Michael Jackson Death Hoax Investigators

Hoax Investigation => General Hoax Investigation => Other Odd Things => Topic started by: mjboogie on August 26, 2010, 01:10:01 PM

Title: So....the L.A. Coroner Just Happened To.........
Post by: mjboogie on August 26, 2010, 01:10:01 PM
Guys I was sitting here thinking about the court granting access to MJ's body fluids to test the levels of propofol which supposedly leaves the body quickly. OK DID THE CORONER JUST HAPPEN TO HAVE MJ"S LIQUIDS PRESERVED??  :? I find this to be really really strange that the coroner would have his fluids? Can those fluids still be tested this late I mean it has been since JUne ? July? since the initial autopsy was performed on MJ right? Anybody understand what I am trying to say? Is it routine for a coroner to hold something like body fluids this long?
Did the coroner do this maybe until the trial? or the court proceedings?  Remember his brain? They supposedly kept his brain for a certain amount of time before returning it to the mortuary right?  IDK it just seems sooooo crazy. Maybe I am reading into this too far but.....this kinda reminds me of when Latoya witnessed them going to MJ's body and plucking hairs for testing like ummmmmmmm a couple of months after his "death"? Remember? Your thoughts on this?  :? What the hell is going on!
Title: Re: So....the L.A. Coroner Just Happened To.........
Post by: VeryLittleSusie on August 26, 2010, 01:52:52 PM
They claim they took some samples of fluids during the alleged autopsy and now they're going to re-test it...


I wonder whose those samples were because they were sure not Michael's   8-)
Title: Re: So....the L.A. Coroner Just Happened To.........
Post by: magic on August 26, 2010, 02:00:36 PM
Maybe it's not drug levels they will be checking. What about DNA? Isn't MJ's DNA on record from the trial?
Title: Re: So....the L.A. Coroner Just Happened To.........
Post by: mjboogie on August 26, 2010, 02:17:20 PM
The thing is....why would they wait this long. I mean this has been since June and July for the initial autopsy? It doesn't make sense that they would intentionally have Mikes body fluids preserved. I mean who preserves body fluids for over a year? Any medical experts here? Can propofol be detected in body fluids that have been preserved even though we know that it vanishes from the body quick but I wonder how long it can be detected in body fluids? This is crazy! To me someone is stalling. They already tested the levels of propofol which is stated in the A.R.? So...... :?
Title: Re: So....the L.A. Coroner Just Happened To.........
Post by: mumof3 on August 26, 2010, 02:20:25 PM
I would have thought they would have already tested the fluids and they would already have the results
Title: Re: So....the L.A. Coroner Just Happened To.........
Post by: suspicious mind on August 26, 2010, 02:31:40 PM
so are you saying why didn't someone from murry's camp ask for this as soon as the first results came and the level was high. and you are also wondering if it is common practice for the fluids to be preserved from an autopsy that oringinally was only looking for a cause of death such as heart attack. or are they goin' to have to exume a body?

sometimes wonder if all of this stuff is legit or it just screams why isn't somebody paying attention here.
Title: Re: So....the L.A. Coroner Just Happened To.........
Post by: trublu on August 26, 2010, 02:43:41 PM
I think if someones 'death' is found as suspicious, which might lead to a trial, body fluids would be preserved as evidence.

But heck, I'm not a scientist/coroner/someone who reads up on the preservation of body fluids! :lol:

I wish a doctor or someone would enlighten us about this...
Title: Re: So....the L.A. Coroner Just Happened To.........
Post by: mjboogie on August 26, 2010, 03:07:18 PM
Quote from: "suspicious mind"
so are you saying why didn't someone from murry's camp ask for this as soon as the first results came and the level was high. and you are also wondering if it is common practice for the fluids to be preserved from an autopsy that oringinally was only looking for a cause of death such as heart attack. or are they goin' to have to exume a body?

sometimes wonder if all of this stuff is legit or it just screams why isn't somebody paying attention here.
That is why we are all so confused I mean WTF? How are they gonna come back over a year and just be like "We need MJ's body fluids!"

L.A. Coroner " Well I guess I will keep some of MJ for my memory or collection? Hugh? I am wondering did someone order or instruct the coroner to keep his fluids (if this is true)
I know who we need to talk to or email or tweet...........ED WINTER OR CRAIG HARVEY! From L.A. coroners office? :shock:
Title: Re: So....the L.A. Coroner Just Happened To.........
Post by: all4loveandbelieve on August 26, 2010, 07:29:46 PM
Does anyone know a Doctor who is a  friend, that can explain if they can retest the fluids after one yr and 2 months? Maybe we can come to a conclusion if we do have an accurate answer.
Title: Re: So....the L.A. Coroner Just Happened To.........
Post by: CC on August 26, 2010, 08:36:31 PM
Title: Re: So....the L.A. Coroner Just Happened To.........
Post by: michaelsupporter on August 26, 2010, 09:50:05 PM
To get an accurate answer, one needs to ask a pathologist. Hope someone knows one!
Title: Re: So....the L.A. Coroner Just Happened To.........
Post by: bec on August 26, 2010, 10:15:42 PM
No one ever said the coroner had fluids from MJ's body. Keep that in mind.
Title: Re: So....the L.A. Coroner Just Happened To.........
Post by: libra8 on August 26, 2010, 10:34:38 PM
The Defense would have the right to run their own tests for propofol level.

