Michael Jackson Death Hoax Investigators

Hoax Investigation => Special Events & Days => General Hoax Investigation => June 25, 2010 => Topic started by: Person on June 27, 2010, 05:19:07 PM

Title: Whatever
Post by: Person on June 27, 2010, 05:19:07 PM
Post by: PrincessMuffybear on June 27, 2010, 05:35:59 PM
Michael hasn't broken any laws in the US so it is highly unlikely he would be arrested when he returns.

I think there is a very good explanation for why he needed to leave...I am sure when he returns it will be abundantly clear.  

God Bless  :)
Post by: karen-ishealive on June 27, 2010, 05:54:34 PM
There is more proof MJ is alive than dead. His family and friends have made alot of slip ups and there are way too many inconsistencies and contradictions for this "death" to be real. If you're not a believer then you're on the wrong site and if you believe MJ is dead then that's your beliefs. We believe he's alive, we all don't believe he'll come back. It's not denial that makes us believe he's alive it's all of the above I have stated and much more.
Post by: Person on June 27, 2010, 05:56:00 PM
Quote from: "PrincessMuffybear"
Michael hasn't broken any laws in the US so it is highly unlikely he would be arrested when he returns.

I think there is a very good explanation for why he needed to leave...I am sure when he returns it will be abundantly clear.  

God Bless  :)

Did you actually read my whole message?

Yes it is, according to US law. My mother works with attorneys. It is illegal to fake death in an attempt to collect insurance and/or escape debts. Michael had hundred million debts. Again, Michael would not go through all this trouble for no explained reason. He's not returning, or else this whole thing would be pointless. Why get us excited for This Is It and make fans waste money buying the tickets if he was just going to ditch the concerts? Again, if he is hiding he wanted NO ONE to know, including fans. He's not coming back. He is in God's Kingdom. Let him live there in peace please.
Post by: Person on June 27, 2010, 05:59:35 PM
Quote from: "karen-ishealive"
There is more proof MJ is alive than dead. His family and friends have made alot of slip ups and there are way too many inconsistencies and contradictions for this "death" to be real. If you're not a believer then you're on the wrong site and if you believe MJ is dead then that's your beliefs. We believe he's alive, we all don't believe he'll come back. It's not denial that makes us believe he's alive it's all of the above I have stated and much more.

Inconsistences? Ok. Please list a few. I'll read them all. But please read my WHOLE message, for it provides many LOGICAL reasons why he wouldn't do this. You haven't provided any reason WHY. You can piece together all the pictures and videos all you want, but with no reason WHY, it's pointless.
Post by: Lonelynation on June 27, 2010, 06:04:41 PM
Quote from: "Person"
Quote from: "karen-ishealive"
There is more proof MJ is alive than dead. His family and friends have made alot of slip ups and there are way too many inconsistencies and contradictions for this "death" to be real. If you're not a believer then you're on the wrong site and if you believe MJ is dead then that's your beliefs. We believe he's alive, we all don't believe he'll come back. It's not denial that makes us believe he's alive it's all of the above I have stated and much more.

Inconsistences? Ok. Please list a few. I'll read them all. But please read my WHOLE message, for it provides many LOGICAL reasons why he wouldn't do this. You haven't provided any reason WHY. You can piece together all the pictures and videos all you want, but with no reason WHY, it's pointless.

There is no need for us to list inconsistencies. If you want to know some, you're on the perfect site - do your own research. You're right, we don't know why Michael would do this. Of course we have ideas as to what the reason may be, but we do not know for sure. Much like you do not know for sure that he's dead. Did you see a body? Did you personally see Michael Jackson's body in a casket? No. If Michael is gone then may he rest in peace, but until there are logical explanations to valid questions, I'm going to keep looking into this very possible hoax.
Post by: karen-ishealive on June 27, 2010, 06:05:27 PM
Quote from: "Person"
Quote from: "karen-ishealive"
There is more proof MJ is alive than dead. His family and friends have made alot of slip ups and there are way too many inconsistencies and contradictions for this "death" to be real. If you're not a believer then you're on the wrong site and if you believe MJ is dead then that's your beliefs. We believe he's alive, we all don't believe he'll come back. It's not denial that makes us believe he's alive it's all of the above I have stated and much more.

Inconsistences? Ok. Please list a few. I'll read them all. But please read my WHOLE message, for it provides many LOGICAL reasons why he wouldn't do this. You haven't provided any reason WHY. You can piece together all the pictures and videos all you want, but with no reason WHY, it's pointless.

If you don't believe MJ is alive then why are you here? We've been here 12 months investigating and putting alot of our time and emotions into this, we don't believe MJ is dead. Please read the forums before you come in shouting at us. And also we're not all conspiracy theorists we're regular MJ fans who saw major f-ups since June 25th 2009
Post by: awesome1 on June 27, 2010, 06:05:43 PM
Quote from: "Person"
Quote from: "PrincessMuffybear"
Michael hasn't broken any laws in the US so it is highly unlikely he would be arrested when he returns.

I think there is a very good explanation for why he needed to leave...I am sure when he returns it will be abundantly clear.  

God Bless  :)

Did you actually read my whole message?

Yes it is, according to US law. My mother works with attorneys. It is illegal to fake death in an attempt to collect insurance and/or escape debts. Michael had hundred million debts. Again, Michael would not go through all this trouble for no explained reason. He's not returning, or else this whole thing would be pointless. Why get us excited for This Is It and make fans waste money buying the tickets if he was just going to ditch the concerts? Again, if he is hiding he wanted NO ONE to know, including fans. He's not coming back. He is in God's Kingdom. Let him live there in peace please.

Now with the assets that michael owned..... do you really believe he was in that amount of debt..... just take a look at this:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_So ... ng_artists (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Sony/ATV_Music_Publishing_artists)

now tell me with the money he would make off that, how is he in soo much debt as the tabloids claim?

And btw how do you know that the tickets were a waste  ??? do you know anyone who bought a ticket.... how many tickets were actually sold ??
Post by: Loveneverfeltsogood on June 27, 2010, 06:13:41 PM
It seems that you know him better than anyone, you know what he would or wouldn't do, i'm not that arrogant, i only know what he did,we have proofs,if you still have any doubts that he is alive please go read this http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/index.php (http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/index.php) , and i can imagine why he did it but i don't know it for sure, i guess i will have to wait till he comes back and explain it with his own words.
Post by: Person on June 27, 2010, 06:19:09 PM
Now with the assets that michael owned..... do you really believe he was in that amount of debt..... just take a look at this:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_So ... ng_artists (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Sony/ATV_Music_Publishing_artists)

now tell me with the money he would make off that, how is he in soo much debt as the tabloids claim?

