This is the piece we wrote for The Sun which was sent to Joanna Sloan, which was ging to be treated as approved copy:


What made us think he didn’t die and why are we so certain?

At first it was a gut feeling we both had. The media told us two different stories on June 25th. reported he died (six minutes before the doctor pronounced him dead) and CNN kept telling us he was in a coma. What really happened still remains a mystery.

The ride of the ambulance didn’t make sense at all. There is a roundabout in front of the house, yet the driver decides to leave the property backwards with a cardiac arrest patient in the back. The EMTs said they didn’t recognize the ‘sick old frail man’ as Michael Jackson, yet the famous ambulance picture shows us a very healthy and young Michael.

The memorial was a circus (literally, the Barnum circus was in town, Michael is a Barnum fan) and the family lacked emotion. Jermaine screwed up ‘Smile’ by singing: “Light up your face with sadness, hide every trace of gladness” without blinking.

The death certificate states the name Michael Joseph Jackson, yet his legal name is Michael Joe Jackson, like it was also stated on the court documents of the 2003 child molestation indictment.

He attended Larry King Live at the day of the funeral, disguised as Dave Dave, the funeral was shot in a studio with a green screen, the HD footage was provided by the Jackson’s and although it was a no-fly-zone that day, there was helicopter footage.

This is It is full of doubles (like Joe Jackson already said before it came out), everything was lip-synced (the audio is uncut, the video isn’t) and we see at least nine different outfits, while they tell us the footage was shot in two days.

The medicine/drug story doesn’t make sense in any way and the autopsy report misses a lot of things, like the scar on his scalp from the Pepsi-‘accident’, Lupus, the added cleft to his chin etc.


Why would he hoax his death?

Michael was an MK-ULTRA victim, which is a mind control program used by the CIA until the seventies, many say it never stopped. He has been abused, poisoned and when he stood up and began to raise his voice, the Chandlers entered. They didn’t get him down, so in the early 2000’s the Arvizos entered.
~Michael wants to edumacate the world, tell us we are being manipulated, lied to and controlled by the media, the large cooperations and our governments. The FBI files that were released in December proved his innocence. Michael has been slandered, ridiculed, accused and abused his whole life to prevent him from telling the truth. Watch his videos again, read his lyrics again and see what he tried to tell us. Moonwalker explains a lot, but is unfortunately often misunderstood.
Like the family says: It was a conspiracy. More people are involved and Murray is just the fall guy.
Many people say he wouldn’t do it because of his kids, but if you had to spend a certain time without your children, knowing you are doing something that could make the world a better place for them, wouldn’t you do it?

Back to The Sun once again proves to be tabloid trash


Michael's Army of Love

Recruiting Soldiers for Michael’s Army of L.O.V.E.


Please post at least your support for Michael’s Army of L.O.V.E. Start with the “Man in the Mirror”, make that “change". And go beyond yourself, reach out to others, joining together in helping to “Heal the World”. This is Michael’s message; This Is It.


The Weird List

  • Some of these weird things will point to one theory, some will point to another. Some of them may contradict based on the fact that not every single piece of info we have may be true. Which is part of why pieces are hard to fit together on this. Some of them are next to meaningless by themselves, but when combined with other things form a pattern.