Michael Jackson Death Hoax Investigators

Latest News => The Redirects => TIAI => The Plan (Qanon, TIAI, BACK) => TIAI ~ 2010 => Topic started by: ForstAMoon on October 30, 2010, 02:35:00 AM

Title: TIAI October 30
Post by: ForstAMoon on October 30, 2010, 02:35:00 AM
Today goes to:

http://www.life.com/timeline/232#index/7 (http://www.life.com/timeline/232#index/7)


OCT 30, 1938
October 1938: War of the Worlds
On Oct. 30, 1938, up-and-coming actor and director Orson Welles stages a radio adapation of H.G. Welles' novel War of the Worlds set in modern-day New Jersey. Presented as a series of news bulletins and without commercial breaks, the intense broadcast convinces many that the Martian invasion may be real, sparking panic in communities throughout the country.
Title: TIAI 10/30
Post by: lilwendy on October 30, 2010, 02:37:00 AM


Greatest Hoaxes Ever

Oct 30, 1938

October 1938: War of the Worlds
On Oct. 30, 1938, up-and-coming actor and director Orson Welles stages a radio adapation of H.G. Welles' novel War of the Worlds set in modern-day New Jersey. Presented as a series of news bulletins and without commercial breaks, the intense broadcast convinces many that the Martian invasion may be real, sparking panic in communities throughout the country.
Title: Re: TIAI 11/30
Post by: willddoMJ on October 30, 2010, 02:38:36 AM
i so remember about that, know all about it :d got that recording on my pc ;) aliens really invading the world :lol:
Title: Re: TIAI 10/30
Post by: loyalfan on October 30, 2010, 02:43:07 AM
Title: Re: TIAI 10/30
Post by: thecheetoman2004 on October 30, 2010, 02:45:57 AM
The "War of the Worlds" hoax happened in 1938, which is 72 years ago.

7+2 = 9
Title: Re: TIAI 10/30
Post by: Adi on October 30, 2010, 03:03:43 AM
Love this redirect  :))

Hopefully soon the biggest and best of them all may soon be listed there!!!!  8-)

Interesting scrolling and reading about all the others...if you get a chance see the movie "HOAX" with Richard Gere...it's about the Clifford Irving hoax...writing the fake Howard Hughes "autobiography" and selling it to LIFE magazine and McGraw-Hill. Classic.
Title: Re: TIAI 10/30
Post by: melody on October 30, 2010, 03:24:24 AM
Another anniversary.  :P

Interesting collection of hoaxes they have there. The next slide seems very fitting don'tcha think? "Sometime hoaxes are good -- as in the case of the Hoax That Saved the World."

Speaking of "greatest" hoaxes ever, I'm surprised this wasn't included: [youtube:1vhr1edd]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZdQqh9jvB6w[/youtube:1vhr1edd]
The spaghetti tree hoax.

Quote from: "Wikipedia"
... CNN called this broadcast "the biggest hoax that any reputable news establishment ever pulled."

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spaghetti_tree_hoax (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spaghetti_tree_hoax)
Title: Re: TIAI 10/30
Post by: lilwendy on October 30, 2010, 03:42:29 AM
Quote from: "Adi"
Love this redirect  :))

Hopefully soon the biggest and best of them all may soon be listed there!!!!  8-)

My thoughts exactly!  :D
Title: Re: TIAI 10/30
Post by: 2good2btrue on October 30, 2010, 03:44:02 AM
Almost all of the hoaxes occured on the 1st January..... :?  :?  :?  :?  :?  :?  :?
Title: Re: TIAI 10/30
Post by: *Mo* on October 30, 2010, 04:19:47 AM
October 1938: War of the Worlds
On Oct. 30, 1938, up-and-coming actor and director Orson Welles stages a radio adapation of H.G. Welles' novel War of the Worlds set in modern-day New Jersey. Presented as a series of news bulletins and without commercial breaks, the intense broadcast convinces many that the Martian invasion may be real, sparking panic in communities throughout the country.

This redirect also reminds me of all the "bombs on planes" news yesterday which eventually ended with al-Qaida being blamed for making the bombs.  al-Qaida = al Fake eda.  Fake news again to create fear and panic, another red flag event..?  It looks like we're heading towards something big.
Title: Re: TIAI 10/30
Post by: ForstAMoon on October 30, 2010, 04:37:47 AM
Quote from: "*Mo*"
October 1938: War of the Worlds
On Oct. 30, 1938, up-and-coming actor and director Orson Welles stages a radio adapation of H.G. Welles' novel War of the Worlds set in modern-day New Jersey. Presented as a series of news bulletins and without commercial breaks, the intense broadcast convinces many that the Martian invasion may be real, sparking panic in communities throughout the country.

This redirect also reminds me of all the "bombs on planes" news yesterday which eventually ended with al-Qaida being blamed for making the bombs.  al-Qaida = al Fake eda.  Fake news again to create fear and panic, another red flag event..?  It looks like we're heading towards something big.

This is exactly my thinking of yesterday. The whole story is quite strange and gives very uncomfortable feeling. :(
Title: Re: TIAI 10/30
Post by: lilwendy on October 30, 2010, 04:48:07 AM
Here's some thoughts from my blog: http://lilwendy.wordpress.com/2010/10/30/thoughts-on-tiai-1030-war-of-the-worlds/

Ok so TIAI redirected to War of the Worlds as one of the Greatest Hoaxes Ever today.
So I started reading up on this hoax and went down a rabbit hole as usual that took me down several paths:  Radio Project, Rockefellers, CBS, Sony, social experiments, etc.
What I came across and where my thoughts took me I will attempt to note down here but I really feel like I’m losing my mind right now! LOL
The lines of the truth and lies are blurring. Period.
That’s really what I came up with.  :)
That’s all… thanks for reading!  :)
Just kidding.

