Michael Jackson Death Hoax Investigators

Latest News => The Redirects => TIAI => The Plan (Qanon, TIAI, BACK) => TIAI ~ 2011 => Topic started by: wishingstar on January 24, 2011, 09:45:17 PM

Title: TIAI January 25
Post by: wishingstar on January 24, 2011, 09:45:17 PM

http://www2.mbc.ca.gov/LicenseLookupSys ... mber=71169 (http://www2.mbc.ca.gov/LicenseLookupSystem/PhysicianSurgeon/document.aspx?path=%5cDIDOCS%5c20110120%5cDMRAAADE4%5c&did=AAADE110120211954156.DID&licenseType=G&licenseNumber=71169)
Title: Re: TIAI January 25
Post by: ~Souza~ on January 24, 2011, 09:56:09 PM
okay, weird url. You have to copy and paste the whole thing besides the braces and it should work. I have it open, I guess we have some homework to do, thanks TS   :lol:

Edidt: I made a tinyurl which should work better http://tinyurl.com/5tklr37 (http://tinyurl.com/5tklr37)
Title: Re: TIAI January 25
Post by: Andrea on January 24, 2011, 10:37:13 PM
The document is 21 pages long... Triple Seven.  Neat!
Title: Re: TIAI January 25
Post by: wishingstar on January 24, 2011, 10:41:04 PM
For some reason, I am again drawn to the license number.  I remember doing a little research and this thread:
viewtopic.php?f=218&t=11390&hilit=+Murray%27s+medical+license (http://michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?f=218&t=11390&hilit=+Murray%27s+medical+license)
any new thoughts?  I just don't really buy the whole accidentally giving the wrong # or a typo....the numbers are not that close.  

Also......going through this redirect, I read on page 7 about how the documents and the proceedings of this hearing are ordered sealed until further order of the court.  It's obvious from reading the pages, they (the court) wants to keep things more private.  How is it we are seeing these docs anyways?  I am just wondering.  
Also.....just a quick observation......there are a whole lot of 7's!  It's almost like it was planned.... :lol:

Redirects like this make me have to P!
Pen-Paper-Popcorn!  What did you think I meant?  ;)

Blessings Always!!!
Title: Re: TIAI January 25
Post by: katy (MJFAN7) on January 24, 2011, 11:00:41 PM
ahh ! my phone's internet wouldn't open it :(

ill have to see tomorrow !
Title: Re: TIAI January 25
Post by: ~Souza~ on January 24, 2011, 11:18:15 PM
TS, you're the best! Great timeline you provided us with. Love ya!

I have read the complete document and the odd think is that I do not see the name Michael jackson anywhere, but that might be normal, I have no idea.

I also noticed some proceedings were without presence of the people and the defence counsils, and all are sealed, including some 'discovery'...? Half of the samples were granted to the defence to be tested by the coroner. I wonder when we will hear anything from that. I had expected they would have tested that before the prelim, but I read nothing about that, so I guess that is saved for the trial? Same as the sealed stuff perhaps? I am dying to know what is in there...

Need to go through this a few times more and make an overview, but it's very good to have this.

As for the number of the licence number: G is slang for Gangsta, and the number reminds me of a date: 7/11/69, the launch of Apollo 11 on its way to the moon http://www.nasa.gov/audience/foreducato ... lo_11.html (http://www.nasa.gov/audience/foreducators/topnav/materials/listbytype/July_11_1969_Apollo_11.html). Probably one of the biggest hoaxes and global mind fucks in world's history. Earned $$: 30 billion, people believing it actually happened: even more (dead or alive).
Title: Re: TIAI January 25
Post by: ~Souza~ on January 24, 2011, 11:46:13 PM
Okay, some people are a little scared of downloading the file, but I can assure you it's safe lol. It can be found on the website of the medical board of California http://www.mbc.ca.gov/ (http://www.mbc.ca.gov/), if you do a search for Murray's licence number. I saved it as a pdf for people that can't seem to get the link to open, just send me an e-mail. The file is scanned and all, no virusses found ;)