And btw how do you know that the tickets were a waste  ??? do you know anyone who bought a ticket.... how many tickets were actually sold ??[/quote]

Oh yeah, the Sony catalogue. I definitely know about that. That's a hell of an asset to own! Of course, that bought Michael a lot of revenue in. Lady Gaga's songs are even apart of that catalogue. And yes, he had a lot of debts. He had to give up a part (just a part) of his ownership of Neverland to pay a hefty debt. And what does the amount of tickets sold have to do with anything???
Post by: MJonmind on June 27, 2010, 06:22:28 PM
I give you credit for writing so well what is the very obvious as far as media, family and friends are telling the world. Obviously none of us are blind to that. However Michael was no ordinary person. We feel there is a MOUNTAIN  of evidence that says he is hoaxing his death. Do we love him any less?  Absolutely no! You are not allowing him to be the performer that his heart and God, has called him to be. Don't tell us you are such a big authority on what goes on in the Spiritual realm, and what God does and doesn't do in the lives of people. We love him whether he was murdered or he hoaxed his death, simply because we love him. Period. Not--we'll be so angry and never forgive him if he did happen to hoax his death, for reasons that are not fully apparent yet. We have many speculative reasons but no verification. You-- are squeezing him into your own mold, forcing him to be the person you want him to be. Accusing him of causing you pain, if he did in fact hoax his death. Is that love? Maybe you don't know Michael and all the words he has written, spoken and sung, as well as you think you do. Michael refuses to be forced into a mold. If you say it would make him the biggest liar, then every magician's act is nothing but a lie, every interpretive piece of art is a lie, every hidden mystery in this world is only a lie. So I ask of you --let go a little, dream a little, laugh a little, open your mind and heart a little! That was/is Michael. So maybe this is all about interpretation. Do we love different Michaels?  A lot of hate in this world is simply from misunderstanding. Believers and non-believers will have to agree to disagree, and continue to be a loving support for the one man Michael Jackson.
Post by: paula-c on June 27, 2010, 06:22:47 PM
Person, I respect your opinion, but I do not think Michael has done such a thing out of the media attention
Post by: Person on June 27, 2010, 06:25:37 PM
Quote from: "Loveneverfeltsogood"
It seems that you know him better than anyone, you know what he would or wouldn't do, i'm not that arrogant, i only know what he did,we have proofs,if you still have any doubts that he is alive please go read this http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/index.php (http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/index.php) , and i can imagine why he did it but i don't know it for sure, i guess i will have to wait till he comes back and explain it with his own words.

I only know what he would and wouldn't do because he actually formed his lips to say so. I have gone to that forum, thank u for providing the link though. What reason does he have to come back though?
Post by: missdanipyt on June 27, 2010, 06:29:32 PM
I agree it's definitely not denial that makes us believe. We are not crazy lol we have legitimate reasons.
Trust me I know what it feels like to be coming from the point of view that he is really gone, it took me a while to really be convinced of even the possibility, for a long time I refused to believe he faked his death. I mean look at this way, after Michael died I believed he was now in heaven watching over his children, family, friends, and fans. Watching over us, seeing all the love the world was showing him, and when I prayed to God I believed that he was watching over me, that he would now finally know what I feel in my heart for him. When I started hearing all these hoax theories, I got extremely confused and frustrated because I thought, "Are you watching over me? Are you helping and protecting me? All this time I've been pouring my heart out to you believing you're up in heaven with God and the angels safe and away from pain and now I find out you could be completely oblivious to the fact that I even exist!" So now he's not watching over his fans, he's not seeing all the love he's been given, was not hearing my prayers...and so on. That's a pretty big difference! In my mind I thought people should not be toying with the sacredness of being an angel in heaven, passed on from earth. I never liked how some people didn't believe that the Michael at the 02 press conference wasn't really him either. I just don't like the idea of thinking someone is not Michael when what if it actually is? How do you think that makes Michael feel? It's crazy to be thinking he's alive if he's actually dead BUT it's also crazy to be thinking he's dead if he's actually alive! Plus I worried that if I started believing he was alive and then later found out he was dead, I would just go through this grieving process all over again. I thought it was disrespectful to his family, however the family has not spoken out against it yet ONCE and I'm pretty positive they know people out here believe. I felt hurt because I felt like I was tricked into believing that Michael Jackson could be watching over ME personally and hearing my thoughts and prayers and loving me, actually loving me along with all the other people in the world and the REAL love he has received. All the tributes there were, some people even committed suicide i heard, all the pain and tears, I even know people that sent him balloons to heaven on his birthday, how could it all be for nothing? I was VERY confused for a long time. I was firmly set on the fact that he could never fake his death, to be on earth and to be in heaven are two COMPLETELY different things. I didn't believe his family grieving, especially little Paris at the memorial, no way could that ever be fake.
NOW I am like 90% sure that he is alive. See? Even I went from that to this. I've learned SO SO much. First of all, I know that it's not easy for everybody to understand that the Jacksons could fake their grieving, but we must never underestimate the Jacksons, they will do ANYTHING for their brother. The family always talks about how the children are GREAT actors. Coincidence? There's just WAY too many questionable things that have happened, too many signs, and too many slip ups from the family. Even if you don't 100% believe he's alive, you have to at least question? Mjsfan4ever is currently putting together a list of ALL the clues we have received so far. No matter how much I wanted to believe Michael was really in heaven, I couldn't hide away from all the clues. I could not deny deep in my heart that something in me, no matter how bad I tried to deny it, something in me believed he was still with us. AND I think one of the most important things is the "He would never do this to his fans" deal. All I can say is go here, http://michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?f=48&t=11694&p=194618#p194618 It explains EVERYTHING. Michael did not do this TO us he did it FOR us. Otherwise he would have really died, and THAT is what he does not want for his fans. He cares about us more than we know, and he's taken everything into consideration. He knew there would be grievance but he had to do what he had to do. And all fans that are grieving, all they say is "I'd give anything to have him back." Yet they say if he were still with us that makes him evil? I came to accept the fact that I thought he was in heaven, and it was a shock when I made the transition, but I'm all better now and I've learned that this is so much more than Michael simply "faking his death to escape pressure."
I KNOW how you feel, that it is NOT cool to play this joke on the world and cause people that kind of unbelievable pain, BUT that is NOT the reason he did this. I mean have you ever seen the clip at the end of This Is It, after the credits? He basically gives us the clue himself. ;)
Post by: Happy Feet on June 27, 2010, 06:31:02 PM
I for one believe Michael faked his death for serious and legitimate reason. I have always been 50/50 in the hoax theory. My other belief is that if he did die, then he was murdered. "Fear of Life" has always been my only contender in this hoax. Michael feared his life. That was fact. Others see if differently and I respect that. To me, if Michael is alive there is alot more going on behind the scenes then we are aware of. I have never looked for "clues" in this whole senario, but simply inconsistencies in the stories. Inconsistencies that aren't just mere mistakes or coincidencies. Your right Michael loved his fans and we love him. Many of us stood through thick and thin with him during the deepest hours and times of his life. When his so called friends and Hollywood turned their backs on him, we were there. We too were ridiculed for believing in Michaels innocence. We too were laughed at for still having belief and faith in Michael. It pails in comparison to what he actually endured, but my point is, we were there. In my opinion he would not of done this to us unless he had too. When I watched footage of his fans again this year at Forest Lawn marking the one year anniversary breaking down overwhelmed with grief still, in my heart of hearts I just believe Michael would not let us go through this unless 1. He really is dead or 2. He needed to do this.  I don't believe in a comeback. However if he would, I think the world would only embrace him if he went into hiding for necessary and legitmitate reasons.  But I could be wrong, just giving my reason for believing all of this :lol:
Post by: Loveneverfeltsogood on June 27, 2010, 06:38:28 PM
Quote from: "Person"
Quote from: "Loveneverfeltsogood"
It seems that you know him better than anyone, you know what he would or wouldn't do, i'm not that arrogant, i only know what he did,we have proofs,if you still have any doubts that he is alive please go read this http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/index.php (http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/index.php) , and i can imagine why he did it but i don't know it for sure, i guess i will have to wait till he comes back and explain it with his own words.

