave this link that describes the concept of christosophia. It's a lot of information, but if you choose to read through it, I would start at the beginning for it to make the most sense:
http://www.christosophia.org/modules.ph ... icle&sid=4 (http://www.christosophia.org/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=4)

I'd welcome any thoughts and feedback.

Two lives filled with great adventure.  I think that one of the major differences between Errol and Michael's lives may be about having THE BALANCE. Flynn allowed the system to break him, Michael did not.
Title: Re: TMP - Michael and the Movies - Godspell
Post by: TheRunningGirl on March 31, 2011, 08:09:51 PM
mjintrigue2012 you are making some EXCELLENT points!

The ChristoSophia website makes a fascinating reading into the meaning of the DIVINE FEMININE! It brings together a lot of the spiritual concepts I had read about in relations to 2012 and increased consciousness but was unable to "rationalise". I have summarised below some key messages from the ChristoSophia website.

1. Who is Sophia
The divine Feminine is known in the Judeo-Christian tradition as Sophia
Sophia is symbolized in many forms and called by many names in diverse cultures throughout human history. She is Isis in Egypt, Ishtar in Babylonia, Inanna in Sumer, Astarte in Canaan, and Kuan-Yin in China. In the Judeo-Christian tradition she is called "Sophia".

The Goddess is calling us today in her myriad forms, asking us to hear her voice of loving wisdom in our dreams and visions and to see her image in all of life around us. The great spiritual task for modern human beings is to once again "know" this Divine Feminine presence within all of creation and within our own souls. This is vitally important for both women and men, because only then can we mediate the healing qualities of the Feminine so as to overcome the divisions which separate us from our true selves, from other human beings, and from the Earth.

2. Sophia in Religion
In order to understand the full meaning of the statement, "Christ and I, Sophia, are one!" it is necessary to trace the changing image of Sophia as she appeared to people living in Biblical times. At first Sophia appeared in Judaism as a personification of an attribute of God - as God's wisdom. She later developed in importance to become virtually a goddess in her own right. In the texts of the Hebrew Bible Sophia is variously described as the first creation of God (Proverbs 8: 22-23), co-creator with God (Proverbs 3:19), and the manifestation of God's power and glory (Wisdom 7: 25-26.) However, under the influence of patriarchal monotheism, Wisdom became identified with the Torah (Law) in orthodox Judaism.

In the early Christian Church, the struggle to understand the nature of Christ and the meaning of his purpose in history was intimately connected with the figure of Sophia. The attributes of Sophia, love and wisdom, can be readily seen in the figure of Jesus Christ as presented in the texts of the New Testament and the Apocrypha. The earliest Christians apparently viewed Jesus as a prophet of Sophia, or as her child. But the most startling fact is that Jesus was even seen by some early Christians as Sophia herself! During the first few centuries of Christianity the attributes of Sophia were completely transferred to the figure of Jesus Christ so that Jesus was viewed as the incarnation of Sophia. In this interpretation, "Jesus, as Christ-Sophia, is enthroned as a ruler of the whole cosmos, and this is the foundational myth of the Christian community."

However, the dictates of our patriarchal history which caused Sophia (Wisdom) to be subsumed under Christ (Logos) has had disastrous consequences for Christianity and consequently for our entire world. As Sophia lost her unique identity to the figure of Jesus, this powerful symbol of the Divine Feminine subsequently became so hidden as to be lost to most Christians. However, Sophia is proclaiming her message again today that "Christ and I are one!" But oneness does not mean sameness. The unity of Christ and Sophia must be seen as a differentiated wholeness, a dynamic balance between "Logos" and "Wisdom."

3. The Divine Feminine & Green Man
In ancient cultures the Divine typically manifested in the polarity of a god and goddess, united in the divine syzygy that integrated both masculine and feminine elements. The Great Goddess and her Son/Lover can be seen in figures that span an immense variety of ages and cultures, such as Isis and Osiris, Ishtar and Tammuz, Inanna and Dumuzi, Asherah and Baal, Cybele and Attis,  and Aphrodite and Adonis.
In ancient cultures the son/lover of the Goddess  often took the form of the Green Man
Within Christian tradition there are many allusions to the Green Man nature of Christ. Christ's archetypal similarity with the ancient vegetation gods is shown by his statements "I am the true vine" (John 15:1) and "I am the bread of life" (John 3:35 ) which are reminiscent of the gods Dionysius and Dumuzi. The central theme of the Christian mythos, the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ, closely corresponds to the ancient myths which celebrated the death and rebirth of the Green Man. The major event of the Christian liturgy - the transubstantiation of the bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ - symbolizes the sacrifice of the god in images which again remind us of Dumuzi, the god of the grain, and Dionysius, the god of the grape. Within Christianity we can see the archetypal sacrifice of the vegetation god enacted in historical time as the Passion of Christ. The return of the sacrificed god to Earth in the Spring and the corresponding rebirth of the natural world is transposed in Christianity to the resurrection of Christ at Easter which brings the greening of new life to the soul as well as nature.

