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November 24, 2009, 09:52:05 AM
I am putting this post up to try to help everyone with all the links from the thisisalsoit website. It is extremely long and will require dedication and time to thoroughly evaluate it and form an informed opinion. I hope that there is at least a few who will put in the effort to try to understand what Michael is telling us with these clues. Good luck, you just may find the answer!

1. Michael Jackson Hoax Death Forum

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It first directs back to the MJHD website...to keep people searching about the fact that his death is a hoax. This helps the fans to relieve their pain, because if you research you really see all the discrepancies in the "death" story and believe he could be alive. I KNOW he is alive and so do many others.

2. Official movie site and trailer for Michael Jackson's This Is It

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3. Movie 2012 (trailer)

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This movie is about the possible end of the world. At the end of the trailer for this
movie it says "No matter what you believe, one date will unite us all!" In MJ's
This Is It, he says WE have 4 years to fix the problems...don't look to the government to fix it.

4. Movie V for Vendetta

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Read this entire page, then go rent the movie and listen to every word! This movie reflects what is going on in our world today, and is also an important message from Michael about how to overcome all the problems we see. It demonstrates the fact that when you overcome your fear you are FREE. I believe Michael is playing the part of V in real life now with this hoax. WATCH THE MOVIE, you will see what I'm talking about. It shows how we ALL need to stand beside Michael, support him, and HEAL THE WORLD! Also pay attention in the movie to where V puts his signature mark. It is on a sign that reads "Strength in Unity, Unity In Faith.

Here is a link to watch V for Vendetta free online.

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5. EndGame (movie trailer)

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This link was given for a very important reason. It explains how the New World Order has come about and what they have planned for us all. Unfortunately the trailer doesn't give enough information to convince some people of the entire picture. The link below is to a playlist on YouTube that has the entire movie Endgame. It will play all 13 parts of the movie, one after another. We were told to look at this for a reason!

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6. Joey Skaggs-The Final Curtain

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"Multimedia artist Joey Skaggs has been called everything from the World's Greatest Hoaxer to a royal pain in the @ss. He's been threatened, assaulted, summonsed, subpoenaed, arrested, deposed, dismissed, trivialized, maligned, even thanked and praised. In fact, Skaggs is America's most notorious socio-political satirist, media activist, culture jammer, hoaxer, and dedicated proponent of independent thinking and media literacy."

Do some reading on the two sites below that belong to Mr. Joey Skaggs. You will quickly see how easy it can be to pull off a really good hoax. Michael Jackson is using this elaborate death hoax as a means to deliver his most urgent and important message to the world

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7. Video clip Liberian Girl

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We were sent to this video because it tells us Michael is the one behind the camera "directing" it all. It also reminds us that we saw his famous Liberian Girl pic at both his Memorial and Funeral services. There are millions of beautiful pictures of Michael, yet this particular image is selected. Why? To tell us once again, he's alive and behind this hoax which is like a "game". Pay attention!

8. Alternate Reality Game (ARG) Year Zero

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Trent Reznor from Nine Inch Nails said Year Zero is an ARG based on a concept album of the same name. He said "could be about the end of the world", and marked a "shift in direction"...

"I really wanted to focus on something that was at the forefront of my consciousness which is, as an American, I'm appalled by the behavior of our government, the direction that it has taken and the direction that it's taken everyone else in the world and its arrogance... I decided to write an essay about where the world might be if we continue down the path that we're on with a neo-con-esque government doing whatever it pleases..."

The plot of the game is below, sound familiar?! (V for Vendetta, Endgame,..NWO/Illuminati?)

The story takes place in the United States in the year 2022, which has been termed "Year 0", by the American government, being the year that America was reborn. The U.S. had suffered several major terrorist attacks, apparently by Islamic fundamentalists, including attacks on Los Angeles and Seattle.
In response, the government granted itself emergency powers and seized absolute control on the country.
The U.S. government is now a Christian fundamentalist theocracy, maintaining control of the populace through institutions like the Bureau of Morality and the First Evangelical Church of Plano. Americans must get licenses to marry, bear children, etc. Subversive activities can result in these licenses being revoked. Dissenters regularly disappear from their homes in the night, and are detained in federal detainment centers and sanitariums, if not executed.

The government corporation Cedocore distributes the drug Parepin through the water supply, making Americans who drink the water apathetic and carefree. There are several underground rebel groups, mainly operating online, most notably Art is Resistance and Solutions Backwards Initiative. The First Evangelical Church of Plano is a fundamentalist Protestant Christian church which is favored by the neo-conservative government. The Church has a "neighborhood cleansing program" for vigilante church members. Feeding the evangelical fundamentalism is a phenomenon known as The Presence, a huge, paranormal hand that descends from the sky. According to the website, I Am Trying To Believe, The Presence is a mass hallucination brought on by Parepin.

According to the ARG, the corporate, government and subversive websites were transported back in time to the present by a group of scientists who were against the authoritarian government, and sent these Year Zero websites to the year 2007 to warn the American people of 2007 of the impending dystopian future, to prevent it from ever forming in the first place. Indeed, Art Is Resistance is a presently active online group dedicated to preventing the dystopian future depicted in the ARG.

9. A YouTube video titled 9/11 Truth vs Mainstream Media

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The key here is to question the media...TRUTH vs the Mainstream Media.

A recent poll showed over 70% of Americans have serious questions as to what really happened September 11, 2001. Investigate this for yourself, there are many questioning the story that the media has fed to us! Here's a few links.

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As a reminder here's part of MJ's Tabloid Junkie lyrics...

"Speculate to break the one you hate
Circulate the lie you confiscate
Assassinate and mutilate
As the hounding media in hysteria
Who's the next for you to resurrect
JFK exposed the CIA
Truth be told the grassy knoll
As the blackmail story in all your glory

It's slander
You say it's not a sword
But with your pen you torture men
You'd crucify the Lord
And you don't have to read it, read it
And you don't have to eat it, eat it
To buy it is to feed it, feed it
So why do we keep foolin' ourselves

Just because you read it in a magazine
Or see it on the TV screen
Don't make it factual
Though everybody wants to
read all about it"

10. ART Is Resistance flyer

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This is artwork that went with the Year Zero game. Interesting what it says...You Have a Voice, Speak The Truth, You Will Be Heard, Art Is Action Without Violence, Here Is One Thing the Government Want's You To Forget...You Can Act!

11. Wikipedia Faked Death

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Faking or hoaxing your death has been done by many people for a variety of reasons. Michael is hoaxing his death to use it as a platform to spread the most important message of all! When people realize the message and stand united with him there will be NO legal charges! He is exposing the corruption in the world to help us Heal The World. Michael is delivering his message to the world in a unique way, showing that Art can be Resistance.