I only know what he would and wouldn't do because he actually formed his lips to say so. I have gone to that forum, thank u for providing the link though. What reason does he have to come back though?

 :shock: , did he told you that he will never hoax his death? why didn't you start with this? as i told you i don't know for sure why he did it but he had reasons enough for it.
Post by: Person on June 27, 2010, 06:40:03 PM
Quote from: "MJonmind"
I give you credit for writing so well what is the very obvious as far as media, family and friends are telling the world. Obviously none of us are blind to that. However Michael was no ordinary person. We feel there is a MOUNTAIN  of evidence that says he is hoaxing his death. Do we love him any less?  Absolutely no! You are not allowing him to be the performer that his heart and God, has called him to be. Don't tell us you are such a big authority on what goes on in the Spiritual realm, and what God does and doesn't do in the lives of people. We love him whether he was murdered or he hoaxed his death, simply because we love him. Period. Not--we'll be so angry and never forgive him if he did happen to hoax his death, for reasons that are not fully apparent yet. We have many speculative reasons but no verification. You-- are squeezing him into your own mold, forcing him to be the person you want him to be. Accusing him of causing you pain, if he did in fact hoax his death. Is that love? Maybe you don't know Michael and all the words he has written, spoken and sung, as well as you think you do. Michael refuses to be forced into a mold. If you say it would make him the biggest liar, then every magician's act is nothing but a lie, every interpretive piece of art is a lie, every hidden mystery in this world is only a lie. So I ask of you --let go a little, dream a little, laugh a little, open your mind and heart a little! That was/is Michael. So maybe this is all about interpretation. Do we love different Michaels?  A lot of hate in this world is simply from misunderstanding. Believers and non-believers will have to agree to disagree, and continue to be a loving support for the one man Michael Jackson.

I'm not trying to "mold" him into anything. I see him for who he is. And that man was a human being. He breathed the same air as us and he walked the same land. He was not perfect. Who is? So you're saying God called on Michael to perform this scam infront of billions in the world? I don't know what God is doing and I NEVER said I did, so I don't even know why you suggested that. And YES him dying has caused pain. You're damn right it did. A lot of fans have commited suicide because of this. I'm not justifying that in any way at all, but that's the magnitude his passing has had on us. This is real life. I'm sorry we don't live in a fantasy land where none of our favorite celebrities die. It happens. It happened to Elvis. It happened to some Beatle members. No matter how much we love them, eventually they leave. I LOVE Michael very much, and again I see him for who he is, not some "mold". And from what he allowed us to see, he was a VERY caring man. And unlike faking death, magicians don't cause emotional pain. I'm only writing this because I miss MJ fans being a family unit. I really miss that.
Post by: Person on June 27, 2010, 06:47:54 PM
Quote from: "missdanipyt"
I agree it's definitely not denial that makes us believe. We are not crazy lol we have legitimate reasons.
Trust me I know what it feels like to be coming from the point of view that he is really gone, it took me a while to really be convinced of even the possibility, for a long time I refused to believe he faked his death. I mean look at this way, after Michael died I believed he was now in heaven watching over his children, family, friends, and fans. Watching over us, seeing all the love the world was showing him, and when I prayed to God I believed that he was watching over me, that he would now finally know what I feel in my heart for him. When I started hearing all these hoax theories, I got extremely confused and frustrated because I thought, "Are you watching over me? Are you helping and protecting me? All this time I've been pouring my heart out to you believing you're up in heaven with God and the angels safe and away from pain and now I find out you could be completely oblivious to the fact that I even exist!" So now he's not watching over his fans, he's not seeing all the love he's been given, was not hearing my prayers...and so on. That's a pretty big difference! In my mind I thought people should not be toying with the sacredness of being an angel in heaven, passed on from earth. I never liked how some people didn't believe that the Michael at the 02 press conference wasn't really him either. I just don't like the idea of thinking someone is not Michael when what if it actually is? How do you think that makes Michael feel? It's crazy to be thinking he's alive if he's actually dead BUT it's also crazy to be thinking he's dead if he's actually alive! Plus I worried that if I started believing he was alive and then later found out he was dead, I would just go through this grieving process all over again. I thought it was disrespectful to his family, however the family has not spoken out against it yet ONCE and I'm pretty positive they know people out here believe. I felt hurt because I felt like I was tricked into believing that Michael Jackson could be watching over ME personally and hearing my thoughts and prayers and loving me, actually loving me along with all the other people in the world and the REAL love he has received. All the tributes there were, some people even committed suicide i heard, all the pain and tears, I even know people that sent him balloons to heaven on his birthday, how could it all be for nothing? I was VERY confused for a long time. I was firmly set on the fact that he could never fake his death, to be on earth and to be in heaven are two COMPLETELY different things. I didn't believe his family grieving, especially little Paris at the memorial, no way could that ever be fake.
NOW I am like 90% sure that he is alive. See? Even I went from that to this. I've learned SO SO much. First of all, I know that it's not easy for everybody to understand that the Jacksons could fake their grieving, but we must never underestimate the Jacksons, they will do ANYTHING for their brother. The family always talks about how the children are GREAT actors. Coincidence? There's just WAY too many questionable things that have happened, too many signs, and too many slip ups from the family. Even if you don't 100% believe he's alive, you have to at least question? Mjsfan4ever is currently putting together a list of ALL the clues we have received so far. No matter how much I wanted to believe Michael was really in heaven, I couldn't hide away from all the clues. I could not deny deep in my heart that something in me, no matter how bad I tried to deny it, something in me believed he was still with us. AND I think one of the most important things is the "He would never do this to his fans" deal. All I can say is go here, http://michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?f=48&t=11694&p=194618#p194618 It explains EVERYTHING. Michael did not do this TO us he did it FOR us. Otherwise he would have really died, and THAT is what he does not want for his fans. He cares about us more than we know, and he's taken everything into consideration. He knew there would be grievance but he had to do what he had to do. And all fans that are grieving, all they say is "I'd give anything to have him back." Yet they say if he were still with us that makes him evil? I came to accept the fact that I thought he was in heaven, and it was a shock when I made the transition, but I'm all better now and I've learned that this is so much more than Michael simply "faking his death to escape pressure."
I KNOW how you feel, that it is NOT cool to play this joke on the world and cause people that kind of unbelievable pain, BUT that is NOT the reason he did this. I mean have you ever seen the clip at the end of This Is It, after the credits? He basically gives us the clue himself. ;)