That could explain why no mention of MJ's name, it's not important to the board I think.
Title: Re: TIAI January 25
Post by: wishingstar on January 25, 2011, 12:14:20 AM
Not to be too picky....but, on page 1 of the court document....it says
Defendant 01: Conrad Robert Murray
there is no Dr title or MD after his name.....does that invalidate the entire document right away?
Just wondering about it all.......
Title: Re: TIAI January 25
Post by: bec on January 25, 2011, 12:29:58 AM
I have yet to see a single document refer to Murray as Dr. or M.D. or equivalent.
Title: Re: TIAI January 25
Post by: Serenitys_Dream on January 25, 2011, 12:36:20 AM
Page 15
Bridgett Morgan

Who is this?
She testified the same day, 01/07/11, as Sade Anding, Nicole Alveraz and Elissa Fleak.
I don't recall anyone mentioning this woman but maybe I missed that.

Edit: I looked her up.

Bridgette Morgan - Actress

Bridgette Morgan
    * Was first asked if she knew Conrad Murray, she said yes and pointed him out.
    * When asked what her relationship with Conrad Murray was she said the relationship was social
    * She has told the court she met Conrad Murray in a club in 2003.
    * She was asked to point out her phonenumber and she did. Than she was asked if she called Conrad Murray on june25th 2009 and she said she did but never spoke to him directly that day.

Bridgette Morgan, who said she began dating Murray in 2003, took the stand briefly to confirm phone records that showed a seven-second call from her phone to Murray's about a half-hour before prosecutors say he discovered Jackson lifeless in bed. She said she did not reach him and was unsure if she had left a voicemail.
Title: Re: TIAI January 25
Post by: ijcsly on January 25, 2011, 02:46:28 AM
Quote from: "bec"
I have yet to see a single document refer to Murray as Dr. or M.D. or equivalent.

I clicked on souza's tinyurl and was on page 2 , i scrolled up and twice there it refers to him as Conrad Robert Murray MD...
Title: Re: TIAI January 25
Post by: bec on January 25, 2011, 02:53:09 AM
Quote from: "ijcsly"
Quote from: "bec"
I have yet to see a single document refer to Murray as Dr. or M.D. or equivalent.

I clicked on souza's tinyurl and was on page 2 , i scrolled up and twice there it refers to him as Conrad Robert Murray MD...

Yes, Souza told me I was wrong about that, but surely this is the first time? I swear I have never seen him referred to as Murray MD, perhaps Dr. in a few articles, but never MD? I've been paying attention to this, or so I thought.
Title: Re: TIAI January 25
Post by: ignisaeternus on January 25, 2011, 07:24:51 AM
Thanks, TS!  I am off to work, but will read the document at some point there.
Title: Re: TIAI January 25
Post by: wishingstar on January 25, 2011, 08:47:28 AM
Quote from: "bec"
Quote from: "ijcsly"
Quote from: "bec"
I have yet to see a single document refer to Murray as Dr. or M.D. or equivalent.

I clicked on souza's tinyurl and was on page 2 , i scrolled up and twice there it refers to him as Conrad Robert Murray MD...

Yes, Souza told me I was wrong about that, but surely this is the first time? I swear I have never seen him referred to as Murray MD, perhaps Dr. in a few articles, but never MD? I've been paying attention to this, or so I thought.

I saw the M.D. being used on the "notification of court order"  I was wondering if, because it was not stated on the actual Order, on the first page...only Conrad Robert Murray is used.....if that would invalidate all that would come afterward.....including this "notice" .
I am not a lawyer..... but just had to replace a birth certificate, passport and driver's license.....what a royal pain!  They (government) are very picky about titles, spelling, order of names etc.  I would think a court order would have full legal name including title.  
However.....I could be totally off base! Lol...been known to happen!
Thanks for the thoughts on it!  Much appreciated!
Have a wonderful day!