12. Wikipedia Performance Art

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Performance art is a term usually reserved to refer to a kind of usually avant garde or conceptual art which grew out of the visual arts. Oftentimes, there exists a hierarchy between viewer and artist. With participation art, this wall is broken down and the work of art is now judged by the reaction of the viewer. In other words, the reaction is the deciding factor of the art.

If you watched the movie V for Vendetta, did you notice several times a curtain was pulled back to show a brick wall? As more people awakened to V's message, each time the curtain was then pulled back, you saw the brick wall coming down!

13. Forum Death Hoax investigation

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Now why would we be directed to this page? It is a particular page, in a particular forum thread about all the clues (at that point) that everyone following the redirects from You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login were discussing. What info is there that the person/people behind the website wanted everybody to see. Read and decide.

14. Lawrence Weiner Conceptual Art

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This art is a brick wall with the words "Bits and Pieces Put Together To Present A Semblance Of A Whole".

Conceptual art also reacted against the commodification of art; it attempted a subversion of the gallery or museum as the location and determiner of art, and the art market as the owner and distributor of art. Lawrence Weiner said: "Once you know about a work of mine you own it. There's no way I can climb inside somebody's head and remove it." Many conceptual artists' work can therefore only be known about through documentation which is manifested by it, e.g. photographs, written texts or displayed objects, which some might argue are not in themselves the art. It is sometimes reduced to a set of written instructions describing a work, but stopping short of actually making it—emphasising that the idea is more important than the artifact.

So perhaps as we put the clues (bits and pieces) together, we will see the big picture as the brick wall comes down. (Remember V for Vendetta?)

15.Yellow brick road /Wizard of Oz

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A great post by MsInsignificant explains the hidden meanings behind the movie.

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16. Another forum thread about movie 2012

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So we are to look at this movie again for clues and MJ parallels.
This movie is about the dire circumstances our planet could face
very soon, if people don't unite to fix it's problems. The lead character's
name in the movie is Jackson. By the end of the movie it is Jackson that actually plays the biggest part in uniting everybody and saving the world. Coincidence? By now I doubt anyone who has researched all of the above could say that. We know that Mr. Michael Jackson spent his entire life trying to tell us to Keep The Faith, told us we can Heal The World, to look at the Man In The Mirror, and make that change!

Michael Jackson is alive and using this hoax to deliver all the messages from the links we have been given. He said in his movie, This Is It, I do this for the awareness, awakening, and to give hope.

17. Bible Passage

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John 14:29 (New King James Version)

29 “And now I have told you before it comes, that when it does come to pass, you may believe."

This clue seems pretty self explanatory. Michael is desperately trying to warn us!


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This is a thread I felt compelled to put together for everyone to be able to examine the links and clues we have been directed to from thisisalsoit.com. Shortly after I posted this new thread topic it became the next redirect from TIAI. For myself, this was intense and joyful confirmation that I was on the right track. It appears to be helping many people come together and understand Michael's message to the world.

19. Love image

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This is a beautiful image telling us once again that this is all for LOVE. Notice MJ in the picture with his arms up in a V shape? Is this a sign of V for Victory...or V for Vendetta...perhaps both?! This image also has a website address at the bottom.

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The image is also hosted on this website

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20. Kenny Ortega Interview on collider.com

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A reporter from Omelet, which covers video games, movies, and music, interviews Kenny Ortega about Michael Jackson's This Is It. Kenny says that the dvd/blu-ray will be out early next year and will be the movie in it's original format, plus 2-3 hours of bonus material. MJ's father, Joe, at the BET awards just days after Michael's "death" was promoting his new business venture Ranch Records. Joe's friend also said that blu-ray was HIS next step.I think he was referring to Michael not Joe. Michael was the one investing in new technology.

21. Michael Jackson Doctor Investigation Will Go into 2010

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I think this link is to try to get everyone to settle down about Dr. Murray not being arrested yet. First off, MJ is alive and this is all a hoax remember? Nobody died and nobody will get arrested. This is a stall tactic for the general public to believe that the LAPD is doing a full investigation. This "game" that MJ is using to get his message out to the world needs to play out a little longer so everybody figures out the message behind it.

22. DVD Easter eggs- Hidden features on DVDs and other media

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This site is hinting about finding clues in media...particularly dvds. The clues are usually found in the bonus or extras found in the dvd. While I think that there will be clues in the upcoming TII dvd, I believe there could be "easter eggs" in the movie V for Vendetta. Possibly other places too, other forms of media.

23. An image/logo of two 7's facing each other...called seventy seven

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These two 7's facing each other look like MJ's logo

There are many times that the number seven, or multiples of 7 like 77 or 777 come up regarding MJ. Another "investigator" on this forum, Pammy, found the following link. This site is about digital media presentation. Both the music and the projects listed on this site may have clues. I noticed Reel 77...watch and pause to catch text messages. Look for more clues on this site, I have a feeling there are many.
Notice at the top of browser window it says "seventy-seven:resurrection
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24. Another Bible quote

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4 Sing unto the LORD, O ye saints of his, and give thanks at the remembrance of his holiness.

Serenitys_Dream provided this full quote on another post, I'm also adding it here.

Psalm 30 (King James Version)
Psalm 30
1 I will extol thee, O LORD; for thou hast lifted me up, and hast not made my foes to rejoice over me. 2O LORD my God, I cried unto thee, and thou hast healed me. 3 O LORD, thou hast brought up my soul from the grave: thou hast kept me alive, that I should not go down to the pit. 4 Sing unto the LORD, O ye saints of his, and give thanks at the remembrance of his holiness. 5 For his anger endureth but a moment; in his favour is life: weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning. 6 And in my prosperity I said, I shall never be moved. 7 LORD, by thy favour thou hast made my mountain to stand strong: thou didst hide thy face, and I was troubled. 8 I cried to thee, O LORD; and unto the LORD I made supplication. 9 What profit is there in my blood, when I go down to the pit? Shall the dust praise thee? shall it declare thy truth? 10 Hear, O LORD, and have mercy upon me: LORD, be thou my helper. 11 Thou hast turned for me my mourning into dancing: thou hast put off my sackcloth, and girded me with gladness; 12 To the end that my glory may sing praise to thee, and not be silent. O LORD my God, I will give thanks unto thee for ever.

LilWendy Has an excellent page that goes into this verse and meaning even more.

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25. YouTube video clip of Thriller performance from This Is It movie

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Unfortunately this video didn't last long, YouTube pulled it because of copyright claim by Columbia Pictures. I quote here part of a very informative post made my Serenitys_Dream which I think helps to decipher the meaning of the video.

Quote from: "Serenitys_Dream"

First off The word Thriller is backwards. Maybe from death to life?