Thank you for taking the time to write that. I read every word. What you guys are doing is speculating something so simple. Earlier I saw one beLIEver swearing he was leaving a message in Cry. Um... unless he's saying "I will fake death in 2009" I doubt he's purposely leaving "clues". Why go through all this chaos and mess just to blow his cover? You can piece together all the clues you want, but without a legitimate reason why, this whole speculation is pointless. Like I said, there is a WHY for EVERYTHING in life. Without the WHY there is no IS.
Post by: Person on June 27, 2010, 06:51:06 PM
Quote from: "Loveneverfeltsogood"
Quote from: "Person"
Quote from: "Loveneverfeltsogood"
It seems that you know him better than anyone, you know what he would or wouldn't do, i'm not that arrogant, i only know what he did,we have proofs,if you still have any doubts that he is alive please go read this http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/index.php (http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/index.php) , and i can imagine why he did it but i don't know it for sure, i guess i will have to wait till he comes back and explain it with his own words.

I only know what he would and wouldn't do because he actually formed his lips to say so. I have gone to that forum, thank u for providing the link though. What reason does he have to come back though?

 :shock: , did he told you that he will never hoax his death? why didn't you start with this? as i told you i don't know for sure why he did it but he had reasons enough for it.

Did he say he was returning in 2010? No, yet you guys assume that, right? And without a reason, this whole thing is a waste of time.
Post by: katooooooo on June 27, 2010, 06:55:11 PM
person: why did you waste your time in here to try to convince us? You are talking about family unit. We are not the one who come in your forum to attack. We do our things on our side. If you don't understand the way we are thinking, i don't know what you are doing in here. In your first post, you told us to leave our computer and live our life...we are living our life by being unit in what we are thinking. (sorry for my bad english)
Always with love
Post by: Person on June 27, 2010, 06:56:41 PM
Quote from: "Happy Feet"
I for one believe Michael faked his death for serious and legitimate reason. I have always been 50/50 in the hoax theory. My other belief is that if he did die, then he was murdered. "Fear of Life" has always been my only contender in this hoax. Michael feared his life. That was fact. Others see if differently and I respect that. To me, if Michael is alive there is alot more going on behind the scenes then we are aware of. I have never looked for "clues" in this whole senario, but simply inconsistencies in the stories. Inconsistencies that aren't just mere mistakes or coincidencies. Your right Michael loved his fans and we love him. Many of us stood through thick and thin with him during the deepest hours and times of his life. When his so called friends and Hollywood turned their backs on him, we were there. We too were ridiculed for believing in Michaels innocence. We too were laughed at for still having belief and faith in Michael. It pails in comparison to what he actually endured, but my point is, we were there. In my opinion he would not of done this to us unless he had too. When I watched footage of his fans again this year at Forest Lawn marking the one year anniversary breaking down overwhelmed with grief still, in my heart of hearts I just believe Michael would not let us go through this unless 1. He really is dead or 2. He needed to do this.  I don't believe in a comeback. However if he would, I think the world would only embrace him if he went into hiding for necessary and legitmitate reasons.  But I could be wrong, just giving my reason for believing all of this :lol:

YES! Michael was murdered. By a irresponsible, negligent, idiot that goes by the name of Dr. Murray. That man's reputation has been TARNISHED. His practice is on the line. He has received death threats by the hundreds. Everywhere he goes, he is stalked. Why would someone want to volunteer for that?
Post by: 1VLOVE on June 27, 2010, 06:56:58 PM
Quote from: "awesome1"
Quote from: "Person"
Quote from: "PrincessMuffybear"
Michael hasn't broken any laws in the US so it is highly unlikely he would be arrested when he returns.

I think there is a very good explanation for why he needed to leave...I am sure when he returns it will be abundantly clear.  

God Bless  :)

Did you actually read my whole message?

Yes it is, according to US law. My mother works with attorneys. It is illegal to fake death in an attempt to collect insurance and/or escape debts. Michael had hundred million debts. Again, Michael would not go through all this trouble for no explained reason. He's not returning, or else this whole thing would be pointless. Why get us excited for This Is It and make fans waste money buying the tickets if he was just going to ditch the concerts? Again, if he is hiding he wanted NO ONE to know, including fans. He's not coming back. He is in God's Kingdom. Let him live there in peace please.

Now with the assets that michael owned..... do you really believe he was in that amount of debt..... just take a look at this:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_So ... ng_artists (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Sony/ATV_Music_Publishing_artists)

now tell me with the money he would make off that, how is he in soo much debt as the tabloids claim?

And btw how do you know that the tickets were a waste  ??? do you know anyone who bought a ticket.... how many tickets were actually sold ??