PS> just a thought....does anyone know how his name is written on his license, passport etc?  Dr. Conrad etc.  or Murray M.D. at the end???  Do we have any doctors in the house....how do you handle your name/title legally?
Title: Re: TIAI January 25
Post by: SoldierofLOVE on January 25, 2011, 08:15:01 PM
I am confused about what to focus on here.  I feel obtuse.
Title: Re: TIAI January 25
Post by: wishingstar on January 25, 2011, 08:37:09 PM
Quote from: "SoldierofLOVE"
I am confused about what to focus on here.  I feel obtuse.

Likewise! I feel like I am always behind and slow to understand some of this stuff.........never thought about obtuse, but it is perfect!  Can I be obtuse too???? :?
I count you as a blessing in this otherwise confusing as heck hoax  :)

Have a wonderful evening!
Blessings Always!
Title: Re: TIAI January 25
Post by: BeTheChange on January 25, 2011, 08:58:03 PM
Quote from: "SoldierofLOVE"
I am confused about what to focus on here.  I feel obtuse.

SOL..you're right on the money except I'm beyond obtuse.  Considering I'm taking painkillers for whiplash and a broken nose...I most definitely won't be able to offer you, or anyone else, any assistance with this one.  I must have sat here and read that first page, over and over again, for about 20 minutes trying to figure out why the heck TS redirected us to 'that'...before I realized there was another 20 pages  :lol:  :lol:  :lol: Ahhh, the beauty of meds...I'll just go lay down again and recite that first page back to myself until I fall asleep.

TS....thanks, as always, for the redirect.  I will have to read it over when I'm in a different state of mind.

With L.O.V.E. always.
Title: Re: TIAI January 25
Post by: SoldierofLOVE on January 25, 2011, 09:08:21 PM
Quote from: "wishingstar"
Quote from: "SoldierofLOVE"
I am confused about what to focus on here.  I feel obtuse.

Likewise! I feel like I am always behind and slow to understand some of this stuff.........never thought about obtuse, but it is perfect!  Can I be obtuse too???? :?
I count you as a blessing in this otherwise confusing as heck hoax  :)

Have a wonderful evening!
Blessings Always!

lol.  Yes, we can be obtuse together dear one. Thanks for keeping me company :)     You uncovered something at least and had a couple of good questions!  I can't even manage that with this one.   It's just such a big document, I wonder what TS actually wanted us to know about this document.  Is it just one thing or more than one?   :?  Oh well.  Welcome to obtuse-land until someone can help us lift the veil!

You have a great evening too wishing star.  I'm watching the state of union speech. :(

@BeTheChange: I'm so sorry to hear about your accident.  But you still have a sense of humor!  Hopefully the enlightenment about this is coming soon.   I hope you get better very soon and  pass the meds!  :)   Seriously, I pray that you heal quickly and I send lots of violet blue healing light your way {hugs}