Assuming coroner does have the fluids to test, wouldnt the propofol deteriorate over a 13mth time? & then level of propofol would be lower than originally tested??
So, then the Defense can say look the propofol level isnt that high after all.

Yes, need to hear from pathologist whether propofol in fluids deteriorates over time.
Title: Re: So....the L.A. Coroner Just Happened To.........
Post by: mjj_fan on August 26, 2010, 11:39:07 PM
By chance I log in today and read this article  but  are you sure coroner said he has preserved the sample  for future analysis ???, i  already said  and still maintain, the propofol leaves the body very quickly hence the first urine and blood samples are very important from forensic point of view  , i m really surprised if they are running test after 15months, due to rapid changes  by autolysis, the old samples give false negative results and are discarded by the lab as the time is  mention by staff or phlebotomist while the samples have been taken out from the body, thats why tests are always run on fresh samples, i m talking about the body fluids not tissue sample for histopathology , and by old samples means more than 48 hrs  
 for those interested to read more here are links

http://www.enotes.com/forensic-science/decomposition (http://www.enotes.com/forensic-science/decomposition)

http://www.deathreference.com/Py-Se/Rig ... anges.html (http://www.deathreference.com/Py-Se/Rigor-Mortis-and-Other-Postmortem-Changes.html)

  Hope that helps,Godbless
Title: Re: So....the L.A. Coroner Just Happened To.........
Post by: Christiana on August 27, 2010, 09:10:51 AM
Assuming Michael is dead (or even if they just want to preserve the illusion that he is), the logical reason they would ask to test the fluids themselves is because they don't believe the original results are correct. Murray's story all along has been that he didn't give MJ anything that should have killed him. This would be their effort to see if they can prove that with their own testing, which they have a legal right to do. And just as a matter of procedure, they may not have been legally able to make that request until now.

The info below is from another community (NOT a hoax community) from someone in the medical field:

If you cryo-preserve tissue (preserve by freezing), you can get accurate reads on all protein and RNA levels with minimal degradation. If you perfuse tissue (preserve with formaldehyde), you can still get accurate reads on protein levels, but RNA degrades from the warm temperature of the tissue. I've never actually looked for the presence of a drug in tissue I have worked with, but I would assume that, depending on the type of drug we are talking about, you could look for its presence in tissue in the same way. I have never preserved blood samples outside of extracting DNA (which is an extremely stable molecule), so I'm not sure what would need to be done to preserve blood in such a way that nothing in it would degrade. My guess is that all fluids were flash-frozen and will be thawed for repeat molecular testing.

Also, Propofol undergoes oxidative degradation, in the presence of oxygen, and is therefore packaged under nitrogen to eliminate this degradation path.

The autopsy also showed that propofol was found throughout the body--in the blood, urine, bile and brain tissues. But the request to test the fluids is likely nothing more than a media tactic (to influence the jury pool), and/or a means to prolong the trial process.
Title: Re: So....the L.A. Coroner Just Happened To.........
Post by: mjj_fan on August 27, 2010, 12:03:24 PM
@Christina Can you please send me the link to that article I want to read more, although the propofol was found in body fluids and they measured the drug level from aqueous humour  already what they want more?  aqueous -humour, the body fluid detects the propofol  level most accurately and can be kept frozen and the slides for histopathology too but there is no use of preserving the blood specially  as the cells break down releasing all the chemical contents including enzymes and electrolytes , for propofol the usual pathway of metabolism is through hydroxylation  and glucuronidation by Cyt P450 system in liver and  bile and finally excreted out through kidneys  
    Propofol is a water-immiscible oil basically , so is used as an emulsion of a soya oil/propofol mixture in water, this makes it appear as a highly opaque white fluid.
Title: Re: So....the L.A. Coroner Just Happened To.........
Post by: DancingTheDream on August 27, 2010, 12:06:29 PM
Quote from: "trublu"
I think if someones 'death' is found as suspicious, which might lead to a trial, body fluids would be preserved as evidence.

But heck, I'm not a scientist/coroner/someone who reads up on the preservation of body fluids! :lol:

I wish a doctor or someone would enlighten us about this...

I agree with this.  I would be surprised if the fluids were NOT preserved.  It is, after all, crucial evidence and Murrays defence team have every right to ask for them and re-test them for a second opinion.