How about this PERSON...We do not know if ANYONE has claimed any insurance on his "death". Creditors are allowed to make a claim to a persons estate when they die. It appears unlikely that his so called "debts" are not being paid in full. Until we learn that a judge has to settle debts against his estate, his creditors are being paid. I personnly do not believe he would default on ANY financial obligations. The man in my opinion was never in debt as the Tabloids state. I think that perhapes you need to do more research before listening or reading that kind of garbage and posting it.
MJ is a brilliant man with a brilliant purpose in life, one that we are just unable to comprehend. Our minds are finite compared to his.
Post by: PrincessMuffybear on June 27, 2010, 06:58:42 PM
No insurance being collected...no debts being run from.

No laws broken.
Post by: Person on June 27, 2010, 07:00:37 PM
Quote from: "katooooooo"
person: why did you waste your time in here to try to convince us? You are talking about family unit. We are not the one who come in your forum to attack. We do our things on our side. If you don't understand the way we are thinking, i don't know what you are doing in here. In your first post, you told us to leave our computer and live our life...we are living our life by being unit in what we are thinking. (sorry for my bad english)
Always with love

You know what? You are totally right Katooo. Thank you. Why try to convince you to stop wasting time, when you've already been doing it  yourself? I just hope when it finally hits you guys that he is not here and not coming back, it doesn't hurt too bad. This debate can go on for years and years, but he isn't returning. Use your common sense. Good luck in life. Goodbye.
Post by: _Dangerous_ on June 27, 2010, 07:01:45 PM
'' Person ''

Do us all a favor, and get the hell out of this forum, You're just trying to convince us, that he's dead!.. Im warning you..it's not gonna work!
Post by: katooooooo on June 27, 2010, 07:02:47 PM
sorry to tell you that dear but i already cry so, i think if he never come back, i will take it
Post by: missdanipyt on June 27, 2010, 07:04:41 PM

Theres a legitimate reason why. Again, it's just a theory, not 100% fact, but you asked for a legitimate reason. It's a possibility.
Thank you for reading my entire post, I know its a drag to read lengthy things sometimes, I just wanted to let you know that even I, a believer, understand how you feel, and I'm probably not the only one. I realize that the "MJ family unit" is being tampered with a bit, but it's not necessary just because we have different beliefs. It's just because when it comes to Michael, we all have so much love for him, sometimes our passion gets in the way.
Post by: paula-c on June 27, 2010, 07:07:41 PM
I'm going to stop believing when someone explain all this in the following link, and many other things.

viewtopic.php?f=17&t=76&start=0 (http://michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=76&start=0)

I wonder?, That the interest of someone to convince us otherwise?
Post by: bec on June 27, 2010, 07:10:59 PM
Liberian Girl at the burial.

I am curious how the Non-believers justify that one.
Post by: mykidsmum on June 27, 2010, 07:17:33 PM
Bravo!  You said exactly what I have been thinking for a long time, although I will argue on one point...if you can get past all that, this is a good sight for information.
Post by: Happy Feet on June 27, 2010, 07:19:16 PM
Quote from: "Person"
Quote from: "Happy Feet"
I for one believe Michael faked his death for serious and legitimate reason. I have always been 50/50 in the hoax theory. My other belief is that if he did die, then he was murdered. "Fear of Life" has always been my only contender in this hoax. Michael feared his life. That was fact. Others see if differently and I respect that. To me, if Michael is alive there is alot more going on behind the scenes then we are aware of. I have never looked for "clues" in this whole senario, but simply inconsistencies in the stories. Inconsistencies that aren't just mere mistakes or coincidencies. Your right Michael loved his fans and we love him. Many of us stood through thick and thin with him during the deepest hours and times of his life. When his so called friends and Hollywood turned their backs on him, we were there. We too were ridiculed for believing in Michaels innocence. We too were laughed at for still having belief and faith in Michael. It pails in comparison to what he actually endured, but my point is, we were there. In my opinion he would not of done this to us unless he had too. When I watched footage of his fans again this year at Forest Lawn marking the one year anniversary breaking down overwhelmed with grief still, in my heart of hearts I just believe Michael would not let us go through this unless 1. He really is dead or 2. He needed to do this.  I don't believe in a comeback. However if he would, I think the world would only embrace him if he went into hiding for necessary and legitmitate reasons.  But I could be wrong, just giving my reason for believing all of this :lol:

YES! Michael was murdered. By a irresponsible, negligent, idiot that goes by the name of Dr. Murray. That man's reputation has been TARNISHED. His practice is on the line. He has received death threats by the hundreds. Everywhere he goes, he is stalked. Why would someone want to volunteer for that?

I'm not here to convince you and yes I do believe theres a very real chance Michael is gone, but Murray has not been charged with murder and he is still practicing.  I don't think he's being stalked to any major degree considering his pictures available on the internet are few a far between.  He doesn't seem that concerned about his safety when he takes photo ops running on a beach or working out at a gym or going to to Forest Lawn, even having it announced he's attending a large church service? That doesn't seem like the actions of someone who is worried with death threats.

Murray has been well protected in the last 12 months, either one he is being paid off by those who conspired against Michael or he could be working for the authorities or even be one himself.  Search the net and see what you can find about Conrad Murray, the man who supposedly killed Michael Jackson. His past is elusive. No one, not even a neighbour or friend or college roomate has come forward to sell a story about him. Tabloids would buy that story in a second and it doesn't even have to be truth. But no one is talking. You can read stories when a superstar goes out with no underwear or takes a piss, but u can't find anyone who has anything to say about Murray besides his so called patients. That in itself is odd.    Not even maybe a shop keeper where he brought his groceries from. Murray just isn't anybody. Murray is the man that supposedly killed Michael Jackson. There's alot of $$$ to be made in that story, but nothing. Nada. That to me tells me something. That Murray simply isn't just a average run of the Mill Dr who accidentially overdosed Michael Jackson.
Post by: RK on June 27, 2010, 07:21:07 PM
This is going nowhere unless your motivation is to get into a serious confrontation with people who believe. If you are wanting information that believers have gathered and examined, then you have this entire site to look into.  Peace out to you, you are welcome to look around.  I know what I beLIEve and arguments are not about to change that.
Post by: Happy Feet on June 27, 2010, 07:25:35 PM
I don't have a problem with "Person" questioning our beliefs. If we feel strongly about them, then we really shouldn't have a problem with someone challenging them or doubting them. No need for us to get upset.  I think it's good sometimes to have our beliefs challenged. We don't need to convince a person to believe the same, just express why and stand by what we do. But that's just me  :lol:
Post by: hesouttamylife on June 27, 2010, 07:27:06 PM
Person, let me first say that if you have been reading our posts for so long then you would know our theories for him faking his death.  I just posted in another thread about those people who believe Michael owes them more than he's already given, including his decisions to do what ever he sees fitting for his own good without having to provide you or me any explanations.  Do you need his approval before you decide how to live or end yours?  Neither then does he.  