Next, he seems to be miming, using his body to convey a message. I have no idea what he is trying to say though...lol

The Spider - Weaver of Fate, Symbolic of Creation, Creativity and Linking Past and Future. The body is shaped like a figure eight, which, on its side, represents eternity. She has links to the past, future, birth and creation. The Greeks associated her with the Fates; Asian Indians with Maya, weaver of illusion and the Scandinavians, with the Norns, women who wove the threads of life. Many Native Americans believed that Spider wove the first alphabet, the dream of the world become manifest. Spider’s web signifies the tapestry of life.
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Michael is inside the Spider, he is in the grasp of death, possible died and he emerges from this Spider alive...a literal RESURRECTION!

Then we have the zombies rising from there graves and the dead falling from their the sky...resurrection of those who have previously passed being returned to the earth.

The Resurrection of the Dead
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The word adventure which Michael says during 'This Is It' has it's root in the following:

The etymology of adventure lies in the Latin word "advenire," which means "to happen to." The English root word is "advent," meaning "the coming or arrival."

26. Another Bible Passage

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Acts 14:20 (New King James Version)

20 However, when the disciples gathered around him, he rose up and went into the city. And the next day he departed with Barnabas to Derbe.

Again, I will quote another, LilWendy, with coming up with a very plausible meaning to this bible quote and how it relates to Michael. Read below for what she wrote.

Ok so first off, NEVER read a bible verse without looking into the context of it.

So the disciples have been visiting many places and spreading the Gospel message.  It has been causing dissension and caused Paul and Barnabas to flee.

They visit two places in Acts 14, Lystra and Derbe, where the two are mistaken for pagan gods.

Some people have followed these two through their travels to hinder their work.  Just before verse 20, these people succeed in turning the crowds against Paul and Barnabas.

Paul is stoned and left for dead.

But he revives and continues preaching.

Verse 20 is about how Paul persevered.  When he was knocked down and left for dead, he rose again and continued on his mission.


I get knocked down, but I get up again You nay ever gonna keep me down….

Paul is very similar to MJ here.  MJ had a message he was spreading and many people sought out to take him down… conspiracy.

They tried to turn the masses against MJ and unfortunately to a large extent, they succeeded.

It’s very hard for a leader like MJ.  Many will “hero-worship” you and you can be on top of the world in the masses eyes one minute and then when you show your humanness, they will feel betrayed and hate you the next.

However, MJ, like the energizer bunny…keeps going and going and going… he is staying true to his mission.

I am really starting to believe that MJ is redirecting people back to what is all for… what everything we live for is… why we’ve been created….


The above was quoted from
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LilWendy also has another page which goes into this further, check it out.

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27. A collage image on wikimedia about community, love, and support

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For a short while on the day this link was posted, the image was interactive. While it was interactive you could mouse over the small images and view messages. Someone spotted the Santa Claus and said this text popped up "I love Christmas. Santa Claus will bring my gift? Peace and love."

Unfortunately, this page did not stay interactive for long and many, including myself, did not see this message. Was it a message from Michael?

So I ask you all, has Michael made this urgent message crystal clear?
I hope so because he has definitely sent out a BIG WAKE UP CALL!

Let's all have faith in ourselves and work together to "Heal the world, make it a better place, for you and for me and the entire human race!"

Blessed to have been,
Touched By An Angel

Last Edit: November 30, 2009, 10:23:31 PM by TouchedByAnAngel
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November 24, 2009, 04:38:30 PM
Thanks for posting this thread again, TouchedByAnAngel!
Glad to read it again...
I'll keep reading any further insight from you!
Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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That\'s a chance I\'ll take, Heaven can wait...

November 24, 2009, 08:10:03 PM
Some people may wonder if we are part of this vision this hoax...
Of course we are part of this!! Michael Jackson has millions of fans. It is rumoured that almost a billion people watched the memorial. If there was a need to make a global impact, you would have to find someone with enough influence over a huge amount of people. Someone that had a very loyal following.
Enter Michael Jackson.
If we, the MJ fans, get what he is trying to teach us, then it is our responsibility to not only spread the message, but to act on it to make a change.
We are definitely part of this!!
Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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November 25, 2009, 01:44:15 AM
Quote from: "lilwendy"
Some people may wonder if we are part of this vision this hoax...
Of course we are part of this!! Michael Jackson has millions of fans. It is rumoured that almost a billion people watched the memorial. If there was a need to make a global impact, you would have to find someone with enough influence over a huge amount of people. Someone that had a very loyal following.
Enter Michael Jackson.
If we, the MJ fans, get what he is trying to teach us, then it is our responsibility to not only spread the message, but to act on it to make a change.
We are definitely part of this!!
Couldn't have said it better.  :D
Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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[size=150]We didn\'t lose Michael, we just can\'t find him.[/size]

"Everyone loved Michael, we all loved him, but I mean, look what we did..." --Gladys Knight



November 25, 2009, 02:33:55 AM
TOUCHED, thanks for bringing this topic here. ;)
Last Edit: December 01, 2009, 03:58:31 AM by juliet
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November 25, 2009, 09:27:39 AM
lilwendy wrote: Some people may wonder if we are part of this vision this hoax...
Of course we are part of this!! Michael Jackson has millions of fans. It is rumoured that almost a billion people watched the memorial. If there was a need to make a global impact, you would have to find someone with enough influence over a huge amount of people. Someone that had a very loyal following.
Enter Michael Jackson.
If we, the MJ fans, get what he is trying to teach us, then it is our responsibility to not only spread the message, but to act on it to make a change.
We are definitely part of this!!

Well said, I'm a little lost with that of thisisalsoit, I've had a lot of work these days, I'm understanding
Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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November 25, 2009, 06:32:04 PM
Thank you Touched By An Angel for posting this writing again, this is just too important to be left to the old forum, I feel there's just such an insight in your post for all those clues that have been coming, you really are extraordinary.. : )

I was actually trying to edit the first post that I wrote in this thread on the old forum, trying to add some more information and make the post a bit clearer, when I noticed that the thread and the forum had been locked, and I thought that maybe I should just leave it at that and not post it again, and just felt that it was getting just too long and disorganized.. But then I read Touched By An Angel's message and felt that maybe I should post that writing again after all.. So, I'll try to send it soon : )

I don't know why but I have been feeling a bit down for a couple of days now, it just gets to me at times.. : ( Sometimes you are almost sure that Michael still is here with us, and sometimes there is the sadness with all the uncertainty, and you just start thinking that if all that he had to go through was just too much for him.. But I know he was strong, and I know I shouldn't lose hope, and I know that the hope is going to come back again, that is just the way it goes.. And there are just too many inconsistencies and things that just don't add up, I'll just have to keep the faith..