This is why the news that the syringe was being auctioned was so off...  i still dont believe that story as the syringe would also be crucial evidence for fingerprints, DNA, etc.

I am assuming (as i do not know) - but i am assuming that these fluids would have been frozen to preserve them.
Title: Re: So....the L.A. Coroner Just Happened To.........
Post by: mjj_fan on August 27, 2010, 05:06:23 PM
I wish if Murrays lawyers used some  common sense by asking for samples AT THE TIME OF AUTOPSY  not now  like Ms Katherine  made request for 2nd private autopsy she  had her doubts which I understand completly and its her right .  But whats the role of coroner then ?  he is a neutral person who is responsible for maintaing chain-of-custody otherwise every day ever other person woulkd stand up and ask for seprate autopsy , the whole procedure is kept on record in a tape recorder , the forensic pathologist speak out loud and clear  so that  one of the  person in the room  write down everything he says , since its about Michael Jackson  and the nature of the case , i believe they must be very very careful about each and everything ,the autopsy is routinely  done within 3 hrs  but  it lasted  for 7hrs  so you can imagine now how hard they tried  to note each and every minute detail , i already said earlier the  body samples under various alises in the autopsy report were used to avoid getting bias reports ,same must be the case with histology slides they were not send to pathologist under name  of Michael Jackson , and there is strong possibility all the samples were send to various hospitals   or to the same pathologist many times not just one ,and it happen very often  , all the reused medical equipment shouldnot go  on auction , its pure insanity
Title: Re: So....the L.A. Coroner Just Happened To.........
Post by: hesouttamylife on August 27, 2010, 05:26:20 PM
Just how long are these body fluids still considered "reliable"?  Doesn't some things break down and chemically change over time?  I'm confused :?
Title: Re: So....the L.A. Coroner Just Happened To.........
Post by: DancingTheDream on August 27, 2010, 05:32:14 PM
Quote from: "hesouttamylife"
Just how long are these body fluids still considered "reliable"?  Doesn't some things break down and chemically change over time?  I'm confused :?

What if they freeze them?
Title: Re: So....the L.A. Coroner Just Happened To.........
Post by: chappie on August 27, 2010, 05:39:02 PM

Title: Re: So....the L.A. Coroner Just Happened To.........
Post by: hesouttamylife on August 27, 2010, 05:47:15 PM
But even things put in the freezer have a "use by" date.  Would body fluids also?
Title: Re: So....the L.A. Coroner Just Happened To.........
Post by: hesouttamylife on August 27, 2010, 05:56:35 PM
I found my answer for blood:  Frozen blood can be stored for 10 years from the date of blood collection.
Title: Re: So....the L.A. Coroner Just Happened To.........
Post by: all4loveandbelieve on August 27, 2010, 06:20:07 PM
I have a strong feeling, that they cannot test the  samples due to some problem, and they probably have to exhume the body, and that's when we will find out that MJ is not the one who died.  I guess that's how we will find out. I feel it is going towards that direction.
Title: Re: So....the L.A. Coroner Just Happened To.........
Post by: hesouttamylife on August 27, 2010, 06:25:50 PM
Quote from: "all4loveandbelieve"
I have a strong feeling, that they cannot test the  samples due to some problem, and they probably have to exhume the body, and that's when we will find out that MJ is not the one who died.  I guess that's how we will find out. I feel it is going towards that direction.

Sounds like a solid plan to me. :lol:   Then the next headlines would read - GRAVE ROBBERS ...ETC. :lol:   But we know ;)  ;)  ;)
Title: Re: So....the L.A. Coroner Just Happened To.........
Post by: Christiana on August 27, 2010, 06:42:30 PM
Quote from: "mjj_fan"
@Christina Can you please send me the link to that article I want to read more, although the propofol was found in body fluids and they measured the drug level from aqueous humour  already what they want more?  aqueous -humour, the body fluid detects the propofol  level most accurately and can be kept frozen and the slides for histopathology too but there is no use of preserving the blood specially  as the cells break down releasing all the chemical contents including enzymes and electrolytes , for propofol the usual pathway of metabolism is through hydroxylation  and glucuronidation by Cyt P450 system in liver and  bile and finally excreted out through kidneys  
    Propofol is a water-immiscible oil basically , so is used as an emulsion of a soya oil/propofol mixture in water, this makes it appear as a highly opaque white fluid.

It wasn't an "article," mjj_fan. It was a post in another community by someone in the medical field. And what I have posted is what was said. And since it is not a hoax community I don't want to link to it. My point in referencing it was only in as much as I thought it was relevant to the questions at hand in this thread. :P
Title: Re: So....the L.A. Coroner Just Happened To.........
Post by: 2good2btrue on August 27, 2010, 07:37:56 PM
I found this great fact sheet...I will break it down for you.

