if he would have chosen for a natural death ( heart-attack)
it wouldn't be THAT suspicious. The man has worked his whole life etc.
BUT in this story, there are alot of contradictons, things that don't add up.
Things that just make you wonder. The fake ambulance pic, the call,...
those fake 'proofs' aren't made for nothing, it's made for us, to open our eyes!!
This hoax proves that there's something very wrong with the american justice system.
( maybe he wants to refer to his own trial?) a doctor who has killed someone can still be a doctor? a free man? yeah right.
He's just giving clues that this really is a hoax AND that the justice system is BS.
( sorry, but that's just the way it is. )
and ' he doesn't want to be associated with drugs' well here's also an explanation:
He made the song ' morphine' well, that song is about drugs... So it's not that he avoids the subject.
and maybe when this whole truth will finally come out, we will have the proof that he didn't use drugs AT ALL.
and what if he did use painkillers? so what? he was in pain, everyone can have that.
He had health-problems...
and if he really would be that deep, i don't think his children would be so kind, well-mannered,..
I hope you understand my point??
( I hope i haven't made alot of faults in my language ....)