The reason War of the Worlds was so believable was because it combined what most people took as reality (news broadcasts, interrupting programs with information, etc.) with a fictitious story (alien invasion) and thus people believed it.
Well we are living in this world on a daily basis!
Here’s a couple of articles I read while in the rabbit hole:
http://thesop.org/story/art/2007/12/09/ ... rizing.php (http://thesop.org/story/art/2007/12/09/truth-in-glamorizing.php)
http://www.poynter.org/content/content_view.asp?id=3491 (http://www.poynter.org/content/content_view.asp?id=3491)
Then I started thinking:  All the crapola on TMZ, the disclaimer that states clearly that none of the articles are necessarily true, and on sites like CNN that have the same disclaimer…. NOTHING that is presented to us in the media is necessarily true!  In fact, journalists can fabricate information with no repercussions, and mix it with truth, stick a photograph with the picture (that could be from a totally different time) and sell it as a truthful article!
Then a couple of thoughts crossed my mind…. Well if journalists can write articles as truth, then why can’t I?  Why can’t I just start creating a truth for myself on my blog…. Because I blogged about it, does that mean it’s now true?
Then I thought, ok here I am … the past 16 months my truth in my heart has been that MJ is alive, despite all the media telling me he is dead.  Polls asking if people think MJ is alive or dead.  Hey…. Is this all part of a massive project to see what is people’s reality… what they will believe?
Then I remember TS talking about coming up with a coherent theory.  One that combines everything that we “know” into one story… one believable story.   This was triggered while reading one of the articles above.  It states that “writers of fiction use fact to make their work believable.”   So the bottom line is, what do we believe is believable?  I could make up ANYTHING and as long as I mix it with fact, enough truth to make it plausible, then people just may believe MJ is alive.
Some of us can believe that MJ would fake his death, and leave his family for over a year, for some greater good.  Some of us can’t comprehend him leaving his kids for that long so he couldn’t be alive.  But which is true?  It’s all perception.
We my friends are getting quite the lesson on understanding why we believe what we believe.  
I will be posting more on this, however, it is almost 3am and I’m concerned I may not be thinking entirely clearly at this point!  :D
Title: Re: TIAI 10/30
Post by: trublu on October 30, 2010, 06:15:05 AM
I am very much liking todays redirect. Thank you TS.
Title: Re: TIAI 10/30
Post by: ~Souza~ on October 30, 2010, 06:27:53 AM
A few thought crossed my mind:

Alien invasions: All the news lately about aliens and UFO's makes me think they might go and try it again.

Orson Welles: Mr. Kane in Citizen Kane, a movie from 1941 by himself. You absolutely should watch this movie. It's great and it has so many links to MJ. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citizen_Kane#Plot (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citizen_Kane#Plot)

Broadcast: "Presented as a series of news bulletins and without commercial breaks, the intense broadcast convinces many that the Martian invasion may be real, sparking panic in communities throughout the country." Maybe Mike will have an intense broadcast as well, to convince people of his message, this time without it being a hoax.

Redirect: TS seems to be redirecting on a regular base again, while he said he wouldn't, unless there was progress in the Eliza case or Murray case. Maybe we are heading to something. To the "War of the Worlds" maybe?
Title: Re: TIAI 10/30
Post by: trublu on October 30, 2010, 07:13:02 AM
Quote from: "~Souza~"
Maybe Mike will have an intense broadcast as well, to convince people of his message, this time without it being a hoax.

You know I've been thinking about this for a while and I think even if that happened there would still be people believing it's not true! That it's an impersonator or something. That's how much I think some people believe in the media. It's insane. The media would have to admit they were wrong, which would a fantastic day for the world I think  :)
Title: Re: TIAI 10/30
Post by: TheRunningGirl on October 30, 2010, 09:46:53 AM
Dear TS I am grateful for this re-direct, let's see what we can make of it!

I have read all of the above comments, Lilwendy, Mo, Souza, Trublu..etc and all are very valid:
-Power of the media - Take a lie and put a bit of Truth around it and everybody beLIEves it.  We see what we want to see: Believers and Non-Believers both watch TMZ but take away a very different message!
-People are so conditioned they can be made to beLIEve anything
-Parallel with MJ revealing himself through a broadcast and delivering his message.

In addition, I have noticed that:
-The first words on the page are World War II
-The Orson Wells radio Broadcasts were done in October 1938, roughly a year before the second World War started (September 1st 1939)
-The topic was martian invasion ---> There has been lately strange news about UFO's...etc

Hopefully, this redirect is about the role of the media in "make beLIEve" and in the Hoax rather than an attempt to demonstrate a possible parallel between current events and World War III (History repeating itself ).

With L.O.V.E
Title: Re: TIAI 10/30
Post by: paula-c on October 30, 2010, 09:53:14 AM
I think that hysteria that provoke Orson Welles that disseminating a series of false news bulletins explaining that the land was being attacked by invaders from Mars Halloween night demonstrated the power of mass media and how easy it is to manipulate society.
Title: Re: TIAI 10/30
Post by: anewfan on October 30, 2010, 10:13:21 AM
Do you think that's why TMZ often has alien type faces imbedded into many of their pictures? Maybe they do that on the stories that are bogus? (Which seems to be most of them...) I don't know....

There were even alien type pics in the background of the Oprah and LMP interview. Don't know what that means but....

This hoax hurts my head.... :?
Title: Re: TIAI 10/30
Post by: anewfan on October 30, 2010, 10:17:16 AM
Here's one of many alien-like images that appeared on the Oprah/LMP interview. (I posted it again in case  anyone missed it in the interview thread.) Connecting the dots?

Title: Re: TIAI 10/30
Post by: voiceforthesilent on October 30, 2010, 10:25:00 AM
lilwendy - this was an excellent post...even at 3am! I totally agree, and I loved the following line that you wrote:

We my friends are getting quite the lesson on understanding why we believe what we believe.  

It's all in the perception and makes total sense. It very well could be a combination of most of these theories. Michael has taken truths and non-truths, mixed them together like spaghetti (like how I add the hoax from an above comment) and that is why we can't narrow it down to one reason why he'd hoax his death.

I'm reminded of the picture where at first glance you see one thing, like an old woman, and then upon further examination looking at the picture on a larger scale you see a beautiful maiden. Or, the artists who hide pictures within pictures. Our words and actions are like that as well.

I was on a long difficult project for work and for a time a few who didn't know me perceived me to be uncooperative, a non-team player, and not willing to adapt to change. However, once they got to know me they began to understand that what they perceived in their mind was not really the case at all. I am actually the opposite. It was their perception based on mindset, personality differences, and quick judgment. Had they taken the time to ask questions, get to know me, and look beyond the superficial first they would have realized long before that I was actually totally the opposite of what they perceived. We are often too quick to judge a person before we really get to know them. First impressions are extremely important in establishing how a person is perceived but our natures are complex and demand that we look beyond the outside of a person and take them as a whole in order to truly appreciate who they are. I have asked people - what makes a person normal? Is it what you think is normal or I think is normal?