The Biological fluids retreaved during an autopsy are as follows:

1.  Blood
2.  Urine
3.  Bile
4.  Vitreous Humor
5.  Cerebrospinal fluid
6.  Other body fluids (in cases where blood and urine are not available) pericardial and synovial fluids can be used for toxicology anaylysis like alcohol.

http://medind.nic.in/jal/t08/i2/jalt08i2p96.pdf (http://medind.nic.in/jal/t08/i2/jalt08i2p96.pdf)
Title: Re: So....the L.A. Coroner Just Happened To.........
Post by: hesouttamylife on August 27, 2010, 08:27:06 PM
Quote from: "hesouttamylife"
I found my answer for blood:  Frozen blood can be stored for 10 years from the date of blood collection.

However this is blood from a live donor.  Does it differ if from a deceased person?
Title: Re: So....the L.A. Coroner Just Happened To.........
Post by: 2good2btrue on August 27, 2010, 08:52:48 PM
The fluid specimens are perserved in sodium fluoride after an autopsy...
Title: Re: So....the L.A. Coroner Just Happened To.........
Post by: mjj_fan on August 27, 2010, 09:31:10 PM
@christiana , its okay i understand , thankyou for the post
  i want to clear one more thing , the blood is preserved from live donors  like blood banks in hospitals set up , they preserve it for future transfusion in any acute emergency but its preservation is different from  autopsy, the transfusion bottle have anticoagulants, preventing  blood clotting which occurs soon blood leaks out of vessels   but in autopsy cases the body arrives hours after death  , the process of blood contamination and  autolysis  started  already , depending upon the temperature of surrounding at the time of death , but preservatives are also added in bottles  used for autopsy to prevent further decomposition , i will give an example , let say the body arrives after 2 hours , the samples are drawn and sent to the  forensic-lab  , but by that times many electrolytes specially potassium will leak out of cells which normally stay inside , once circulation stops , lack of oxygen disrupts the cell membrane around the cells and the potassiuml leaks out  giving a false negative result wilth high levels , same is the case with enzymes the chemicals which digest the cells of the body ( autolysis)  hours after death ,for every organ the time line is very important ,  each of it decays in sepcific time ,another  importance of time after death is  decision making for body donation upon  deceased wish and the cause of death is natural, a pathologistl makes a gross examination to see if the organ is alive means still capable of funtioning and safe it for donation , the bottom line.....timing is important from every aspect in the medical field ,  every second counts !
Title: Re: So....the L.A. Coroner Just Happened To.........
Post by: MJonmind on August 28, 2010, 01:02:18 AM
Quote from: "mjj_fan"
I wish if Murrays lawyers used some  common sense by asking for samples AT THE TIME OF AUTOPSY  not now  like Ms Katherine  made request for 2nd private autopsy she  had her doubts which I understand completly and its her right .  But whats the role of coroner then ?  he is a neutral person who is responsible for maintaing chain-of-custody otherwise every day ever other person woulkd stand up and ask for seprate autopsy , the whole procedure is kept on record in a tape recorder , the forensic pathologist speak out loud and clear  so that  one of the  person in the room  write down everything he says , since its about Michael Jackson  and the nature of the case , i believe they must be very very careful about each and everything ,the autopsy is routinely  done within 3 hrs  but  it lasted  for 7hrs  so you can imagine now how hard they tried  to note each and every minute detail , i already said earlier the  body samples under various alises in the autopsy report were used to avoid getting bias reports ,same must be the case with histology slides they were not send to pathologist under name  of Michael Jackson , and there is strong possibility all the samples were send to various hospitals   or to the same pathologist many times not just one ,and it happen very often  , all the reused medical equipment shouldnot go  on auction , its pure insanity
And in the light of Christiana last post, it points to it all being pure insanity. TMZ is screaming to fans, We're trying so hard to make this thing so ridiculous and obvious that this is a hoax. All along medically knowledgable people have confirmed NOTHING adds up or makes sense in this "death". The coroners who did MJ's autopsies would be considered authoritative experts and their signed statements should be considered the final say, no? So I agree, why retest the fluids, if not for an excuse to exhume?
Title: Re: So....the L.A. Coroner Just Happened To.........
Post by: reading_on on August 28, 2010, 07:36:47 AM
Quote from: "2good2btrue"
The fluid specimens are perserved in sodium fluoride after an autopsy...

 Correct and they not only keep specimens in criminal cases but a from other folks too, for research.
Title: Re: So....the L.A. Coroner Just Happened To.........
Post by: all4loveandbelieve on August 28, 2010, 08:09:39 AM
Quote from: "reading_on"
Quote from: "2good2btrue"
The fluid specimens are perserved in sodium fluoride after an autopsy...

 Correct and they not only keep specimens in criminal cases but a from other folks too, for research.