And.. Whatever happens..everything will be alright
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If Michael still is alive, we'll just have to "let him breathe in his own time", and, when he's ready, he will come back with his message, it is never too late : ) Although, I really wouldn't blame him if he had decided not to come back.. But there's always hope : )
Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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November 25, 2009, 06:45:42 PM
HealTheWorld Please please just copy/paste your post from the old forum and put it here. This is like an archive for everybody to come to, and your post had so many informative links to share with everybody. Keep the Faith Hon, everything is going to be just fine when it is all over. THIS IS IT!

Soon, and very soon, we are going to see the KING!

Blessed to have been,
Touched By An Angel
Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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About Michael's message
November 25, 2009, 07:25:35 PM
I've been following these forums (MJDH and this one) almost since the day of 25th June, trying to search for the truth about all that was happening during that day, as well as before and after that. Michael is, for me, a real humanitarian, and a messenger of truth and peace, a very rare human being, and I feel horrible when I think about what he has had to go through. He really is a great inspiration for me, and I see that we really have a lot to learn from him on the journey to a healed world. Because right now our world really seems to be in quite a bad place, and it is love and caring for other people, hope and strenght that we really need.

This time after his death or "death" has been really hard for me, to feel that you have (and later, with the possibility of the hoax, might have) lost an angel, a really wonderful human being that really would have so much to give to our world, especially now. I still do not dare to be totally sure that he's alive, but I feel that every day it just seems to become more and more likely for him to be alive. Everything just seems to be leading to that, and I'm thinking that if he really is gone, then there is really quite a plot to make us believe that he still is alive. It just doesn't seem too likely when it seems to be also his family and "friends" in on this hoax. I feel that we may actually be quite close to find out the truth. And I think that if he really has managed to fake his death, then there definately is a bigger meaning behind that all. Still, there is still the possibility of a murder for me that I can't totally put away from my mind, although I really hope that isn't the case.

What really got me to register to this forum now and post here for the first time were the "this is also it" redirections, cause they actually come very close to the things that i've been trying to study on my own practically daily for almost two years. I've been trying to search for the truth about life, and for the state of our world, and I could say that it hasn't always been very pleasant or comfortable to try to accept what is going on around us.

I know this is gonna be a long post, and I'm really sorry for that, I just hope that this might help at least someone trying to figure out what is going on in our world.. And, I'm from Finland, and English is not my native language, so I'm sorry for the mistakes..

First of all, I would like to say that I totally agree with Touched By An Angel on her view on these things, she's thinking exactly the same as I was about these things. And well, although there is the possibility that these things would not be coming from Michael, (which I think seems just become less and less likely all the time), I think these things still would be very important (I think we actually don't have too much time any more, so I feel it's essential that as many people as possible would know about these things and at least consider if there would be any chance for them to be true), but I also think that this is something that Michael probably was aware of and would have liked people to know. I feel strongly this is something Michael would do. What I'm talking about is for example this "new world order" and all kinds of things related to that that have also been brought up here many times on this forum, about which I am very happy and actually a bit suprised that there really has been this kind of rise of consciousness about these matters, and so fast.

First I would like to say that I think that Michael has actually tried to speak (and sing) and warn people about the state of the world, for example in many of his songs. (And there lies the possibility of him being murdered, I think, because if he would manage to get this message through, he would really reach billions of people.) There have probably been many posts on that also, I think. There are many songs, the lyrics of which should be paid attention to, for example the song They don't care about us as of course, that's a song with very powerful lyrics. (about racism, equality but also the government)
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For example this part:

”Tell me what has become of my rights
Am I invisible because you ignore me?
Your proclamation promised me free liberty, now
I'm tired of bein' the victim of shame
They're throwing me in a class with a bad name
I can't believe this is the land from which I came
You know I do really hate to say it
The government don't wanna see
But if Roosevelt was livin'
He wouldn't let this be, no, no”

Then there's the song great Money that's, very eye-opening, I think:
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Money, greed, lust, and the devil that I think has to do with the elite that is ruling our precious world without any mandate given to them by us, the people.(also behind the music industry,Hollywood, there really are some satanic dimensions about them).                                                                                                                                                                                          Also You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login (the whole lyrics are just so powerful)                                                                                                                                                                    

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You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login (Notice also the note about Hollywood)
You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login (CIA, KKK etc.)                                                                            

Lyrics for Xscape You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login                                                                       (”Everywhere I turn, no matter where I look, The systems in control..away from electric eyes..Xscape, got to get away from a system loose in the world today..the man with the pen that writes the lies that hassle this man”).                                                                                                                                                                                           Also his music videos for ”Who is it” You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login (elite and prostitution,MKUltra and the monarch-program),                                                                                                                                                                
The full video for ”Black or White” You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login (especially the black panther part, crashing the windows with ”KKK rules”, ”Nigger go home”, ”Hitler lives”, the swastika etc., and then him destroying the ”Royal Arms” hotel sign, and a lot more),
And of course the videos for They don't care about us..the Brazilian version with the ”all seeing eye” on the wall behind him (around 1.20), and the police officers (referring to the government) You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login , and then the prison version that really speaks for itself..the government, control, wars, human rights abuses,it's all there.. You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
and many many other...

Actually I think that the whole album HIStory was one of Michael's most "telling" as well as a very touching album (just can't listen to it without crying at least at some points), but there is very much "clues" in many of his other albums too, including the sadly underrated Invincible, Blood On The Dance Floor, Dangerous, Bad. He really made such wonderful music and he has just touched my heart in a very special way.. : )

But, to the New World Order then, actually you can get quite a good idea about what it is if you've watched these movies in the clues 3 (Movie V for Vendetta), 4 (Movie EndGame) and also the videoclip about 911. Those things are still today dubbed just as stupid conspiracy theories, but actually if you start studying this all, it just gets harder and harder to deny it, especially when you see everything that's happening around you, all the news that are coming from all around our world every day, it's all leading to the same conclusion: That our world is going towards a one fascist world government and all the things related to that:
-Abolition of all national governments,at least stripping off their powers, abolition of patriotism, the creation of a world government
-Abolition of private property
-Abolition of inheritance
-Abolition of the family (Michael has also spoken about this, see the lovely, but heartbreaking Oxford speech (all parts):
You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login for example, or the song Superfly sister, about real love:
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-Abolition of religions (and creating a one world religion), although I actually think that the great religions have been manipulated at least to some extent, they also seem to have some common origins. And religions have absolutely been used to control people. I agree a lot with Michael about these things. I actually come from quite a similar religious background than he, and have sometimes had a bit complicated relationship with religion, and I think that I'm still just trying to search for the truth about these things, and found some peace of mind because of that. Michael's thoughts about these kind of spiritual things, the life and the world can be seen for example in his book Dancing The Dream (even better in his acts, what he did for this world):
Look for example the texts "God", "Two birds", "Quantum leap", "Are you listening?", "Wings without me" and so on, the book is just so precious, here it's online
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                                                                                                                                                                                                  Here's a snippet of Michael's writing "God"
”It's strange that God doesn't mind expressing Himself/Herself in all the
religions of the world, while people still cling to the notion that
their way is the only right way. Whatever you try to say about God,
someone will take offense, even if you say everyone's love of God is
right for them. For me the form God takes is not the most
important thing. What's most important is the essence.”