Blessings to each of you this wonderful Saturday. Happy Harvest!

Quote from: "lilwendy"
Here's some thoughts from my blog: http://lilwendy.wordpress.com/2010/10/30/thoughts-on-tiai-1030-war-of-the-worlds/

Ok so TIAI redirected to War of the Worlds as one of the Greatest Hoaxes Ever today.
So I started reading up on this hoax and went down a rabbit hole as usual that took me down several paths:  Radio Project, Rockefellers, CBS, Sony, social experiments, etc.
What I came across and where my thoughts took me I will attempt to note down here but I really feel like I’m losing my mind right now! LOL
The lines of the truth and lies are blurring. Period.
That’s really what I came up with.  :)
That’s all… thanks for reading!  :)
Just kidding.

The reason War of the Worlds was so believable was because it combined what most people took as reality (news broadcasts, interrupting programs with information, etc.) with a fictitious story (alien invasion) and thus people believed it.
Well we are living in this world on a daily basis!
Here’s a couple of articles I read while in the rabbit hole:
http://thesop.org/story/art/2007/12/09/ ... rizing.php (http://thesop.org/story/art/2007/12/09/truth-in-glamorizing.php)
http://www.poynter.org/content/content_view.asp?id=3491 (http://www.poynter.org/content/content_view.asp?id=3491)
Then I started thinking:  All the crapola on TMZ, the disclaimer that states clearly that none of the articles are necessarily true, and on sites like CNN that have the same disclaimer…. NOTHING that is presented to us in the media is necessarily true!  In fact, journalists can fabricate information with no repercussions, and mix it with truth, stick a photograph with the picture (that could be from a totally different time) and sell it as a truthful article!
Then a couple of thoughts crossed my mind…. Well if journalists can write articles as truth, then why can’t I?  Why can’t I just start creating a truth for myself on my blog…. Because I blogged about it, does that mean it’s now true?
Then I thought, ok here I am … the past 16 months my truth in my heart has been that MJ is alive, despite all the media telling me he is dead.  Polls asking if people think MJ is alive or dead.  Hey…. Is this all part of a massive project to see what is people’s reality… what they will believe?
Then I remember TS talking about coming up with a coherent theory.  One that combines everything that we “know” into one story… one believable story.   This was triggered while reading one of the articles above.  It states that “writers of fiction use fact to make their work believable.”   So the bottom line is, what do we believe is believable?  I could make up ANYTHING and as long as I mix it with fact, enough truth to make it plausible, then people just may believe MJ is alive.
Some of us can believe that MJ would fake his death, and leave his family for over a year, for some greater good.  Some of us can’t comprehend him leaving his kids for that long so he couldn’t be alive.  But which is true?  It’s all perception.
We my friends are getting quite the lesson on understanding why we believe what we believe.  
I will be posting more on this, however, it is almost 3am and I’m concerned I may not be thinking entirely clearly at this point!  :D
Title: Re: TIAI 10/30
Post by: anewfan on October 30, 2010, 10:34:45 AM
@lilwendy & @voiceforthesilent....Thank you for your thoughts. You always know how to present them in a way that is kind, respectful, and eye-opening. And I have always loved the question...."What is normal?"  The people that march to the beat of their own drums are usually the most interesting people!! (Those are my favorite kinds of students.)
Title: Re: TIAI 10/30
Post by: SoldierofLOVE on October 30, 2010, 11:28:58 AM

"Love is our Resistance"

 "Throughout history, culture and art have always been the celebration of freedom under oppression."  - Author unknown

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protest_art (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protest_art)

God Bless Michael Jackson for using his Art as Resistance.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to: navigation, search
Stephen Colbert announces that "The Wørd" of the night is truthiness, during the premiere episode of The Colbert Report.Truthiness is a "truth" that a person claims to know intuitively "from the gut" without regard to evidence, logic, intellectual examination, or facts.[1]

American television comedian Stephen Colbert coined the word in this meaning [2] as the subject of a segment called "The Wørd" during the pilot episode of his political satire program The Colbert Report on October 17, 2005. By using this as part of his routine, Colbert satirized the misuse of appeal to emotion and "gut feeling" as a rhetorical device in contemporaneous socio-political discourse.[3]

Colbert chose the word truthiness just moments before taping the premiere episode of The Colbert Report on October 17, 2005, after deciding that the originally scripted word – "truth" – was not absolutely ridiculous enough. "We're not talking about truth, we're talking about something that seems like truth – the truth we want to exist", he explained.[11] He introduced his definition in the first segment of the episode, saying: "Now I'm sure some of the 'word police', the 'wordinistas' over at Webster's are gonna say, 'Hey, that's not a word'. Well, anybody who knows me knows I'm no fan of dictionaries or reference books. They're elitist. Constantly telling us what is or isn't true. Or what did or didn't happen."[4]

Truthiness is tearing apart our country, and I don't mean the argument over who came up with the word…
It used to be, everyone was entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts. But that's not the case anymore. Facts matter not at all. Perception is everything. It's certainty. People love the President because he's certain of his choices as a leader, even if the facts that back him up don't seem to exist. It's the fact that he's certain that is very appealing to a certain section of the country. I really feel a dichotomy in the American populace. What is important? What you want to be true, or what is true?…

Truthiness is 'What I say is right, and [nothing] anyone else says could possibly be true.' It's not only that I feel it to be true, but that I feel it to be true. There's not only an emotional quality, but there's a selfish quality.
 :arrow:  :arrow:  :arrow: On Bullshit
From Wikipedia
On Bullshit is an essay by philosopher Harry Frankfurt. Originally published in the journal Raritan in 1986, the essay was republished as a separate volume in 2005 and became a nonfiction bestseller, spending twenty-seven weeks on the New York Times Best Seller list.[1]

In the essay, Frankfurt defines a theory of bullshit, defining the concept and analyzing its applications. Both lies and bullshit can either be true or false but bullshitters aim primarily to impress and persuade their audiences, and in general are unconcerned with the truth or falsehood of their statements (it is because of this that Frankfurt concedes that "the bullshitter is faking things", but that "this does not necessarily mean he gets them wrong"). While liars need to know the truth to better conceal it, bullshitters, interested solely in advancing their own agendas, have no use for the truth. Thus, Frankfurt claims, "...bullshit is a greater enemy of the truth than lies are" (Frankfurt 61).