The question is  the fluids do they really belong to Michael?
Title: Re: So....the L.A. Coroner Just Happened To.........
Post by: MissG on August 28, 2010, 09:46:12 AM
Quote from: "2good2btrue"
The fluid specimens are perserved in sodium fluoride after an autopsy...

What if MJ was being really poisoned by it?
It would make sense that all the "autopsies" were made to find out what was in his system that "could have killed him".

Up to this point I am open to any theory to find out what has been happening.

MJ thought himself that he was being poisoned and months later just an article about how Hypocondriac and Paranoid Michael was about his health has seen the light as well (even if it´s tabloid junk..)

I still think that if alive, all the tests are out there to incriminate who really killed the KOP during the years...
Title: Re: So....the L.A. Coroner Just Happened To.........
Post by: hesouttamylife on August 28, 2010, 10:31:24 AM
Quote from: "all4loveandbelieve"
Quote from: "reading_on"
Quote from: "2good2btrue"
The fluid specimens are perserved in sodium fluoride after an autopsy...

 Correct and they not only keep specimens in criminal cases but a from other folks too, for research.

The question is  the fluids do they really belong to Michael?
Great observation.  Now wouldn't that blow the case straight to hell :lol:
Title: Re: So....the L.A. Coroner Just Happened To.........
Post by: Glinda on August 28, 2010, 10:47:49 AM
http://web.archive.org/web/200806041014 ... ly/27.html (http://web.archive.org/web/20080604101415/www.courttv.com/trials/ojsimpson/weekly/27.html)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethylenedi ... cetic_acid (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethylenediaminetetraacetic_acid)

Lets wait what that fluid will be.
Title: Re: So....the L.A. Coroner Just Happened To.........
Post by: CC on August 28, 2010, 10:55:29 AM
Quote from: "Gema"
Quote from: "2good2btrue"
The fluid specimens are perserved in sodium fluoride after an autopsy...

What if MJ was being really poisoned by it?
It would make sense that all the "autopsies" were made to find out what was in his system that "could have killed him".

Up to this point I am open to any theory to find out what has been happening.

MJ thought himself that he was being poisoned and months later just an article about how Hypocondriac and Paranoid Michael was about his health has seen the light as well (even if it´s tabloid junk..)

I still think that if alive, all the tests are out there to incriminate who really killed the KOP during the years...

really good... :roll:
Title: Re: So....the L.A. Coroner Just Happened To.........
Post by: michaelsupporter on August 28, 2010, 11:02:53 AM
I don't believe MJ is dead.
But, in regards to propofol....isn't it fat soluble (since it is a lipid) and even though it has a quick half life (is metabolized fairly quickly)...wouldn't it be found in the adipose tissue?????

Just curious?!?!?!?!
Title: Re: So....the L.A. Coroner Just Happened To.........
Post by: Glinda on August 28, 2010, 11:23:15 AM
http://www.whnt.com/news/whnt-dekalb-co ... 1488.story (http://www.whnt.com/news/whnt-dekalb-county-capital-murder-willoughby,0,821488.story)

Do we have someone here that knows about this case?
Title: Re: So....the L.A. Coroner Just Happened To.........
Post by: hesouttamylife on August 28, 2010, 11:30:40 AM
Quote from: "Glinda"

Do we have someone here that knows about this case?

I remember reading this and was appalled at the difference in the charges filed in this case versus the charges against Murray if he indeed was guilty.
Title: Re: So....the L.A. Coroner Just Happened To.........
Post by: Glinda on August 28, 2010, 01:04:08 PM
Quote from: "chappie"


Peeing in a bottle :mrgreen:

Message, message ( bangs head)
Title: Re: So....the L.A. Coroner Just Happened To.........
Post by: everlastinglove_MJ on August 28, 2010, 05:37:33 PM
All these forensic researches make me think of CSI. The producer of CSI is Jerry Bruckheimer. He is connected to Disney Pictures, produced films with Disney Pictures and a Sci-Fi project LightSpeed at Disney. Michael was/is connected to Disney as well, fe Captain EO AND he is a big Disney fan. Somehow again I smell a movie project... 8-) I don't know, it's just a hunch :)

http://celebrifi.com/gossip/Jerry-Bruck ... 79831.html (http://celebrifi.com/gossip/Jerry-Bruckheimer-And-Disney-Buy-Themselves-A-SciFi-Epic-Called-LightSpeed-2679831.html)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJDJnTmQMaI (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJDJnTmQMaI)
(starting at 3.24)

Title: Re: So....the L.A. Coroner Just Happened To.........
Post by: scorpionchik on August 28, 2010, 09:31:07 PM
Quote from: "Gema"
Quote from: "2good2btrue"
The fluid specimens are perserved in sodium fluoride after an autopsy...