-Also population reduction, through different kind of methods, wars, famines, diseases, all kinds of chemicals (some plastics, for example, reduce the fertility),eugenics etc. also the birth control, abortions (and China's one child -policy) etc. Here are some basics about this, for example:
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And this world government is being brought into existence bit by bit,and by fear. The governments all around the world are using people's fears to make their own position and powers stronger. And there's the usual Hegelian dialectic paradigm of problem, reaction, solution. They create some kind of crisis, make people react to that with fear and look for the government to help, then come up with a solution that they had planned all along. 911 clearly is a classic example of this, with countless people being now labeled as "terrorists" for a variety for reasons (opposing the elitistic agendas), and those wars in Iraq and Afghanistan of course that were being started after that.
Here's also quite a striking indication of the reasons for the US invasion in Afghanistan in 2002, the previous year the opium production had dropped significantly because of the (not cia -controlled parts of) Taleban,then after the invasion soared rapidly to even higher amounts of opium than earlier
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About CIA, that organization really has a very shady past (and present), here's just one, but very aggravating evidence of that, the CIA's experiments on mind control and drugs, the mind control project MKULTRA, which I believe is actually still ongoing, for example in the entertainment industry
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There's actually a lot of proof about the New World Order, and the secret societies and secretive organizations that have existed in our "free" societies for a long time, some of them already for centuries. And well, I would like to say that I actually really think that there has to be some kind of "new world order", but very different from that evil scenario that has been planned by these elitists without us knowing or having the chance to influence the outcome of it.

First, here's George Bush the senior and his speech of the new world order:
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And here, the "diplomat", elitist, zionist Henry Kissinger
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Gordon Brown, the prime minister of the UK
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Here we have Bill Clinton
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Here Barack Obama:
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And about the Obama administration; who are behind his policies and where is the promised "change" really seen
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You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login                                                                                          I have to say that I would have been so happy if there really had been a change for the better with the first African-American president, after all the oppression they have had to go through for centuries, unfortunately it seems that there is not going to be such change, or at least we should't look for the governments to make that change..
Also the vatican has been infiltrated, here's an article about the pope calling for a new world order and something about the current pope
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and a lot more...

Then there's the very important John F. Kennedy's speech in New York City April 27 1961 about secret societies and the freedom of the press,about two years before his assassination
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Here the whole transcript:
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Here are quotes on the new world order from some of the most powerful men in the world, from the past and present: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login

And here is quite a recent CNBC airing about the new world order, about the dollar being "utterly destroyed" in case of "some type of a global currency crisis":
"If the global currency crisis unfolds, then inevitably you get an alignment of a global world government. A new global currency and a new world order, so we may be moving towards that", says Damon Vickers, chief investment officer of Nine Points Capital Partners:
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It's just becoming harder and harder to deny these issues, when even the mainstream media has started to hint about that, very slowly and indirectly, but it's still starting to happen.
Here's Russia's president Dmitry Medvedev holding a sample coin that's described as a "united future world currency", so the one world currency already seems to be almost here
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Tim Geithner, Barack Obama's current US secretary of treasury, slipping US interest for the world currency:
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And UN, of course, having the same thoughts about that:
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Here is what the newly-elected (not democratically, but in secrecy) first president of European Union, Herman Van Rompuy, has to say about this year:
”We are living through exceptionally difficult times: the financial crisis and its dramatic impact on employment and budgets, the climate crisis which threatens our very survival. A period of anxiety, uncertainty and lack of confidence. Yet these problems can be overcome by common efforts in and between our countries. 2009 is also the first year of global governance, with the establishment of the G20 in the middle of the financial crisis. The climate conference in Copenhagen is another step towards the global management of our planet. Our mission is one of hope, supported by acts and action.”

This citation is from the EU & UN partnership site here You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
What other plans does he have then: (Euro-tax and Euro identity) You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login , You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login ,                                                                                                                                                                              and citing the latter article on Rompuy's ”determination  to get his own way”, very random really... : ”Opponents of the idea could also underestimate Mr Van Rompuy's determination to get his own way. Ostensibly chosen for his new job because of his skill as a consensus-builder, he is also known as a skilled and ruthless political operator, who is happy to play rough as well as smooth. Last year he ordered the locks to be changed on a chamber in the Belgian parliament in order to prevent deputies holding a politically disruptive debate. According to Belgian newspaper De Morgen, van Rompuy told colleagues a few weeks ago that to achieve a top EU function you must "not ask for high office, but become a grey mouse, and offers will come."  [I could't help but laugh when I first read about that, it is just so absurd...]
About the media that handled Michael totally mercilessly throughout the years,96% of the world's media (especially in the US, but actually everywhere, especially through the big news corporations and networks like CNN) is owned by elitistic zionists, this international elite has the total control of the media, which has had a very powerful effect on us, the ordinary people:
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                                                                                                                                                                                                     And I want to say that I am in no way an anti-semitist, I respect and value all the people of our world and none of us is any more precious than the others. We are one, regardless of race, religion etc, and we all should have the same rights as human beings. Life is always a miracle and we all deserve to be loved. Like Michael said, “If you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave this world knowing the same, then everything that happens in between can be dealt with.”                                                                           I still see this variety of different cultures, races, people as a great richness of life. What I'm opposed to are the hidden agendas of zionism and elitism. The situation in the Middle East, for example, is just very sad (for both sides, I think, if we think about the ordinary, peace-loving people).
Here are the protocols of the learned elders of Zion that are actually said to be false, fake, but I just can't help but to think that they are describing today's situation in our societies just a little bit too well to be just a made up and false fairy tale. Or then someone has taken these sick ideas to be a basis for his plans for world domination.. But, before the links I still want to say that this is not at all about the ordinary jewish people who are just like we all others, but about zionism.
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And here is a non-zionist jewish perspective on the protocols (by Joseph Weinstein):
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Here's one of Michael's speeches that I think is quite relevant in regard of these issues, his anti-racism speech in Harlem, 2002:
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And then about our global economic systems, the capitalism that is now on the verge of a collapse, the dollar is very likely to crash in the near future. And these financial crises that we have had for a long time, are actually planned and used by this elite to get what they want, whether it is money, power, or a control of some state through debt. We have actually a debt-based monetary system, the basics of which are quite well described in this series of videos called "Money as Debt"
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Our monetary system really is a total fraud, money is being created out of nothing every time that we borrow money from the banks. Banks have the authority to create money because of the fractional reserve banking system, which has allowed many banks actually loan almost 100 times the money that they really have as deposits. Still they are asking for interest for all these loans, which is actually very destructive for the economic system. There isn't even enough money to pay all these debts, that much money just doesn't exist. So most of the existing money is just debt. And all the time it has made it's way into the hands of very few people, while the rest of the world has become poorer and poorer all the time. The Federal reserve is just a privately owned institution, see here for example
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There are plans to abolish the whole middle class, so there will be only the elitist, non-elected ("intelligent") ruling class, and their servants. The slavery of today.
(Here's one suggestion for a new, alternative system, an economic democracy
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Here about American Monetary Act and some information of the history of money:
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And who are behind these global plans to enslave humanity?
A group of elitists, zionists, international bankers, many of the royal families, some of the richest families of the world, the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the so-called illuminati with their version of illumination(luciferianism),different secret or at least secretive organizations (for example the Bilderberg group, the Council of Foreign relations CFR, the Trilateral Commission, Skull and Bones, Freemasonry(few of them, most of them are not part of the conspiracy), and  then there are the more "open" international organizations such as the United Nations, WHO, WTO (World trade organization), IMF (International Monetary Fund) etc.). What is important about these groups of people, is that they are not like us normal people, they just have a very different mindset, humanity seems to be of no value to them. And then there seem to be the hidden satanistic/luciferian agendas behind all of that. They are not just after money, they have all the money that they need already,it's about power and domination.                                                                                                                                                                      
I actually sometimes feel quite bad for these people.. So many things have just gone wrong with their lives, and I'm just asking myself that could that have been prevented somehow.Or could some of them still feel that what they are doing might be wrong.. Maybe I'm just being naive, I don't know,  it's just that I want to believe that there's something good in every one of us..