May We Not Always Live By Lies and Fear

Title: Re: TIAI 10/30
Post by: a18wheelslady on October 30, 2010, 12:05:43 PM
I'm not good at numerology but the date
OCT 30, 1938   does that add up to 7  

TS great redirect
Title: Re: TIAI 10/30
Post by: navibl on October 30, 2010, 12:47:56 PM
Some very compelling information!  However in this case I have to ask myself..Is the Reg Flag the DIS champaign?  Why would intelligence officials want to keep things a secret?  Our Govt is spending billions to send probes into space to study meteors orbiting other planets?  I just wonder!  On occasion, go to the OSHO website, the one probe that is suppose to be studying the Sun for solar activity that is on the rise takes pictures.  These are real live streams, take a look at what is going on, there are bright lights moving all over the place. And then listen to the people that Governments are trying to silence.  Hmmmmm Who is Who and how do we know?

I just keep referring to Esphesians 6:12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age,[a] against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

There are (9) ranks of Angels listed in the book of Enoch...

First Hierarchy - Seraphim - Cherubim - Ophanim (Thrones/Wheels)
Second Hierarchy - Thrones (Gr. thronos) - Dominions (Gr. kuriotes) - Principalities (Gr. arche)
Third Hierarchy - Powers (Gr. exousia) - Archangels - Angels

Principalities and Power were of some of the rank of the fallen angels. So in retrospect it would seem that scripture means literally, these beings are waging war in the heaven (high places) They exist in dimensions that we can’t see because God does not allow us to see them.  The bible speaks of mens hearts failing them for fear of what they see. Fallen angels are ruled by Satan, and their offspring still exist on the earth today, in the true ranks of the Illuminati. And we know that the day is coming that the battle will become visible, because the enemy’s goal is to deceive us and make us think he is the ruler.  Many will be deceived if they are not aware that such things exist and who and what they are.  The video will explain more.

If you go and research these Angels__
http://angelstoday.net/?lang=en&way=1in ... on/1angels (http://angelstoday.net/?lang=en&way=1information/1angels)

You will see that some of them look shocking. They are powerful, and God sent them when man was created to teach us how to maintain and be equipped to live on earth. God didn’t just dump us here and say have at it.  We had to learn and they were our teachers.  Unfortunately some of the teachers had a thing for their students so to speak…LOL

Which is why scripture says the son’s of God went in unto the daughters of man and they had children (Nephilim) Some religions say that the Son’s of God were the children of Israel, but I really hate to point out that the children of Israel did not exist in Noah’s day..  
And so, to finally to get to my point, take a look at the following video, it is rather unnerving, but maybe HG WELLS wasn’t so extreme and maybe HIS hoax was to bring awareness….
It really is all for Love and I truly LOVE this Army.

http://www.youtube.com/user/navibl#p/c/ ... CxQGxyxJ28 (http://www.youtube.com/user/navibl#p/c/F347A4A5D63AA5CC/17/6CxQGxyxJ28)
Title: Re: TIAI 10/30
Post by: thecheetoman2004 on October 30, 2010, 12:53:21 PM
The "War of the Worlds" hoax happened 72 years ago today.

7 + 2 = 9
Title: Re: TIAI 10/30
Post by: voiceforthesilent on October 30, 2010, 01:23:24 PM
Quote from: "anewfan"
@lilwendy & @voiceforthesilent....Thank you for your thoughts. You always know how to present them in a way that is kind, respectful, and eye-opening. And I have always loved the question...."What is normal?"  The people that march to the beat of their own drums are usually the most interesting people!! (Those are my favorite kinds of students.)

Awe - thank you for your kindness. Yes, hidden inside those that march to the beat of their own drums lies the leaders and creative geniuses that most of us wish we were.
Title: Re: TIAI 10/30
Post by: MJonmind on October 30, 2010, 02:34:26 PM
Just think of all the many movies and books that are said to be "based on a true story". Then everyone thinks it's all fact. The reality is that it might be 10% truth and 90% fiction. There's another very controversial hoax of the century perpetrated that is related to World War 2. Hollywood's put out many World War 2 movies that etch in our minds what happened--supposedly true. If you go down this rabbit hole, it is vast. Here's a start.

Title: Re: TIAI 10/30
Post by: tylerjo608 on October 30, 2010, 02:47:02 PM
Coincidental timing that last night TruTV had Jesse Ventura's episode of Conspiracy Theory that had to do with "Alien Space Ship" sightings over the  Phoenix area.  It is speculated that these "ships" are actually government issued devices sent from an area called Area 51 (outside of Las Vegas) that, as he showed in this episode, is HIGHLY confidential and off-limits to gain any information about.  Their purpose was said to instill fear, creating a diversion of what may actually be happening within this Area 51.  Witnesses stated that they believe that the government is creating and testing weapons and that this has been going on for possibly 60 years.

Michael's hoax is just ONE of MANY......???????????????
Title: Re: TIAI 10/30
Post by: Glinda on October 30, 2010, 02:51:42 PM
Another War of the worlds.
http://www.cesnur.org/2005/sc_cruise.htm (http://www.cesnur.org/2005/sc_cruise.htm)

Title: Re: TIAI 10/30
Post by: Sarahli on October 30, 2010, 03:44:00 PM
Proud to witness the greatest hoax ever.  ;)
Title: Re: TIAI 10/30
Post by: emeraldcity on October 30, 2010, 06:51:17 PM
Reading all your insightful posts just reaffirms to me that I am in the best company on this magical journey.  You guys rock   8-)

And to Michael, Elvis & TS ... thank you for opening my eyes.  I will never look at this world in the same way  again and it's all down to the lessons I'm learning from you.

Happy Halloween everyone ... love you all, emerald xo
Title: Re: TIAI 10/30
Post by: Glinda on October 30, 2010, 07:36:04 PM
Yeah happy Samhain.
Title: Re: TIAI 10/30
Post by: katy (MJFAN7) on October 30, 2010, 08:30:15 PM
Quote from: "*Mo*"
October 1938: War of the Worlds
On Oct. 30, 1938, up-and-coming actor and director Orson Welles stages a radio adapation of H.G. Welles' novel War of the Worlds set in modern-day New Jersey. Presented as a series of news bulletins and without commercial breaks, the intense broadcast convinces many that the Martian invasion may be real, sparking panic in communities throughout the country.