What if MJ was being really poisoned by it?
It would make sense that all the "autopsies" were made to find out what was in his system that "could have killed him".

Up to this point I am open to any theory to find out what has been happening.

MJ thought himself that he was being poisoned and months later just an article about how Hypocondriac and Paranoid Michael was about his health has seen the light as well (even if it´s tabloid junk..)

I still think that if alive, all the tests are out there to incriminate who really killed the KOP during the years...

Based on what you say, my long time theory has been the following: Murrey has tried to kill Michael giving him too much propofol and leaving unattended, BUT MICHAEL DID NOT DIE. However, Michael decided to "die" to save ANOTHER ATTEMPT TO MURDER HIM. In the mean time, they testing JUSTICE SYSTEM, whether Murrey and ALL OTHER SUSPECTS who hired Murrey and ALL DOCTORS who have prescribed Michael drugs left and right,TEAM OF KILLERS WILL BE REVEALED pursuit accordingly .
Title: Re: So....the L.A. Coroner Just Happened To.........
Post by: 2good2btrue on August 28, 2010, 09:40:38 PM
An lets not forget ...."Craig Harvey's History".........

http://www.imdb.com/name/nm2004576/ (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm2004576/)
Title: Re: So....the L.A. Coroner Just Happened To.........
Post by: bec on August 28, 2010, 09:57:57 PM
Quote from: "scorpionchik"
Quote from: "Gema"
Quote from: "2good2btrue"
The fluid specimens are perserved in sodium fluoride after an autopsy...

What if MJ was being really poisoned by it?
It would make sense that all the "autopsies" were made to find out what was in his system that "could have killed him".

Up to this point I am open to any theory to find out what has been happening.

MJ thought himself that he was being poisoned and months later just an article about how Hypocondriac and Paranoid Michael was about his health has seen the light as well (even if it´s tabloid junk..)

I still think that if alive, all the tests are out there to incriminate who really killed the KOP during the years...

Based on what you say, my long time theory has been the following: Murrey has tried to kill Michael giving him too much propofol and leaving unattended, BUT MICHAEL DID NOT DIE. However, Michael decided to "die" to save ANOTHER ATTEMPT TO MURDER HIM. In the mean time, they testing JUSTICE SYSTEM, whether Murrey and ALL OTHER SUSPECTS who hired Murrey and ALL DOCTORS who have prescribed Michael drugs left and right,TEAM OF KILLERS WILL BE REVEALED pursuit accordingly .

But this theory doesn't explain why the charges were never read during the arraignment, why Murray doesn't have a mugshot, why the formal charges as they are written do not exist in the California penal code, why the DA charged Murray with a single count of invol manslaughter, why there are 70 day time spans between trial dates, why trial dates are the business day after Easter, the business day after the anniversary of Michael's acquittal, why there was never a grand jury in this case, why this isn't a federal case, why the police didn't seal the house for 4 days after the "death" and after La Toya and Janet were allowed unlimited access, why Murray's info was deleted from the online data bank for arrests in LA county, why Murray is being given special treatment as far as arrest negotiations, and private entry to court buildings, why Murray still has his medical license, why Murray has never offered his condolences to the Jackson Family and has never made any mention of the passing of Michael Jackson, never made a statement to the press, and has never been seen entering or leaving his supposed residence, etc etc etc etc x4607070365016 things that don't add up on the Conrad Murray aspect of this hoax.

I think you need to understand each one of those things by itself is fairly unprecedented in real life. I'd bet my front teeth the "investigation", "arrest", and impending "trial" of "Dr. Murray" is not real.
Title: Re: So....the L.A. Coroner Just Happened To.........
Post by: 2good2btrue on August 28, 2010, 10:26:31 PM
"Innocent until proven guilty" is all I can think of.  

Murray has not been charged with anything other than "he did not mean to hurt Michael"

His actions were not intentional....so he can walk free for now.

The lawyers need to prove that he purposely meant to kill MJ by giving him leathal amounts of propofol while he was sleeping, and that would take a miracle to prove.

Others involved can only come to surface if Murray admitts it under oath. (if anyone else)

Its all too much for me to understand as I didn't excel in law at school, but I do know that it can take a very long time...........in the meantime, I just remind myself that there is a documentary in the making of all this drama...........I'm just as confused.. :?  :?
The troot will prevail................xoxoxo
Title: Re: So....the L.A. Coroner Just Happened To.........
Post by: all4loveandbelieve on August 28, 2010, 10:45:32 PM
Quote from: "CC"
Quote from: "Gema"
Quote from: "2good2btrue"
The fluid specimens are perserved in sodium fluoride after an autopsy...

What if MJ was being really poisoned by it?
It would make sense that all the "autopsies" were made to find out what was in his system that "could have killed him".

Up to this point I am open to any theory to find out what has been happening.