There are so many things related to this state of the world that I just can't write even a little snippet of all of it here, there are so many issues:
The wars and financers of both sides (for example the Rothschilds):                                                                                                (here only a mainstream view on the Rothschild family: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login and then You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login ) and this elite being the driving force behind many historical movements and ideologies (here, for example, about the role of zionism behind the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia 1917: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login (also the ideas as the foundation of Communism came from Karl Marx, the German philosopher and sociologist with jewish background), also Alexander Solzhenitsyn has written about that: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login                                                                                                                                                    
And about the hidden agendas of communism, you'll just have to read the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels: for example about the abolition of the family, starting on the bottom edge of page 27:You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login  ) ;

The future and purpose of the European Union, the forthcoming North American Union (Canada, US,Mexico) (You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login ) , Asian Union, African Union. You probably see the pattern of erasing the national sovereignty of the nations of the world, unifying them gradually under a one world government;

The satanic, occultic and "luciferian" ideas of the elite, also the music industry and Hollywood (also mind control in the entertainment industry). Also their heavy usage of symbolism and numerology. The luciferianism, I think, has to do with the so-called illuminati and their ideas of "illumination" (about luciferianism:  You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login );

Eugenics and the legacy of Nazi Germany still among us, just concealed                                                                                                 (The roots of Nazi Germany's eugenism ideology: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login, the CIA-predecessor's, Office of Strategic Service's project to recruit scientists from the Nazi Germany during and after the WW2:  You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login , You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login , You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login , You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login ) ;

Mind control;The emerging police states across the globe (you'll just have to see the news and the legislations brought up everywhere, for example the martial law in the US)                                                                                                                                          (About the martial law here: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login and more about the dictatorial power it gives to the president in case of some ”catastrophic emergency” leading to the Martial law to be declared here You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login .And quite similar laws have been created simultaneously all over the world, also here in Finland where I live. Our freedom of speech has also become seriously threatened, and there are subjects that we just aren't allowed to speak about because of the ”political correctness”. About Habeas corpus: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login , You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login   ) ;

The control and surveillance of ordinary people (we're all kind of like terrorism suspects, because already now all our phone calls,e-mails,internet downloads and browsing history, nowadays also all our money traffic, is being monitored by at least the NSA and their system Echelon, the existence of which was not being admitted until the year 2000 (before that it was just a conspiracy theory..), here some articles on  Echelon You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login , You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login and an article on cellphone microphones: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login;                                                                                                                                                                              
 Here are a couple of articles on the European union's plans to supply EU citizens' private data to US authorities: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login , You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login );                                                                                                                                                         And as an example, one more article on the European Union's plans on surveillance in aeroplanes: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login ,  ;

The planned microchips (search for "VeriChip" for example)and the Fema-concentration camps of the department of Homeland Security in the US (about FEMA-camps here : You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login , You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login ) ;

EU and the Lisbon treaty that ends the sovereignty of the European nations, and which was accepted by this euroelite by totally unacceptable means,without the consent of a great majority of Europeans ( for example, they decided that the result of the Ireland referendum on the treaty (or the European constitution, that was the treaty's name at the time, the name was just changed with some other minor changes after the referendum) was wrong, and there had to be a second referendum to get the results they wanted, (You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login ,You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login , You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login )                                                                                                                                                                        while the majority of Europeans didn't have the chance of a referendum at all. Most European citizens oppose the idea of further EU integration, but still that is exactly what is happening right now (already now, about 80% of our laws are coming from the EU).                                                                                                                                                                                               Here is quite a good documentary about the lisbon treaty and the EU: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login  ;                                                                                                                             And here, the president of the Czech Republic, Vaclav Klaus, talking about democracy and EU:                                             http:You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login                                                                                                                                                                And, about the EU still, this year is the 15th year in the row, when the account of budget can't have been signed off by the European Court of Auditors, due to corruption and fraud: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login ;

The drug trade(and CIA, for example) and the agendas behind the drugs;
human and organ trafficking (You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login , You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login , You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login , You are not allowed to view links. Register or LoginYou are not allowed to view links. Register or Login , and then there are numerous articles and news of elite being involved in this human trafficking and child abuse, for example, here are only a couple of examples You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login , about Franklin cover-up You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login , and relating to that a documentary "Conspiracy of Silence" that was never aired You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login )  

big corporations, big pharma, Monsanto ( here's a documentary and a  couple of articles of Monsanto: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login ,  You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login ,You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login ,Monsanto and terminator seeds: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login )              
About gm-food (here some sites on gm food and production:  You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login , You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login , You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login ,  You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login ,About gm-food and the Rockefeller foundation You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login ,The potential hazards of gm food You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login, About the book Seeds of destruction: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login ) ,

Codex Alimentarius (about Codex Alimentarius here: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login  You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login )
etc...These can all be found in the internet.There are just so many things that have gone wrong in our world, it's just really sometimes too sad to think about  :(