This redirect also reminds me of all the "bombs on planes" news yesterday which eventually ended with al-Qaida being blamed for making the bombs.  al-Qaida = al Fake eda.  Fake news again to create fear and panic, another red flag event..?  It looks like we're heading towards something big.

I agree Mo, there were also stories about a terrorist threat the other day.
Title: Re: TIAI 10/30
Post by: PinkTopaz on October 30, 2010, 11:17:36 PM
Quote from: "~Souza~"
A few thought crossed my mind:

Alien invasions: All the news lately about aliens and UFO's makes me think they might go and try it again.

Orson Welles: Mr. Kane in Citizen Kane, a movie from 1941 by himself. You absolutely should watch this movie. It's great and it has so many links to MJ. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citizen_Kane#Plot (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citizen_Kane#Plot)

Broadcast: "Presented as a series of news bulletins and without commercial breaks, the intense broadcast convinces many that the Martian invasion may be real, sparking panic in communities throughout the country." Maybe Mike will have an intense broadcast as well, to convince people of his message, this time without it being a hoax.

Redirect: TS seems to be redirecting on a regular base again, while he said he wouldn't, unless there was progress in the Eliza case or Murray case. Maybe we are heading to something. To the "War of the Worlds" maybe?
Oh, my gosh, no, no, no, no, not that..! We just cannot, cannot let that happen, I don't know how we'll stop them but we have to, not that..!!
Title: Re: TIAI 10/30
Post by: ~Souza~ on October 31, 2010, 07:19:35 AM
Quote from: "MJonmind"
Just think of all the many movies and books that are said to be "based on a true story". Then everyone thinks it's all fact. The reality is that it might be 10% truth and 90% fiction. There's another very controversial hoax of the century perpetrated that is related to World War 2. Hollywood's put out many World War 2 movies that etch in our minds what happened--supposedly true. If you go down this rabbit hole, it is vast. Here's a start.


I went down that rabbit hole, it pissed me off. It's like you can flush years of history lessons through the roilet. It's also interesting to see how this man was portrayed, they only showed a snippet of the interview and got everything out of context.
Title: Re: TIAI 10/30
Post by: Elsa on November 11, 2010, 12:49:55 PM
In the official version of Breaking News, I hear

1:34  fakin' fakin' breakin' the news.

I've realized that this TIAI redirect about the Orson Welles broadcast of War of the Worlds (The Greatest Hoaxes ever), was timed perfectly prior to Breaking News .  The War or the Worlds broadcast was done as a series of news bulletins about Martians landing in New Jersey.  Breaking News starts with news bulletins and was supposedly recorded in New Jersey.  The War of the Worlds broadcast made Orson Welles famous around the world and the question over the authenticity of Breaking News has people listening to and comparing Micheal Jackson's voice which promotes all his music not just this new album.

There is also controversy over the unauthorised use of the Prince symbol, just as there was when Paul Anka claimed ownership of the This is It song.  Ooops – it’s hard to believe Sony could be so careless. Key people at Sony have to be involved in the hoax and TS had to know what was going to happen with the song when this redirect was made – right?
Title: Re: TIAI 10/30
Post by: MFFreedom on November 12, 2010, 03:41:22 PM
Michael made everyone attending his speeches in 2010 unterstand, that he thought/thinks history books are false. I can't remember the exact wording anymore. And you know what? I agree with him. :mrgreen:
Title: Re: TIAI 10/30
Post by: Serenitys_Dream on November 13, 2010, 02:37:26 PM
The link to this ends with the number "7" and we were taken to the 7th story.
This is an article from "Life" magazine about "The Greatest Hoaxes Ever".
News Bulletins or "Breaking News". So TS redirected to an article about Breaking News before the song with that title was released and before we even knew the title.

The War of the Worlds
The War of the Worlds (1898) is a science fiction novel by H. G. Wells. It describes the experiences of an unnamed narrator who travels through the suburbs of London as the Earth is invaded by Martians. It is the earliest story that details a conflict between mankind and an alien race.

The War of the Worlds is split into two parts, Book one: The Coming of the Martians, and Book two: The Earth under the Martians. The novel is narrated by a writer of philosophical articles who throughout the narrative struggles to reunite with his wife, while witnessing the Martians rampaging through the southern English counties. Part one also features the tale of his brother, who accompanies two women to the coast in the hope of escaping England as it is invaded.

The plot has been related to invasion literature of the time. The novel has been variously interpreted as a commentary on evolutionary theory, British imperialism, and generally Victorian fears and prejudices. At the time of publication it was classified as a scientific romance, like his earlier novel The Time Machine. Since then, it has influenced much literature and other media, spawning several films, radio dramas, comic book adaptations, a television series, and sequels or parallel stories by other authors. It also influenced the real-life work of scientists, notably the rocket scientist Robert H. Goddard who developed practical techniques for interplanetary travel.

The War of the Worlds (radio)
The War of the Worlds was an episode of the American radio drama anthology series Mercury Theatre on the Air. It was performed as a Halloween episode of the series on October 30, 1938 and aired over the Columbia Broadcasting System radio network. Directed and narrated by Orson Welles, the episode was an adaptation of H. G. Wells' novel The War of the Worlds.

The first two thirds of the 60-minute broadcast were [color=#FF0000[]b]presented as a series of simulated "news bulletins", which suggested to many listeners that an actual alien invasion by Martians was currently in progress.[/b][/color] Compounding the issue was the fact that the Mercury Theatre on the Air was a 'sustaining show' (it ran without commercial breaks), thus adding to the program's quality of realism. Although there were sensationalist accounts in the press about a supposed panic in response to the broadcast, the precise extent of listener response has been debated. In the days following the adaptation, however, there was widespread outrage. The program's news-bulletin format was decried as cruelly deceptive by some newspapers and public figures, leading to an outcry against the perpetrators of the broadcast, but the episode secured Orson Welles' fame.

The Fabian Society
At the core of the Fabian Society were Sidney and Beatrice Webb.