MJ thought himself that he was being poisoned and months later just an article about how Hypocondriac and Paranoid Michael was about his health has seen the light as well (even if it´s tabloid junk..)

I still think that if alive, all the tests are out there to incriminate who really killed the KOP during the years...

really good... :roll:

You are talking as if he were dead.. HE IS ALIVE .. I am positive the fluids they have do not belong to MJ.
Title: Re: So....the L.A. Coroner Just Happened To.........
Post by: tekamjforever on August 28, 2010, 11:13:41 PM
:?  :roll:  :?: See :arrow: http://www.newsoftheworld.co.uk/showbiz ... TR=Showbiz (http://www.newsoftheworld.co.uk/showbiz/923213/Dig-up-Jacko.html?OTC-RSS&ATTR=Showbiz)
Title: Re: So....the L.A. Coroner Just Happened To.........
Post by: bec on August 28, 2010, 11:24:07 PM
Quote from: "2good2btrue"
Its all too much for me to understand as I didn't excel in law at school, but I do know that it can take a very long time...........in the meantime, I just remind myself that there is a documentary in the making of all this drama...........I'm just as confused.. :?  :?
The troot will prevail................xoxoxo

Yeah, hey, you know, good point.

There's a DOCUMENTARY being made about Dr. Murray RIGHT NOW... supposedly says IMDB.... so who's filming it? And when? Anyone here seen any camera men accompanying Murray during his few "appearances" in the last year? Well, that is besides the media.... so who exactly is filming this documentary?  :idea:

Well, I guess the media is. Just as was suspected.
Title: Re: So....the L.A. Coroner Just Happened To.........
Post by: King_Michael on August 28, 2010, 11:27:20 PM
:( can't we just have an answer this is really making me sad if in the end Michael is really "dead" than this was nothing more then a big game by some heartless bastard
Title: Re: So....the L.A. Coroner Just Happened To.........
Post by: bec on August 28, 2010, 11:32:41 PM
It's not a game.
Title: Re: So....the L.A. Coroner Just Happened To.........
Post by: mjj_fan on August 29, 2010, 12:19:31 AM
Someone asked about the lipid deposition in adipose tissues i m quickly replying to that one ,  drugs acting on  Central nervous system like  anesthetics should have following properties
 A. high  lipid solubility.
               to cross the blood brain barrier, a system that protects our brain from toxic subtances entrying freely and damage it
b. should have low blood solubility

      the drugs with high lipid and low blood solubility  have fast mode of action as well as fast metabolism and high  potency , like i said Propofol is ULTRA SHORT acting anasthesia , it acts and  leaves body and Doesnot deposit  unless a very lethal dose is infused in to the system like in this case

@ Christiana  I will highly appreciate if you do me  a favour by  asking  a question to that physician because something  confuses me  , The doctor wrote "  Also, Propofol undergoes oxidative degradation, in the presence of oxygen, and is therefore packaged under nitrogen to eliminate this degradation path  "  
but Propofol was already metabolised ,traces (metabolites )were found in tissues and body fluids how will they prevent its degradation ? does she mean the process is reversible ? as far as I remember its irreversible  but I assume  he/she must be in Nuclear medicine and more knowledgeable in this subject My opinion is , running  tests
on those samples NOW is of no use specially if they are looking for propofol levels because it had already
been documented in the report , it was Acute Intoxication , a Lethal dose
Title: Re: So....the L.A. Coroner Just Happened To.........
Post by: DancingTheDream on August 29, 2010, 04:09:25 PM
Quote from: "bec"
It's not a game.

Lawyers always treat court cases as games...  it's one big game.
Title: Re: So....the L.A. Coroner Just Happened To.........
Post by: hesouttamylife on August 29, 2010, 05:46:06 PM
I'm gonna put this this way.  If there is a case pending I am almost willing to bet you that this is going to be a case of Michael the addict versus Conrad Murray the innocent care giver.  They are trying to paint Michael as a druggie and Conrad as the unsuspecting good guy who was in the wrong place at the wrong time.  Michael is no longer the victim.  Murray is.  Murray's defense in this scenario will be that he was trying to wean Michael off a pain medication (Conrad admitted that earlier in the investigation), as it has been alleged that he was taking Oxycontin (pharmaceutical grade heroine, opiates classification), which is a drug that causes more pain to get off of than it does to use it up to and including death.  I don't know if he was on it or not.  However, if he was, I can see where they are going with this and it ain't pretty.  Murray's best defense for having given Michael such a large amount of propofol would 9 times out of 10 be that Michael was experiencing so much pain and sickness that he was begging for more Oxy to combat the pain.  Conrad, in being determined to wean him off of Oxy upped the propofol in hopes that it would allow Michael to sleep rather than use, unaware that MJ had been being given additional doses of the meds by someone else and/or taking it on his own.  (Thus the fluids request to determine the levels of Oxy not propofol in his system - a win for Murray).  Though it seems to me that any reputable doctor would know the affects of both of these drugs, that both required being in a hospital with 24-hour monitored attendant, it is foreseeable that someone on the jury would be sentimental to Murray's dilemma and would still return a hung jury decision.  Which is what they are possibly working with.  The poor Murray defense.