I can't believe that you come here, ill read, and try to tell us how we need to come around to your way of thinking.  Been there.  Done that.  For me it doesn't work because on a site for believers, any doubt is not tolerated.  There is no freedom to wonder, to hope, to question, or even to dream.  It simply is what it is and that is that.  Well, this person doesn't fit into that rigidity.  Sorry, but Ive learned that where there is smoke, many, and I didn't say ALL, but many times there is fire.  

Why are you here for real?  From which group do you hail trying to upset the balance of things here, to get us off course?  There are many other sites you could go to, but you chose this one.  There must certainly be a reason.  Perhaps we are getting a bit too close for comfort, or maybe you are slipping in your beliefs?  Come on.  You started it.  Reveal your real purpose because what you wrote so eloquently just don't cut it. I feel an undertow that is on the verge of surfacing. This is THE hoax site for Michael Jackson.  Why have you come here with this rhetoric at this time?  I don't get any positive vibe from you though you have carefully  chosen your words.  Something is not right.
Post by: ~Souza~ on June 27, 2010, 07:51:57 PM
Quote from: "Person"
Hi, my name is Alonna. Let me first start off by saying I am not a beLIEver. I don't mean to disrespect you guys in any way, and I will try to be as kind as I can in this message. I'd appreciate it greatly if you read what I have to say, for I have listened to every single one of you.

By reading your entire post, I am not sure you really listened to every single one of us. Because if you did, you wouldn't have post this thread.

Quote from: "Person"
I understand Michael passing away has had a devastating affect on every single one of us. It is even harder to accept knowing  that he went with no warning. You guys know Michael LOVED his fans very very much, and he expressed that many times throughout his life. Because of that love, I find it unbelievable that he would actually hurt his fans like this purposely for no reason. Before you click away to reply, please read what I have to say, and hopefully you can understand.

You are dead wrong on 3 parts:

First: not everyone here is a fan, and sees it that way. If Mike would really have died, God have his soul, but my life would have go on. I am not a fan,  I never followed him and if there wouldn't have been so many inconsistensies on June 25, I wouldn't even have Googled "Michael Jackson Fake Death.

Second: You don't have a clue what he would or wouldn't do. You don't know him, you don't know what he thinks and you don't know what he would or wouldn't do.

Third: Who told you he did this for no reason? You said you 'listened' to every single one of us, but clearly you didn't. He did this for a VERY good reason. Go read again and don't post again before you REALLY 'listened' to us.

Quote from: "Person"
You guys have pieced together all of the pictures, videos, recording, etc. suggesting Michael is here. I must admit, some of that evidence has made me think. But the one thing you guys have failed to provide, is a valid reason WHY he would do this. Not what RESOURCES he has to do this scam, but WHY. Why would he do this?

Again: READ! We did provide this many times. If you are really interested (and I don't believe you are) I can provide you with PLENTY of links.

Quote from: "Person"
To get out of media spotlight? Ever since he passed away he has been in the media MORE than ever. A LOT MORE. Ever since he passed away, people have been even MORE interested in his private life, MORE interested in his children's private life, and are bringing up all the old rumors he continually denied throughout his life. Because he isn't here to defend himself, the media can ruthlessly dig into all his privacy MORE than ever. Because he isn't here, people can publish books claiming he was gay and get away with it. Plus, if he really wanted some privacy, why would he say he was doing 50 concerts in London, just to ditch them? Wouldn't that put him in the spotlight more? Where is the "privacy" in that?

Did you ever think about the fact that this is all part of the plan? To get the truth out? That he is using the media now to get his message out? That takes time and before the truth will come out, more garbage will arise.
Quote from: "Person"
Or perhaps to spread his message about healing the planet? I just have one thing to say about that. People are too concentrated on his HOMICIDE case right now.

Oh really? Let me give you one link: viewforum.php?f=97 (http://michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/phpbb2/viewforum.php?f=97)

And I just hang up with a UK radio station, who were very interested in this hoax, and the reasons WHY.

Quote from: "Person"
Speaking of his homicide case, if Michael was so "genius" in making this scam, why would he even make it a homicide and ruin someone's life and career by making the world think they're responsible for killing him? Why not just say he had a heart attack and leave it at that? That would be so much easier and simpler, right? Why have a long dragged out trial and completely RUIN someone's reputation, especially if they're supposed to be helping him in this "hoax"? You know Michael didn't have a cold enough heart to do that to someone for absolutely NO reason.

Reputation? Murray a doctor? Or an actor who will maybe even win an oscar for this later?
And besides that, he has been charged and can keep his license, We are a year ahead and the dude is still not arrested, explain that please...

Quote from: "Person"
And again, Michael LOVED his fans. You should know he would never put us through this much heartache on PURPOSE, especially for NO explained reason. Did you know Michael Jackson fans are described as the most loyal fans in the world? You know why? Because despite all people have tried to do to ruin him, we have always stuck by him. And Michael appreciated that GREATLY. It was his FANS standing up for him when he was accused in 93. It was his FANS that helped make Thriller the biggest selling album of all time. It was his FANS that were cheering outside that courthouse in 2005. It was his FANS that sold out those This Is It tickets in a matter of hours. It was his FANS that attended all his sold out concerts. It was his FANS that showered him with gifts and letters expressing their gratitude to him. It was his FANS that showed up to Neverland in 2002 and gave him dozens and dozens of roses just to show their appreciation of him. And it was his FANS protesting outside that courthouse this year. For him to coldly HURT his fans like this on purpose for nothing, would be absolutely COLD and EVIL of him. And we all know Michael had way too much love in his heart.

Again: stop thinking for the man, he is quite capable of thinking for himself. And again: read the forum before you claim we didn't give a reason why.

Quote from: "Person"
And the $200 million Sony deal his estate is signed to? Hello!!! Michael HATED Sony!!! And I mean he HATED them. He expressed that many times during 2002. Perhaps you should see those vids. Yes, Michael owned half of Sony, but he is not stupid enough to sign BACK with them, after fighting so hard to leave them.

Mike hated Sony, and what did Sony buy? 60 songs! While he has hundreds of unreleased songs. Newly dicovered material is not included in the deal, yet Latoya coniscated a hard drive from Carolwood Drive with unreleased songs that were NOT in the Sony vault. Sony was screwed with this deal.