Fabian Society & NWO
The most prominent of the individuals who developed the idea of a new world order were Cecil Rhodes, Andrew Carnegie, and members of the Fabian Society, particularly H. G. Wells.
The Fabian Society was a group of intellectuals in England who believed that socialism was the way to organize the world for social and economic progress. H.G. Wells was originally a member of the Fabian Society and wrote extensively on political topics, influencing thinking in international affairs. In one of his books, entitled The New World Order (1939), Wells stated that world socialism was inevitable, and that there would be a difficult and painful transition period in which many "quite gallant and graceful-looking people" would "die protesting against it." He then went on to influence us with works like The Island of Dr. Moreau, The Time Machine, and The War of the Worlds. The latter becoming quite the psi-op. Men Like Gods is another title that fits into this mind-stream. Consider Dr. Moreau, a geneticist that has created half human, half beast creatures. The Time Machine and its subterranean rulers of the earth. Madness until you realize that these are the stories of the ancient past and the present.

List of 33rd Degree Masons
H.G. Wells

The War of the Worlds & NWO
In his book The New World Order, published in 1940, Fabian socialist H.G. Wells explained in clear terms the Fabian’s plan to implement the New World Order through psychological warfare techniques against the peoples of the world.

Wells begins his argument with a short introduction in which he argued, “the system of nationalist individualism and uncoordinated enterprise” is “the world’s disease, and it is why the whole system has to go. It has to be reconditioned down to its foundations or replaced.” Wells is clearly advocating for the elimination of national borders and sovereign states as political entities, because, he argues, nationalism is a disease threatening to destroy the world. He doesn’t mention, however, that international bankers have been the major force behind the curtains pushing national governments to war and profiting from it.

Also, what he calls “uncoordinated enterprise” is true free market non-monopolistic capitalism, a system the international bankers despise and abhor. One must keep in mind that John D. Rockefeller’s guiding principle in business was “competition is a sin.” No wonder Clinton Roosevelt and later Karl Marx, both of them secret disinformation agents for their monopolistic masters, made “competition is a sin” a cardinal principle of their Communist ideology.

H.G. Wells & NWO
H.G. Wells, the famous author of Time Machine, War of the Worlds, and The Invisible Man, was secretly a member British Intelligence, Committee of 300, a Mason, and a Fabian. He was very familiar with the globalists’ One-World agenda and wrote many books outlining it with titles like: The Open Conspiracy, The Shape of Things to Come, World Brain, A Modern Utopia, and The New World Order.

“The political world of the … Open Conspiracy must weaken, efface, incorporate and supersede existing governments … The Open Conspiracy is the natural inheritor of socialist and communist enthusiasms; it may be in control of Moscow before it is in control of New York … The character of the Open Conspiracy will now be plainly displayed … It will be a world religion …The Open Conspiracy will appear first, I believe as a conscious organization of intelligent, and in some cases wealthy men, as a movement having distinct social and political aims, confessedly ignoring most of the existing apparatus of political control, or using it only as an incidental implement in the stages, a mere movement of a number of people in a certain direction, who will presently discover, with a sort of a surprise, the common object toward which they are all moving. In all sorts of ways, they will be influencing and controlling the ostensible government." -H.G. Wells, “The Open Conspiracy: Blue Prints for a World Revolution” 1928

Writing books like “The Open Conspiracy” and explaining outright the nature of their plans for scientific dictatorships – the conspirators hide out in the open. By reading about our ever encroached upon freedom, we accept it as inevitable. It is called “predictive programming” and continues being used today in books, magazines, movies, and other forms of mass media. The ideas are propagated into the public mind as hypotheticals or science-fiction. This desensitizes and pre-conditions populations to accept the incremental implementation of these supposedly fictitious scientific dictatorships. As the global technocracy creeps up around us, we have already been subconsciously programmed to accept such a future.

“Fabians like H.G. Wells who wrote so eloquently on the New World Order with such books as The New World Order, A Modern Utopia, The Open Conspiracy: Blue Prints For A World Revolution was a wolf in sheep clothing. H.G. Well’s made the New World Order something that sounded advantageous to everyone, a Utopia of sorts. That is not what it will be.” -Fritz Springmeier, Bloodlines of the Illuminati

In 1933 H.G. Wells published “The Shape of Things to Come” which was supposedly a science-fiction work about a world state ruled by a benevolent dictatorship. However, this book accurately predicted the Second World War to start around 1940 originating from a German/Polish dispute. It went on to predict that the agenda for world government would succeed on its third attempt around 1980 following some event(s) that would occur in Iraq. Though 1980 was slightly early, Wells’ prophecy certainly seems to be coming to fruition now in 2008.

“Although world government had been plainly coming for some years, although it had been endlessly feared and murmured against, it found no opposition prepared anywhere.” -H.G. Wells, “The Shape of Things to Come”

Title: Re: TIAI 10/30
Post by: MJonmind on November 14, 2010, 03:46:11 AM
Just going through this thread info again, so the association of Breaking News to the War of the Worlds is that the announcement of MJ's death as a hoax, is similar to the announcement that the earth was being invaded by Martians, and people believed it. Or is there a deeper sense that the shock value is setting the stage for further guiding/controlling for future scenarios or events of benevolent or evil outcomes for most people on earth.  H.G. Wells was obviously in the inner circle of those planning a global take-over by one individual or group, called the NWO. I've only watched the movie based on his book Time Machine (many times). I've sort of been getting that it's news media and Hollywood that shape our perception of reality now(hiding real events), and prepare us for future events by feeding us how we should react when suggested potential things happen as in movies.

One thing I have noticed with probably 30 or more alien theme movies I've watched over the years, that extraterrestrials are almost always portrayed as evil, out to harm mankind or harvest something from them. ET would be a rare exception, one Michael's song was in. That could be a lie as well, and they might in fact be mostly benevolent. All of this is Sooo hard to wrap my brain around. For me personally, the bottom line, is that I know there is a Creator of the beauty I see and experience, even the possible life-forms outside our planet, that He is always firmly in control, that He created evil to be a contrast, and that we can trust Him to work everything out. I do love Michael and trust that whatever his role beyond entertainment is benevolent to all people. I will 'Keep Watching'. :)

1 John 4:18
18There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.
Title: Re: TIAI 10/30
Post by: Tarja on November 14, 2010, 11:17:32 AM
Quote from: "ForstAMoon"
Today goes to:

http://www.life.com/timeline/232#index/7 (http://www.life.com/timeline/232#index/7)


OCT 30, 1938
October 1938: War of the Worlds
On Oct. 30, 1938, up-and-coming actor and director Orson Welles stages a radio adapation of H.G. Welles' novel War of the Worlds set in modern-day New Jersey. Presented as a series of news bulletins and without commercial breaks, the intense broadcast convinces many that the Martian invasion may be real, sparking panic in communities throughout the country.