love, light, peace.
Title: Re: TIAI January 25
Post by: StrangerInCalifornia on January 26, 2011, 12:09:50 PM
I noticed on the bottom on pg 2 it says Murray is not to sedate people in the states of California, Nevada, Texas, and HAWAII??? I wasn't aware he was "licensed" or "practiced" in Hawaii in the first place.  :? If I'm not mistaken there recently has been some talk of Hawaii??
Title: Re: TIAI January 25
Post by: mjjveritas on January 26, 2011, 01:20:38 PM
~Souza~, I think the link you have there, saying Apollo 11 blasted off on 11 July 1969 is incorrect. It lifted off on 16 July 1969. Please see this link. It only takes about four days to get there. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apollo_11
Title: Re: TIAI January 25
Post by: ignisaeternus on January 26, 2011, 01:33:04 PM
Doctors usually sign with either John Smith, md or phD or DVM ( vet) or whatever their doctorate is. The designation after your name indicates your doctorate. But, I guess it would also not be unheard of to have someone say Dr John Smith, MD. Legally, you have to include your credentials after your name (md, phD,...) , so that is the most important part.
Title: Re: TIAI January 25
Post by: fordtocarr on January 26, 2011, 01:52:28 PM
StrangerInCalifornia I know I keep saying these past couple of days that I think Michael is in Hawaii.  Now, these comments make me think it even more.  Elizabeth there, LMP, and MJ3 ... and now, maybe Hawaii is a clue.....???
Title: Re: TIAI January 25
Post by: ~Souza~ on January 26, 2011, 02:00:20 PM
Quote from: "mjjveritas"
~Souza~, I think the link you have there, saying Apollo 11 blasted off on 11 July 1969 is incorrect. It lifted off on 16 July 1969. Please see this link. It only takes about four days to get there. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apollo_11
Wiki vs. Nasa's official site. I think Nasa should be more accurate.
Title: Re: TIAI January 25
Post by: Sarahli on January 26, 2011, 02:35:17 PM
Quote from: "StrangerInCalifornia"
I noticed on the bottom on pg 2 it says Murray is not to sedate people in the states of California, Nevada, Texas, and HAWAII??? I wasn't aware he was "licensed" or "practiced" in Hawaii in the first place.  :? If I'm not mistaken there recently has been some talk of Hawaii??
I did not know either ... Murray had 24 hours to notify the medical boards concerned about his suspension "Hey Everyone I'm SUSPENDED!" LOL ... TMZ provided us with the notifications and there was nothing sent to any medical board in Hawaii ... http://tmz.vo.llnwd.net/o28/newsdesk/tm ... murray.pdf (http://tmz.vo.llnwd.net/o28/newsdesk/tmz_documents/0114_murray.pdf)

I don't know why but I find it odd that they say:
This order is to cover the state of California, Nevada, Hawaii and anywhere else the defendant may be currently licensed in the United States.

.... shouldn't they know exactly where Murray practices?

This I don't understand and it actually makes me laugh I'm in a strange mood  :lol:
The defendant may not sedate people personally.

Well apart from some typos in this document ... I don't know what to think. :lol:
Title: Re: TIAI January 25
Post by: mjjveritas on January 27, 2011, 11:20:19 AM
~Souza~, Yes I agree, one would think it should and would be more accurate but I believe it is not. Apollo 11 landed on the Moon on 20 July 1969. It doesn't take around tens days to get to the Moon.
Title: Re: TIAI January 25
Post by: wishingstar on January 27, 2011, 01:49:57 PM
Ok......really out there.....
When I hit the link to this redirect, I get the page just fine.
However, it's only at 34% of size......it always comes up 34%.  So I do my usual thing and up-size it so I can read it.
Do any of you have this thing happen as well?
For some reason, today I focused on the 34 or 34%
3+4 = 7    (again with the 7's)
I searched the number and found a good wikipedia site:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/34_%28number%29 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/34_%28number%29)
there are some interesting things about the number.....including something about a Civil Procedure law...it's there towards the bottom.  I also found it interesting the wiki page was last modified......yes, January 25, 2011.
I said it was out there.......sometimes those hoax eyes look at everything little thing! LOL...........
Just thought I'd toss that out there.......
Blessings Always!
Title: Re: TIAI January 25
Post by: Sarahli on January 27, 2011, 02:47:19 PM
Quote from: "wishingstar"
Ok......really out there.....
When I hit the link to this redirect, I get the page just fine.
However, it's only at 34% of size......it always comes up 34%.  So I do my usual thing and up-size it so I can read it.
Do any of you have this thing happen as well?
For some reason, today I focused on the 34 or 34%
3+4 = 7    (again with the 7's)
I searched the number and found a good wikipedia site:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/34_%28number%29 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/34_%28number%29)
there are some interesting things about the number.....including something about a Civil Procedure law...it's there towards the bottom.  I also found it interesting the wiki page was last modified......yes, January 25, 2011.
I said it was out there.......sometimes those hoax eyes look at everything little thing! LOL...........
Just thought I'd toss that out there.......
Blessings Always!

Yes but 55%  :D
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