Quote from: "Person"
Michael would have to get the LAPD, Coroner, the whole UCLA hospital, all of his staff, his friends,  family etc. for them to play along in this scam. It's one thing to suggest he would ask them to get involved. But, think logically. Do you think all of them would really want to participate in a scam like this? And I mean ALL of them. Which is hundreds of people, that are both MJ fans and non MJ fans.

Hundreds of people? Let's see.

The people working on TII: under contract/confidentiality agreement.
The people at the staged burial: Actors who signed a confidentiality agreement. Like reported in the MSM, he wrapped something secret up before his death, but no one was allowed to talk about it, because the signed a confidentiality agreement.
UCLA: One person would be enough. Money, donation, a friend: you name it. No doctor has made a statementr to this day.
LAPD? They just received $ 300,000 from the estate, EXTRA!
Coroner: I haven't heard the coroner himself yet, just our dear Craig Harvey who loves the attention from hoaxies. He has been the spokesperson, he's an actor as well: look him up, he's on IMDB.

Quote from: "Person"
Obviously, 25 June 2010 came and went. Is he revealed now? No. Faking death is against the law in the US. If he were to reveal himself, he would be arrested.

Besides some trolls and wannabees, no one claimed he woud return on June 25. And he would be arrested? For what? Explain please.

Quote from: "Person"
IF Michael hypothetically went through all of this trouble to hide himself, obviously going around telling people he is alive is doing him a disservice. He didn't want people to know, including fans. You're not helping him by spreading this around. Not at all. Only yourself, by selfishly hanging on to him. He's not leaving clues. Michael was a human being. He was not perfect. And as human beings, we all live and we all die. The way he went was absolutely terrible, but it happened. At least "nonbelievers" are trying to help him by voicing their opinion about getting him justice. You are just helping yourself, not Michael. The best you can do for Michael is let him be free. Let him live in Heaven. We will all hopefully get there one day and see him there. Think of all the awesome people Michael got to meet up there. Charlie Chaplin, Fred Astaire, James Brown, Princess Diana, Ryan White, Martin Luther King Jr, Walt Disney, Michaelangelo, Gandi, and all the children he ever helped. And he gets to live the best childhood in the universe. He now has a Neverland in the Heavens. :)

For the last time: STOP thinking for him. He died? Really? What's YOUR proof? We ARE helping Mike, you just don't understan (yet).

Quote from: "Person"
Stop wasting your life with this. Whether he's alive or not, he's not coming back. Just leave it alone, and do something good for the world. That is what Michael would want. Get off the computer and go outside. Do something awesome. Pick up a few pieces of trash and throw them away. Yeah its small, but it's helping.

And you know that because you are his wife? :S  We are not wasting ours lives, we are improving it. Don't come in here and tell us what to do. If you want to keep your eyes closed and think he's dead, go ahead, but in that case you have no business here. Most certainly not with THAT attitude.

Quote from: "Person"
You can piece together all the little pictures, videos, recordings, interviews, etc all you want. But the one thing you can't provide is WHY. There is a reason why for everything. Doing this would make Michael the biggest LIAR in the world. Thank you very much for taking the time to read this. I appreciate it greatly. Please at least think about this. Not the evidence, but the reasons. There is a reason for everything. God bless and take care <3

I'm not gonna say it again, I hope you get the point now.
Post by: scorpionchik on June 27, 2010, 07:52:43 PM
Nice speach full of wrong thoughts. Another "clever" guest. Here you go:

1.Michael does not and never has hated Sony. He had  problems with Tomy Motolla, who was later fired from Sony not to lose Michael who owns 50%.
2.Who cares about LAPD, Coroner, the whole UCLA. Organizations full of BS and stupid, greedy, and manipulative  people who can easily be bribed or misled.  Michael's life was in danger or not, he had GOOD reason to do this, regardless  whether or not he will be back.
3. Michael, by faking the death, has not violated US Law because: a) there is no proof life insurance was claimed after "death"; b) ALL DEBTS were 100% paid already off. BTW, person who tries to conceal from commited crime by hoaxing death is illegal.

I have no disrespect to your mother who works for attorneys, but I have 100% doubt in quality of US attorneys, doctors, and other licensed professionals knoweldge and skills. Letterally. I have legitimate right and ground to announce that.

Let us decide how we want to spend our free time. To your knowledge I am pretty busy person with lots of duties including work and studying.
Post by: glovelove on June 27, 2010, 07:55:08 PM
Quote from: "Person"
Quote from: "katooooooo"
person: why did you waste your time in here to try to convince us? You are talking about family unit. We are not the one who come in your forum to attack. We do our things on our side. If you don't understand the way we are thinking, i don't know what you are doing in here. In your first post, you told us to leave our computer and live our life...we are living our life by being unit in what we are thinking. (sorry for my bad english)
Always with love

You know what? You are totally right Katooo. Thank you. Why try to convince you to stop wasting time, when you've already been doing it  yourself? I just hope when it finally hits you guys that he is not here and not coming back, it doesn't hurt too bad. This debate can go on for years and years, but he isn't returning. Use your common sense. Good luck in life. Goodbye.

Person u know what seen as you are a MJ fan where is yor L.O.V.E ?? just let us be we are qite capable of making or own minds p on this, if yo are a non believer we totally respect that but dont preach to us ..You are slightly arrogant and ignorant to what we are saying and as for saying hes not coming back it doesnt  mean hes dead you use your common sense too ..Michael is a genious if anyone is gonna do a hoax michael is hes got reason too he was in danger of his life ..so if u dont like what we have to say ..then leave and come back with your tail between your legs when the trth is out   L.O.V.E
Post by: ~Souza~ on June 27, 2010, 07:59:08 PM
Quote from: "Person"
Quote from: "PrincessMuffybear"
Michael hasn't broken any laws in the US so it is highly unlikely he would be arrested when he returns.

I think there is a very good explanation for why he needed to leave...I am sure when he returns it will be abundantly clear.  

God Bless  :)

Did you actually read my whole message?

Yes it is, according to US law. My mother works with attorneys. It is illegal to fake death in an attempt to collect insurance and/or escape debts. Michael had hundred million debts. Again, Michael would not go through all this trouble for no explained reason. He's not returning, or else this whole thing would be pointless. Why get us excited for This Is It and make fans waste money buying the tickets if he was just going to ditch the concerts? Again, if he is hiding he wanted NO ONE to know, including fans. He's not coming back. He is in God's Kingdom. Let him live there in peace please.