4. Why Change is needed
It is apparent that we live in a world today of chaos and confusion. It is in precisely such times as these that Sophia calls most strongly. Sophia emerged in the Hebrew Wisdom literature during a time of upheaval and complexity to help the people relate to their changing world. This was a time seemingly similar to our own in many respects. It appears that Sophia re-emerges at critical periods of cultural transformation, during those times of "paradigm shift" when new perceptions, values, and world views are needed. She helps reconcile the opposing forces in the psyche and in the world, bringing a much needed balance in a time of disequilibrium. Sophia assures us in our fragmented modern world that she is continuing the process of reconciliation with God. Just as Christ, who was Sophia incarnated, called for "fresh wineskins" to hold his teaching of the primacy of love over the law, so today we need the new containers of symbols, myths, and images to express the wisdom of Sophia. Now Sophia must re-emerge from her hidden place within Christian tradition to manifest her full power and beauty. The Divine Feminine, known in the Judeo-Christian tradition as Sophia, needs to claim her place once again in the consciousness of humanity. And in the possibility that we may finally be open to receiving her wisdom lays the hope for our future.

To conclude, I think that the Green Man and Goddess messages have been coming through, repetitively over the last 21 months of this Hoax and I believe that "recreating" the Divine Feminine in our consciousness to bring Love and wisdom back into the World is part of Michael's message. As you suggested mjintrigue2012, this "balance within", may have enabled Michael to succeed where Errol Flynn failed. He saw the LIGHT!!!
There may also be an interesting inside on "Divine Feminine" in Godspell through the role of Mary Magdalene.

With L.O.V.E
Title: Re: TMP - Michael and the Movies - Godspell
Post by: TheRunningGirl on April 01, 2011, 01:02:11 PM
Michael and the Movies: Godspell pt 6

This chapter focuses and reveals the connecting element that joins Michael Jackson, Errol Flynn and Godspell together....a talented, but obscure actor named "Merrell Jackson" who mysteriously died in 1991. TMP20


This latest video is AMAZING!

As a bonus there was a nice reminder of Russell Crowe "connection" with Michael (Who is Michael not connected to!!!!)... in addition to the Errol Flynn, Godspell and Michael connections!

I really do not know where TMP gets it all from, it is MYSTERY at its best! I guess Michael's quote "Just because it's in print doesn't mean it is the GOdSPELl" does make even more sense now!

The Merrell Jackson connection is really amazing, you need to watch it to believe it!
Michael + Errol + Marelle = Merrell
Merrell Jackson died on February 23rd 1991 at the age of 39 and his death remains a MYSTERY!

It left me with a feeling that the TII LIGHT MAN may have a very special meaning indeed!

With L.O.V.E
Title: Re: TMP - Michael and the Movies - Godspell
Post by: mjintrigue2012 on April 03, 2011, 06:07:08 PM

TMP20 writes:  "In this last chapter, some final points and revelations and an explanation as to why this film is so important in connection to Michael Jackson and what it's ultimate message is."
Title: Re: TMP - Michael and the Movies - Godspell
Post by: mjintrigue2012 on April 03, 2011, 06:46:50 PM

TMP writes:  "A gift today...you've earned THIS one! You can now get a look behind the curtain and see a glimpse of just how the Wizard's mind works! Enjoy!" :)

For those that who may not be familiar with TMP20 on YouTube, he is also Dmovie27 on Twitter.  These last two videos were preceded by this tweet:

Dmovie27 Doug
These last two installments on the Godspell series are dedicated to Paris Jackson. #HappyBirthdayParis
4 hours ago
Title: Re: TMP - Michael and the Movies - Godspell
Post by: TheRunningGirl on April 07, 2011, 12:27:13 PM
Quote from: "MJonmind"
Thanks TheRunningGirl. There are so many interesting bunny holes to go down and explore with MJ. So incredibly many interconnections. I've believed so long now that this is totally a God-thing for only He could have the knowledge and power on this scale. I always wondered why MJ chose to sing a song like Rockin Robin, which was not like his other songs.

Hi! MJonmind

Tweet! Tweet! Tweet!  :lol:

Jermjackson5Jermaine Jackson
So @Marlon_Jackson is NOT my bro. And I quote him: "I've never tweeted except for when I sang "Rockin' Robin'" ... tweet, tweet, twiddly-dee
Tweeted on 6th April 2011

The Robin is Michael's friend!  ;)

With L.O.V.E
Title: Re: TMP - Michael and the Movies - Godspell
Post by: TheRunningGirl on April 08, 2011, 02:30:47 PM
And talking about Robins, let's not forget that Michael loved climbing trees and wrote many of his songs including "Childhood" in the "giving tree".(see 0:53 on the video Michael Jackson - The Lost Childhood )
Michael was seen climbing on the Giving Tree in the Bashir interview.  TMP20 also did a series on the Bashir interviews : TMP- The Bashir code which can be found in the Hoax videos on this forum or directly on his channel.


Maybe Michael is the one who TWEETed as Marlon! tweet, tweet, twiddly-dee!

With L.O.V.E
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