Still even in this case, does not mean that Michael died.  Its possible thst he is in an in patient facility to get off all the meds, and the case is being bought to get to the other doctors and other perps involved.

I don't know, but it seems ploy is taking place, a set-up.  Does anyone know for sure if MJ was still taking the Oxycontin?  If not then just consider the above "quashed".
Title: Re: So....the L.A. Coroner Just Happened To.........
Post by: Sweetness on August 29, 2010, 08:02:23 PM
Quote from: "bec"
Quote from: "scorpionchik"
Quote from: "Gema"
Quote from: "2good2btrue"
The fluid specimens are perserved in sodium fluoride after an autopsy...

What if MJ was being really poisoned by it?
It would make sense that all the "autopsies" were made to find out what was in his system that "could have killed him".

Up to this point I am open to any theory to find out what has been happening.

MJ thought himself that he was being poisoned and months later just an article about how Hypocondriac and Paranoid Michael was about his health has seen the light as well (even if it´s tabloid junk..)

I still think that if alive, all the tests are out there to incriminate who really killed the KOP during the years...

Based on what you say, my long time theory has been the following: Murrey has tried to kill Michael giving him too much propofol and leaving unattended, BUT MICHAEL DID NOT DIE. However, Michael decided to "die" to save ANOTHER ATTEMPT TO MURDER HIM. In the mean time, they testing JUSTICE SYSTEM, whether Murrey and ALL OTHER SUSPECTS who hired Murrey and ALL DOCTORS who have prescribed Michael drugs left and right,TEAM OF KILLERS WILL BE REVEALED pursuit accordingly .

But this theory doesn't explain why the charges were never read during the arraignment, why Murray doesn't have a mugshot, why the formal charges as they are written do not exist in the California penal code, why the DA charged Murray with a single count of invol manslaughter, why there are 70 day time spans between trial dates, why trial dates are the business day after Easter, the business day after the anniversary of Michael's acquittal, why there was never a grand jury in this case, why this isn't a federal case, why the police didn't seal the house for 4 days after the "death" and after La Toya and Janet were allowed unlimited access, why Murray's info was deleted from the online data bank for arrests in LA county, why Murray is being given special treatment as far as arrest negotiations, and private entry to court buildings, why Murray still has his medical license, why Murray has never offered his condolences to the Jackson Family and has never made any mention of the passing of Michael Jackson, never made a statement to the press, and has never been seen entering or leaving his supposed residence, etc etc etc etc x4607070365016 things that don't add up on the Conrad Murray aspect of this hoax.

I think you need to understand each one of those things by itself is fairly unprecedented in real life. I'd bet my front teeth the "investigation", "arrest", and impending "trial" of "Dr. Murray" is not real.

PREACH IT!!!!!! You ain't never lied....hat's off to you my friend. ;)
Title: Re: So....the L.A. Coroner Just Happened To.........
Post by: mjboogie on August 29, 2010, 08:43:17 PM
:o  :o  :o
Title: Re: So....the L.A. Coroner Just Happened To.........
Post by: mjj_fan on August 29, 2010, 10:08:07 PM
I dont remember if Oxycontin was mention in the autopsy report , I reckon it wasnt , if he was taking Opioids , it had to be mentioned  in the report , no doubt his drug addiction problem  was largely exaggerated by the media , an excuse to administer Propofol to wean off  Benzodiazepine ( Midazolam and  Lorazepam ) is  non-sense its antidote is Flumazenil  not Propofol , and there is No antidote for Diprivan at all .
             I dont know how will they proceed with the case,how Murray and his lawyers would justify themselves , for someone spending 14 years ( medical school, residency , fellow ship) in the medical field  specially 7 years in Internal medicine  can we expect of him making  blunders like doing CPR  for the  first time with one hand , making a delay calling 911  in an acute emergency when he knew the patient was critical , doing things out side hospital set-up with no appropraite resuscitation devices  in hand ,not being aware of when and what drugs should  be given in which condition and requesting for bodyfluid analysis now ?  
      If my memory serves right ,didnt Murray earned his Cardiology degree from Texas , a State known for elite Cardiology institues like  American Heart Association and the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center . The Southwestern Medical Center ranks among the top academic medical centers in the world .Unless a hoax ,there is , and should be NO escape for him
Title: Re: So....the L.A. Coroner Just Happened To.........
Post by: Glinda on August 30, 2010, 04:25:20 AM
Have you ever seen the tox-report from anna nicole smith? Google it!
Just as a example, it gives you a idea what tests they do.
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