I have a question about this. When I enter the link it leads me to another photo from the subject "The Greatest Hoaxes Ever ", not the one posted here. When I enter on the link there's aphoto with 3 men drinking tea/coffee and a flag of Swastika. Did TS redirrect to this specific photo you posted above or you just chose this from them all?

This photo is what I get when I enter the link it is posted on the 1st page of this thread.

http://www.life.com/timeline/232/image/ ... oaxes-ever (http://www.life.com/timeline/232/image/82787678/the-greatest-hoaxes-ever)

and the text under the photo:
1944: Operation Bodyguard and Operation Fortitude
Sometime hoaxes are good -- as in the case of the Hoax That Saved the World. To prepare for the Normandy Invasion, the Allies embark on a series of masterfully planned deceptions, codenamed Bodyguard and Fortitude, convincing the Germans that the coming amphibious assault is targeting an area farther north than Normandy. It's a stunning success. Here: U.S. officers enjoy a hot drink on a Nazi-flag tablecloth on a

Can someone explain me?
Title: Re: TIAI 10/30
Post by: ForstAMoon on November 14, 2010, 11:27:15 AM
Quote from: "Tarja"

I have a question about this. When I enter the link it leads me to another photo from the subject "The Greatest Hoaxes Ever ", not the one posted here. When I enter on the link there's aphoto with 3 men drinking tea/coffee and a flag of Swastika. Did TS redirrect to this specific photo you posted above or you just chose this from them all?

at the time of TS re-direct the link i posted was the exact link from TS re-direct at that time and it was Orson Welles photo and story.

Maybe the page has changed since then :?
Title: Re: TIAI 10/30
Post by: Tarja on November 14, 2010, 11:53:26 AM
Thank you. yes, I've been thinking about this because when I open it it leads me to another photo and I just think that I skipped that update, that's why I ask those who saw it when he redirected it. Could that page have changed? I enter the same link
Title: Re: TIAI 10/30
Post by: nWo on November 14, 2010, 02:37:44 PM
Quote from: "MJonmind"
Just think of all the many movies and books that are said to be "based on a true story". Then everyone thinks it's all fact. The reality is that it might be 10% truth and 90% fiction. There's another very controversial hoax of the century perpetrated that is related to World War 2. Hollywood's put out many World War 2 movies that etch in our minds what happened--supposedly true. If you go down this rabbit hole, it is vast. Here's a start.


Absolutely disgusting. Holocaust deniers are pigs, plain and simple. From all the pictures, videos and survivors out there, i highly doubt it was a hoax. I've met so many survivors with the number on their arms that you can't show me anything to make me think other wise.
Title: Re: TIAI 10/30
Post by: ~Souza~ on November 14, 2010, 05:58:41 PM
Quote from: "nWo"
Quote from: "MJonmind"
Just think of all the many movies and books that are said to be "based on a true story". Then everyone thinks it's all fact. The reality is that it might be 10% truth and 90% fiction. There's another very controversial hoax of the century perpetrated that is related to World War 2. Hollywood's put out many World War 2 movies that etch in our minds what happened--supposedly true. If you go down this rabbit hole, it is vast. Here's a start.


Absolutely disgusting. Holocaust deniers are pigs, plain and simple. From all the pictures, videos and survivors out there, i highly doubt it was a hoax. I've met so many survivors with the number on their arms that you can't show me anything to make me think other wise.

I used to say the same, but I think you should read more into it and listen to what they exactly say. They don't deny the horrors of WWII. Anyway, I am not going into discussion with you in this thread, I just wanted to point out you should listen to their words and read a little bit more about it.
Title: Re: TIAI 10/30
Post by: TouchedByAnAngel on November 14, 2010, 07:01:38 PM
First the redirect took us to the story of Orson Welles and his hoax from War of the Worlds. Ok, so that has been linked to MJ's "Breaking News" song. Then Elsa said "In the official version of Breaking News, I hear 1:34 fakin' fakin' breakin' the news". MJonmind said "One thing I have noticed with probably 30 or more alien theme movies I've watched over the years, that extraterrestrials are almost always portrayed as evil..."

Now, I think outside the box, and have always been open to considering things that are deemed controversial or unlikely. MJ said the history books lie and I agree with him. I believe that there are "people" from other worlds, and they are most likely our ancestors. There is way too much archeological evidence, from around that world, that depicts "Beings" from somewhere else coming here.

I personally think Michael IS a conduit or catalyst to wake us up to the fact that we are all connected and parts of the Prime Creator. Michael's song that "touched" me and made me "know" that he IS special is Another Part Of Me.

"Another Part Of Me"

We're Takin' Over
We Have The Truth
This Is The Mission
To See It Through

Don't Point Your Finger
Not Dangerous
This Is Our Planet
You're One Of Us

We're Sendin' Out
A Major Love
And This Is Our
Message To You
(Message To You)
The Planets Are Linin' Up
We're Bringin' Brighter Days
They're All In Line
Waitin' For You
Can't You See . . .?
You're Just Another Part Of Me . .

A Rather Nation
Fulfill The Truth
The Final Message
We're Bring To You
There Is No Danger
Fulfill The Truth
So Come Together
We're Mean Is You

We're Sendin' Out
A Major Love
And This Is Our
Message To You
(Message To You)
The Planets Are Linin' Up
We're Bringin' Brighter Days
They're All In Line
Waitin' For You
So Look The Truth
You're Just Another Part Of Me . .

We're Sendin' Out
A Major Love
And This Is Our
Message To You
(Message To You)
The Planets Are Linin' Up
We're Bringin' Brighter Days
They're All In Line
Waitin' For You
Can't You See . . .?
You're Just Another Part Of Me
Another Part Of Me . .

We're Takin' Over
This Is The Truth, Baby
Another Part Of Me

So this song says several things to me. First that "people from somewhere else" are coming here to bring the truth. They are not dangerous, this is their planet and we are one of "them". They are sending out Major Love...the planets are lining up to bring brighter days, waiting for us to see....You're just another part of me! Well scientists have said that 2012 is when there will be an alignment of the planets in the center of the galaxy. This will be a time in history like no other. I think this is what the ancients like the Mayans and Egyptians knew. The reason that the Mayan calender ends is probably because we will ascend, through energies from the SUN, into a new Age of enlightenment. We will finally evolve and raise our consciousness, through the highest vibration of all, LOVE, to join our cosmic brothers and sisters. I believe all "beings" everywhere are parts of Prime Creator, and we are all on our own journeys back to reuniting with our Source. Just as we have evolved and learned to create things, I think other beings more advanced than us, have visited this planet in the past and possibly given us an "upgrade". The archeological finds from all over the world appear to tell us this. The beings that visited Earth in the past shared knowledge with humans and interbred with us and changed our DNA in the process. Humans long ago considered these advanced "Beings" who came from the sky, as gods. Again, there is archeological evidence from all over the world that supports this and even the Bible mentions this, they were called "fallen angels". My question to you all..."Beings" from somewhere other than this planet have been called God(s), angels, and aliens. What's the difference???