How do you know he was in dept? Heard it in the media right? Did he ever said so himself? He made millions and millions and millions a year by doing NOTHING, he wasn't in dept. And his life insurance was never paid out, it was cashed in. Ask your mother about the difference. 'Nuff said...
Post by: ~Souza~ on June 27, 2010, 08:00:31 PM
Quote from: "Person"
Quote from: "karen-ishealive"
There is more proof MJ is alive than dead. His family and friends have made alot of slip ups and there are way too many inconsistencies and contradictions for this "death" to be real. If you're not a believer then you're on the wrong site and if you believe MJ is dead then that's your beliefs. We believe he's alive, we all don't believe he'll come back. It's not denial that makes us believe he's alive it's all of the above I have stated and much more.

Inconsistences? Ok. Please list a few. I'll read them all. But please read my WHOLE message, for it provides many LOGICAL reasons why he wouldn't do this. You haven't provided any reason WHY. You can piece together all the pictures and videos all you want, but with no reason WHY, it's pointless.

Here is your why: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=10035 (http://michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=10035)
Post by: ~Souza~ on June 27, 2010, 08:01:55 PM
Quote from: "Person"
Oh yeah, the Sony catalogue. I definitely know about that. That's a hell of an asset to own! Of course, that bought Michael a lot of revenue in. Lady Gaga's songs are even apart of that catalogue. And yes, he had a lot of debts. He had to give up a part (just a part) of his ownership of Neverland to pay a hefty debt. And what does the amount of tickets sold have to do with anything???

Ever heard about 'Smoke and Mirrors' and plantingf seeds when you are thinking about hoaxing your death?
Post by: suspicious mind on June 27, 2010, 08:04:05 PM
ok i jumped ahead here and didn't read all the post so i am sorry if i am repeating anyone. person you say you don't believe micheal is a big fat liar. well i was not a fan . and i don't think he was a liar either. but the other thing i do not think as all people who will go along with this death senario apparently believe  is that he was a pathetic mess.that is the only thing that comes to my mind when i hear all of the stuff that they are feeding us. and by the way if micheal is in  heaven i promise you he doesn't give a flying fiddle about what is goin' on here.
Post by: ~Souza~ on June 27, 2010, 08:04:26 PM
Quote from: "Person"
Quote from: "MJonmind"
I give you credit for writing so well what is the very obvious as far as media, family and friends are telling the world. Obviously none of us are blind to that. However Michael was no ordinary person. We feel there is a MOUNTAIN  of evidence that says he is hoaxing his death. Do we love him any less?  Absolutely no! You are not allowing him to be the performer that his heart and God, has called him to be. Don't tell us you are such a big authority on what goes on in the Spiritual realm, and what God does and doesn't do in the lives of people. We love him whether he was murdered or he hoaxed his death, simply because we love him. Period. Not--we'll be so angry and never forgive him if he did happen to hoax his death, for reasons that are not fully apparent yet. We have many speculative reasons but no verification. You-- are squeezing him into your own mold, forcing him to be the person you want him to be. Accusing him of causing you pain, if he did in fact hoax his death. Is that love? Maybe you don't know Michael and all the words he has written, spoken and sung, as well as you think you do. Michael refuses to be forced into a mold. If you say it would make him the biggest liar, then every magician's act is nothing but a lie, every interpretive piece of art is a lie, every hidden mystery in this world is only a lie. So I ask of you --let go a little, dream a little, laugh a little, open your mind and heart a little! That was/is Michael. So maybe this is all about interpretation. Do we love different Michaels?  A lot of hate in this world is simply from misunderstanding. Believers and non-believers will have to agree to disagree, and continue to be a loving support for the one man Michael Jackson.

I'm not trying to "mold" him into anything. I see him for who he is. And that man was a human being. He breathed the same air as us and he walked the same land. He was not perfect. Who is? So you're saying God called on Michael to perform this scam infront of billions in the world? I don't know what God is doing and I NEVER said I did, so I don't even know why you suggested that. And YES him dying has caused pain. You're damn right it did. A lot of fans have commited suicide because of this. I'm not justifying that in any way at all, but that's the magnitude his passing has had on us. This is real life. I'm sorry we don't live in a fantasy land where none of our favorite celebrities die. It happens. It happened to Elvis. It happened to some Beatle members. No matter how much we love them, eventually they leave. I LOVE Michael very much, and again I see him for who he is, not some "mold". And from what he allowed us to see, he was a VERY caring man. And unlike faking death, magicians don't cause emotional pain. I'm only writing this because I miss MJ fans being a family unit. I really miss that.

You really need to get rid of your emotional barrier and stop acting like you know him. You know the Michael Jackson as he presented himself, you don't know him. Let that go and look again.
Post by: teine21 on June 27, 2010, 08:31:18 PM
If MJ hoaxed his death for whatever reason. I believe he would only do it if he HAD to, for safety or he really was in debt. No ifs, ands or buts. If that's the case then whether he had to lie or not, I think he'd do it. Despite what people think or say, if he has to, he has to.
Post by: Hazzely on June 27, 2010, 08:51:18 PM
(http://img197.imageshack.us/img197/3236/emo7975mundomessengerco.png) (http://img197.imageshack.us/i/emo7975mundomessengerco.png/)

Love to see how people claims to KNOW Michael .. Was he your buddy?

The fact that he was/is Michael Jackson doesn't mean he exposed or showed himself the way he really was. He loved his fans, so what? He also loved LIFE. If he was in danger then hell, what do you want him to do? Stay still saying "Yes please kill me, I'm all yours"? .. This is bizarre! Seeing out there so many "die hard fans" STATING they know him SO WELL and that he WOULDN'T DO THIS and THAT is just PATHETIC! He was/is humble, sweet, loving and everything you want but not naive..I'm completely sure he knew what was going on around him and who he could trust and not.

NO ONE really knows him but Michael Jackson himself


(http://img28.imageshack.us/img28/6844/smileyvforvictory.png) (http://img28.imageshack.us/i/smileyvforvictory.png/)
Title: Re: Whatever
Post by: KingofPop4ever on June 27, 2010, 08:54:09 PM
Quote from: "Person"

Awesome. *whistling and moving on with my life*
Title: Re: Whatever
Post by: OneLove on June 27, 2010, 08:54:31 PM
What is the point of this thread? No one claims to know him. We're just searching for the truth. No one is harming anyone. Why are you offended?
Title: Re: Whatever
Post by: ~Souza~ on June 27, 2010, 08:56:16 PM
A lock, thank you all for your hoax support ;)
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