I thought that it would be good to write also about the global warming, the crisis that we all have been warned about. The politicians are quickly moving on with their decisions on CO2  i.e. carbon dioxide taxes, which would be a huge money-making machine for the private corporations. Actually, CO2 is essential for the life on earth, and there have been serious manipulation in the official research on climate change and global warming related to the CO2 -issue, that are now coming to light. Here are some links on that:
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What are the real issues instead of this huge scam of CO2-caused global warming are the environmental issues, which Michael always talked about. The pollution, droughts, the fellings of the trees in the rainforests, all the endangered species..and of course the situation in the developing countries.. those are the real issues we should be concentrating on, it just seems that no one's gonna do anything about them.
There's going to be the international meeting (climate conference) in Copenhagen next month concerning the new climate change treaty, meaning the solving of the "CO2 -problem".Which means the carbon taxes. Here's an article about that meeting and it's real purpose, the establishment of a new international world "government". Citing the article:
"The "scheme for the new institutional arrangement under the Convention" that starts on page 18 contains the provision for a "government." The aim is to give a new as yet unnamed U.N. body the power to directly intervene in the financial, economic, tax and environmental affairs of all the nations that sign the Copenhagen treaty." from a Wall Street Journal article
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Here's an intepretation of the treaty:
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(And, if someone has the interest, time and energy, here is the draft text, the basis for the meeting and treaty:
You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login ,page 18 for example)

Then, finally, I would still want to say something about the current "swine flu" panic all across the globe. Here's a great video series (a bit long, but informative) about the issue, the swine flu and the vaccinations, that I hope that at least someone might see, cause there really seems to be evil agendas behind all of this hype. What is sure is that those big medical corporations are making a huge amount of money from this crisis, but many things actually seem to address that this is actually once again an intentionally created crisis that might have very serious implications, which I find to be quite likely. There is the possibility of a bioengineered bioweapon, either through the vaccines (that include quite a few poisonous substances) or through (maybe by these vaccines) a mutated swine flu virus, "the second wave" that have been talked about a lot.
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About WHO changing the definition of a pandemic here: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login , You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
Then from this site:
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"In February 2009, Baxter’s Austrian subsidiary in Orth an
der Donau manufactured and distributed 72 kilos of vaccine material,
contaminated with a H5N1 virus, to 16 laboratories in four countries.

In February 2009, Baxter’s Austrian subsidiary in Orth an der Donau
manufactured and distributed 72 kilos of vaccine material, contaminated
with a H1N1 virus, to 16 laboratories in four countries, including
Austria, so nearly triggering a pandemic, according to The Times of India.

The contaminated vaccine material consisted of a mixture of a
seasonal H3N2 human influenza virus and the deadly H5N1 virus. By
adding a virus of the type H5N1 to an ordinary flu virus of the type
H3N2, Baxter produced a highly dangerous bioweapon. WHO supplied Baxter
with the live bird flu virus. A staff member of a subcontracted
laboratory in the Czech Republic discovered this lethal contamination,
when all animals they tested died from this vaccine.

Since Baxter
is obliged to use BSL 3 (Biosafety Level 3) precautions in its
laboratories when handling the H1N1 virus (classified as a biological
agent, BSL3 or 4 under EU regulations), such safeguards are in place as
would make accidental contamination of ordinary influenza material with
the dangerous H1N1 virus impossible.
In other words, this deadly contamination and distribution
was almost certainly due to criminal intent. Thirty-six people had to
be preventatively hospitalized in Austria and the Czech Republic
because of their exposure to this vaccine-based contamination,
underlining the danger."
What is so dangerous about the combination of the ordinary H3N2 seasonal flu and the H5N1 bird flu then; the H5N1 virus doesn't spread easily, but has a very high mortality, whereas the seasonal flu H3N2 has a low mortality but it spreads very easily from human to human. Therefore, ”while H5N1 doesn’t easily infect people, H3N2 viruses do. If someone exposed to a mixture of the two had been simultaneously infected with both strains, he or she could have served as an incubator for a hybrid virus able to transmit easily to and among people. ”
Jane Burgermeister's The Flu Case:
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There were actually reports at some point that Michael would have been supporting Jane, and that would have then been the reason for his "murder". But that, I think, has been debunked by herself, I saw her e-mail about that some time ago. Still, I think, that if Michael was aware of this scenario, this would most probably be an important issue for him, and he probably would be supporting her.

There have also been reports of many governments having made secret vaccine agreements with the big international medical companies in case of a pandemic, here, for example, about Germany and it's contract with GlaxoSmithKline: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
                                                                                                                                                                                                     The big pharma, the big medical companies that have been given the rights to produce these vaccines (Baxter, GlaxoSmithKline,Novartis), have also actually filed their patents for the vaccines already long before the actual outbreak of the swine flu in mexico. (Baxter's application here, for example: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login)                                                                                                                                                                                They have also been given legal immunity for any injury or death caused by these vaccines:                                       You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
                                                                                                                                                                                                  There's also evidence of the swine flu virus being artificially created in a laboratory, many scientists are thinking that's the case with this "human-pig-bird-gene" flu virus. You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
The consequences and risks of those vaccines have also been concealed very well by the mainstream media.
What I'm thinking is that we should actually try to make our immune systems more effective, for example by getting enough vitamins, maybe especially the vitamin d (the recommendated amounts of which are just way too low right now, see for example You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login) and vitamin c. And enough sleep and all the other important things to stay healthy, that's what I'm thinking.. : ) But I want to say that this really is just my attempt to put all these bits and pieces together about this swine flu and all the things related to that, and I feel that everyone should make up their own mind about this all based on their own research on these issues..

And here are some links that I recommend you to get to know if you feel there might be some truth about these things that I have written about. These are all just my opinions and I'm still learning, still trying to search fo the truth. And if someone finds that some of what I've written might be true, I really hope that you'll try to study these things and make up your own opinion about all of this.
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and there'd be a lot more... There seems to be a lot of disinformation in the internet about these things, and it's sometimes quite difficult to see what information is legit, and what is just disinformation planned to lead you astray (telling half-truths,only some of the truths and ignoring some dimensions totally, or then just total disinformation).