Ok, back to the redirects from TS. So what originally was shown on this redirect was the Orson Welles hoax pic as #7 from the url. Now the same url with #7 in it shows the 1944: Operation Bodyguard and Operation Fortitude hoax where it says "Sometime hoaxes are good -- as in the case of the Hoax That Saved the World." Because TS redirected to this thread, it was known that we would revisit this link, and catch this change. I think we can all pretty much agree that MJ is using his hoax to try to save the world. And he WILL, because we are waking up!

I mentioned earlier that I believe in "star people" (aliens is such an ugly word). Anyway, the UFO community has been saying recently that disclosure will be soon, possibly before the year is over. The government cover-up is about to end. So how does this all fit in? The elite "powers that be" have been controlling us for a very long time with lies, manipulation, and fear propaganda. They create "problems" and then provide "solutions". They use "false flag' operations, like the terrorist attack on the twin towers (problem) as an excuse to go to war (solution). Remember TS gave a redirect to 911 info? If you researched into that you might have understood that it was an "inside job" and the USA was involved in it happening. Anyway, every time the NWO people create a "problem" and then provide a "solution" it involves us giving up liberties and freedom in the name of "safety". The experts in the UFO community are saying that the "controlling elite" are most likely to stage a "false flag" alien invasion scenario ( movies like Skyline are helping this train of thought) So whether it is a real UFO seen in the sky or a holographic image by "Big Brother", the NWO will use it as an excuse to provide a "solution" to what they hope will be a panic stricken public. Their solution will likely be to enact martial law. There are FEMA "prison camps" all across the country to house us for our "safety".

Again, back to the topic at hand. Could the line from Breaking News "fakin' fakin' breakin' the news" be a warning? Not to believe when they tell us that "aliens" are invading and we need to be afraid and go live in the "safety" of these FEMA camps. Sorry, I just don't trust the government to "help" me in any way."Governments should be afraid of the people, people should not be afraid of the government".

I'm going to add a few screen captures of some tweets between myself and Donte Jackson.





Now I tweeted two things to Donte and both related to "star beings" so either way he was agreeing with me as I see it. My second tweet to him "I have this dream, this I believe, we are children from a distant family" was from a song (I Have This Dream) that Serenity posted many months ago that was supposed to be from Michael and sure sounded like him. I can't find it any more to point you to it, but maybe she still has a link?

So this is all "food for thought". Open your mind and consider the possibilities! What would be the biggest Breaking News this world has ever witnessed? Could it be You Are Not Alone? We Are Here To Change The World...you're just Another Part Of Me  :D

One last thought then I will end this. From the beginning I have thought that the use of beLIEve was to make us see the BIG LIE in what we think we believe. We've been taught that "just because it is in print, it doesn't make it the gospel". MJ said the history books lie. This could also include one of the oldest "history" books of them all, the bible. Remember that it has been translated many times, and "people" wrote it and decided what was to be included and what was to be left out. Things have been twisted and untold. I think Michael is bringing the truth back and with LOVE will unite us all! The TRUTH will prevail!

Blessed to have been,
Touched By An Angel

http://twitter.com/TouchedByAngelM (http://twitter.com/TouchedByAngelM)
Title: Re: TIAI 10/30
Post by: Serenitys_Dream on November 14, 2010, 10:46:30 PM

From this thread:



The other version has been removed from youtube. I will have to look and see if I have it saved to my computer somewhere.

These are the lyrics from the version that has been removed from youtube.

Michael Jackson - I Have This Dream lyrics
Some people say
I live in a fantasy
Because I see the world
Visions come to me
In my sleep
I closed my eyes
To see what God is showing me

Close your eyes
And imagine with me
See the wonder
In every living thing
If we can live our lives
The way it is in my dreams
Love will take us to a place where
God can be seen

This is my dream

I have this dream
This i believe
The world a place for all humanity
If we could take love to it's highest level
More than the world has ever seen
I have this dream

Verse 2

Let's put Gods love opn display
Angel of love come my way
It really up to you and me
One world together in harmony

In my dream I see heaven
And the face of the one perfect being
I see people turning into angels
And God giving them their wings

This is my dream


I have this dream
This I believe
The world's a place
For all humanity

If we could take love
To it's highest level
More than the world has ever seen
I have this dream
Title: Re: TIAI 10/30
Post by: Serenitys_Dream on November 15, 2010, 01:04:32 AM
So TBAA tells me those aren't the right lyrics that I posted so I don't know how many songs entitled "I Have This Dream" by Michael there are but she set me on a hunt and I found the song she is talking about. And she is correct, it has different lyrics.  :lol:
At her request, I have uploaded it to youtube. Enjoy  :D

Title: Re: TIAI 10/30
Post by: TouchedByAnAngel on November 15, 2010, 07:11:31 PM
Quote from: "Serenitys_Dream"
So TBAA tells me those aren't the right lyrics that I posted so I don't know how many songs entitled "I Have This Dream" by Michael there are but she set me on a hunt and I found the song she is talking about. And she is correct, it has different lyrics.  :lol:
At her request, I have uploaded it to youtube. Enjoy  :D


THANK YOU SERENITY! This is the song I remember. I've written below the main lyrics from the song.

We are here, then we're gone
In the end only love lives on
So take a moment while you can
To stop one heart from breaking

I felt peace, and I felt pain
Every generation just seems to pass the blame
It's up to us to make a change
We are halfway to tomorrow

I have this dream, which I believe
We are children from a distant family
Every child that's born needs to believe that he belongs
I have this dream

I also heard at 3:52 I have this dream, to stay with you. Made me smile, but don't know if it really means anything.  ;)

Blessed to have been,
Touched by An Angel

http://twitter.com/TouchedByAngelM (http://twitter.com/TouchedByAngelM)
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