About the 2012 mayan prophecies that have been talked about here, I really think that there is once again the agenda to use people's fears by making them believe that this is the time of the end of the world. It seems that it is actually, according to the mayan prophecies, the end of the cycle, a beginning of a new era, that might make a kind of transformation of consciousness happen. There's a lot of information in the net about this. I feel that we as a humanity should find the love and caring for each other once again, and get back to the basics; Why do we live? What are the most important things in life? What is the ultimate truth about life? What I think that our earth needs, also during the stormy times of 2012, is a change to the better in people's thinking, a lot of positive energy. These things have been talked about here so I won't go into that any more, at least not in this post. But there definately are things that suggest that Michael was aware of this, and the This is it  -movie's comment ”We have four years to fix the problems.. don't look to the government to fix it” also might have something to do with that.                                                                                                 Here's one article on 2012: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login

PS. I edited this post and added there some more information and tried to clear some things up a bit, and also tried to make this post a bit easier to read. Mostly there are some new links because I felt that at least some of these things might be new for some people and maybe those links would help a little..I just feel that there would be so much to say and it is just impossible to get it all here..I feel this post is just way too long, quite disorganized and probably way too boring, but I still hope that somewhere there is a person that could find something helpful in this writing.. Because it just breaks my heart to see how many people are suffering in our world even at this very moment.. :(

I think that if enough people just wake up to see this reality we're living in(and I don't even think it has to be a very great percentage of us, and when the waking up starts, which I see happening right now, it's gonna happen pretty fast.) So, there's a lot more of us, ordinary people with our hope of a better future, and I believe that we are going to survive, although that is not going to be easy or painless, but I still really believe that the "truth always prevails" : )

In the end of this post, I thought that it might be good to try to find some positive things to think about, here are a couple of Michael's songs that carry an important message : )

The lost children, let's start taking care for all the little children of the world
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Smile, because we should never forget to smile, even during the worst of times, that matters a lot; a heartbreaking, beautiful song
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Last Edit: December 06, 2009, 09:52:14 AM by HealTheWorld
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November 25, 2009, 07:29:23 PM
I know that's really an overload..  :oops:
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November 27, 2009, 02:30:22 AM
Thank you so much for starting this thead, it is amazing when you see everything listed together it makes it much clearer to follow.

No must devote the time to go through it all carefully again.

Many thanks everyone

Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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November 28, 2009, 07:50:23 PM
Quote from: "HealTheWorld"
I know that's really an overload..  :oops:

Overload x 3.  thanks for posting.
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You Are My Life

November 28, 2009, 08:07:15 PM
wow, i going to have a long night going threw all this again...coffee, snacks check :lol:
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November 28, 2009, 09:05:42 PM
Great!  Thanks for all the information. I will read it all.
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November 30, 2009, 10:19:20 AM
TOUCHED, so sorry for the delay.  For 3 days I couldn't get in into some topics and I felt soooo frustrated.  But the tech problem got fixed, thanks to SOUZA.  
So here's the post from the old board.

Thank you TOUCHEDBYANANGEL for all the links. I posted my ideas before and I'll post it here again, and my ideas touch on all aspects/departments of our society.

Let's start with the messages of the songs,concerts and music videos of Michael. He touches very much on racism, poverty, nature, children, the sick, even war victims, 911 victims, natural disaster victims, drug victims - and all of these things the media never showed or covered to show the real Michael Jackson. They distorted the facts and maligned him. So, Michael has a big scale effect on the world.

If he touches the world's problems, then the political department, medical department, legal and justice department, the music department, the movie department, religion, media (radio,tv and news prints) are all in part of the main cause of the world's problems and they are all under one puppeteer.

Let's take him as a part of the entertainment industry. He communicates about these problems to the people through his songs, concerts and music videos.
He studied the past history of artists, politicians and humanitarians, studied them on what went wrong, who caused the wrong, why, how and what led to their deaths/assasinations.

The puppeteer controls all of these departments and pays them well- compensates them well that they cannot say no at all. So, the easiest way to control Michael is through the media(news prints, tv and radio) by building a very destructive image of Michael. And with the media - you have all these interviewers, newscasters and show hosts who would come as friends in the beginning because they know that Michael opens his heart to everybody but actually were being paid to do so.

The next control would be the music industry itself where you have different record companies like Sony. Sony is part of Time Warner and where Warner Bros. is a part of. So, everybody knows that Michael stood up against Sony not only for himself but for other artists as well.

Then, the child molestation case came into the picture. There was never a coverage of the trial because broadcast was controlled by Time Warner's HBO where of course Sony is a part of Time Warner. So, Sony was part of the molestation case thing which isn't true and they paid a lot of people to have a case against Michael. Drugs were used on some children who claimed that Michael molested them. But he was acquitted.

Then Warner Bros. had to play their part by not releasing/stopping his short films like Captain Neo in Disneyland. His short film MOONWALKER was an American Film but Warner Bros. cancelled the plans for a theatrical release.

So, they really put a stop to everything of Michael's works. The time when Neverland was infiltrated, how many cars went to Neverland and planted evidences just to close down Neverland and it all happened when Michael was out of the country.

For certain, Sony couldn't manipulate Michael anymore. As you all know, the rehearsal footages taken were of 2008. Sony and Michael had this concept of a come back but Michael never wanted to be dictated upon or be controlled anymore so whatever the deal was, he had to put his foot down and stand for his own ideas. Of course, that offended Sony big time so thay came out with the promotion of the come back concert as they had planned and I know deep in my heart Michael had other plans.

So Sony and their goons/other manipulators would have to proceed to Plan B because Michael can no longer be dictated upon. And the idea of Plan B was top secret to them and they had to do some damage control. But Michael because he's so keen to be one step ahead of these bad people had to disappear with the help of Some Good People who has the same heart as Michael. Of course Sony and the manipulators had panicked because he's no where to be found.Then the JUNE 25 came where it was a very good scheme agenda for making more money with the manipulators. Then the Memorial had to follow to make up for the investments Sony had projected. Then the Funeral followed and now the TII Movie wherein Sony had a great idea with the TII CD which was exposed, and of having DVD sold just in time for the Christmas season but the Theater Cos. never agreed with their idea of the DVD because ther's a rule that DVD can follow only 4 months after.

So for me, all of the media feeds, scripted dramas here and there are actually being played so blindly because no one really knows the whole scenario because it's better to keep it under the hat for the uncertainty of whom to trust - friends, family and associates. And all of what's happening may be an advantage to Michael in order that he may not be located at all. He has to stay away until there will be a big case on these manipulators which is a very grave case because the case involves a string of people in different parts of the government as well.

I know we must do something but what's happening to Michael is of a very high level. It's a very dangerous and sensitive situation. But his project which was portrayed in the TII rehearsal footages was about a very important message which he relates to the end of the world on 2012, that's why he said THIS IS IT, that we must do something now or else the world will end because of our own doing. He wants to tell people if we do something about what's destroying the world now, then the world will not end because we care.

For me, I pray everyday for Michael's safety and release because I know he wants to be among all of us. So, in the meantime, he walks around without anybody knowing it's him and that's a good thing. The doubles may have been placed there to confuse the manipulators/traitors that sometimes these people don't even know that it's really Michael already. He gets a big laugh about it because he can see things clearly now of who to trust and who to work with in the coming days

Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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